Original Music Composer
Rome in 65 AD, Emperor Nero‘s tyrannical regime has reached its zenith, Nero‘s self-indulgence and excessiveness brings up the opposition against him, conspiracies threaten his power. By all means Nero tries to defend his despotic claim of sovereignty. The famous philosopher Seneca has been Nero‘s teacher, mentor and close advisor since childhood, he is significantly involved in his ascent. Nevertheless, Nero gets weary of Seneca and Nero uses a foiled attack on his life to falsely accuse Seneca of being an accomplice.
Original Music Composer
상징적인 지.아이.조 영웅인 스네이크 아이즈(헨리 골딩)의 시초를 알아보는 액션으로 무장한 모험 속에서 가만히 앉아 있기 힘들 것이다. 고대 일본의 아라시카게라는 가문의 후계자 스톰 섀도(앤드루 코지)를 구한 뒤 그 가문으로 들어간 스네이크 아이즈는 코브라라는 테러리스트 그룹에 맞서는 전투에 합류한다. 자신의 한계를 밀어붙이는 스네이크 아이즈는 궁극의 전사가 되지만, 과거의 비밀이 수면 위로 드러나자 그의 명예와 충성심이 시험에 들게 된다. 그것이 그가 싸워 온 모든 것을 잃게 된다해도 말이다. 우르술라 코르베로가 배러니스로 출연하며, 서매라 위빙은 스칼릿으로 분한다.
With his uncouth manner, Professor Pohl doesn’t enjoy the best reputation at the university where he works. To make matters worse, he makes a racist remark when student Naima arrives late for his lecture. Unfortunately for him, a video of his verbal outburst spreads like wildfire on the Internet, and the university’s president, Lambrecht, is called to deal with the incident. But Pohl is not dismissed. Instead, he is put to the task of helping Naima prepare for an important debating competition. The lecturer and the student could not be more different, yet they are thrown together to work as a team.
Original Music Composer
When 22-year-old Rainer Werner Fassbinder storms the stage of a small, progressive theatre in Munich 1967, and seizes the production without further ado, nobody suspects this brazen young rebel to become one of the most important post-war German filmmakers. Despite early setbacks, many of his films breakout at the most renowned films festivals and polarise audience, critics and filmmakers alike. His radical views and self-exploitation, as well as his longing for love, have made him one of the most fascinating film directors of this time.
Three friends from school, Thomas, Nils and Andreas, are still searching for love in their adult lives.
Original Music Composer
크리스마스 이브, 가장 행복한 순간을 고대하던 사람들은 터널에서 유조 트럭이 폭발하면서 칠흑 같은 어둠에 갇히고, 설상가상 거대 눈보라가 휘몰아치며 구조에도 난항을 겪는다. 시간이 흐를수록 터널이 붕괴되어가는 최악의 재난이 닥쳐오는데...
Original Music Composer
A young girl tries to help her grandfather, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, navigate his increasing forgetfulness, and ends up going on a remarkable adventure with him.
Original Music Composer
Three former classmates reunite for their 30-year high school reunion.
부유한 부부인 에비와 클라우스는 가정부가 뜻하지 않게 그만두자 곤경에 처한다. 클라우스는 새로운 가정부를 구하는 광고에 '남/녀 노예 급구'라는 엉뚱한 문구를 쓴다. 지원자들이 성 노예를 자처하며 집 앞에 늘어서고 나서야 그는 자신의 광고가 말 그대로 받아들여졌다는 사실을 깨닫는다. 마침 예의 바르고 교양 있으며 배려심 깊은 바토스가 찾아와 고용해 달라고 간곡히 부탁한다. 처음엔 주저했지만 뮐러 토트 부부는 곧 새로운 하인이 제공하는 환상적인 보살핌을 즐긴다. 하지만 바토스의 봉사가 계속될수록, 평화롭던 상황은 대혼란 사태로 변화하는데...
Music Supervisor
1945년 4월, 전쟁이 막 끝나갈 즈음 젊은 병사 헤롤트는 탈영을 하다 걸려 총살당할 위기를 간신히 모면한다. 전쟁은 끝나가지만 후방의 군기는 망가질 대로 망가져 온갖 약탈과 범죄를 일삼고 있던 상황. 낮에는 숲에서 쉬고 밤에는 농가에 몰래 숨어들어 먹을 걸 훔치다 걸리면 바로 처형되는 위기 속에서 우연히 나치 간부의 군복을 발견한다. 한 벌의 군복으로 가짜지만 대위가 된 헤롤트는 히틀러의 직속 명령이라는 거짓 임무를 내세워 헤롤트 기동 부대를 만들어 권력을 키워간다. 어느새 헤롤트는 탈영병으로 쫓기던 신세에서 자신을 쫓던 나치 장교와 같은 괴물로 변해가기 시작하는데...
Original Music Composer
1945년 4월, 전쟁이 막 끝나갈 즈음 젊은 병사 헤롤트는 탈영을 하다 걸려 총살당할 위기를 간신히 모면한다. 전쟁은 끝나가지만 후방의 군기는 망가질 대로 망가져 온갖 약탈과 범죄를 일삼고 있던 상황. 낮에는 숲에서 쉬고 밤에는 농가에 몰래 숨어들어 먹을 걸 훔치다 걸리면 바로 처형되는 위기 속에서 우연히 나치 간부의 군복을 발견한다. 한 벌의 군복으로 가짜지만 대위가 된 헤롤트는 히틀러의 직속 명령이라는 거짓 임무를 내세워 헤롤트 기동 부대를 만들어 권력을 키워간다. 어느새 헤롤트는 탈영병으로 쫓기던 신세에서 자신을 쫓던 나치 장교와 같은 괴물로 변해가기 시작하는데...
Original Music Composer
과격진압으로 좌천된 1급 베테랑 요원 ‘루크’와 천재적 기억력의 만년 특수 기동대 지원자 ‘테오’의
막무가내 대통령 딸 구출 작전이 펼쳐진다! 최악의 콤비, 환장 케미를 뽐내는 둘의 엉터리 수사는 거대한 음모와 맞닥뜨리고… 테러리스트와의 마지막 대결이 시작된다! 무대뽀 액션 코미디가 빵빵 터진다!
When Stefan's father dies, the theater actor has to return to his hometown Bochum. But it is not easy to get rid of his parents' house, a monument of his life, when he meets Charlie with his old friends, acquaintances and his childhood sweetheart.
Teenager Connie and her friends try to save an island full of nature and place of their encounters from being destroyed by the construction of a hotel there.
Original Music Composer
A Roma boy is placed in a mental hospital and experiences the Nazi euthanasia program. Aware of what was happening and attached to friends, the lad attempts to sabotage the program. The film addresses the complexities of the program director, the lives of the child victims, and the struggles of the child protagonist. More than five thousand children died in the Nazi euthanasia program.
A young girl goes through the ups and downs of school-life.
Original Music Composer
임무 수행 중 잔혹한 마피아들의 손에 사랑하는 아내를 잃은 특수요원 ‘닉’. 그러던 어느 날, 하나뿐인 딸 ‘레니’마저 사라지고 만다. 갑자기 사라진 딸의 행방을 조사하던 닉은 그 배후에 다른 음모가 있다는 것을 알아차리고 모든 수단을 총동원해 딸을 찾는 비공식 임무에 돌입한다. 한편, 레니는 닉의 정보원이었던 ‘이드리스’의 도움으로 이스탄불에 도착하지만, 평소 닉에게 원한을 갖고 있던 무자비한 러시아 마피아들의 손에 붙잡히고 만다. 범죄조직에게 딸이 납치된 것을 알게 된 닉은 목숨을 건 추격을 시작하는데…
하루에도 수십 명의 SNS 친구 신청을 받는 인기녀 로라는 어느 날 SNS 친구가 아무도 없는 의문의 소녀 마리나로부터 온 친구신청을 수락하게 된다. 언제나 외톨이였던 마리나는 단 하나뿐인 친구 로라에 대해 공포스러운 집착을 보이기 시작하고 두려움을 느낀 로라는 결국 마리나를 친구 목록에서 삭제해 버린다. 또 다시 혼자가 된 마리나는 꺼져버린 노트북 앞에서 끔찍하게 자살하는 동영상을 남긴 채 자취를 감춰버린다. 그날 이후, 기이하게도 로라의 SNS에 마리나의 자살 영상이 업로드 되고 로라의 주변 친구들까지 죽은 마리나의 SNS 친구 신청을 받게 된다. 꺼진 노트북, 스마트폰의 검은 화면 속 자신과 눈을 마주친 로라의 친구들은 연이어 끔찍한 자살을 하게 되고, 친구들의 자살 장면이 담긴 동영상이 차례대로 로라의 SNS에 업로드 되기 시작하는데…
1980: 19 year old Robert, fed up with Hippy phoniness and bourgeoise narrow mindedness alike, flees the German provinces for West Berlin. A tour de force through the glorious dirt of West Berlin ensues. Full of sex, drugs, love and PUNK.
Because of their children's bad grades, some parents want the teacher Mrs. Müller gone. They meet with Mrs. Müller and try to convince her to leave the class.
Original Music Composer
Before eleven years old Tilda's parents can put her beloved grandfather in an old people's home due to his progressing Alzheimer disease, she takes him on one last adventure that subliminally threatens to tear her family apart.
Original Music Composer
A sperm donor becomes impotent - and so he searches for the woman, who got his sperm, to become a father after all...
Original Music Composer
A young man goes on a road trip with an old lady he saves from a hospital.
Original Music Composer
“나는 나타샤 캄푸쉬. 8년전 납치당했습니다” 1998년3월2일, 열살 나타샤 캄푸쉬는 등교길에 납치당한다. 지하의 1.5평 작은방에 갇힌 나타샤. 범인은 그녀에게 “복종”만을 강요하고, 상습적인 구타와 폭언, 굶김으로 그녀를 사육하기 시작한다. 그가 누구인지, 왜 납치했는지 이유를 모른 채, 기아와 학대를 견디지 못하고 점점 그의 완전한 소유물이 되어가는 나탸샤. 8년뒤 어느 날 범인이 잠시 방심한 사이 탈출을 시도하는데…
This is a family story that covers thirty years in the life of the Freytag family (narrated by the grandson, Robert). When his grandfather returns from Russia in 1949, he becomes part of the German "economic miracle" by producing garden gnomes. Klaus, Robert's father, wants to become a writer. He marries Gisela who almost immediately gets pregnant with Robert - but the marriage doesn't work. Both parents abandon the child, and Robert goes on living with both pairs of grand parents. While his father belongs to the 1968 generation that rebels against their fathers he falls in love with the neighbor's's daughter Laura.
Original Music Composer
Who said a patchwork family is without problems? Two years after the turbulence of Kokowääh, everyday life turns to everyday chaos…
Original Music Composer
친구가 총에 맞아 죽어가는 범죄 현장을 목격하게 된 15살 어린 목격자 ‘니나’. 가해자인 정치적기업가 토마스 배커는 자신의 죄를 은폐하고 정당방위를 주장하기 위해 어린 목격자를 처리하려 한다. 이 사건을 맡은 변호사는 어린 목격자를 보호하기 위해 은퇴한 군인 ‘막스’를 고용하고, ‘막스’는 ‘니나’를 지키기 위해 위험한 동행을 함께 하게 되는데 …
아프리카 사막 소말리아, 가난한 유목민의 딸로 태어나 세계적으로 유명한 톱모델이 된 와리스 디리. 13살 되던 해 강제 결혼을 피해 고향을 떠난 그녀는 우여곡절 끝에 런던에 오게 된다. 소말리아 대사관에서 가정부로 일하며 사춘기를 보낸 와리스는 내전으로 송환될 위기에 처하자 노숙자 신세가 되지만 우연히 만나게 된 친구 마릴린의 도움 속에서 영어도 배우고 패스트푸드점에서 일도 시작한다. 그러던 중 유명 사진작가와 에이전트의 눈에 들게 되어 패션모델의 길에 들어서고 점차 명성을 얻게 된다. 하지만 화려한 모델로서의 성공에도 불구하고 와리스에게는 운명처럼 짊어지고 있는 어린 시절의 아픈 비밀이 숨겨져 있는데…
뛰어난 글 재주를 가졌지만 과거의 상처로 인해 글을 그만 둔 마크. 설상가상 자전거로 세계여행을 꿈꾸던 그는 사고로 한쪽 다리를 잃게 된다. 사이클이 전부였던 그는 심각한 절망에 빠지지만 그를 아끼는 이들의 도움으로 다시 글쓰기를 시작한다.
Original Music Composer
A biography of Hildegard Knef, one of Germany's biggest post-war stars.
Original Music Composer
About sweeping love, rock & roll and getting rid of all that stale air of the fifties. You've got the good guys - that's Lulu and Jimi - and the bad guys: Lulu's mother Gertrud, her secret lover Schultz, the chauffeur, and a wicked old shrink, Von Oppeln, crouching in his gloomy office like a spider waiting to pounce on his prey Lulu. Light and darkness, bright garish colours, hot rock & roll and wild dance numbers mark this road movie about lovers fleeing from the evil powers of a deeply bigoted society.
A drama about the relationship between a young black man and a rich German girl.
Original Music Composer
The story of Lanze who is in love with the princess. One day the princess is kidnapped by the Dark Knight and Lanze starts his journey to rescue her. But he is not alone because Erdal, a turk, joins him on his journey.
The incredible true story of Lufthansa Flight 181, which was hijacked by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in October of 1977, and the noble efforts of stewardess Gabriele Dillmann (Nadja Uhl) to ensure the safety of the terrified passengers throughout the harrowing ordeal. When terrorists sympathetic to the cause of the German Red Army Faction seize control of the flight, German chancellor Helmut Schmidt refuses to negotiate. Meanwhile, terrorist leader "Captain Martyr Mahmud" grows increasingly agitated, and the Yemeni government refuses to let the plane land on their soil. After Captain Schumann (Thomas Kretschmann) makes an emergency landing in the sand, he is brutally executed in front of the passengers by "Captain Martyr Mahmud" (Said Taghmaoui), who then forces the co-pilot to fly the plane to Somolia. Once there, counter terrorism measures quickly get underway as the passengers brace themselves for the worst.
Max Frisch was the last big Swiss intellectual widely respected as a “voice” in its own right – a character hardly found today. The film retells Frisch’s story as a witness of the unfolding 20th century, wondering if such “voices” are needed at all, or if we could do without them.
Original Music Composer
Episodes about different stages of relationships: from flirtation to falling out of love.
Long ago in the Iron Age, a shadow loomed over a lonely village. For generations, the village youths are stolen from their families and delivered as sacrifice to a mythical beast - the Minotaur, that dwells beneath a great palace. Theo, haunted by the loss of his love in an earlier sacrifice is convinced that the beast isn't real and that his girl still lives as a slave within the palace.
Original Music Composer
이부(異父)형제 미하엘과 브루노는 전혀 다른 성격의 소유자들이다. 어머니는 할머니에게 아들을 맡기고 섹스와 마약을 탐닉하는 공동체로 떠나버렸고, 둘은 각기 다른 방식으로 그 부재를 견뎌냈다. 분자생물학자가 된 미하엘은 이렇다할 성생활을 갖지 않고 연구에만 몰두한다. 반면, 브루노는 정신병원을 드나들 정도로 성에 탐닉하지만 아직 한 번도 자신을 충족시키는 여자와 만나지 못했다. 하지만 두 사람이 서른에 접어든 어느 날, 인생은 급변한다. 미하엘은 첫사랑 애나벨과 다시 만나게 되고 브루노는 마침내 자신의 성적 강박을 함께 즐길 수 있는 상대 크리스티안과 만나게 된 것이다. 드디어 행복을 거머쥐었다고 생각한 순간, 짓궂은 운명은 두 여자를 병에 걸리게 만들어 버린다. 미하엘과 브루노는 사랑을 위해 함께 고난을 이겨낼 것인지, 고통을 피해 외로움으로 점철된 본래의 삶으로 돌아갈 것인지를 결정해야 할 순간을 맞이하는데….
Original Music Composer
Focuses on three very different siblings, all searching for happiness. Hans-Jörg is a sex addicted librarian, who is interested in young students. Werner is a successful politician with a dysfunctional family. Agnes, a trans woman, works as a table dancer in a night club. The three brothers just have one thing in common: their longing for a happy life.
Ecki is a sweet, closeted gay man who works in his family’s bakery and plays goalie in his small town’s soccer team. When he both loses the big game, and is caught flirting with another player, his homophobic teammates throw him out. He vows to return one day with an all-gay team that will grind the heteros into the dust, so he sets off to find his “dream team.” With the help of his nurse sister, Ecki scours local gay bars and eventually assembles a hilariously motley but endearing crew of misfits that includes a leather-daddy threesome, a femme Turk with Beckham fantasies, a secret straight guy in love with the sister, and a seriously cute nurse eager for some private play-time with the goalie. Ecki now has two problems – turning this bunch into a team, and facing his own fears regarding his first romance.
Original Music Composer
Martin is the ambitious one in the family. He is poised to start on his doctorate, when he is diagnosed with testicular cancer and all his future plans begin to unravel. The removal of one testicle reduces the most immediate threat, but the cancer has already spread and Martin's doctor argues for an operation that would save him, but could also castrate him.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Oskar Roehler's drama Der Alte Affe Angst (Angst) is about the dissolution of a couple. Robert (Andre Hennicke) and Marie (Marie Baumer) have little in common other than their sex life. Since Robert is going through a bout with impotency, they are having a very rocky time. Robert learns that his father, whom he is estranged from, has died. This disturbs Robert so much that he visits a prostitute, and is able to engage in sex with her. Marie discovers the infidelity, and the prostitute has a surprise of her own. Angst was screened at the 2003 Berlin Film Festival.
Original Music Composer
The sisters Claire and Rita Krug have been merciless rivals for their mother's favor since early childhood. Claire, tied to a wheelchair at an early age due to a tragic accident, flees - barely an adult - from the oppressive atmosphere in her parents' home into a new life as an architect in Israel. She breaks off contact with the family radically.
Original Music Composer
Marc Schrader, a rookie cop caught red-handed with drugs in a police raid of an illegal rave, joins a homicide investigation conducted by Chief Inspector Minks. The victim is a naked young woman with the skin stripped off her back, killed as she staggered into traffic. As Schrader and Minks investigate the murder, the case is complicated by a finger found in the stomach of the victim. Forensic examination proves the finger belongs to Nobert Günzel, who was previously convicted of rape and assault. The police raid Günzel’s residence, and discover a blood-stained table with restraints and bits of human flesh in his basement. They also find video equipment and preserved, tattooed skin from the victim’s back. Soon, they found dead bodies buried in the garden. Günzel then goes missing.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Joy can not accept the fact that her career as a model is over at 24. The star photographer Tom Kurz shows no interest in her. Joy meets the broke and unemployed Andrea.
Original Music Composer
Flanders, a famous female author, travels in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin wall into the German capital. She is deeply depressed by the events because she saw the communist state as a very good thing that has now ended. In the joy of these days she finds no one to understand her, so she has to travel back to Munich. After meeting several people, known and unknown, it seems as if there will be no way to go.