John McLeish
출생 : 1916-01-01, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
사망 : 1968-10-30
John McLeish was born in 1916 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada as John Fraser McLeish. He was an actor and writer, known for Fantasia (1940), The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949) and The Wind in the Willows (1949). He was married to Lila Dorothea Wead. He died on October 30, 1968 in Montreal, Canada. -IMDB
This generous collection includes 46 of the 48 shorts that starred Goofy between 1939 and 1961 (but none of the great Mickey-Donald-Goofy films from the mid-'30s). The "How to Ride a Horse" sequence in The Reluctant Dragon (1941) set the pattern for many of these cartoons. An elegant narrator (artist John Ployardt) explains a sport that Goofy attempts to demonstrate. The character that animator Art Babbitt described in a 1935 lecture (quoted in the DVD bonus material) as an easygoing dimbulb gave way to an enthusiastic but spectacularly maladroit figure. One of the funniest entries in the series, "Hockey Homicide," contains several studio in-jokes: dueling stars Icebox Bertino and Fearless Ferguson, and referee Clean-Game Kinney are named for artists Al Bertino, Norm Ferguson, and director Jack Kinney.
Le Narrateur
Narrator (voice)
Mild-mannered average guy Mr. Walker (Goofy) turns into violent Mr. Wheeler when he starts driving. Back on his feet, Mr. Walker finds it nearly impossible to cross the street.
Prosecutor (voice)
도서관에서 `바실레드본`이 케네스 그래햄의 책 `버드나무 속의 바람` 이야기에 나오는 토드 홀의 대자주 도트씨에 관해서 이야기를 하면서 시작된다. 그는 자동차를 너무 좋아하고 집착한 나머지 토드 홀의 땅문서를 잃게 되고, 자동차 도둑으로 몰려서 감옥에 갇히게 된다. 그의 친구 쥐와 두더지, 맥바저는 그를 돕기 위해 노력하고 토드는 감옥을 탈출하게 되는데, 술집주인 윙키와 협작꾼의 음모였음을 알게되고, 재산을 되찾아 누명을 벗게된다. 토드는 정신을 차리게 되지만 1908년 산비행기를 보고는 다시 눈이 돌아가는데...
다시 도서관에서 빙 크로스비는 `워싱톤 어빙`의 작품 전설에 대한 이야기를 시작한다. 새로 부임한 학교 교사 이카보드는 슬리피 할로우에 오자마자 뭍 여성들의 마음을 사로잡는다. 하지만 유일하게 부잣집 딸 카트리나는 그에게 무관심하고, 이카보드는 그녀의 재산을 탐낸다. 이미 카트리나에게는 사랑하는 구혼자 브롬본스가 있었으니, 그는 `목없는 기사` 이야기를 들려주며 이카보드에게 겁을 주어 쫓아버리려고한다. 이카보드가 바로 그 할로윈 밤에 말을 타고 집으로 돌아오고 있을때, 그는 그 무서운 유령과 마주치고, 수수께끼처럼 다음날 아침 실종된다. 마을 사람들이 이카보드의 행방에 대한 소문을 퍼뜨리는 동안 카트리나는 브롬과 결혼한다.
Narrator (voice)
Inspired by a magazine ad, Goofy sends for a mail order body building course. First is weight lifting; after Goofy finally gets the weights up, a fly lands and sends him crashing through several floors in the apartment building. Chinups: the bar itself goes up and down. Then a rubber-band stretch device, which Goofy quickly tangles up in, sending him crashing through the building and several other pieces of equipment.
Prosecutor (voice)
This animated fairy tale for kids tells the classic story of a dapper, automobile loving fellow named Mr. Toad, whose passion becomes a problem when he's framed for stealing cars by a band of rogue weasels.
Professor Small
Professor Small and Mr. Tall are on a Mississippi riverboat, where they attempt to race Captain Nobody- a ghost- on his boat. They win the race when Mr. Tall finds his lost lucky rabbit's foot.
Large Man
A homely mermaid tries to get a stranded sailor all to herself.
Willoughby Wren gets a job at a circus and, with the help of this magic hat, saves the circus from an escaped gorilla.
Hairlock Combs
Hairlock Combs, a parody of Sherlock Holmes, and his partner Dr. Gotsome bumble through an investigation of a stolen dinosaur skeleton.
Focuses on an inept golfer.
Film Studio Boss / Indian Ordering Food / Friendly Man #1
A collection of spot gags spoofing travelogues complete with narration.
Jupiter / Vulcan (voice) (uncredited)
Pegleg Pete is practicing his trombone, badly. So badly, it's annoying the gods Jupiter and Vulcan and neighbor Donald. Only Donald has the temerity to confront him. He does, and Pete kicks him back home. The gods see this, and decide to give Donald a little bit of power which instantly goes to his head.
Goofy provides a history of ships and sailing.
Adolf Hitler / Anonymous People
An anti-Hitler cartoon. While the soundtrack survives in full, the animation is partly lost.
Professor Small (voice)
Small and Tall break a mirror on a train trip and their seven years of bad luck start immediately. Stranded by an accident, they have trouble in a ghost town and finally are lost in the desert. The mirror saves them when they piece it back together, and everything is okay until they break the mirror again and their troubles start anew.
Pegleg Pete (voice) (uncredited)
Donald tries his best to be polite and dignified as a hotel bellboy. But when his first guest is Pete Junior, the job is next to impossible.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
구피가 물고기 잡는 법을 보여주려 하지만 엉성한 캐스팅과 플라이 피싱, 급기야 보트까지 문제가 생겨 계획이 실패하고 만다.
Narrator (voice)
구피가 수영하는 법을 보여주려 하지만, 작은 락커실에서 옷을 탈의하는 과정에서 난관에 부딪힌다. 하지만 이내 다이빙과 수영 테크닉을 선보인다.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
해설자가 올림픽 경기의 역사를 설명하는 가운데 구피는 경기를 시연한다.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Three fun-loving, morally upright brothers from Pimento University save their fiancée from their fiendish archenemy, Dan Backslide, in this spoof of the Rover Boys.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
A wartime cartoon that satirizes the Axis leaders of World War II.
Various (voice) (uncredited)
Donald Fauntleroy Duck gets his draft notice and goes in, past all the amazingly enticing recruiting posters, to sign up. First he has to pass the physical. Despite his flat feet, he makes it. Donald wants to fly, but first he has to make it through Sergeant Pete's boot camp. He has a terrible time with close-order drills, and standing at attention without moving when he's over an ant-hill proves a real challenge. Eventually, Donald ends up on endless KP.
Radio Announcer (voice) (uncredited)
Mickey guest-directs a radio orchestra. The sponsor loves the rehearsal, but come the actual performance, Goofy drops all the instruments under an elevator, so they sound like toys. The sponsor hates it, but the audience loves it anyway.
Narrator (voice)
Goofy takes a lighthearted look at self defense through the ages: cavemen, knights, the age of chivalry, and finally boxing.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Goofy, staying at the Sugar Bowl resort, demonstrates the basics of downhill skiing, which the titles and announcer insist is pronounced "SHEEing". The equipment is, of course, of the era. As you can imagine, Goofy has much trouble keeping his skis parallel and pointing downhill. The final ski jump conveniently lands Goofy right back in bed.
Narrator (voice)
아기 코끼리 덤보는 자신의 커다란 귀 때문에 항상 서커스단 식구들에게 놀림을 받는다. 처음 서커스에 출연하는 날 덤보는 귀엽게 단장을 하고 손님들 앞에서 묘기를 보이지만 커다란 귀 때문에 구경 온 아이들의 놀림만 받는다. 덤보를 끔찍이 아끼는 엄마 점보 부인은 덤보를 놀리는 아이들을 혼을 내주게 되고, 서커스장은 온통 아수라장이 되어 버린다. 이 사건으로 덤보의 엄마 점보 부인은 미친 코끼리로 낙인이 찍힌 채 서커스단을 떠나게 된다. 다른 코끼리들은 이 모든 것이 덤보의 커다란 귀 때문이라며 그를 따돌린다. 엄마 잃은 덤보는 서커스단에서 친구 하나 없는 외로운 신세가 되고 마는데...
Aided by his horse, Percy, Goofy takes horsemanship to a new level.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Yet another sport is made 'easy' for us by Goofy's demonstration how- never, ever, to try anything for real, least of all with a glider-flying machine he launches in ways that would kill anything but a cartoon character, such as a giant catapult and even a canon. Meanwhile Goofy proves totally incapable to control any of its movements in the air, let alone the 'landing' which is too messy even for a bombshell.
Carnival Barker (voice) (uncredited)
인형 제작자인 제페토는 별을 바라보면서 남자 아이 인형인 피토키오가 정말 사람이 되었으면 하고 기원한다. 그 날 밤 푸른 요정이 제페토의 작업장에 나타나 피노키오에게 아직은 인형 모습 그대로이지만 살아서 움직이게 만든다. 요정은 피노키오에게 그가 용감하고 비이기적이고 진실함을 증명할 수 있다면 그가 진짜 소년이 될 것이라 이야기한다. 피노키오의 첫 번째 시련은 제페토가 피노키오를 학교에 보내면서 닥친다. 학교로 가는 도중 피노키오는 워딩톤 파울펠로라는 이름의 교활한 여우를 만난다. 그와 그의 동료인 기데온은 피노키오가 학교를 때려치우고 연극계로 진출토록 설득하는데...
Krazy is sent on a mission to explore planet Mars.