King Ampaw

King Ampaw

출생 : 1940-07-25,


Ghanaian filmmaker and actor.

프로필 사진

King Ampaw

참여 작품

No Time to Die
Asante, a hearse driver in Ghana, wants a wife. His profession puts most women off. He falls in love with a client whose mother has died, and manages to win her over. But her father forbids marriage to a hearse driver. Asante persists and becomes the first hearse driver in Accra to get married.
No Time to Die
Asante, a hearse driver in Ghana, wants a wife. His profession puts most women off. He falls in love with a client whose mother has died, and manages to win her over. But her father forbids marriage to a hearse driver. Asante persists and becomes the first hearse driver in Accra to get married.
No Time to Die
Asante, a hearse driver in Ghana, wants a wife. His profession puts most women off. He falls in love with a client whose mother has died, and manages to win her over. But her father forbids marriage to a hearse driver. Asante persists and becomes the first hearse driver in Accra to get married.
코브라 베르데
코브라 베르데는 "Slave Coast(노예해변)"라는 영어제목으로도 알려져 있다. 노예해변은 서아프리카의 기니 만에 위치한 19세기 아프리카 노예 무역의 중심지였다. 이 영화는 브루스 샤트윈의 소설을 원작으로 하고 있으며, 헤어조크가 클라우스 킨스키가 함께 작업한 마지막 영화이기도 하다. 아프리카 가나, 브라질과 콜롬비아에서 강행된 이 영화는, 노예무역의 활성화를 위해 일종의 무역관리인으로서 서아프리카로 보내졌던, 브라질 태생의 코브라 베르데의 전설 같은 이야기를 그리고 있다. 아프리카에 고립되어 점점 공황상태에 빠지고, 증오만을 키우던 베르데는 해안의 버려진 요새로 숨어 들어가 군대를 조직하고 광대한 노예무역 사업을 송두리째 거머지려는 야심을 품는다.코브라 베르데의 자기 파괴적이고 극단으로 치닫는 모습을 통해, 인간의 지극한 폭력성과 우매한 욕망을 헤어조크와 킨스키는 능숙하고 강렬하게 그려내고 있다. 영화제목에서 'Verde'는 영어로 'green'의 의미를 가진 라틴어다.
Location Africa
Making-of documentary that covers "Cobra Verde," Herzog's last film with Kinski before Kinski's death. This is the documentary that registers the behind the scenes moments of "Cobra Verde", the last project that united director Werner Herzog to actor Klaus Kinski. The notorious and infamous relation between the two filled Cinema theatres with masterpieces, but also filled pages of Cinema History with mutual declarations of both love and hate.
Nana Akoto
A comic tale about a stubborn village elder who resists slipping gently into retirement. Directed by King Ampaw.
Addey is a lorry driver and an industrious family man who makes ends meet by plying his trade between Accra, the capital city, and his village , Kukurantumi. When he loses his job for reasons beyond his control, he plots a marriage between his daughter, Abena, and an affluent businessman but she refuses the union because she loved another. Abena disobeys her father Addey and, with Bob, the poor young man she loves, elopes to Accra where things worsen.
Addey is a lorry driver and an industrious family man who makes ends meet by plying his trade between Accra, the capital city, and his village , Kukurantumi. When he loses his job for reasons beyond his control, he plots a marriage between his daughter, Abena, and an affluent businessman but she refuses the union because she loved another. Abena disobeys her father Addey and, with Bob, the poor young man she loves, elopes to Accra where things worsen.
Yodeling Is No Sin
A comedy directed by Ulli Lommel.
They Call It Love
Paul (William Donald Powell), a former American GI gets by as lead singer of a band in the wake of the 1968 cultural revolution in Munich. Paul’s monotonous life plays out between the hotel bar, his adjacent studio apartment, and the rare night out on the town or a visit to the suburbs. Director King Ampaw's thesis film at the University of Television and Film Munich is the second film by an African filmmaker to be shot in Germany (the first being Ibrahim Shaddad’s “Jagdpartie” in 1964).
They Call It Love
Paul (William Donald Powell), a former American GI gets by as lead singer of a band in the wake of the 1968 cultural revolution in Munich. Paul’s monotonous life plays out between the hotel bar, his adjacent studio apartment, and the rare night out on the town or a visit to the suburbs. Director King Ampaw's thesis film at the University of Television and Film Munich is the second film by an African filmmaker to be shot in Germany (the first being Ibrahim Shaddad’s “Jagdpartie” in 1964).
Alabama: 2000 Işık Yılı
"The film starts with a shot of a cassette recorder, and it has a juke box in it. There’s always music in it. When I was asked by some critics at a festival press conference what the film was all about, I said 'it’s about the song All Along The Watchtower, and the film is about what happens and what changes depending on whether the song is sung by Bob Dylan or by Jimi Hendrix.'" Well, both versions of the song appear in the film, and everybody thought I was pretty arrogant to explain the story this way. But the film really is about the difference between the Dylan version of All Along the Watchtower, and the Jimi Hendrix Version. One is at the beginning and one is at the end." – Wim Wenders
Black Is Black
Ampaw's film explores the challenges of Black people in Germany’s housing sector, creatively documenting landlords’ responses to the question of whether they would rent to a Black tenant, which range from explicitly racist takes to well-meaning, problematic clichés.