A young man living in a cold southern village in South America, decides to start a trip looking for his father. By doing this he discovers unexpected facts about his Latin American essence.
Documentary filmed over a period of four months, from 25 December 1975 to 5 March 1976, in the area of the former Spanish Sahara claimed by the people who lived there, the Saharawis, a people now mobilised and in arms (the Polisario Front) against Morocco and Mauritania, two states that have signed an agreement to share the territory.
Documentary about the military coup in Chile.
A wealthy French promoter based in Rio tries to seduce Alexandra, a young woman of high society, but trapped in her strict education.
"Director Yolande du Luart had been involved in Lettrist circles in France before decamping for California to study film at UCLA, where her classmates included Charles Burnett and Haile Gerima. During this time, UCLA professor Angela Davis was a subject of increasing scrutiny after coming out as a Communist, provoking the ire of administrators and governor Ronald Reagan. Believing that Davis would be an ideal film subject, du Luart immediately began making a documentary, though she would ultimately return to France to complete the project after receiving unwanted attention from the FBI. “Over the course of events,” writes Nicole Brenez, “this appreciative and sensitive portrait of a politically engaged philosopher had been transformed into a call for the liberation of an imprisoned activist and an internationalist revolutionary manifesto.”" - Film at Lincoln Center
Assistant Director
Festival panafricain d'Alger is a documentary by William Klein of the music and dance festival held 40 years ago in the streets and in venues all across Algiers. Klein follows the preparations, the rehearsals, the concerts… He blends images of interviews made to writers and advocates of the freedom movements with stock images, thus allowing him to touch on such matters as colonialism, neocolonialism, colonial exploitation, the struggles and battles of the revolutionary movements for Independence.
Festival panafricain d'Alger is a documentary by William Klein of the music and dance festival held 40 years ago in the streets and in venues all across Algiers. Klein follows the preparations, the rehearsals, the concerts… He blends images of interviews made to writers and advocates of the freedom movements with stock images, thus allowing him to touch on such matters as colonialism, neocolonialism, colonial exploitation, the struggles and battles of the revolutionary movements for Independence.
Race driver who has lost his membership card becomes the chauffeur of a gangsters pack
마뉘(Manu: 알랑 드롱 분)와 롤랑(Roland: 리노 벤추라 분)은 모험을 즐기는 사람들로 아주 가깝게 지낸다. 마뉘는 묘기로 살아가고 롤랑은 자동차 엔진 개발에 관심을 갖고 있다. 이런 두 사람에게 어느날 자동차로 예술 활동을 하는 레티샤(Laetitia: 조안나 심커스 분)란 아가씨가 찾아온다. 마뉘는 비행기 묘기를 하다가 벨땡이라는 사람때문에 실수를 하고 면허증을 영구히 취소 당한다. 롤랑은 자신이 애지중지하는 엔진을 시험하다가 엔진을 태워 버린다. 레티샤는 첫 전시회를 열었다가 사람들로부터 혹평을 받는다. 세사람은 모두 실패를 만든 벨땅으로부터 귀중한 정보를 얻는다. 5억 프랑이라는 거금을 실은 비행기가 아프리카 콩고 앞바다에 빠졌다는 정보를 얻는다. 이에 세 사람은 의기투합해서 아프리카로 날아간다. 마뉘와 롤랑 레티샤는 거부가 되지만 레티샤는 뜻밖의 사고로 죽는다. 그녀를 수장하고 두 사람은 전해주기 위해서지만 친척들의 냉담한 태도에서 레티샤 생전의 고독의 흔적이 보이는 듯 해 그들은 한편으로 분노하고 한편으로는 더욱 그녀에 대한 애틋한 마음을 가누지 못하는데...
After twenty-seven long months spent in Algeria, Frédéric Simon, a young photographer is determined to forget this time of trouble. Now that the Army has finally discharged him he wants to live the good life. And at first, things go according to his wishes: not only does he marry Sylvie but they are invited by a wealthy man to Monte Carlo, where they spend a dream honeymoon. But back in Paris, hard times await them. Not finding work easily along with having to live in a cramped apartment make Frédéric bitter and unpleasant. When Sylvie becomes pregnant, he slams the door and finds consolation in the arms of Christine, an ex girlfriend, which he soon regrets. At last, the situation improves. Frédéric finds work and starts making money as a fashion photographer. But the good life cannot go on: one morning a policeman knocks at the young couple's door: the country wants Frédéric back in the Army.
나치에 점령된 2차 대전 중의 프랑스. 이곳 산간 작은 마을엔 젊은 미망인 바르니가 어린 딸 프랑스와 통신학교 직원으로 일하며 살고 있다. 무신론적 공산주의 자인 바르니는 "종교는 민중의 아편" 이란 비판을 가하기 위해 성당을 방문하게 되고, 그곳에서 자신의 주장에 동조하는 레옹 모랭 신부를 만나게 되는데.... 1961년 베니스영화제 그랑프리 수상작. 성적 도덕적으로 동요하는 한 여성의 모습을 매혹적으로 탐구하고 있는 작품. 가톨릭 사제에게 육체적 지적으로 매혹을 느끼는 여자주인공 역을 맡은 엠마누엘 리바는 젊은 여성의 죄의식과 혼란을 유혹적이면서도 설득력 있게 보여주고 있으며, 장 폴 벨몽도의 절제된 신부 연기 역시 인상적이다. 성적인 자각과 종교적 각성을 교묘하게 융합하는 멜빌의 연출과 두 중심인물 사이의 드라마틱한 상호작용이 매혹적인 대사와 더불어 오래도록 깊은 인상을 남긴다.
Therese, a café owner, mourns the mysterious disappearance of her husband sixteen years earlier. A tramp arrives in the town and she believes him to be her husband. But he is suffering from amnesia and she tries to bring back his memory of earlier times.
Algerian children, survivors of the war and refugeeing in Tunisian camps, recount the tragic events they have experienced, from drawings they have made themselves.