John Stoll
출생 : 1913-12-13, London, England, UK
사망 : 1990-06-25
Production Design
직장에 나가는 남편과, 이제는 다 자라 자신의 길을 걸어가고 있는 자녀를 둔 평범한 40대 주부 '셜리'는 내세우고 자랑할 것은 없지만 그렇다고 가난하거나 부족한 것도 없는 평범한 주부이다. 쇼핑과 요리와 가정 이외에는 새로운 관심사를 찾아내지 못하던 셜리는 마침내 과감하게 2주간의 휴가를 계획하며 그리스로 떠나는데… 한 40대 중년 여성이 소극적이고 무능하게 느껴지는 현재의 삶에서 자신의 정체성을 찾아 나가는 과정을 코믹하고 감동적으로 그린 작품으로, 카메라를 정면으로 바라보고 관객을 향해 방백하는 연극적 기법을 자주 사용한다. 아름다운 그리스 섬의 풍광과 함께, 그리스 남성과의 짧은 로맨스 그리고 씩씩하고 용감하게 자신감을 되찾아가는 셜리 발렌타인의 모습이 유쾌하게 그려진다. 영국이 나은 극작가 윌리 러셀의 희곡 "셜리 발렌타인(Shirley Valentine)"이 원작이 된 작품이다. 런던비평가상(1974), 골든글러브상(1984), 이보르노벨르상(1985)등을 수상한 윌리 러셸은 뛰어난 극작가이면서 연극 연출가이자 배우이기도 하다. 교육대학을 졸업했으면서도 미용사, 창고노동자, 포크송 작곡가, 가수 등 다양한 직업적 편력을 겪은 그는 "리타 길들이기"를 비롯하여 "의형제"라는 제목으로 번안된 "블러드 브라더스"를 통해서 우리에게도 친근한 작가로 알려져 있다. "셜리 발렌타인(Shirley Valentine)"은 그의 대표적인 작품의 하나로, 일상적 삶의 권태에서 탈출하고자 하는 한 중년 여성을 등장시켜, 의미 없는 삶에 대한 각성과 자신의 정체성을 찾아 나서는 한 인간의 심층을 강력하고 섬세하게 묘사해 놓은 뛰어난 작품이다. 현대 사회의 모순과 보편적인 인간의 정체성이 어떤 것이어야 하는지를 극명하게 깨달을 수 있는 내용으로, 국내에서는 김혜자 씨 주연의 연극으로도 많이 알려진 바 있다. (EBS)
Production Design
Learning of a Nazi plot to attack Washington, D.C. with a deadly nerve gas, Major Wright leads twelve convicts on a suicide mission deep into occupied France to destroy the secret factory where the poison is made.
Production Design
In the 18th century were born two siamese brothers on Corsica who paradoxically carry different feelings of hate and reconciliation in their blood.
Production Design
Fr. Hugh O'Flaherty is a Vatican official in 1943-45 who has been hiding downed pilots, escaped prisoners of war, and Italian resistance families. His diplomatic status in a Catholic country prevents Colonel Kappler from openly arresting him, but O'Flaherty's activities become so large that the Nazi's decide to assassinate him the next time he leaves the Vatican. O'Flaherty continues his work in a variety of disguises. Based on a true story. Written by John Vogel
Production Design
Quasimodo, the hunchback bellringer of Notre Dame's cathedral, meets a beautiful gypsy dancer, Esmeralda, and falls in love with her. So does Quasimodo's guardian, the archdeacon of the cathedral, and a poor street poet. But Esmeralda's in love with a handsome soldier. When a mob mistakes her for a witch, it's up to Quasimodo to rescue her and claim sanctuary for her in the cathedral.
Production Design
Dissolute barrister Sydney Carton becomes enchanted and then hopelessly in love with the beautiful Lucie Manette. But Lucie loves and marries Charles Darnay, and remains oblivious to Carton's undimmed devotion to her. When Darnay is ensnared in the deadly web of the French Revolution and condemned to die by the guillotine, Sydney Carton concocts a dangerous plot to free the husband of the woman he loves.
Production Design
A mercenary is hired by the FBI to track down a powerful recluse criminal, a woman is also trying to track him down for her own personal vendetta.
Production Design
알렉상드르 뒤마의 원작 소설을 바탕으로 한 TV 영화.
Art Direction
Wealthy big game hunter Tom Newcliffe has tracked and killed practically every type of animal in the world. But one creature still evades him, the biggest game of all - a werewolf.
Production Design
신밧드는 약혼녀인 퍼리사 공주와 모험 중 한 섬에 도착한다. 그들을 반기는 것은 온갖 어려움들이다. 먼저 그들이 상대해야 하는 상대는 사이클롭스(키클롭스, 외눈박이 괴물). 사이클롭스는 소쿠라가 탐내는 보석을 갖고 있다. 신바드는 사이클롭스의 보석 창고에서 요술 램프를 갖고 나오고 신바드는 그제서야 소쿠라의 정체를 의심하기 시작한다. 하지만 소쿠라와의 마찰에도 불구하고 공주가 걸린 마법 때문에 소쿠라와 헤어지지 못하는 신바드는 램프를 갖고 계속 소쿠라와 대치 상태에 이르고 대괴조, 용, 해골과의 결투도 무사히 이기고 소쿠라도 굴복시킨다.
Production Design
Detective John Shaft travels incognito to Ethiopia, then France, to bust a human trafficking ring.
Production Design
Hugo is a brilliant turn-of-the-century scientist, loved and respected by his family and friends, admired by his colleagues. But he is a man quickly becoming obsessed with a curious and frightening question... what is the mysterious apparition found in the photographs of his dying subjects?
Production Design
The story of Charles Darwin's journey on The Beagle.
Production Design
As the first nomadic tribes wander across the vast wilderness of the infant planet they confront hostilities created by the harsh environment and each other. After a massive volcanic eruption a tribal chief is killed and his two sons fight for supremacy, not only for the leadership of the tribe but also for the love of a beautiful young woman. The age-old battlegrounds of rivalry, envy and passion are explored in this tale of prehistoric adventure.
Production Design
Disgusted with the policies of King Charles I, Oliver Cromwell plans to take his family to the New World. But on the eve of their departure, Cromwell is drawn into the tangled web of religion and politics that will result in the English Civil War.
Art Direction
An inept British WWII commander leads his troops to a series of misadventures in North Africa and Europe.
Art Direction
알제리에서 프랑스군을 몰아내려는 아랍 테러리스트(조지 시걸)와의 격렬한 대립관계와 전쟁 중에도 피어나는 연인 리셀 모건과의 사랑이야기
Art Direction
곤충학자이자 나비 수집가인 프레디(Freddie Clegg: 테렌스 스탬프 분)는 나비뿐만 아니라 여자를 수집하고픈 욕망에 미술대학에 다니는 미란다(Miranda Grey: 사만다 에가 분)라는 여자를 점찍고 그녀의 뒤를 집요하게 쫓아다닌다. 그리고 축구 도박에서 딴 7만 파운드의 거금을 들여 외딴곳에 떨어져 있는 튜더 왕조시대의 고가를 매입하여 미란다를 납치하기로 결정하고 모든 만반의 준비를 갖추어 놓는다. 어느 날 미란다의 귀가길에 미리 준비한 클로르포름을 이용하여 납치에 성공하고 자기의 수집품에 대하여 온갖 정성을 다한다. 항상 그녀가 자기를 무시하고 도망가려 한다는 것을 염두에 두고 감시를 게을리 하지않는다. 몇번의 탈출을 시도하지만 무시하고 4주후에 보내달라는 요구를 관철시킨다. 그리고 미술 도구를 가져다 그림을 그리며 4주후의 귀가를 기다리지만 정작 그날이 오자 프레디는 결혼해 달라는 조건을 내걸며 이를 거절하는 그녀를 마취시켜 감금시키는데...
Production Design
Political and personal intrigues surround a group of characters in Malaya, after the close of the Second World War.
Art Direction
스릴러로서는 조금 떨어지지만 드라마는 즐길 만하다는 평을 받았다. 렉스 블랙(Rex Black: 로렌스 하비 분)은 아내 스텔라(Stella Black: 리 레믹 분)와 짜고 글라이더 사고를 위장해 자신이 사망한 것처럼 만든 다음 스페인으로 떠난다. 스텔라가 보험금 지불을 기다리는 동안 렉스는 스페인에서 호주인 갑부의 여권을 훔쳐 그의 행세를 하며 스텔라를 기다 린다. 보험 회사 직원인 스티븐 매독스(Stephen: 앨런 베이츠 분)는 렉스의 죽음에 의심을 품지만 스텔라는 결국 보험금을 받아 내서 스페인으로 떠난다. 스페인에서 재회한 스텔라와 렉스, 두 사람은 큰 돈을 손에 넣은 것에 행복해 하며 호사스런 날들을 보낸다. 하지만 그런 행복도 잠시였다. 휴가를 맞아 스페인을 찾았다는 스티븐이 그들 앞에 나타난 것이다. 처음에 스티븐을 기억하지 못하던 스텔라는 그가 보험 회사 직원이라는 사실을 알고 긴장하고 그를 멀리하지만 스티븐은 스텔 라와 렉스 주위에 계속 머문다. 스티븐의 행동 하나하나에 렉스와 스텔라는 계속 긴장하고 스티븐의 존재에 위기감을 느낀 렉스는 스티븐을 죽일 계획을 한다. 한편 스티븐은 스텔라에게 사랑을 고백하는데.
Art Direction
영국 정보국 소속 장교 로렌스 는 1차대전 중 중동지역의 전투에서 아랍 부족의 지원을 받기 위해 아랍 지역으로 파견된다. 그런데 그는 영국 정부가 바라던 것 이상으로 아랍의 지도자들을 사로 잡고 아랍의 독립을 위해 열심히 싸워 아랍 민족으로 부터 ‘아라비아의 로렌스’라는 영웅적인 칭호를 받게 된다. 그는 아랍 전사들을 이끌고 터키군들과 싸우면서 규율을 잡기 위해 남의 마을의 우물물을 마신 병사를 과감히 처형하는 등 독한 모습을 보여준다. 그러나 그의 그런 용맹성은 터키 군에게 포로로 잡힌 후 그곳에서 받은 성적 학대를 통해 병적으로 발전된다. 그리고 마침내 영국 정부의 소환을 받고 런던으로 돌아오지만 중동으로 보내 줄 것을 요구하면서 사막으로 돌아가길 원한다. 그러나 이미 정치적으로 타결이 된 아라비아 사막은 그를 원치 않았는데.
Art Direction
When Francis and Douglas Oberon learn that their late grandmother has bequeathed the family fortune to distant cousin Toni, they immediately start plotting to get their hands on the money. They dream up a plot whereby they cannot fail to acquire a comfortable future; the lovely Toni must either be murdered, or married...
Art Direction
Sensitive story of a British girl's awakening from childhood into life and love on vacation in France.
Art Direction
Lewis Gilbert's classic comedy drama portrays the antics of a British Army Searchlight Squad during World War II. Lieutenant Ogleby (Ian Carmichael) has his work cut out to keep his "legionnaires" at their post and not rampaging through the local countryside. The McGaffey brothers (Benny Hill and Tommy Steele) create havoc with their light-fingers and light-loving with the local girls, whilst Smithy (Johnny Briggs) pines for his sweetheart.
Production Design
Lewis Gilbert's classic comedy drama portrays the antics of a British Army Searchlight Squad during World War II. Lieutenant Ogleby (Ian Carmichael) has his work cut out to keep his "legionnaires" at their post and not rampaging through the local countryside. The McGaffey brothers (Benny Hill and Tommy Steele) create havoc with their light-fingers and light-loving with the local girls, whilst Smithy (Johnny Briggs) pines for his sweetheart.
Art Direction
A jewel thief finds himself a target when a smuggled cigarette case made from a stolen new metal falls into his hands.
Art Direction
Mark Loring is madly jealous of his wife, Mary, former American cabaret singer. Due to an automobile accident, she loses her unborn child, and Mark becomes sterile. His father, Brit-stuffy Sir John Loring, has never approved of the marriage and, again, tries to break it up. Believing that a child will hold the marriage together, Mary suggests artificial insemination to Mark, who finally agrees to accompany her to a clinic in Switzerland. However, when she is again pregnant, Mark finds it impossible to reconcile himself to the situation and leaves her. Prompted by his father, Mark sues for divorce, accusing her of adultery. She contests the divorce and a trial concerns itself with whether or not artificial insemination is a question of adultery. The Catholic Church's National League of Decency placed this film on its Condemned" list.
Art Direction
On the Italian coast, writer Paul Decker has grown unhappy in his marriage and executes what appears to be a perfect murder of his wife. While Paul is believed to be writing a book in France, his stepdaughter, Candy, suspects him of murdering her mother, as well as her father years before. With the police unwilling to investigate any further, Candy sets out to confirm her suspicions and take Paul down herself.
Art Direction
Set in a Japanese prisoner of war camp during World War II, the film focuses on the brutality and horror that the allied prisoners were exposed to as the Japanese metered out subjugation and punishment to a disgraced and defeated enemy. This harrowing drama concentrates on the deviations of legal and moral definitions when two opposing cultures clash. Although fictional, this was one of the earliest films to deal realistically with life and death in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp during the Second War.
Art Direction
A fateful Stranger's Meeting leads to a maelstrom of crime, deception and murder in this 64-minute British programmer. The beautiful Delphi Lawrence heads a stellar cast, including such reliables as Victor Maddern, Norman Rossington, Conrad Phillips and Reginald Hearne. The plot centers around acrobat Peter Arne, falsely accused of murder. Escaping from the authorities, Arne hides out in a rustic inn, allowing first-time director (and former cinematographer) Robert Day ample opportunity for dark, menacing shadows and sinister underlighting. The genuine murderer is revealed just seconds before the culprit's death. Stranger's Meeting was held back from release until Robert Day's "official" directorial debut, The Green Man, had made the rounds.
Art Direction
A doctor becomes the victim of extortionists when one of his patients dies under questionable circumstances.
Art Direction
In a French coastal town, Det. Dermot Kinross is inspecting the murder of antiques dealer Maurice Lawes, and the evidence points to Lawes's son, Toby -- and especially to Toby's bride-to-be, Eve Atwood. Eve's ex-husband, Ned, had his eyes set on something Lawes possessed.
Art Direction
An American army officer working for British intelligence comes to post-war Berlin to solve a murder. His investigation is compromised when he falls for a nightclub singer, not realising she is an agent of the criminal mastermind he is on the trail of.
Art Direction
A boy accidentally shoots a friend with a gun he found in the rubble of a destroyed building. The gun turns out to be a clue in a ten-year-old murder case.
Art Direction
An escaped killer hides out by forcing a travelling family to take him with them.
Art Direction
Returning late to London, Johnny gives a lift to an attractive female hitch-hiker. Some distance on, he stops to make a phone call and buy a coffee, but on returning to his cab finds the woman gone. Assuming she has hitched another ride, he continues on his way. A short time later he is flagged down by another driver, who has come across a woman lying by the roadside. The woman is Johnny's hitchhiker and she's dead.
Art Direction
An American is visiting Britain and finds himself in possession of a briefcase full of secret documents that the spies of many different countries seem determined to get.
Art Direction
Charter-boat owner "Tex" Parker is framed on a murder rap by a gang of jewel-and-American currency smugglers operating from the coasts of England and France, with a mid-channel rendezvous. The smugglers use him, his boat and partner, "Soapy", to carry their goods back and forth across the English. During one of the trips, "Tex" is thrown overboard, but is picked up by a French fishing boat and the fisherman take him back to their village, Porte Soliare, where he meets Jacqueline. People who appear to be quite dead early on turn out to be not dead later on, and money and swag and goods keep changing hands with such regularity that, at one point, one guy is searching for something he already has (and doesn't know it), while another guy isn't searching for it because he thinks he has it...but doesn't.
Art Direction
Edward "Teddy" Bare is a ruthless schemer who thinks he's hit the big time when he kills his older wife, believing he will inherit a fortune. When things don't go according to plan, Teddy sets his sights on a new victim: wealthy widow Freda Jeffries. Unfortunately for the unscrupulous criminal, Freda is much more guarded and sassy than his last wife, making separating her from her money considerably more challenging.
Art Direction
Betsy Richards, a hard-working widow, tries to solve the domestic problems of her three grown-up sons.
Art Direction
When young reporter and amateur biker Jerry Marsh investigates a mysterious hooded figure on a motorbike, he discovers crooks hiding out in a ruined castle with atomic sabotage on their minds...
Art Direction
Fred Martin, a taxi driver who is a reformed convict, is used by the police to go undercover in order to help catch a gang of safe robbers. However things start to go wrong when the police stake out the wrong bank and Fred finds himself alone with the crooks.
Art Direction
A petty thief breaks into the home of a psychiatrist and gets caught in a web of a doctor who wishes to experiment on him and a doctor's wife who wishes to seduce him.
Art Direction
An insurance investigator is framed for murder after a pretty woman hires him to recover a letter from a man who wants to blackmail her.
Art Direction
After being framed for a murder he didn't commit, Tom Penney (Donald Houston) serves his time and returns to his rural English home to establish a quiet life. When another victim is found, however, Tom is blamed for the crime and flees rather than returnng to prison. Hoping to find the real killer -- or killers -- Tom investigates while keeping a low profile to elude his pursuers, and a vital clue leads him on the path to possible redemption.
Art Direction
A middle-aged garage owner's life is turned upside down when his new mechanics gets it on with his sexy younger wife.