Director of Photography
When, at the beginning of Deus Irae, Father Javier stares at a crucifix, his expressions and his hands suggest that the nerves are consuming him. A flashback reveals that this priest devotes his life to visiting families that claim to have seen things that do not belong to this world and cleansing their homes from the demons that try to possess them. But, upon returning to those houses, he notices that the evidence is always destroyed. This way, he discovers that a clan is after him, and must decide whether to hide from them or join them. In times when horror cinema tends to fall into the hands of directors that seek to build narratives that are introspective and close to reality, Pedro Cristiani goes back to old-school horror, where gore and the physical experience are above any other kind of feeling. A cinema that places the camera in front of the faces of the bloodiest demons and, instead of giving logic to them, chooses to face them whatever the cost.
Director of Photography
Amidst the problems in their childless marriage, Matías and Eva try their hand at matchmaking, setting up their friend Barbara with the man who seems perfect, Julián. Once they realize that Julian is not what he seems, they try to warn Barbara away, but she may already be too infatuated.
Hopeful that an open-ocean sailing trip might relight the spark of their passion, a troubled married couple hits a breaking point when one's refusal to explore a foreboding deserted island sends them on a deep internal journey that will soon require drastic decisions in order to survive.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
50 years can be golden even though the knees hurt, even if the air isn’t the same or a layer of distress settles on one corner of the brain. The protagonist reflects on his fifty, shoots a film about endless loves and inquires, with existential humor, into the daily struggle of living.
Director of Photography
평생을 일해 온 도서관에 새로운 관장이 부임하자, 릴라와 그녀의 동료들은 정리해고의 위기를 맞는다. 하지만 가장 큰 걱정은 그녀가 도서관 지하에서 임의로 운영해왔던 직원식당의 존폐위기다. 큰 용기를 내서 아예 정식 카페테리아를 만들기로 작정하지만, 성공적인 비즈니스로 보였던 계획은 예상치 못한 난국에 처한다. 여성노동자들의 삶과 불안, 계층간 갈등을 코믹하면서도 냉철한 시선으로 바라보는 영화로, 릴라 역의 릴리아나 후아레스는 2019년 마르델플라타국제영화제에서 여우주연상을 수상했다.
Director of Photography
The death of patriarch Alfredo sends his heirs into a downward spiral. With the pending sale of their beach house, a repository of childhood memories, three siblings’ long-simmering resentments are brought to a full boil. Alternating between moments of laugh-out-loud absurdity and stirring beauty, Alelí is a knowing black comedy about a dysfunctional family that seems willing to set everything on fire.
Director of Photography
Five miners buried in a gallery 600 meters deep.
Director of Photography
A 36-year-old meek woman realizes that there’s younger people trying to outpace her doing much less, so she makes a risky change by removing her filter.
Director of Photography
Children from different cultures learn about the stories of the apostles.
Clara and Alejandro move into a new house. A few days later, he goes on a work trip and she is left alone, surrounded by moving boxes. That chaos makes her accept a series of random invitations that will take her away from the hermetic world she lives in.
Director of Photography
Nico is a famous actor in Argentina, but in New York, nobody takes notice. He needs to juggle bartending, babysitting and odd jobs to keep himself afloat. But when old friends from Buenos Aires come to visit, he needs to juggle the image of his old life with the reality of the struggling actor in New York City.
Camera Operator
Escape from Patagonia is a gaucho-western film set in the tumultuous Patagonia of late nineteenth century. It's a story of survival, based on real facts from the personal diary of the Argentinian pioneer Francisco P. Moreno.
Director of Photography
Escape from Patagonia is a gaucho-western film set in the tumultuous Patagonia of late nineteenth century. It's a story of survival, based on real facts from the personal diary of the Argentinian pioneer Francisco P. Moreno.
Director of Photography
Buenos Aires Province, a summer in the 30's. Mateo, an ex convict anarchist, travels around the Pampa in his old truck, carrying stolen hens and the illusion of finding his lost rooster, The King, which, he hopes, will lead him to glory at the cockfights. Fate faces him with Aurelia and Carmelo, two siblings in search for their father. Wandering, uncertain about his final destination, Mateo decides to give them a ride southbound.
Director of Photography
One needn’t be a cynic to recognize that a politician’s persona is very much a designed thing, the product of various minds—and various agendas. Martín Marchand, the titular character, radiates charisma, intelligence and commitment—attributes that seem set to win Marchand his country’s highest office. But as his team of advisers and creatives assemble at his country home to devise campaign strategies, it appears that not everyone present agrees that a Marchand presidency is a foregone conclusion.
Solitary and sometimes attacked by an asthmatic crisis, Roque Waterfall leads, at age 30, an unproductive life and, little or nothing at work, lives on a small family inheritance. His passion is to collect videos of Atlanta, the club of his loves, and in one of his few nocturnal outings he meets Hans, a German intellectual nihilist who is in Buenos Aires to make a documentary film about people who have nothing. But when he meets Roque he decides that his film will be about someone who does not do anything, of course he is not sure if he wants to show himself before the camera, and while trying to escape the director he meets Carla, whose charm stimulates him to interrupt his sedentary life .
Director of Photography
Five British friends head to the Andes for a stag weekend. Of course, they’re unprepared, get lost – and inevitably ignore all warnings about the sinister local legend of the ‘The Hunter’.
While she faces the tough idea of breaking up with her boyfriend, Emilia moves to a downtown apartment. Among boxes and packed stuff, almost by chance, she starts living the life of the former tenant.
Director of Photography
Two women meet for a job interview that spills over into an intimate dialogue that encompasses their secret loves, fears, and dreams. Filmed entirely in a single shot and over the course of a single conversation, this one-of-a-kind indie won Best Argentine Film and Best Argentine Director at the 2013 Mar del Plata Film Festival.
In a world on the brink of collapse, Chockler receives the mysterious Lucrecia's mission to find a man named Victor, dead or alive. Little by little, he discovers a network of implications between the horse races, genetic experiments, and a series of strange and superhuman nature facts, in the deep night of the city.
Director of Photography
Mariano, 16, inexplicably and without warning, shoots himself twice and improbably survives. Then, life goes on. His brother pursues a romance with a girl working at a fast-food joint, his mother takes off on a trip with a stranger, and Mariano recruits a woman to join his medieval wind ensemble.
Director of Photography
크리스티안은 어느 날 아파트 7층에서 사라진 자신의 아이들을 찾기 위해 고군분투한다. 이혼을 앞둔 상태에서 아이들의 실종으로 패닉상태에 빠진 크리스티안. 아이들은 도대체 어디로? 왜? 사라진 걸까?
Director of Photography
Pedro, a humble beekeeper who lives in the mysterious Argentinian region of the Delta del Tigre, travels to Buenos Aires to visit his twin brother Agustín, a successful but troubled pediatrician with marital issues, to give him bad news and ask him for a favor hard to fulfill, a unexpected arrival which will change Agustín's life forever.
Director of Photography
Each citizen of Jotuomba plays an integral role in village life. Madalena is responsible for baking bread; each morning she stacks her rolls as Antonio prepares the coffee. The two share a morning ritual of arguments and insults, followed by an amicable cup of coffee on the bench outside Antonio's shop. At midday the church bells ring, summoning the villagers to mass. In the early evening, they all share a meal together. And so life proceeds in Jotuomba, the days languidly drifting into one another; the only variations seem to be in the weather. But, one day Rita arrives looking for a place to stay.
Director of Photography
Late at night, a brother and his sister ride in an elevator with their father. Suddenly, the lights go off, and the lift gets stuck between two floors. In the dark and unable to get any help, the father pushes his son through the narrow space between the shaft and the hallway. Alone in the claustrophobic box, the father and daughter stay silent, until a childish whining is heard from the shadows. Someone is inside the elevator... breathing by their side.
Director of Photography
A fragile border separates our world from the realm of darkness, where nightmarish creatures await in the shadows. Only one thing is standing in their way: a secret order of priests, who devote their souls to protect this border. They are the 'Deus Irae'.
Director of Photography
Young Jorgelina feels estranged from her boy-crazy older sister, who has entered adolescence and doesn't want to hang around with little kids anymore. Finding refuge in their Boyita camper-van, Jorgelina travels with her father to the countryside, where her lifelong playmate Mario is undergoing some unexpected changes.
Lisandro Alonso creates a face-to-face encounter with the wild in the beguiling and enigmatic, a moment observed in a seemingly floating abyss.
Director of Photography
개인적인 여정을 고요하게 담은 영화. 배가 아르헨티나 최남단 지점에 정박하자, 선원인 패럴은 어머니의 생사를 확인하려고 20년만에 고향을 방문한다. 패럴은 술을 마시면서 시간을 보내다 집에 도착한다. 하지만 20년 만에 돌아온 집에서 노환으로 누운 어머니를 만나는 기쁨도 잠시, 패럴은 예상치도 못했던 가족의 비밀을 알게 된다.????리산드로 알론소 감독은 전통적인 관찰 방식으로 패럴의 무심함을 관찰한다. 카메라가 담은 패럴의 삶은 지루하고, 그는 남겨두고 온 사람들에 대해 무還?求? 아르헨티나의 설원을 익스트림 롱샷으로 담은 장면에서 패럴의 침묵과 느릿한 걸음걸이는 영화의 차가운 기운과 어울린다. 시종일관 정적으로 움직이는 카메라는 패럴의 삶뿐만 아니라 우리의 삶이 더 나아갈 곳이 없다는 것을 보여준다. 서서히 비극을 전개하면서, 패럴이 고뇌하는 순간마다 미세한 감정을 잡아내는 연출력이 돋보이는 작품이다.
Camera Operator
Luciano works in birthday parties and writes his first feature when friend Manuel returns from Spain to repeat his TV show, "The Paranoids", together with his girl Sofia. Manuel is everything he is not and his trying to be helpful in his career and with women, only worsens the conflict. When Manuel leaves Sofia with Luciano for two days, she is seduced by the qualities Manuel rejects in his friend as weaknesses. Sofia changes. Luciano also, but only at the last moment he can overcome the fears he has been cultivating his whole life.
Luciano works in birthday parties and writes his first feature when friend Manuel returns from Spain to repeat his TV show, "The Paranoids", together with his girl Sofia. Manuel is everything he is not and his trying to be helpful in his career and with women, only worsens the conflict. When Manuel leaves Sofia with Luciano for two days, she is seduced by the qualities Manuel rejects in his friend as weaknesses. Sofia changes. Luciano also, but only at the last moment he can overcome the fears he has been cultivating his whole life.
Additional Director of Photography
남자 X가 살인 장면을 목격한다. 현장에 다가간 X는 예상 밖의 일을 저지른 후 황급히 자리를 떠난다. 남자 Z는 새 일자리를 구한다. 20년이나 일했다는 전 직원이 썼던 차를 정리하던 Z는 이해할 수 없는 암호로 가득한 공책을 발견한다. 수로 개발을 두고 의견이 분분하자 팍토로비치는 남자 H를 고용한다. 남자 H는 이유도 모른 채 강을 따라가며 교각이나 기둥의 사진을 찍어야만 한다. 정체불명의 세 인물을 중심으로 한 세 줄기의 이상야릇한 이야기가 펼쳐지며, 모든 이야기는 마치 책을 읽어 주는 듯한 내레이션을 통해 전해진다.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
The beautiful wife of a geologist frantically searches for her missing husband and is haunted by a man who bears a striking resemblance to him.
Director of Photography
A solitary man's only pastime is to go to a movie theatre, the Teatro San Martín, on Corrientes Avenue in Buenos Aires. There he exorcises his ghosts.
Mariano is a psychologist who must fulfill community service after losing a lawsuit by a traffic accident. He is forced to provide therapeutic support to Alfredo, a policeman depressed over his wife cheating on him. Mariano is then accidentally involved in a double homicide investigation being conducted by Alfredo.
Director of Photography
A writer dying of AIDS searches for a cure and human interaction in the hospitals and sex clubs of Buenos Aires.
Director of Photography
A young man lives with his dog, an unconditional love is interrupted by a young woman's jealous father.
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
An architecture student is obsessed by his girlfriend. When she is invited to go alone to a party sponsored by her company, he becomes paranoid. He arrives at their place unexpectedly and finds a man hidden under their bed. He follows the man trying to find his name and occupation, along a night full of incidents and misunderstandings.
Camera Operator
Victor, who lives abroad, must travel to his country of origin sent by the company where he works and will have only one day to visit his family who will do the impossible to honor him in that short stay. At that time, dramatic turns and touches of humor will occur to deep solemnities, within the traditional and beloved domestic bosom.
Zapa is a locksmith in a quiet and little town lost somewhere in the province of Buenos Aires. The work is quite slow, and hours seem to pass slowly. Polaco, the owner of the shop, sends him on a job that consists of opening a safe at an office. The next day, Zapa is imprisoned for being responsible of robbing the place. Ismael, his uncle, a retired policeman, bails him out and sends him to Buenos Aires. Zapa becomes an aspiring officer in the Buenos Aires Police. He gets to his new home city, takes the instructional course, works at a precinct, has a love affair with a teacher and starts to see his life turn into a strange fiction.
Director of Photography
An album of odd and humorous stories on small places exclusively dedicated to idleness, which are empty in winter and crowded in summer: the spa towns. Cities under water, luxury hotels, mermaids, sea animals, sand castles, people who worship water, praying for health.
Two boys are sitting on the street, drinking alcohol and talking.