Ken Peterson
출생 : 1909-01-01, San Francisco, California, USA
사망 : 2000-03-29
he joined the Walt Disney Studios in 1936. In 1937, he was assigned to "Snow White," his first feature-length film, the first animated feature-length film. In 1941, he was selected as the animator's representative during a strike at the studios. Walt Disney was so impressed with his civility and good humor, he promoted Peterson quickly to head of the Art Department. He was the production supervisor on such films as "Alice in Wonderland," "Lady and the Tramp," "101 Dalmatians" and "Sleeping Beauty." He also played an important role in the development of Disneyland. He oversaw original merchandising and established the Art Corner and Merlin's Magic Shop. Peterson also produced live-action documentaries, television shows, short-subject films and later became a governor of the Academy Awards Assn. He was born in San Francisco and grew up in Hawaii. He graduated from the University of Washington. -
Man, Monsters and Mysteries is a 1974 Disney educational animated featurette. It explains about man's intriguing questions about monsters, mysteries and even the enigmatic Loch Ness monster.
Educational film describing the exploits of American heroes such as Johnny Appleseed, Davy Crockett, Pecos Bill, and Casey Jones;
One of the educational short films in the "What Should I Do?"-series made by Walt Disney Productions.
Exercise, rest and proper diet are essential for physical fitness. Diagrams show the structure and function of muscles and the importance of exercise to tone muscles, nerves and organs. With rest, muscles are cleansed of wastes and refueled. Food, our only energy source, provides fuel for the body mechanism. If the physical side of the Health Triangle is weak, the other two sides can be adversely affected.
The narrator tells of the three sides of health represented by a triangle with the physical side at the bottom, the mental side on the left, and the social side-the subject of this film-on the right.
There is a focus on the need for physical, mental and social health to be fully developed in order for humans to function properly within society. The film is aimed at an adolescent audience who are independently confronting developments in these aspects of their well-being for the first time.
This film suggests the usage of common sense to minimize the normal stresses and strains of everyday life.
Associate Producer
After a brief review of the problems described in Freewayphobia #1 (1965), we see a new range of problems. These include: abrupt breakdowns due to poor maintenance; unsecured loads; running out of gas. We learn how to handle breakdowns properly. We also learn about situations that can affect the driver, like fatigue, alcohol, turnpike trance, and the weather.
Associate Producer
Goofy demonstrates how not to drive on the freeway: first, the overly timid driver, then the overly aggressive driver, and finally the inattentive driver, shaving or eating. Some of the advice is a bit dated: following distances are still in car lengths instead of time, and of course cell phones aren't mentioned directly.
Production Supervisor
연애도, 사랑도 하지 않고 매일 작곡만 하는 로저는 영리한 달마티아 개 퐁고의 작전으로 도도한 여성 아니타와 사랑에 빠지게 되고, 결국 결혼에 성공한다. 퐁고 역시 아니타의 애완견인 페르디타와 결혼한다. 페르디타는 곧 15마리의 강아지를 낳는다. 한편 아니타의 동창이자 엄청난 부자인 크루엘라는 모피라면 정신을 차리지 못하는 악녀로, 아름다운 달마티아 개의 가죽을 모피로 만들기 위해 새끼 강아지들을 납치한다.구출 작전에 돌입한 퐁고와 페르디타는 크루엘라의 낡은 성에서 자신들의 새끼 15마리 외에도 이미 잡혀와 있던 84마리의 새끼 달마티아 개들을 발견하는데...
Production Supervisor
오랜 기다림 끝에 스테판 왕과 왕비 사이에 오로라 공주가 태어난다. 왕은 이 날을 축제일로 정하고 온 왕국은 기쁨에 들떠 있다. 요정 프로라, 포나, 메리웨더는 아기에게 한가지씩 축복을 내려준다. 프로라는 아름다움을, 포나는 고운 목소리를, 그리고 메리웨더가 영원히 행복하라고 축복을 내리려는 순간, 축제에 초대 받지 못한 데 앙심을 품은 악의 요정 멀레피센트가 나타나 공주가 16세 생일날 물레바늘에 손가락이 찔려 죽을 것이라는 저주를 내리고 사라진다. 왕은 공주에게 닥쳐올 재앙을 막고자 나라안의 모든 물레를 불태우라고 명령을 내리고, 요정들은 마녀의 눈을 피해 숲속에서 공주를 기르도록 왕비를 설득하는데...
Production Supervisor
부잣집에 사는 어여쁜 코커슈파니엘 강아지인 레이디는 주인아저씨와 아줌마의 사랑 속에 행복하게 자라 요조숙녀가 되었다. 그러나 아기가 태어나고 주인부부가 여행을 떠난 사이 집을 봐주러 온 새라 아줌마는 데려온 고양이만 예뻐하고 숙녀를 애완동물 가게에 맡겨버린다. 금세 천덕꾸러기 신세로 전락하고 재갈을 물리는 고통을 당하자 그곳에서 도망친 레이디는 거리의 강아지 트램프를 만나 사랑하는 사이가 된다. 개 수용소에 갇히기도 하는 등 천신만고 끝에 집으로 돌아돌아와 묶여 지내는 레이디. 트램프와 함께 들쥐로부터 아기를 구하게 되는데...
Production Supervisor
나른한 여름 오후, 언니가 읽어주는 역사 얘기를 들으며 졸고 있던 꼬마 소녀 앨리스는 하얀 토끼가 뛰어가는 걸 보고 뒤를 쫓아간다. 토끼 구멍 속으로 따라 들어가 보니 그곳은 완전히 신비한 세계다. 작은 문의 손잡이는 말을 하고, 테이블 위의 약병을 마시니까 앨리스는 병속에 들어 갈 정도로 아주 작아져서, 자기가 흘렸던 눈물의 파도를 타고 열쇠 구멍을 지나간다. 앨리스가 도착한 곳에서는 뱃사람 도도를 비롯한 한 떼의 무리가 파도치는 바닷가를 달리며 젖은 몸을 말리자는 노래를 부르고 있었다. 물 속에서 아무리 빙글빙글 돌아봤자 몸은 마르지 않는다고 얘기를 해 봐도 듣지 않는데...
해설자가 올림픽 경기의 역사를 설명하는 가운데 구피는 경기를 시연한다.
도날드는 조카들의 방해를 제치고 데이지의 환심을 사려다 극도로 좌절하게 된다.
Donald and Goofy are putting up advertising posters in a farm. Goofy prepares to post on a windmill, but his tools keep disappearing and reappearing on the windmill blades. Donald puts up his posters, a picture of a soup can, and a goat eats them immediately. Goofy gets stuck to his poster after it comes around on the windmill. Donald, being his calm, even-tempered self, gets into a battle with the goat.
Mickey is performing routine maintenance on his tugboat (with interference from a pelican) when a call comes on the radio that there's a sinking ship needing assistance. Sadly, Mickey's crew consists of Donald and Goofy, so getting underway to help is not easy. Goofy has to fight a boiler's door to get it stoked with coal (and when he succeeds, he overfills it) and Donald gets tangled up in the machinery. Not to mention that nobody casts off, so they drag half the dock along with them. The overworked boiler soon explodes.
Officer Donald Duck (Officer #13) is assigned to apprehend a criminal named Tiny Tom. Donald assumes by the name that he'll be a pushover but when he reaches Tom's hideout, he discovers "Tiny" Tom is actually a hulking Pete who immediately disposes of Donald. Donald decides to use strategy and is able to reenter Pete's house disguised as a baby who Pete surprisingly warms to. When Pete discovers Donald, he chases him down the street but is finally apprehended by Donald's marching police colleagues who make the arrest.
Donald's cousin Gus Goose arrives unexpectedly. Despite the note from his mother saying "he don't eat much," he's soon eating Donald out of house and home.
Donald Duck, delivery boy, is hired to deliver a mysterious package on Friday the Thirteenth. He is hindered by a bothersome black cat -- and by the fact that the package contains a live bomb.