Carmen Frías

참여 작품

댄서와 도둑
Present day. Chile. Legendary bank robber Vergara Grey is getting out of prison after 5 long years and is looking forward to a quiet, uneventful life together with his wife and son whom oddly he hasn't heard from in years. But soon his resolve is tested when he meets 19 year old Angel a young thief who insists the two join up to score the biggest heist of all time. Though tempted, he resists until he finds out that his beloved wife has gone off with a millionaire and his son wants to change his last name. Then Victoria, a graceful and mysteriously mute dancer living in a conservatory, steps into the picture. She captivates Vergara and Angel, as well as all others that cross her path, drastically changing their lives.
Rough Winds
Two strangers flee from their past and settle in an urbanization on the Cádiz coast. There, hundreds of kilometers from Madrid, they try to rebuild their lives, even though the memories are still very strong.
In the 1980's, Pilar, an ordinary woman, married, about forty years, discovers that one of their three children are addicted to heroin. After an initial period of uncertainty, Pilar contact with other parents in similar situations who come to a precarious Civic Center helps the addict, but soon realizes that many things have to change in and out of home so your child can be saved. Thus was born the desire to do more than complain and starts along with other parents, but especially mothers, an arduous journey of withdrawal of drug trafficking in Galicia.
Eleven-year-old petty criminal Maroa lives with her violent grandmother Brigida in Caracas. After her boyfriend Carlos is involved in a shooting, Maroa is arrested and sent to a school where Joaquin conducts the youth orchestra, and he asks the naturally talented Maroa to join. Days now revolve around the classes that Joaquin, the shy and unconventional teacher, gives her. He is immediately interested in this talented young girl, who lacks all notion of discipline. Joaquin, the only person to offer hope in the midst of her rejection, finds that through Maroa, his world has also changed forever.
The Shanghai Spell
A fourteen year old lad discovers his first love at the point of his pencil whilst drawing the portrait of a sickly but coquettish fifteen year old girl. In the neighbourhood an old freedom-fighter pits himself against bad types, a pretty cinema-ticket girl takes to the streets at night and a young anarchist dedicates himself to telling tall stories. Far away, in Shanghai, a hero of the Republic meets a beautiful femme fatal with oriental eyes. Reality and fiction become fused in an embrace.
El lugar donde estuvo el paraíso
In Iquitos, during the era of military dictatorships, a consul must face the arrival of a daughter he does not see in years and the stalking of a military collaborator diplomat who comes to discover his protection to a deserter pilot.
The Other Side
Suspected of murder, fifteen year-old Ramón Fortuna is held in a detention centre. He feels as if he has woken from a dream, a dream lived in Vallecas, a working-class neighborhood in Madrid. His childhood is over. His mother and sister have dedicated their lives to him; now, although convinced of his innocence, they are powerless. His lawyer Marcelo - another son of El Barrio - is reluctant to take the case, happier to sever all ties with his secret past and a love long lost.
The Waiting List
At a rundown bus station in rural Cuba, the line of passengers waiting just keeps getting longer. The problem is that every bus that passes by is already full. Their only hope is to wait for the station's bus to be fixed. As the disparate group settles in, relationships start forming between the passengers: Emilio, a young engineer, becomes smitten with a beautiful young woman who is en route to meet her Spanish fiancé, a blind man gets support from the others to go to the head of the line. Frustration and disorder reign when the one bus brakes down and no one can leave. Resigned to working together, the group magically transforms the station into a beautiful place where no one wants to leave.
A group of young twentysomethings face a fall in their lives undergo a major transformation when the time came to take on adult responsibilities. David is 27 and has long been working as a messenger, enough to know it's time to quit.
Memorias del ángel caído
A group of parishioners die poisoned upon receiving communion, during the investigation of the event the priests of the parish begin to have visions. Everything rushes when the dead are resurrected in the autopsy room, these strange events seem to be related to an old book enacting a new religion.
Malena es un nombre de tango
The attractive Malena listen to after telling the history of her life. Her treasure is not just an emerald that she inherits from her grandfather, but the key to discover the path of her existence, the eternal fight with her sister, and the passionate relationships with men. Based on the bestselling novel by Amanda Grandes.
The Things of Love: Part 2
On the way to his exile in Lisbon, Mario meets Silvia, a widow who turns out to be one of his admirers. Silvia has inherited a fortune, leading Mario to resume his career, eventually falling for him. Although Mario has relations with her, he makes it clear that will never fall in love. In Madrid, Juan Pepita and resume their relationship, and because of this the jilted Nena John Colman murders before Pepita, after being arrested. Pepita accepts a contract in Argentina, reunited with Mario. There he meets Tulio, who after starting a relationship with singer eventually ask marriage.
젊은 시절 부푼 꿈을 안고 고향인 관타나모와 사랑하는 연인 칸디도를 두고 떠난 가수 요지타(콘치타 브란도)가 50년 만에 귀향한다. 고향을 떠난 사이 요지타는 유명 가수가 되어 인기를 누렸지만, 연인인 칸디도(라울 에구렌)는 색소폰을 부는 악사로 고향에만 묶여 지낸다. 조카인 조르지나(미타 이바라)의 집에 머물던 요지타는 칸디도와 재회의 기쁨을 누리며 옛날을 회상하다가 숨을 거두고 만다. 한편 고향을 떠난 사람들의 장례식 문제로 각 지역 임원들과 회의를 하던 조르지나의 남편 아돌포(카를로스 크루즈)는 각 지역에서 시신을 운반하는 차량을 교대하는 방법을 사용하자고 제안한다. 때마침 요지타가 사망하자 요지타의 시신을 관타나모에서 바야모로, 바야모에서 라스 투나스로 운반하기로 한다. 평생 요지타를 사랑한 칸디도도 이 시신 운송 여행에 동참한다. 그러나 사랑하는 여인을 두 번이나 떠나보내고 슬픔과 애도에 잠긴 칸디도와는 달리, 긴 여정 속에서 아돌포는 자신의 신용을 회복하려는 광적인 욕심을 내비치고, 운전기사인 토니는 밀수 물품 운반을 도모한다. 아돌포는 원래의 계획보다 더 경제적이고 신속하게 시신을 운반하고자 하지만, 자동차가 고장 나고, 임산부를 병원까지 데려다 주는 등 갖가지 문제들이 발생한다. 한편 조르지나는 대학에서 학생들을 가르치던 시절, 자신에게 사랑의 편지를 전했던 마리아노와 몇 번씩 마주치게 되고 결국 그와 사랑에 빠진다. 여행을 하면서 많은 생각을 하게 된 칸디도는 조르지아에게 스스로의 인생을 스스로 결정하라는 조언을 하고, 조르지아는 이제까지 순종만 하던 남편에게 자신의 의견을 주장하기 시작한다. (EBS)
El cianuro… ¿solo o con leche?
The argument between Enrique and Javier, his best friend and Marta's husband, his lover, ends with the accidental death of Javier. Faced with the difficulty of proving his innocence, Enrique decides to start, along with Marta and the corpse of Javier, a trip without direction.
Golden Balls
Benito González is a flamboyant engineer in Melilla, with a brash and pushy personality. His dream is to build the tallest building ever in the region. After his girlfriend leaves him, he devotes himself entirely to his ambitions, deciding to let nothing get in his way. He marries the daughter of a billionaire, intending to use her father's money to realise his project. Benito waltzes his way through a career of excess, fetishes and deceptions, but the personal conflicts he unleashes ultimately send his life spiraling down to disaster.
아름다운 시절
스페인의 군주제가 공화제로 바뀌던 1930년대, 반군국주의 반란에 참가했던 젊은이 페르난도(Fernando: 조르지 산즈 분)는 탈영을 하고 어느 마을로 흘러 들어온다. 그는 우연찮게 마놀로 씨(Manolo: 페르난도 페르난 고메즈 분)의 집에서 네 명의 딸들과 함께 지내게 된다. 일년 전에 남편을 잃은 첫째 클라라(Clara: 미리암 미아즈 아로카 분), 남자같은 면이 강한 둘째 비올레타(Violeta: 아리아드나 길 분), 셋째 로시오(Rocio: 마리벨 베르두 분), 막내 루스(Luz: 페네로프 크루즈 분) 등 네 딸과, 요리를 잘하는 페르난도는 화목하고 즐겁게 보낸다. 서로 가까워지게 되면서 페르난도는 세 딸을 차례로 사랑하게 되지만 지나치게 자유로운 여자들에게 회의를 느끼게 되고 결국 막내딸 루스와 사랑을 이뤄 결혼하고 새로운 삶을 찾아 기회의 땅 미국으로 떠난다.
I Get Off at the Next Stop, What About You?
A divorcing couple remembers the best years of their lives.
At the end of the 50s, after assassinating the legendary capo Goncalves and dividing their domains, Ventura and Otálora, rival and old friends, fight with their bands for the control of prostitution and contraband. Anabel, Ventura's favorite prostitute and her young lover, will live their passion among the violence that surrounds the port city.
Al acecho
Year of Enlightment
April, 1940. Manolo, 16 years old, and Jesus, who is just 8, are taken by their older brother Pepe, a lieutenant in the Army, to a sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis, situated on the border with Portugal. Once in the sanatorium, Manolo, surrounded by boys all much younger than he is, feels a bit like the cock of the walk since the only other man around is the handyman Emilio who looks after the gardens and does whatever needs to be done about the place. His wife, Rafaela, is the cook. Manolo meets Irene, a falangist who runs the sanatorium, and the school teacher, Miss Transito, a crabby spinster. He has his first sexual experience, albeit as a voyeur, with his nurse Vicenta. When she has to leave, her place is taken by a girl from the village, Maria Jesus, with whom Manolo falls hopelessly in love. A relationship grows up between them which will mark them both for ever.
Be Wanton and Tread No Shame
Pablo and Fernando, owners of a children's book publishing company about to go bankrupt, have managed through unorthodox means to contract the country's best-selling author, Adela Mora. The evening of the official signing, Paco asks his friend to let him use his house for a love tryst while Fernando wines and dines Adela. At the same time, Paco's wife, Carmen, will be taking her lover to Rosa's house. From here on the rout begins, as Paco tries to get rid of Silvia, his secretary, and Carmen, her husband. Fernando thinks Rosa is cheating on him with Oscar, who thinks Fernando is gay and having an affair with his partner, while the soldier thinks his girlfriend is a professional...
A Dog Called... Vengeance
A political prisoner in a South American dictatorship escapes and is pursued throughout the country by a bloodthirsty dog.
Caperucita y Roja
School Trip
After completing his high school studies at the age of twenty-four, Óscar is an immature student, unable to afford alone his return to home during the summer season. Then he manages to convince Carlos, his young math teacher, to accompany him. Already in the family home, Óscar begins to behave in an increasingly unbalanced and irrational way. Meanwhile, his family will endeavor to see him as the reflection of the absent father figure.
El salario del crimen
Assistant Editor
Mario, the son of a police captain killed in the line of duty, is completely surrendered to the police organization. Instructing some errands meet Elsa, original and fascinating beauty, beginning an illicit affair and exciting. This makes his firmest principles are shaken, transformed his life completely absurd entering a maelstrom revolving around the existence of Elsa surface.
Chica para todo
Assistant Editor
Una isla con tomate
Assistant Editor
Accidente 703
Assistant Editor
Hector travels with Luisa by the road linking Madrid with Barcelona. When another car suddenly crosses his path, his vehicle leaves the road and plunges into a tree. Hector dies and she is seriously injured. The other car was occupied by Jorge and Paula, her lover. Several vehicles cross before the car crash and do not stop, each for a different reason. Among them is Julio, a truck driver who does not stop in order to reach his destination on time, not knowing that at the wrecked car travels his old girlfriend.
Los pedigüeños
Assistant Editor