Hansi Jochmann

Hansi Jochmann

출생 : 1953-02-19, Berlin, Germany

프로필 사진

Hansi Jochmann

참여 작품

What You Can See from Here
On a beautiful spring day, a small village full of eccentric characters wake up to hear Selma has had a premonition: she dreamt of a rare animal again – an okapi. All the village knows this means someone is about to die. Selma’s granddaughter, 11-year-old Luise, and her best friend Martin look on as fears of being the victim of the prophecy throw the village into a frenzy of confusion. But when the premonition comes true, it is young Luise’s world that is suddenly turned upside down. Ten years on from the event that changed her life, Luise lives a quiet life working in a bookstore, until the arrival of an unexpected guest enables her to rediscover how powerful and life-giving love can be.
Van Gogh vs. Gauguin
Van Gogh - Schüsse im Weizenfeld
Vom Nazi zum englischen Fußballidol - Torwartlegende Bert Trautmann
How could a German Wehrmacht soldier become a celebrated soccer idol of the Britons in the post-war period? The documentary by Radio Bremen shows the moving life story of the soccer star of the 1950s in a torn Europe and how an enemy became a friend. With his legendary appearance in the English Cup Final 1956, in which he played until the end despite a broken neck, Bert Trautmann set up a memorial for himself in the history of sport. Already in the same year, he is chosen as England’s footballer of the year, and by his club Manchester City even as best player of all times. Bernhard “Bert” Trautmann is one of the most popular and best-known soccer players in England.
Die Wahrheit über die Lüge
Sechs Tage Eiszeit - Der Katastrophenwinter 1978-79
Panzer. Macht. Geschichte
Karl Marx und seine Erben
Narrator (voice)
Labyrinth of Lies
Sekretärin Schmittchen
A young prosecutor in postwar West Germany investigates a massive conspiracy to cover up the Nazi pasts of prominent public figures.
A social satire in which a chauffeur accidentally becomes the editor of an online newspaper.
추격자: 침묵의 살인
Bettie (voice)
벤은 '닥터 록'이라는 가명으로 해적 방송 '나이트 호크'를 진행 중이다. 어느 날, '나이트슬래셔'라는 연쇄살인범에 대해 청취자들과 대화를 나누던 중 한 통의 전화가 걸려오는데 통화 속의 남자는 방송을 중단하면 데리고 있던 여자를 살해하겠다며 벤을 협박한다. 그러면서 벤에게 그가 저지른 최악의 실수를 고백하라며 강요하고 벤은 어쩔 수 없이 방송 중에 자신의 실수를 고백한다. 하지만 자신이 기대한 답이 아닌 듯 남자는 벤을 다시 협박하며 고백을 강요하고 벤은 어쩔 수 없이 자신이 저지른 충격적인 실수를 털어놓는다. 한편 범인을 쫓던 형사 '브릭스'는 외딴 곳에 버려져 있는 딸의 차에서 한 여자의 시체를 발견하고 주변을 조사하던 중 그 사건의 범인이 나이트슬래셔라는 것을 알게 된다. 그리고 그가 라디오 생방송에 출연 중이라는 것과 그가 붙잡고 있는 인질에 대해 알게 되면서 초조한 그를 추적하기 시작하는데...
Utta Danella - Der Himmel in deinen Augen
Shortly before her wedding with the smart businessman Paul, the Munich veterinarian Nina learns that her beloved Aunt Charlotte is hospitalized with a heart attack. Nina immediately travels to Lake Chiemsee to visit Charlotte. Once there, her aunt asks her not to marry Paul - he is the wrong man for Nina. An alternative candidate has the older lady already ready: the sympathetic artist Daniel, who is about to move in with his little son at Charlotte.
De terrorist Hans-Joachim Klein
On December 21, 1975, six terrorists from the Revolutionary Cells, led by Carlos 'The Jackal' forced their way into the conference room of the OPEC headquarters in Vienna and took seventy ministers hostage. A gun battle with the police ensued, and three people were killed. One terrorist was seriously wounded. The terrorists managed to escape to Algiers with a few hostages and the wounded man. There the hostages were released. The wounded terrorist was Hans-Joachim Klein. At the moment that Klein arrived in Algiers, he decided to quit terrorism.
Geerbtes Glück
Zwei Väter einer Tochter
Höllenleben: Eine multiple Persönlichkeit auf Spurensuche
Rosamunde Pilcher: Der Preis der Liebe
Mrs. Zangiacomo
Axel Heyst is an American recluse with a dubious past living in the Dutch East Indies port of Surabaya circa 1913. Staying in a German hotel there, Heyst becomes entranced with a member of the hotel's all-female orchestra.
Der Trip - Die nackte Gitarre 0,5
Dieters Mutter
Dicke Freunde
Frau Mielke
Das Schwein – Eine deutsche Karriere
Glück im Grünen
Hamburger Gift
A docu-drama about tetrachloro-dibenzo dioxin, later known as 'Sevesogift', sprayed on thousands of tons of vapor in Vietnam 'Agent Orange', and the involvement of the later Federal President, Richard Karl Weizsäcker, who was hiring manager when production was moved to another plant because of massive health problems of the workers, but claims to be unable to remember anything, in these crimes.
사랑의 용기
Hedda Drescher
독일어를 모국어처럼 유창하게 구사하는 미모의 처녀 린다는 얼음처럼 차거운 사나이 리랜드의 비서로 일하게 된다. 눈치빠른 린다는 리랜드가 회사 중역을 가장한 첩보요원임을 알게 되고, 두사람은 연인 관계로 발전한다. 진주만 기습을 계기로 미국이 본격적으로 전쟁에 개입하게 되자 리랜드는 원래의 신분인 국방부 대령으로 돌아가 해외 첩보공작을 맡는다. 독일에서 비밀 신무기가 개발되고 있다는 정보가 입수되고, 그 비밀 공장 위치를 추적하던 요원이 살해되자, 린다는 반대하는 리랜드를 설득, 스파이의 기본 훈련도 받지 않은 채 독일에 투입된다. 비밀무기 개발 책임자 디트리히 장군집의 보모로 들어간 린다는 연합군이 애타게 기다리던 비밀무기에 대한 정보를 마이크로 필름에 담아서 도망쳐 나오지만 믿었던 독일처녀 마그레트의 배신으로 총에 맞아 부상당한다. 리랜드는 독일장교로 위장하고 베를린으로 침투하여 린다를 찾아내고 스위스로 데리고 나간다. 스위스 국경에서 독일군 검문에 걸려 총격전을 벌리면서 린다를 안고 탈출하던 리랜드는 적의 총에 맞아 쓰러지면서도 스위스 국경을 넘는데 성공한다.
Otto – The Alien from East Frisia
Otto is the only one who is able to save his Frisian fatherland; but he needs the help of his brother, who is abroad. But his brother does not want to fulfill what he has sworn as a child. So it takes Otto a while to convince him while time is running low for his plans to save East-Frisia.
Ab heute heißt du Sara
Ella Deutschkron
Linie 1
Film version of the musical by the same name: Sunnie, a girl from the province, comes to Berlin to meet rock star Johnnie who had given her his address after a concert. On the subway to Kreuzberg, Sunnie becomes acquainted with a couple of strange people, among them "asphalt cowboy" Bambi. Bambi tells Sunnie that Johnnie’s address in Kreuzberg does not exist. Together, Sunnie and Bambi try to find the rock star in bustling metropolitan Berlin.
Frl. Matussek
Und plötzlich bist du draußen
Krawatten für Olympia
Der Tod der Schneevögel
Annelie Felgenhauer
1 Berlin-Harlem
An African-American GI retires from the US Army in West Berlin to live with his (white) girlfriend, who already has a baby with another black man. After an argument with her family, she deserts him as well. Despite finding a job and a new place to live, he keeps running into racism, which also manifests itself in sexual intimidation.
Mit Achtzehn
"Bambule" is German prison slang for "riot". This 1970 TV movie follows a day in the life of three adolescent borstal girls in Berlin: Irene escapes (but returns after she finds no bearings in the outside world), Monika is caught and transferred against her will to another home run by nuns, Iv (Evelyn) incites her room mates to riot at night.
Der Partyphotograph
Young Girl
Die Schneekönigin
Morgen - vielleicht
Das Kind
The Fair
In 1959, in a small German village, the annual fair is set up. When a carousel is fixed firmly in the ground, a fair worker discovers a skeleton, a steel helmet, and a machine gun. The skeleton belongs to Robert Mertens, a plain soldier, who deserted in 1944 und flew to his home village. But when he arrived, no one wanted to help him, neither his former friends nor the minister, or even his own parents.