이 전설적인 록 음악인의 일생을 그린 장편 영화에는 지금까지 공개되지 않았던 레논의 사생활을 촬영한 장면과 첫 번째 부인 신시아, 두 번째 부인 요코 오노, 그리고 아들 줄리안과 션의 인터뷰가 수록되어 있습니다. 레논의 육성 나레이션이 삽입된 은 레논의 사생활이 담긴 240시간 분량의 개인 필름과 비디오를 편집해 제작한 영화입니다. 로큐멘터리 를 감독한 앤드류 솔트가 연출한 이 독특한 영화는 어디서도 볼 수 없었던 불가사의하고 혁신적이었으며 종종 변화를 거듭했던 존 레논의 모습을 팬들에게 보여드릴 것입니다.
A comedy musical based on the comic strip charcters created by Al Capp. When residents of Dogpatch, USA are notified by the government that they must evacuate because of atomic bomb testing, they try to persuade the government that their town is worth saving. Meanwhile, Earthquake McGoon wants to marry Daisy Mae; Daisy Mae wants to marry Li'l Abner, and Li'l Abner just wants to go fishing.
Al Capp
When Larry Larkin's comic strip needs some freshening up, he calls in ghost-writer Francis X. Dignan to help him with the strip. Things get complicated when Francis rekindles his love for his ex-wife, who happens to be Larkin's secretary and soon-to-be wife.
Americans are preoccupied with the news, but need an escape from many of the events reported in the news. These escapes in the past have included dime store novels. The most accessible of these escapes is what are known as the funny papers, the set of serialized comic strips that are included within many newspapers. They appeal to all socio-economic classes, and all ages. Some of the earliest known from the late 19th century include the Yellow Kid, Little Nemo, Happy Hooligan, the Katzenjammer Kids, Mutt & Jeff, and Bringing Up Father. Many cartoonists are seen in action. Some originated their characters, while others have taken over following the passing of the originator. The joy of many comic strips are the absurd and the fantastical, which are limited only by the imagination of the cartoonist. Others are grounded in reality, which add to their poignancy within the public mindset.
Li'l Abner becomes convinced that he is going to die within twenty-four hours, so agrees to marry two different girls: Daisy Mae (who has chased him for years) and Wendy Wilecat (who rescued him from an angry mob). It is all settled at the Sadie Hawkins Day race.