Earl St. John

출생 : 1892-06-14, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

사망 : 1968-02-26

참여 작품

A Stitch in Time
Executive Producer
An accident in the butchers shop leads Norman Pitkin and Mr Grimsdale to the hospital where, after causing the normal ammount of chaos, Pitkin finds Lindy, a little girl who hasn't spoken or smiled since her parents were killed in an aeroplane accident. Pitkin decides to help.
In the Doghouse
Executive Producer
After 10 years of failure a bumbling vet finally graduates and takes on his own practice.
No, My Darling Daughter
Executive Producer
A British business tycoon is surprised to discover his teenage daughter is being courted by a mysterious young man.
Flame in the Streets
Executive Producer
Flame in the Streets is a 1961 British drama film directed by Roy Ward Baker. Racial tensions manifest themselves at home, work and on the streets during Bonfire Night in the burgeoning West Indian community of early 1960s Britain. Trades union leader (Mills) fights for the rights of a black worker but struggles with the news that his own daughter is planning to marry a West Indian, much against his own logic and the prejudice of his wife.
The Singer Not the Song
Executive Producer
A Roman Catholic priest defies a Mexican bandit whose gang kills villagers in alphabetical order.
Make Mine Mink
In a mansion block in Knightsbridge, a gang of middle-aged biddies decide to brighten up "the dullness of the tea time of life" by staging a series of robberies on furriers, then donating the proceeds to charitable concerns. Terry Thomas as a retired army officer leads the gang, which includes Athene Seyler and Hattie Jacques, on a series of capers that nearly go awry when their maid, Billie Whitelaw, an ex-con and also a resident of the block, falls for a police officer.
Upstairs and Downstairs
Executive Producer
On marrying the boss's daughter, Richard takes his father-in-law's advice to hire a live-in domestic. He soon finds good help is hard to come by. Run-ins follow with dipsomaniacs, bank robbers, a Welsh lass who takes one look at London and runs, and an Italian charmer who turns the place into a bawdy house. Then when Ingrid arrives from Sweden things actually start to get complicated.
인도의 열정
Executive Producer
1905년, 인도왕 마하라자의 적대세력인 모슬렘 부족이 반군을 일으키자 왕은 왕조를 보존하기 위해 5살 왕자(고빈드 라자 로스)를 피소시킨다. 그를 보호하고 안전한 곳으로 보내는 임무를 맡게 된 영국군 스코트(케네스 모어). 그는 시시각각 다가오는 적에게 쫓기며 어린 왕자와 가정교사 왓트 부인(로렌 바콜), 신문 기자와 무기상, 영국 총독의 부인 등을 이끌고 낡아빠진 기관차 빅토리아 호를 몰며 모험에 나선다. 왕자를 안전하게 호송하라! 기관차 빅토리아 호에 탄 사람들 간 벌어지는 갈등과 내부에 숨은 적을 알아내는 과정이 손에 땀을 쥐게한다.
Executive Producer
The ex-girlfriend (Juliette Greco) of a German fugitive hides with the captain (O.W. Fischer) and crew of a ship on the Rhine.
Rockets Galore
Executive Producer
The inhabitants of Todday are content to live their lives in peace and quiet, until, that is, the government decides their little corner of the world would be the perfect place for a rocket launch site.
타이타닉호의 비극
Executive Producer
모든 면에서 세계 최고를 자랑하며 영국인들에게 자부심을 주었던 타이타닉 호는 1912년 리버풀을 출발해 뉴욕으로 처녀 항해를 시작한다. 대부호와 귀족들인 1등실 승객들과 그 보다는 초라하고 옹색하지만 짙은 인간미를 지닌 2등실, 3등실 승객들, 그리고 모든 선원들까지 합해 2,200명에 달하는 사람들을 태우고 항해를 하던 타이타닉은 몇 차례의 다른 배들로부터 항로에 얼음과 빙산이 있다는 경고를 받지만 이를 무시하고 항해하다 빙산에 부딪쳐 침몰하는 운명에 처하게 된다. '가라앉지 않는 배'라고 자부하며 항해하던 이 세계 최고의 초호화 여객선 타이타닉호가 속수무책으로 침몰하는 동안 사람들은 죽음의 사투를 벌이게 되는데...
The Wind Cannot Read
Dirk Bogarde is an officer during World War II learning Japanese in India in order to do intelligence work on the Indian front. While there he gets a Japanese teacher, who is full of the inscrutable and mysterious East, like a Chinese motorcycle.
Carve Her Name with Pride
Executive Producer
London, England, during World War II. After living a tragic life experience, young Violette Szabo joins the Special Operations Executive and crosses the German enemy lines as a secret agent to aid a French Resistance group.
The Gypsy and the Gentleman
Executive Producer
About to enter a marriage he wants no part of, rich nobleman Mitchell takes up with gypsy Mecouri. They marry, but she soon discovers he's deeply in debt. (TCM)
Violent Playground
Executive Producer
A Liverpool juvenile liaison officer struggles with a young and dangerous pyromaniac.
Campbell's Kingdom
Executive Producer
Given only six months to live, Englishman Bruce Campbell goes to Canada to claim "Campbell's Kingdom", the land he inherited from his grandfather. In order to clear his grandfather's name and prove there is oil on the land, Campbell must face up to a ruthless contractor and work against the clock to find oil before "Campbell's Kingdom" is flooded by a new power dam.
High Tide at Noon
Executive Producer
After returning home to a rugged island near Nova Scotia, Joanna, daughter of the local bigwig, struggles to choose between three eligible bachelors -- the rebel (Patrick McGoohan), the steadfast friend (Michael Craig) and the poetry-quoting newcomer (William Sylvester). As the local lobster supply dwindles due to overfishing, the island's inhabitants encounter economic difficulties.
The Secret Place
Executive Producer
British Melodrama and crime thriller that follows a group of jewel robbers after a major heist. The film makes extensive use of bombed out areas of London.
True as a Turtle
Executive Producer
Tony Hudson offers his young wife Jane a cruise on a yacht as a honeymoon trip. Although Jane suffers from chronic seasickness, she accepts and one day they go on board the Turtle, a fine yacht owned by an industrialist friend, Dudley Partridge. A lot of misadventures await them before they finally reach France.
Ill Met by Moonlight
Executive Producer
Led by British officers, partisans on Crete plan to kidnap the island's German commander and smuggle him to Cairo to embarrass the occupiers.
Robbery Under Arms
Executive Producer
During the mid 1860s, brothers Dick and Jim Marston are drawn into a life of crime by their ex-convict father Ben and his friend, infamous cattlethief Captain Starlight. Making their way to Melbourne with the proceeds of a recent raid, the brothers meet and romance the Morrison sisters, Kate and Jean, whom they eventually marry; but just as they are poised to start a new life in America, Captain Starlight and his gang arrive in town, planning a raid at the local bank.
The Spanish Gardener
Executive Producer
British diplomat Harrington Brande takes up his new lowly post in Spain accompanied by his son Nicholas. That his wife had left him seems to have affected his career. Nicholas sees it all as something of an adventure and soon becomes friends with the new gardener, Jose. As Nicholas begins to spend more time with Jose, his father takes offense and is concerned at the boy's loss of affection for him. It leads him to bar Nicholas from even speaking to the gardener. And soon tensions mount.
Executive Producer
Stanley Baker's O'Donovan is sent to steal the plans of a rival company's racing car designs, to ensure his employers win the competition. However, when opening a safe containing the plans, he triggers an alarm leading to a gun battle where he kills a number of people. James Robertson Justice, alarmed by the scandal surrounding the killings, orders his agent be killed surreptitiously to hide his involvement with the plot. The film uses original footage from the Mille Miglia , an Italian open-road endurance race, featuring classic period racing cars.
라플라타 강의 전투
Executive Producer
In the early years of the World War II, the Royal Navy is fighting a desperate battle to keep the Atlantic convoy routes open to supply the British Isles, facing the great danger posed by the many German warships, such as the Admiral Graf Spee, which are scouring the ocean for cargo ships to sink.
The Black Tent
Executive Producer
During the British retreat through Libya, a British officer takes shelter with a group of Arab Bedouin. He marries the chief's daughter. Sometime later, his younger brother, who had believed him to be dead, is informed that he may be alive in Libya - prompting him to set out and search for him.
A Town Like Alice
Executive Producer
In 1941, The advancing Japanese army captures a lot of British territory very quickly. The men are sent off to labor camps, but they have no plan on what to do with the women and children of the British.
Executive Producer
U.S. Embassy employee Lee Cochrane and his wife, Sue, receive a shock when they discover that their 18-month-old son, Simon, has disappeared in London. He was last seen with their nanny, and the couple seemingly have no leads that might help police Detective Craig in his investigation. The media sensationalizes the incident, causing an unnecessary distraction as the couple prepares to confront the culprit face-to-face.
Jumping for Joy
Executive Producer
At the racetrack, cleaner, Willy Joy is tricked into buying Lindy Lou, a useless greyhound, who's not too healthy either. While getting the dog back in shape, Willy crosses paths with a gang of crooks who's specialty is fixing the races with doped dogs.
Simon and Laura
Executive Producer
Bickering married performers agree to star in a "Mr. and Mrs." TV show. Director Muriel Box's 1956 British comedy also stars Muriel Pavlow, Ian Carmichael, Maurice Denham and Richard Wattis.
Doctor at Sea
Executive Producer
The second of the seven "Doctor" films, based on Richard Gordon's novels and released between 1954 and 1970. A bachelor doctor goes to sea to escape the boredom of shore practice, but studies the nurses more than medicine, and Brigitte Bardot is around.
Above Us the Waves
Executive Producer
In World War II, the greatest threat to the British navy is the German battleship Tirpitz. While anchored in a Norwegian fjord, it is impossible to attack by conventional means, so a plan is hatched for a special commando unit to attack it, using midget submarines to plant underwater explosives.
Passage Home
Executive Producer
Set in 1931, the film takes place aboard a merchant ship, briefly harboured in South America. A young woman (Diane Cilento) boards the ship as a passenger, resulting in disharmony among the superstitious crew members. Virtuous seaman Anthony Steel protects the girl from the lecherous advances of captain Peter Finch.
As Long as They're Happy
Executive Producer
The suburban peace of the Bentley household is shattered when John Bentley is informed by his wife Stella that their two married daughters, Pat and Corrine are in trouble and need funds to come home and bring their husbands, Peter, a penniless Parisian artist and Barnaby, a Texas cowboy, with them. And the youngest daughter, Gwen, has tricked an American singer, Bobby Denver, into visiting them on the pretext that it is the home of a noted British film magnate. When all the women in the household --- including the maid --- fall for the singer's charms, Bentley consults a crackpot psychiatrist, Dr. Schneider, who almost succeeds in ousting, not the singer, but Bentley's wife, with his advice to Bentley to make her jealous by living it up with Pearl, a showgirl recruited for the purpose.
One Good Turn
Executive Producer
Norman is the oldest orphan at Greenwood Children's Home and now acts as their caretaker. All the orphans are very happy and well cared for. The adventures start when a nasty property developer (boo hiss) who is also the chairman of the orphanage board wants to close the orphanage and build a factory on the site. The children are sent to Brighton for the day and Norman is very excited because he's "Never seen the Sea". When they get back they discover the plan to close the orphanage and have to decide what to do
Mad About Men
Executive Producer
Flirtatious mermaid Miranda swaps places with a schoolteacher who has gone on holiday. All is well until she falls in love with a human.
진홍의 평원
Executive Producer
캐나다의 전투기 조종사 포레스터(Forrester: 그레고리 펙 분)는 두 명의 부하와 함께 비행기 고장으로 버마의 황무지에 불시착하게 된다. 세 사람은 살아남기 위해 힘을 합쳐 사방에 도사리고 있는 위험을 피해 황무지를 벗어나야 하는 상황이지만 부하들은 그들의 지휘관인 포레스터의 판단능력을 믿을 수가 없다. 그도 그럴 것이 지난 몇 달 동안 포레스터는 과거에 폭격당했던 충격 때문에 불안한 정신상태를 보여 왔고, 더구나 자살 비행도 서슴지 않고 감행하는 노이로제 환자였기 때문이다. 그러나 현지의 아가씨를 사랑하게 되면서 삶에 대한 희망을 되찾은 포레스터는 놀라운 투지를 발휘, 온갖 어려움에 맞서 싸우며 부하들과 함께 버마의 황무지를 탈출하게 되는데...
로미오와 줄리엣
Executive Producer
In Shakespeare's classic play, the Montagues and Capulets, two families of Renaissance Italy, have hated each other for years, but the son of one family and the daughter of the other fall desperately in love and secretly marry.
The Million Pound Note
Executive Producer
An impoverished American sailor is fortunate enough to be passing the house of two rich gentlemen who have conceived the crazy idea of distributing a note worth one million pounds. The sailor finds that whenever he tries to use the note to buy something, people treat him like a king and let him have whatever he likes for free. Ultimately, the money proves to be more troublesome than it is worth when it almost costs him his dignity and the woman he loves.
The Kidnappers
Executive Producer
After losing their father in the Boer War, orphaned brothers Harry and Davy must leave their home in Scotland to live with their grandmother and cantankerous grandfather in Nova Scotia. The boys want nothing more than a pet dog, but their grandfather refuses to get them one. Then, when the brothers find an abandoned baby, they decide to keep it – but the foundling may not have been abandoned after all.
Personal Affair
Executive Producer
A British girl disappears for three days after a frank talk with the wife of a Latin teacher she loves.
Malta Story
Executive Producer
In 1942 Britain was clinging to the island of Malta since it was critical to keeping Allied supply lines open. The Axis also wanted it for their own supply lines. Plenty of realistic reenactments and archival combat footage as the British are beseiged and try to fight off the Luftwaffe. Against this background, a RAF reconnaissance photographer's romance with a local girl is endangered as he tries to plot enemy movements.
The Net
Executive Producer
A secret jet aircraft capable of traveling three times the speed of sound is being developed by a group of scientists. On the day of the test flight, one of the scientists dies in a mysterious accident, and there are many arguments concerning the flight itself; some think it should be ground-controlled while Heathley (James Donald) wants it to be a manned flight with himself at the controls. Conflict also arises when one of his fellow scientists, taking advantage of Heathley's lack of attention toward his wife, Lydia (Phyllis Calvert), makes some moves on her. Then there is the question of just who is the enemy agent on the project.
The Long Memory
Executive Producer
An innocent man is released from prison after 12 years and tracks down the witnesses who lied about him in court.
It Started in Paradise
Executive Producer
A talented dress designer, who lets nothing get in the way of her success, rises in the fashion world then loses contact with her own humanity. She also forgets that you meet the same people on the way up as on the way down.
Venetian Bird
Executive Producer
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
비잉 어니스트
Executive Producer
고향인 시골 마을에 살고 있는 잭 워딩은 있지도 않은 동생 어니스트를 돌본다는 구실을 대고 정기적으로 런던을 방문한다. 잭에게는 시골에 감춰두고 몰래 돌보는 젊고 아름다운 여인 세실리가 있는데, 잭은 어니스트로 행세하며 그녀를 만난다. 그런데 잭의 가장 친한 친구인 앨저넌이 그의 이런 속임수를 알게 된다
브라우닝 버전
Executive Producer
Andrew Crocker-Harris has been forced from his position as the classics master at an English public school due to poor health. As he winds up his final term, he discovers not only that his wife, Millie, has been unfaithful to him with one of his fellow schoolmasters, but that the school's students and faculty have long disdained him. However, an unexpected act of kindness causes Crocker-Harris to re-evaluate his life's work.
Highly Dangerous
Executive Producer
A US newsman and a British entomologist spy on germ-warfare research in a mythical country.
Trottie True
Tottie True is a gay-90s British music-hall performer who has her sights set on moving from rags to riches, who loses her heart to the pure-and-true blue balloonist, Sid Skinner, but continues her upward search on improving her social status. She finally settles for Lord Landon Digby who has lots of assets and a very-stiff upper lip. She gets a lot of the latter and very little of the former, and decides Sid might have been a better choice.