Michael Sheard

Michael Sheard

출생 : 1938-06-18, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

사망 : 2005-08-31


Michael Sheard (18 June 1938 – 31 August 2005) was a Scottish actor who featured in a large number of films and television programmes and was best known for playing villains. His most prominent television role was as strict deputy headmaster Maurice Bronson in the British children's series Grange Hill which he played from 1985-89. His most prominent film role was that of Admiral Ozzel in The Empire Strikes Back (1980).

프로필 사진

Michael Sheard

참여 작품

Hitler of the Andes
Adolf Hitler
Declassified FBI documents trace an 11-year investigation of rumors that Hitler survived Germany's defeat in 1945, escaping via U-boat to Argentina.
Philosophical Time Travel
Another Life
Mr. Justice Shearman
A woman is wrongly accused of murdering her husband in Edwardian London. Just before the outbreak of World War I, Edith Graydon married her boyfriend Percy Thomson. He survives the war but theirs is not a happy marriage. She doesn't really love him and he feels it every day. He's also possessive and their daily life is a constant battle. She meets and falls in love with Frederick Bywaters, her sister's one-time boyfriend. They have a long affair and her desperate attempts to get either a formal separation of divorce from her husband falls on deaf ears. They are at their wits end and Bywaters decides to do something about it. On a dark evening when Edith is walking with her husband, Bywaters stabs him to death. Edith is charged with murder along with Bywaters and both are found guilty. She claims her innocence right up until the day they are both executed by hanging in 1923. Based on a true story.
Where on Earth Is Katy Manning?
By her own admission, Katy Manning is ‘as blind as a bat’ and never knows where she’ll end up. When she suddenly arrived in the UK, Katy was probably as surprised as the rest of us! Determined to thank the legion of Doctor Who fans who had written and supported her during her years abroad, Katy embarked on a whirlwind tour of British conventions and shops before leaving (yet again) for Australia… Along the way bump into Nicholas Courtney, Richard Franklin, John Leeson, Sophie Aldred, Sylvester McCoy, Michael Sheard and other surprise guest stars!
인디아나 존스: 최후의 성전
Adolf Hitler (uncredited)
자신이 재직 중인 바네트 대학으로 돌아온 인디는 몇 달만을 비워뒀던 대학 연구실에서 오래 전에 도착한 아버지의 일기장을 발견한다. 고고학에 관심 많은 학생들을 피해 겨우 창문으로 빠져나온 존슨 박사는 윌터 도노반이라는 사람을 만난다. 도노반은 자신이 앙카라 북쪽에서 발견한 반쪽짜리 신의 석판의 탁본을 보여주며 헨리 박사의 일기장을 참고로 나머지 반쪽 석판과 예수가 최후의 만찬 때 사용했다는 술잔 성배를 찾아 달라고 부탁한다. 인디아나 존스는 아버지 헨리 존스 박사가 나치에게 납치 되었다는 소식을 듣고 베니스로 달려가는데...
A young boy dies after swimming at a seaside resort, and the local children, led by Gavin, investigate and are led to suspect that contamination from a nearby nuclear plant is to blame. Their teacher is sympathetic, but has broken into her house, perhaps as a warning. Gavin is nearly killed after talking about the problem on TV, but gradually all is uncovered - with terrible consequences for Gavin.
Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks
London, 1963: The Doctor returns to the place where it all began — alongside his latest companion, Ace, with unfinished business. Not for the first time, unusual events are unfolding at Coal Hill School. At 76 Totter's Lane, the Doctor discovers that his oldest foes — the Daleks — are on the trail of stolen Time Lord technology that he left on Earth long ago. The Daleks are planning to perfect their own time-travel capability, in order to unleash themselves across the whole of time and space.
로드 투 차이나
화려한 생활을 보내고 있는 이브에게 아버지의 변호사 찰리 쉽이 찾아온다. 찰리는 12일내로 아버지가 돌아오지 않으면 동업자인 벤틱에게 회사가 넘어간다고 이야기한다. 이 사실을 듣고 이브는 매일 술만 마시는 비행기 조종사 오멜리를 고용해 비행기를 타고 아버지가 계셨던 아프가니스탄에 도착하지만 아버지는 그곳에 없고 오히려 유목민들에게 붙잡히는 신세가 되고 만다. 그러나 한 여자의 도움으로 그곳에서 탈출해서 아버지가 가셨다는 인도로 향한다. 인도에 도착했지만 아버지는 이미 중국으로 떠난 후였고 중국에 도착하여 아버지를 찾아냈지만 그는 영국으로 돌아갈 것을 완강히 거부한다. 아버지는 오멜리에게 딸이 찾아온 이유를 물어보고, 상속자는 벤틱이 아니라 딸이라는 것을 알게 된다. 영국에서 중국까지 힘든 여정을 계속해온 오멜리와 로저는 서로가 사랑하고 있다는 것을 느낀다.
The Dark Side of the Sun
Colonel Von Reitz
Supernatural thriller series dealing with a secret society on the Greek island of Rhodes.
Doctor Who: Castrovalva
The Doctor needs somewhere peaceful to recover from his traumatic regeneration. But the sanctuary of Castrovalva is not all it seems, as the Master will stop at nothing to gain his revenge over the Doctor...
U-Boat Captain (uncredited)
1936년 남아메리카. 인디아나 존스 박사는 험난한 밀림 지대를 헤치고 독거미와 온갖 부비트랩을 뚫고서 고대 문명의 동굴에 보관된 보물을 손에 넣는데 성공하지만, 마지막 순간 악덕 고고학자 벨로크에게 빼앗기고 만다. 대학으로 돌아온 인디에게 정보국 사람들이 찾아온다. 정부로부터 성서에 나오는 성궤를 찾으라는 명령을 받는은 인디는 단서를 하나하나 찾아가며 성궤의 행방을 추적해 나간다. 그런데 나치군들도 역시 전쟁에 가지고 나가기만 하면 모든 전쟁에서 승리를 거둘 수 있는 무서운 힘을 지닌 성궤를 찾아나서는데...
Green Ice
He wanted adventure...She craved revenge...Emeralds held the answer.
더 벙커
Heinrich Himmler
Dramatization depicting the events surrounding Adolf Hitler's last weeks in and around his underground bunker in Berlin before and during the battle for the city.
스타워즈 에피소드 5: 제국의 역습
Admiral Ozzel
제국군은 데스스타를 잃은 뒤에도 여전히 강력한 화력으로 반란군을 수세로 몰아넣었고, 반란군은 게릴라전을 위해 얼음으로 뒤덮인 행성 호스에 은신한다. 하지만 결국 제국군에 의해 호스의 반란군 기지마저 탄로나게 되고, 일행은 필사적으로 호스를 탈출해 다시 정처없는 피난길에 오른다. 반란군의 피난길에 함께 오르던 루크는 포스의 영이 된 오비완으로부터 제다이 마스터 요다를 찾아가라는 메시지를 받고 요다가 있는 정글 행성 대고바로 향한다. 루크는 요다를 만나 제다이가 되기 위한 훈련을 시작하고 솔로 일행은 제국군을 따돌리기 위해 옛 친구 랜도를 찾아가는데...
Murder Rap
Conrad Tucker
An Englishman's home is his castle, and Wallie aims to prove it.
A Hole in Babylon
Prison Officer
Three black men rob a Knightsbridge Italian restaurant. But when the police are called and the robbery becomes a siege, the men find themselves in a situation out of their control.
The Riddle of the Sands
In the early years of the 20th Century, two British yachtsmen (Michael York and Simon MacCorkindale) stumble upon a German plot to invade the east coast of England in a flotilla of specially designed barges. They set out to thwart this terrible scheme, but must outwit not only the cream of the German Navy, but the feared Kaiser Wilhelm himself.
아테네 탈출
Sergeant Mann
2차 대전당시 독일 포로 수용소의 포로들이 탈출하고 레지스탕스와 같이 독일군의 최신 미사일을 파기하는 전쟁영화.
레 미제라블
18세기 말 프랑스 혁명 중엽에 실직자인 장 발장(리처드 요르단)은 가족을 먹여 살리기 위해 빵을 훔친 혐의로 체포돼 툴롱에서 징역 5년을 선고받는다. 잔인한 자베르트(앤서니 퍼킨스)의 학대 때문에 탈옥을 시도하지만, 곧 발각되어 형량이 늘어난다. 19년 후 그는 풀려나지만, 도둑이라는 꼬리표가 붙는 신분증을 지닌 덕에 여관이나 다른 많은 곳에서 달가워 하지 않는다. 그러던 중 그에게 음식을 제공하고 그를 보호해주는 친절한 주교의 도움을 받게 된다. 그러나 그는 새벽에 은식기를 훔쳐 달아나고, 두 명의 경찰에게 체포되어 주교에게로 끌려가게 되는데... 주교는 그들에게 은색 물건들이 선물이었다고 말하고, 촛대 두 개를 더 내어준다. 경찰들이 그곳을 떠나고, 주교는 장 발장에게 자신이 장 발장의 영혼을 샀으며, 이제 그는 정직하게 살아야 한다고 말한다. 이 후 장발장은 마들렌이라는 가명으로 살아가며, 성공한 사업가가 되어 감옥에서 배운 기술로 검은 구슬을 만들어 작은 마을에 번영을 가져다 준 후 마을의 시장이 된다. 그러나, 자베르트가 그 마을의 경찰서장으로 임명되면서 장 발장의 삶에 변화가 일어나게 되는데...
나바론 요새 2
Sgt. Bauer
2차대전 중의 밀러와 멜러리는 독일군과 동맹국 이태리를 연결하던 다리를 파괴하기에 불가능했던 일을 지령 받는다. 이와 함께 나바론에서 멜러리를 배신한 레스코바를 제거하라는 명령을 받는다.
Law & Order
Insurance Assessor
Four-part drama serial about the British juicidal system, dealing with an investigation presented from the perspectives of the police force, the criminal, the solicitor and the prison system.
Doctor Who: The Invisible Enemy
A three-man rocket crew are nearly done with their mission to Titan Base until a course change puts the rocket in the path of a strange cloud in space. By the time they arrive, they have come under the control of a sentient virus which threatens the galaxy. When the TARDIS picks up an emergency message, it flies into the cloud, infecting the Doctor. To save himself and others, he must undertake a dangerous journey.
Beasts: The Dummy
A washed-up actor has a nervous breakdown and believes that he really is the movie monster that he has been hired to play. Created as an episode of Nigel Kneale’s “Beasts” horror anthology miniseries.
Police Inspector
From BBC2 Playhouse's The Mind Beyond series. Professor Reeve wonders about strange events that seem to be connected to Stonehenge (Source: BBC).
로그 메일
Adolf Hitler
Early in 1939 Sir Robert Thorndyke takes aim at Adolf Hitler with a high powered rifle, but the shot misses its mark. Captured and tortured by the Gestapo and left for dead, Sir Robert makes his way back to England where he discovers the Gestapo has followed him. Knowing that his government would turn him over to German authorities, Sir Robert goes underground in his battle with his pursuers.
Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars
Laurence Scarman
In a Victorian Gothic mansion, strange things are afoot. The master of the house, away in Egypt, has been replaced by a sinister Egyptian. Cloth-wrapped Mummies roam the grounds, killing people. Beneath a pyramid, the last of the Osirans — Sutekh the Destroyer — waits to be freed, to at long last bring his gift of death to all who live.
In Sickness and in Health
Mr Turnish
A hard-working doctor must also carry the burden of a turbulent home life, due to the expectations of his demanding wife. Part of Thames Televison's Armchair Cinema.
Prison officer
“Set in Liverpool in the early 70s, the film tells the story of Samuel 'lucky' Ubooto, a half African, half Irish man in his 20s whose decidedly unlucky career as a criminal has resulted in a series of stretches in prison for theft. The story follows Lucky on the day of his release from his latest sentence. As he wanders around Liverpool, not really belonging anywhere, it becomes clear that he is still waiting for his father, a man who has long since abandoned Lucky and his family, to return and take him back 'home' to Africa.” - Richard Parkin
Soft Beds, Hard Battles
Military Governor
In this comedy, set during the Nazi occupation of France, Peter Sellers plays most major male parts, so he stars in nearly every scene, always bumbling in inspector Clouseau-style.
England Made Me
A young, English, ne'er-do-well who goes to stay with his sister and her wealthy fiancé/benefactor in 1930's Germany, just before the rise of the Nazi party.
Holiday on the Buses
Depot Manager
Due to a female passenger falling out of her top whilst running for the bus Stan is distracted and crashes the bus resulting in the depot managers car being written off. As a result Stan, Jack and Blakey are fired. Stan and Jack soon get new jobs as a bus crew at a Pontins holiday resort but discover that Blakey has also gotten a job there as the chief security guard.
Mafia Junction
Williamson (uncredited)
Cliff works as a narcotics investigator for the police and infiltrate a mafia gang. Soon it turns out that Cliff has bigger plans than just to bust bad guys.
The Death of Adolf Hitler
Heinrich Himmler
The final days in the Bunker, with Hitler becoming more and more paranoid, plumbing the depths of his madness and reaching his well deserved fate.
The Darwin Adventure
Man #1
The story of Charles Darwin's journey on The Beagle.
Universal Soldier
Customs Officer
A life-long mercenary commander and weapons expert is commissioned to train an army for an exiled African leader. But as his conscience finally catches up to him, he is seen as a threat to the powers behind the operation.
To Encourage the Others
Insp. Fairfax
The true story of Derek Bentley, whose conviction and execution for a murder committed by someone else provoked a public revulsion.
Doctor Who: The Mind of Evil
Dr. Roland Summers
Professor Emil Keller has created a machine that can pacify even the most dangerous of criminals. But when the Doctor and Jo arrive at Stangmoor Prison for a demonstration, things start to go horribly wrong - especially when they discover that the Doctor's old enemy the Master is responsible for the machine.
맥켄지 브레이크
Ingenieur-Offizier Unger
A German U-Boat commander and 600 prisoners plan a daring escape from a PoW camp in Scotland.
Doctor Who: The Ark
The Doctor and his companions Steven Taylor and Dodo Chaplet arrive some ten million years into the future, on board a generation starship which is carrying the last of humanity away from an Earth that is about to fall into the Sun. However, the cold that Dodo has could prove devastating to these future humans and their servants, the Monoids.
The World of George Orwell: 1984
Man in white coat
Early adaption of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four as part of the Theatre 625 series.