Barry Navidi

참여 작품

Sew Torn
A seamstress gets tangled in her own thread after stealing a briefcase from a drug deal gone bad. In an escalating game of cat and mouse, her different choices lead to drastically different outcomes along the way.
One of Al Pacino's directory experiments, the stage elements of the film were filmed over 5 days in 2011. Initially part of the documentary "Wilde Salomé", the two pieces make up a thrilling tribute and rumination on Wilde's original stage play.
An documentary recounting the story with interviews of cast, crew and production team and including producer Barry Navidi, who had worked for six years to get Divine Rapture made.
베니스의 상인
베니스의 상인 ‘안토니오(제레미 아이언스)’는 어느 날, 절친한 친구 ‘베사니오(조셉 파인즈)’로부터 큰 돈이 필요하다는 부탁을 받게 되고 자신의 신용을 보증으로 유태인 갑부 ‘샤일록’에게 300다켓의 돈을 빌리게된다. ‘안토니오’와 앙숙인 ‘샤일록’은 심장에서 가장 가까운 부위의 1파운드 살을 담보로 할 것을 계약 조건으로 내세우는데…
Mr. Corbett's Ghost
Mr Corbett is a cruel employer to Ben Partridge. One night on New Years Eve Ben is sent out to deliver some medicine. Along the way he wishes his master was dead, little knowing that the man he is delivering to is the Collector of Souls.
King Lear
Shakespeare's classic tale of an aging king who splits up his kingdom for his three daughters to govern, but is misled about their affections, and driven into exile.