Ernest Chambers

출생 : 1928-12-28,

참여 작품

개구쟁이 데니스
Executive Producer
꼬마 데니스(Dennis Mitchell : 메이슨 갬블 분)는 온 마을 사람들의 귀여움을 독차지하는 개구장이다. 순진한 어린이이기도 하면서 때로는 골치덩어리이기도 한 데니스는 옆집 윌슨 아저씨(Mr. Wilson : 월터 매튜 분)에게 늘 피해를 준다. 데니스의 부모는 어머니 앨리스(Alice : 리 톰슨 분)와 아버지 헨리(Henry : 로버트 스탠톤 분)이다. 어느날 앞마당 잔디밭의 스프링쿨러 고장을 고친다고 마당을 파다가 커다란 뼈다귀 하나를 발견하면서 소동이 벌어진다. 사이비 고생물학자이며 데니스 부모와 대학동창간인 보스(Boss : 벤 스테인)라 불리는 공룡사냥군 바클리 스카일러이 나타나 그 마당에 공룡이 묻혀 있다며 그 발굴에 착수한다. 이 때문에 매스컴은 물론 구경꾼이 몰려들어 한적하고 안락하던 동네가 난장판이 된다. 동네 사람들이 데니스(家)를 원망하며 발굴에 반대하기 시작할 무렵, 애당초 있지도 않은 공룡 발굴에 실패한 보스는 스스로 철수를 선언하여 일이 일단락 되는 듯 하지만...
The Donna Summer Special
A variety special that showcased the musical talents of singer and actress Donna Summer.
The Doris Mary Anne Kappelhoff Special
This was the first of two one-hour musical specials which were part of CBS' 1968 multi-million-dollar contract with Doris Day's production company, a contract that Day insists to this day was negotiated by her husband and manager Martin Melcher without her knowledge. When Melcher died suddenly in April 1968, Day chose to go ahead and honour the contract, appearing in both specials as well as starring in her eponymous sitcom for five seasons, from 1968-1973.
The Doris Mary Anne Kappelhoff Special
This was the first of two one-hour musical specials which were part of CBS' 1968 multi-million-dollar contract with Doris Day's production company, a contract that Day insists to this day was negotiated by her husband and manager Martin Melcher without her knowledge. When Melcher died suddenly in April 1968, Day chose to go ahead and honour the contract, appearing in both specials as well as starring in her eponymous sitcom for five seasons, from 1968-1973.
Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey: On Broadway
"On Broadway" featured Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey, both red hot after their respective runs in the smash hit "Hello, Dolly!" on Broadway. The special was filmed on the stage of the Wintergarden Theater in New York and originally aired on ABC in 1969. Together the theatrical legends playfully perform some of their most popular hits, including 'A Little Girl from Little Rock,' 'Little Green Apples,' 'If My Friends Could See Me Now,' and 'Won't You Come Home, Bill Bailey.' Next, they perform an assortment of familiar showtunes including hits from "Guys and Dolls," "The Music Man," "Hello, Dolly!," and "Fiddler on the Roof." "On Broadway" is an entertaining step back in time.
Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey: On Broadway
"On Broadway" featured Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey, both red hot after their respective runs in the smash hit "Hello, Dolly!" on Broadway. The special was filmed on the stage of the Wintergarden Theater in New York and originally aired on ABC in 1969. Together the theatrical legends playfully perform some of their most popular hits, including 'A Little Girl from Little Rock,' 'Little Green Apples,' 'If My Friends Could See Me Now,' and 'Won't You Come Home, Bill Bailey.' Next, they perform an assortment of familiar showtunes including hits from "Guys and Dolls," "The Music Man," "Hello, Dolly!," and "Fiddler on the Roof." "On Broadway" is an entertaining step back in time.
Show Girl
A live recording of Carol Channing's revue on Broadway, filmed for early Canadian pay-TV.