Peter Kremer

Peter Kremer

출생 : 1958-02-18, Brilon, Germany

프로필 사진

Peter Kremer

참여 작품

Dear Thomas
Thomas Brasch (56 Jahre)
Thomas Brasch was born as a German-Jewish emigrant in England in order to move to the young GDR with his family at the beginning of the 1950s. His father Horst is primarily interested in helping to build the new German state. But Thomas prefers to realize himself as a writer and in doing so discovers his potential as a poetic rebel. His very first play was banned and soon afterwards he lost his place at the film school. When the tanks of the Soviet Union roll through the Czech capital Prague in 1968, Brasch and his girlfriend Sanda and other students try to call for protest in the streets of Berlin - and fail. His own father betrays him to the Stasi and allows Thomas to go to prison. After being paroled, he continues to try his hand at poet writing about love, revolt and death. In the GDR, however, you don't want to have anything to do with someone like him.
총리 메르켈
Holger Münch
2015년 가을, 시리아 내전으로 인해 전례 없는 숫자의 유럽 난민이 발생하자 난민에게 독일 국경을 열겠다는 메르켈 총리의 전격적 결정은 국내외에서 찬사와 지지를 얻었지만, 한편으로 엄청난 시위와 가혹한 비판에 직면해야 했다. 놀라운 역사적 결정의 막전막후를 다룬 로빈 알렉산더의 논픽션 책을 원작으로 한 이 영화는 당시 전 유럽의 지도자들과 메르켈 사이에 벌어진 긴박한 상황을 정치스릴러의 문법을 차용해 묘사한다. (평창국제평화영화제)
Lars Urban
Rosamunde PilcherWo Dein Herz wohnt
Wenn es Liebe ist
Der Verlust
Dr. Nicolai
Uli and Nora share an intimate, late love. But Uli always avoids the decision to stand on the common relationship. One morning Uli suffers a stroke during a tour of the harbor on the Elbe. He fights his way through the city to the reading room of the library where Nora works. At the last minute, an ambulance takes Uli to the hospital. In this situation, Nora is overwhelmed. When, on the initiative of her friend Eva, she fetches a few things for Uli from his apartment, a cell phone rings. At the other end there is an unknown female voice that sounds strangely familiar ...
Paul Menge
A series of ritual murders shakes Hamburg. First a songwriter is stabbed and scalped, then a scientist. Investigations by Kriminalhauptkommissar Jan Fabel lead into the left student scene of the 1980s. Both victims belonged to the environment of the terrorist Franz Mühlhaus, who was shot during a police operation. His followers could then start a new life. It quickly becomes clear: the key to the current murders lies in the case at the time.
Die Udo Honig Story
An insight view on the life of Udo Honig, successful football manager with a gambling addiction (similarities to a successful football manager in real life being purely coincidental).
Uli Hoeneß - Der Patriarch
Staatsanwalt von Engel
Kommodore Kieser
The Spy
Peter Haber
Vera von Schalburg is a German prostitute working in Nazi Germany. In 1938, one year before the outbreak of World War II, Schalburg is arrested by the Berlin police. She is offered to work as a spy for the Abwehr, the German military intelligence service, instead of facing jail time. Completely unaware of the secret war preparations being conducted by her government, and unwilling to leave her teenage son who later joins the Hitler Youth, she accepts the offer.
Einfach die Wahrheit
Richter Weber
Prosecutor Charlotte Reinke investigates in a sensitive case: The eight-year-old Laura accuses her father novel of sexual abuse. This indignantly rejects the suspicion. The child had made the accusation under the influence of the mother, who only wanted to take revenge for having left her for another. Does Roman say the truth? Rather accidentally, the prosecutor makes a decisive discovery.
Lilly Schönauer: Liebe mit Familienanschluss
Klaus Richter
The divorced Johanna wants to contract with her new friend Klaus, as she completely unexpectedly met her great ex-love Walter again. Twenty years ago, the renowned professor of literature emigrated to the USA and for the first time returned to his homeland. At that time Johanna had taken on an affair with Walter and still does not know whether her daughter Marie, with whom she subsequently became pregnant, is from him or her former husband. When Marie falls in love with Walter's son Tom, it's high time to find out.
롬멜: 사막의 여우
General Burgdorf
북아프리카 전선에서 사막의 여우 같은 능수능란한 전술을 구사했던 롬멜은 동료들과 함께 히틀러의 광기 어린 통치로 인해 조국이 패망의 길로 치닫고 있음을 깨닫게 된다. 조국을 지킬 수 있는 방법은 오직 히틀러를 제거하는 것뿐임을 인식하고 암살 계획을 세우지만, 실패로 돌아가고, 이어 대대적인 반역자 색출 및 제거 작업이 뒤따르며 결국 반역자로 지목되는데...
Erzählt wird die authentische Lebensgeschichte der Ursula Heye, Mutter von Uwe-Karsten Heye. Der Bogen reicht vom "Wegschauen" beim Nazi-Terror gegen die Juden Ende der 1930er Jahre über die Trennung und die erzwungene Scheidung von ihrem Mann Wolfgang, von dessen Desertion und Verschwinden bis hin zum - glücklosen - Wiedersehen in den 1950er Jahren.
Eine Frage des Vertrauens
Prof. Georg Lärchenfeld
Kinder des Sturms
Kurt Helfferich
On the escape of the violent Poles 1946, the child of Rosemarie get lost. And Rosemaries tries to find her daughter.
사랑의 국경선
Peter Koch
Based on a true story, Miguel Alexandre's two-part drama focuses on an East German woman and the fight for her children. Spring 1982: Sara Bender, living with her daughters Silvia and Sabine in the East German town of Erfurt, wants to marry her colleague Peter, but shortly before the wedding, her father is killed in a road accident. As the funeral takes place in West Germany, she isn't allowed to got there, so she starts planning to leave her communist home country forever. Trying to flee via Romania, she is caught by the secret service. After years in jail, Sara is ransomed by the West German government, but without her daughters. To draw the world's attention on her desperate situation, she starts demonstrating at the Berlin border crossing Checkpoint Charlie
Die Diebin und  der General
Claus Voss
Because of shoplifting and property damage Jessie Fischer, a single mother with a rather big mouth, is sentenced to charitable work in a nursing home. There she meets Walter Voss, known as the General. The fate of the grumpy pensioner, who was disenfranchised by his adult children and deported to the home, touches her and she decides to fight for him. But when the general's expensive pocket watch disappears, Jessie, already convicted of theft, is suspected. But the general stops by and they both embark on an adventurous journey to the sea.
The Bodyguard
Attractive uncompromising politician Mona Dengler is investigating the tobacco industry. Tomboyish bodyguard and single mother Johanna Sieber is assigned to protect her. This endangers Johanna's son. Mona unexpectedly falls for her.
Unter weißen Segeln - Urlaubsfahrt ins Glück
Weiße Stille
Anne's father
After an argument with her boyfriend Dennis in a disco Anne goes home alone, leaving him and his friends Raf and Nicole behind. The next day she reads in the paper that two men and a woman are wanted for stabbing a man to death near that disco.
Kalkuliertes Risiko
Hans von Melldorf
Der Weg nach Lourdes
Sansibar oder Der letzte Grund