Rim Turkhi

참여 작품

The Soldier's Star
A Russian guitarist was enlisted in 1984 in the Afghan war. Imprisoned, he will meet an Afghan musician and a French journalist.
The Gate of the Sun
Yousry Nasrallah's powerful adaptation of Lebanese writer Elias Khoury's epic novel of fifty years of Palestinian dispossession, exile, and resistance. The film follows the flight of Younes, his wife Nahila, and those around them, from their village in northern Palestine to a refugee camp in Lebanon. Some vow to continue the struggle, most simply struggle to survive. Unsparingly detailing the impact of the nakba (disaster) on Palestinian life and society and the refugees' often-contentious relationship with their reluctant Lebanese hosts, Gate of the Sun spans generations, mixing personal stories with historical events.
La Danse Éternelle
Saïd, seventy, has been demoralized by his wife’s illness which has left her hospitalized. He withdraws into solitude and writes poetry to express the infinite love he carries for his beloved.
잉글리쉬 페이션트
2차 세계대전이 종전될 무렵 극심한 화상을 입고 나라도, 신분도, 이름도 잃은 환자 ‘알마시’(랄프 파인즈)는 ‘잉글리쉬 페이션트’로 불리며 야전병원을 전전한다. 더 이상 치료가 불가능할 정도로 몸 상태가 악화되어 가던 그는 헌신적으로 간호해주는 간호사 ‘한나’(줄리엣 비노쉬)에게 지금껏 간직해온 자신의 비밀스러운 사랑 이야기를 들려주는데… 전 세계가 인정한 영원의 러브스토리가 되살아난다!