Carl-Friedrich Koschnick

출생 : 1949-11-14, Berlin, Germany

참여 작품

앙팡 테리블
Director of Photography
When 22-year-old Rainer Werner Fassbinder storms the stage of a small, progressive theatre in Munich 1967, and seizes the production without further ado, nobody suspects this brazen young rebel to become one of the most important post-war German filmmakers. Despite early setbacks, many of his films breakout at the most renowned films festivals and polarise audience, critics and filmmakers alike. His radical views and self-exploitation, as well as his longing for love, have made him one of the most fascinating film directors of this time.
완벽한 주인
부유한 부부인 에비와 클라우스는 가정부가 뜻하지 않게 그만두자 곤경에 처한다. 클라우스는 새로운 가정부를 구하는 광고에 '남/녀 노예 급구'라는 엉뚱한 문구를 쓴다. 지원자들이 성 노예를 자처하며 집 앞에 늘어서고 나서야 그는 자신의 광고가 말 그대로 받아들여졌다는 사실을 깨닫는다. 마침 예의 바르고 교양 있으며 배려심 깊은 바토스가 찾아와 고용해 달라고 간곡히 부탁한다. 처음엔 주저했지만 뮐러 토트 부부는 곧 새로운 하인이 제공하는 환상적인 보살핌을 즐긴다. 하지만 바토스의 봉사가 계속될수록, 평화롭던 상황은 대혼란 사태로 변화하는데...
Wunderlich's World
Director of Photography
Mimi has her hands full. Her son Felix is hyperactive, her ex-husband Johnny is a mess, her father is a chronic gambler. Then Felix signs her up for a Swiss casting show, because Mimi wanted to be a musician originally. So Mimi decides to head for Switzerland, since it could pay all their debts. But then the whole family wants to come...
Nacht der Angst
Camera Supervisor
A Bitter Mix
Director of Photography
Benny, an Israeli living in Berlin is called back home following his grandfather death. He arrives to Israel with his girlfriend Sara and his family can't wait to meet her. But suspicions arise. The family realizes that Benny and Sara haven't actually met in a synagogue but in front of a synagogue and that the right pronunciation of her name is Zahra. Zahra Abdulla to be precise. Zahra was born in Germany to a German mother and an Egyptian father. As tension rises, the members of the family discover that Benny and Zahra were not the only ones who tried to lead a quiet life while keeping secrets.
Der Liebling des Himmels
The famous Hamburg psychiatrist Dr. Magnus Sorel is in a deep crisis. Not only that his Serbo-Croatian patient Masha has reported him for sexual assault. Magnus is also struggling with blackmail: a stranger has stolen his diaries, which reveal his innermost desires and abysses. The well-known psychotherapist is an obsessional neurotic who can only with difficulty hide his disgust from his fellow man. After a failed appearance on "Günther Jauch", Magnus tried to use force to bring the stolen diaries back into his possession. But he has to rethink in order to solve his problems.
Punk Berlin 1982
1980: 19 year old Robert, fed up with Hippy phoniness and bourgeoise narrow mindedness alike, flees the German provinces for West Berlin. A tour de force through the glorious dirt of West Berlin ensues. Full of sex, drugs, love and PUNK.
Das Jerusalem-Syndrom
Director of Photography
Sources of Life
Director of Photography
This is a family story that covers thirty years in the life of the Freytag family (narrated by the grandson, Robert). When his grandfather returns from Russia in 1949, he becomes part of the German "economic miracle" by producing garden gnomes. Klaus, Robert's father, wants to become a writer. He marries Gisela who almost immediately gets pregnant with Robert - but the marriage doesn't work. Both parents abandon the child, and Robert goes on living with both pairs of grand parents. While his father belongs to the 1968 generation that rebels against their fathers he falls in love with the neighbor's's daughter Laura.
쥬 수스: 라이즈 앤 폴
Director of Photography
This intricate historical drama tells the story of actor Ferdinand Marian (Tobias Moretti), who is ordered by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels to star in the 1940 anti-Semitic film Jew Suss. Despite his cooperation, Ferdinand's actions have unexpected costs. Ferdinand's Jewish wife, Anna (Martina Gedeck), is sent to a concentration camp, and as World War II intensifies, he rebels against the Nazis, leading to the destruction of his career.
Germany ’09 – 13 Short Films About the State of the Nation
Director of Photography
Thirteen German directors present short films exploring the state of their country.
The Architect
Accepting a prize, architect Georg Winter explains that an architect has the good fortune of measuring every completed building against the rightness of his original idea. Soon Georg himself is forced to take stock of the achievements and mistakes he has made in his personal life. An intense drama in which the four members of the family travel to a mountain village to bury Georg's mother. They get stranded in bad weather. This unexpected isolation throws new light on the past and present life of the parents and the two almost-adult children.
For My Father
Director of Photography
Two outcasts, a suicide bomber and an Israeli girl, fall in love during a desperate weekend in Tel Aviv.
Director of Photography
이부(異父)형제 미하엘과 브루노는 전혀 다른 성격의 소유자들이다. 어머니는 할머니에게 아들을 맡기고 섹스와 마약을 탐닉하는 공동체로 떠나버렸고, 둘은 각기 다른 방식으로 그 부재를 견뎌냈다. 분자생물학자가 된 미하엘은 이렇다할 성생활을 갖지 않고 연구에만 몰두한다. 반면, 브루노는 정신병원을 드나들 정도로 성에 탐닉하지만 아직 한 번도 자신을 충족시키는 여자와 만나지 못했다. 하지만 두 사람이 서른에 접어든 어느 날, 인생은 급변한다. 미하엘은 첫사랑 애나벨과 다시 만나게 되고 브루노는 마침내 자신의 성적 강박을 함께 즐길 수 있는 상대 크리스티안과 만나게 된 것이다. 드디어 행복을 거머쥐었다고 생각한 순간, 짓궂은 운명은 두 여자를 병에 걸리게 만들어 버린다. 미하엘과 브루노는 사랑을 위해 함께 고난을 이겨낼 것인지, 고통을 피해 외로움으로 점철된 본래의 삶으로 돌아갈 것인지를 결정해야 할 순간을 맞이하는데….
Director of Photography
Go for Zucker
Director of Photography
Germany director Dani Levy filmed this comedy about Jewish life in today’s Germany along side the familiar east-west conflict. With it great success this film is a joyful comedy of humor and knowledge.
Agnes and His Brothers
Director of Photography
Focuses on three very different siblings, all searching for happiness. Hans-Jörg is a sex addicted librarian, who is interested in young students. Werner is a successful politician with a dysfunctional family. Agnes, a trans woman, works as a table dancer in a night club. The three brothers just have one thing in common: their longing for a happy life.
One Hell of a Night
Camera Operator
Tragicomic, the hero entangled in a strange, strange world. In addition, Armin Rohde rumbles in use for fun and hilarious commission through the scenery. Running gags make the film by Stephan Wagner to a as dense as it rapid foray into the night & the history of film.
Beloved Sister
Director of Photography
The sisters Claire and Rita Krug have been merciless rivals for their mother's favor since early childhood. Claire, tied to a wheelchair at an early age due to a tragic accident, flees - barely an adult - from the oppressive atmosphere in her parents' home into a new life as an architect in Israel. She breaks off contact with the family radically.
Suck My Dick
Director of Photography
The Middle of Nowhere
After escaping from youth-prison during a fire-alarm, young MAREK hitch-hikes into an unknown future. Suddenly there's a new chance: He 'gets' a car, a passport, a ticket to Australia and switches into a new identity. After the car breaks down, he is stuck at a filling station close to a very small village in former East Germany where he meets Margot. There are many problems to solve if he wants to continue his trip - maybe with his new love.
I Was on Mars
Director of Photography
Silva fulfills herself a dream: from Poland she flies to USA. With only a few hundred dollars she arrives in New York, incapable of the language. Not long until the charming swindler Avi steals all her money - but she doesn't give up: She hunts him down, follows him around, demanding her money back.
You Love Me Too
Julia and Romeo are two disenchanted lovers who want to break up but are unwilling to suffer the pain. After a nasty fight, Romeo storms off and unsuccessfully vents his frustration with a black prostitute. While visiting the ramshackle brothel, he sees a strange man, who may be a government official, handing over a huge wad of money. Later, he and Julia reunite and go to an upscale golden anniversary party. There a handsome American flirts with Julia. After yet another row, Romeo and Julia retire to the balcony for a love scene. Unfortunately, their making up is interrupted by a sudden power outage. When the lights go back on, Romeo finds the knifed corpse of the party's hostess at his feet. Naturally, he's accused of the crime, but before the other partygoers can get him, he and Julia flee into the Berlin summer night. Their strange series ensuing adventures comprise the rest of the film.