Kalina Jędrusik

Kalina Jędrusik

출생 : 1931-02-05, Gnaszyn (obecnie Częstochowa), śląskie, Polska

사망 : 1991-08-07

프로필 사진

Kalina Jędrusik

참여 작품

Deserter's Gold
madame Elli (sekwencja z filmu "C.K. Dezerterzy")
"Deserter's Gold", the sequel to the very popular "The Deserters", is a rich war comedy, skipping humorously around the more serious dangers of a war. Deserters Gold takes place during World War II, while the first film happened during WWI. The heroes' mission is to rob a Nazi-run bank in Poland for gold that will buy military supplies for the Polish Underground.
30 Door Key
żona profesora
A young writer in 1939 Warsaw faces the conflict of acting his age or relapsing into childhood during the brink of World War II. Based on the famous novel Ferdydurke by Witold Gombrowicz.
베로니카의 이중 생활
Crazy Woman
쌍둥이처럼 똑같이 생긴 여자 아이 둘이 같은 날, 같은 시에 태어난다. 폴란드의 베로니카와 프랑스의 베로니크, 둘은 상대방의 감정과 경험을 어렴풋하게나마 공유하며 서로의 존재를 느낀다. 노래에 천부적인 소질이 있는 베로니카는 우연한 기회에 콘서트 독창자로 발탁되지만 공연 도중 갑자기 심장이 멎어 숨을 거둔다. 한편 베로니크는 남자친구와 사랑을 나누던 중 까닭 모를 상실감에 눈물을 흘린다. 아이들에게 음악을 가르치던 그녀는 어느 날 학교를 방문한 마리오네트 인형극을 보던 중 인형사 알렉상드르에게 강렬하게 이끌리는데....
Porcelana w składzie słonia
(ona sama)
A man's story parallels Hitler's rise. Austrian Klaus Schneider, wounded in World War I, recovers in the care of Dr. Emil Bettleheim. Bettleheim discovers that Schneider possesses powers of empathy and of clairvoyance, such that could aid suicidal patients. After the war, with one friend as his manager and another as his lover, Schneider changes his name to Eric Jan Hanussen and goes to Berlin, as a hypnotist and clairvoyant performing in halls and theaters. He always speaks the truth, which brings him to the attention of powerful Nazis. He predicts their rise (good propaganda for them) and their violence (not so good). He's in pain and at risk. What is Hanussen's future?
Special Mission
Aktorka rewiowa
In 1943, a drunk cook is mistaken for a secret agent and sent on a special mission from London to Nazi-occupied Poland.
The Deserters
Madame Elli, kierowniczka domu publicznego
Set in military barracks in a small town during World War I. The soldiers herded in the barracks are 'politically suspect' mix of characters from all over of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: Czechs, Jews, and even Italians, but officers in charge are Germans. A new lieutenant arrives with the mission to bring order to the unit. He is the sadist, enjoying humiliating the men. Fed up with his behaviour the lower ranks kidnap him one night and string him up in a public toilet. They also make sure that he fouls up during the inspection. Eventually the five ring leaders are imprisoned. They escape and end up in Budapest posing as guards as guards of veterinary surgeons. They are caught and sent back to face a court martial and their old tormentor.
O-Bi, O-Ba: The End of Civilization
Millioner's wife
Set in an underground dungeon inhabited by bundled, ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. The story follows the wanderings of a hero through the situations of survival. People wait for the Ark to arrive and rescue them while their habitat falls apart.
Sons and Comrades
Kobieta słuchająca Chopina
A Pole who spent time in an internment camp during the war on the Swiss-German border, visits the site many years later and recalls these days. He meets with other Poles confined in the same camp, including several women, in whose he had romantic interests.
Levin's Mill
In a small village in West Prussia in the 1870s, Germans, Poles, Gypsies and Jews live together as neighbors. One night Johann, a German mill-owner, secretly opens the dam gates and floods the mill of his Jewish rival Levin. After his business is ruined and his calls for justice go unanswered, Levin leaves town.
약속의 땅
Lucy Zuckerowa
안제이 바이다 감독의 약속의 땅은 특정 시대, 특정 장소의 폴란드에 대한 다층적인 탐구를 담은 찰스 디킨스풍의 묘사가 두드러진 영화다. 19세기 말 우츠 시는 유럽 섬유 산업의 중심지로, 전세계에서 가장 큰 유대인 집단이 장악하고 있었다. 이곳은 수천 명에 달하는 실업가들의 탐욕을 채워줄 무한한 기회가 제공되는 초기 자본주의자들의 땅이다. 안제이 바이다 감독은 의욕에 찬 세 명의 친구들에 초점을 맞춰 이야기를 전개하지만 동시에 수많은 인물들에 대한 세밀한 관찰도 놓치지 않는다. 사회 내부에서의 계급 갈등, 인간의 어두운 면, 자본주의 체제의 본질 등에 대한 완벽한 묘사가 눈에 띄는 작품이다. (2012년 제17회 부산국제영화제)
kochanka Kowalewa
The Pier
After completing a project, a shipbuilder grows restless and travels the country on his motorcycle. He leaves behind his wife, a woman of virtue and responsibility, as he goes off on his amorous drunken escapades. He is part of a lost generation whose economic and vocational prospects have been severely limited in the decades following World War II. His summer cabin on the Baltic beach is torn apart by drunken revelers to feed a bonfire in this brooding and often depressing film.
The Doll
Set in the 19th century Warsaw. The indolence of aristocrats who, secure with their pensions, are too lazy to undertake new business risks, frustrates Wokulski. His ability to make money is respected but his lack of family and social rank is condescended to. Because of his "help" (in secret) to "the doll's" impecunious but influential father, the girl becomes aware of his affection.
Helena Ksiezakowa
Marek is a promising athlete sharing affairs with more than one women. One day at masquerade ball his loafing eyes witnessed the most beautiful pair of eyes disguised in black veil of Turkish dress and instantly get him ensnared by her enigma. He follows her, she knows it. She meets him and introduced her as Jowita and told him to wait for her outside the gate. The wait ended in frustration for him and he gets himself obsessed in search of her. Finally at another ball, he meets her again but she said she is Agnieszka and not Jowita, who is her best friend. They became friends and lovers but still those eyes of Jowita remain a mystery. Who is Jowita? An unattainable object of desire or unsolved enigma of subconscious?
Where Is the Third King?
Małgorzata Sadecka, konserwatorka obrazów
A classic criminal story set between Poland and South America.
A Cure for Love
An architect Joanna tells her friend Halina on the telephone about her love troubles and suddenly hears a nice man's voice: "The best cure for love is another love." Then she becomes a forgers dispatcher mistaken for Honorata by telephone and decides to work out a forgers secret and the secret of her new love Andrzej.
Baska Oraczewska (voice)
A shy student falls in love and is involved in a kidnapping plot.
Musical directed by Kazimierz Kutz.
사랑받는 방법
카지미에시 브란디스의 동명의 소설을 원작으로 만든 작품. 우아한 차림의 한 여성이 1939년 파리에서 보낸 시간을 떠올린다. 촉망받는 배우였던 그녀는 나치 점령 하의 파리에서 연기 활동을 하기 싫어 다른 직업을 구하고, 그때부터 그녀의 삶은 예측할 수 없는 방향으로 흘러간다. 1963년 칸영화제 경쟁부문 상영. 1963년 샌프란시스코국제영화제 작품상, 각색상(카지미에시 브란디스), 여우주연상(바르바라 크라프토프나) 수상. (2019 한-폴 수교 30주년 기념 폴란드 영화제)
Spóźnieni przechodnie
Five short stories.
Opening Tomorrow
Barbara Percykówna
A budding playwright is thrilled to find out that his play will be performed at a prestigious theater, but a series of problems pile up, along with the general feeling that opening night will be disastrous.
1962’s SZPITAL (HOSPITAL) is set entirely in a claustrophobic hospital room where a male patient is confined. Throughout the film the room is invaded by a variety of strange people
Dziś w nocy umrze miasto
An unlikely couple - a Polish concentration camp inmate and a young German girl - stick together and try to survive the RAF bombing of Dresden in February 1945.
Księżyc z Alabamy
순진한 마법사
의사가 본업이지만 재즈 밴드에서 드러머로도 활동 중인 바실리는 여러 여성들과 만남을 가진다. 그러던 중 한 클럽에서 독특한 매력의 여성을 만난 뒤 그녀와 함께 밤의 도시를 걸어다니며 긴 대화를 나눈다. 음악 감독으로 참여한 크리스토퍼 코메다의 아름다운 재즈 음악이 깊은 인상을 남긴다.
The Return
Anka, Andrzej's Wife
Kalosze szczęścia