Arnold Glassman

참여 작품

미궁속의 "신의 손 살인사건" 용의자의 갑작스런 방문 미궁속으로 영원히 묻혀갈만큼 치밀하고 악명높은 '신의 손 살인마'를 추적하고 있는 FBI 요원 "웨슬리 도일"의 사무실에 자신이 바로 그 연쇄 살인마를 알고 있다고 말하는 한 사내가 방문한다. "펜튼 메익스"라 이름을 밝힌 사내는 살인마는 다름 아닌 자신의 동생 아담으로 사람들을 살해한 뒤 자살했다고 말한다. 동생이 왜 이런 살인 사건에 연루하게 됐으며 자수를 하고 떳떳이 살고 싶은 강한 의지를 피력하지만 도일은 갑작스런 그의 방문에 믿음이 가질 않는다. 그의 의심을 눈치 챈 펜튼은 도일에게 증거를 보여주겠다며 시체를 묻은 "장미정원"으로 그를 데리고 가며 사건의 전모를 털어 놓는다. 그들의 삶을 영원히 바꿔버린 신의 계시... 때는 1979년. 12살인 펜튼과 9살인 아담은 시골 작은 마을에서 홀아버지 와 함께 소박하지만 행복한 삶을 누리던 어느 날 느닷없이 아버지에게 신으로부터의 신성한 계시가 주어진다주님은 그와 아들들을 사람의 모습을 띠고 사람과 똑같이 살아가는 악마를 처단하는 도구로 쓰기 위해 선택했고, 천사가 그에게 악마의 명단을 주는 즉시 그들을 찾아 처단해야 한다고 말한다. 어린 아담은 자신의 가족에게 부여된 임무가 자랑스러워 아버지와 마음을 합쳐 정의를 구현하려 하지만 펜튼은 아버지가 미쳤다고 생각하고 아버지의 살인을 끝내기 위해 발버둥칠수록 아버지는 더욱 더 강하게 그를 옥죄어 올뿐이다. 신의 허락을 받은 처단이라는 아버지와 아담의 살인을 막기 위해 나타난 아담... 그는 왜 웨슬리 도일을 택한 것일까?
Forever Hollywood
Noted Hollywood stars and directors talk about the history and evolution of the film industry in Los Angeles.
The Good, The Bad, and the Beautiful
A documentary reflecting on women in film and the entertainment industry through the ages led and hosted by some of its most beloved female icons.
셀룰로이드 클로지트
This documentary highlights the historical contexts that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals have occupied in cinema history, and shows the evolution of the entertainment industry's role in shaping perceptions of LGBT figures. The issues addressed include secrecy – which initially defined homosexuality – as well as the demonization of the homosexual community with the advent of AIDS, and finally the shift toward acceptance and positivity in the modern era.
Visions of Light
Cameramen and women discuss the craft and art of cinematography and of the "DP" (the director of photography), illustrating their points with clips from 100 films, from Birth of a Nation to Do the Right Thing. Themes: the DP tells people where to look; changes in movies (the arrival of sound, color, and wide screens) required creative responses from DPs; and, these artisans constantly invent new equipment and try new things, with wonderful results. The narration takes us through the identifiable studio styles of the 30s, the emergence of noir, the New York look, and the impact of Europeans. Citizen Kane, The Conformist, and Gordon Willis get special attention.
Visions of Light
Cameramen and women discuss the craft and art of cinematography and of the "DP" (the director of photography), illustrating their points with clips from 100 films, from Birth of a Nation to Do the Right Thing. Themes: the DP tells people where to look; changes in movies (the arrival of sound, color, and wide screens) required creative responses from DPs; and, these artisans constantly invent new equipment and try new things, with wonderful results. The narration takes us through the identifiable studio styles of the 30s, the emergence of noir, the New York look, and the impact of Europeans. Citizen Kane, The Conformist, and Gordon Willis get special attention.
Visions of Light
Cameramen and women discuss the craft and art of cinematography and of the "DP" (the director of photography), illustrating their points with clips from 100 films, from Birth of a Nation to Do the Right Thing. Themes: the DP tells people where to look; changes in movies (the arrival of sound, color, and wide screens) required creative responses from DPs; and, these artisans constantly invent new equipment and try new things, with wonderful results. The narration takes us through the identifiable studio styles of the 30s, the emergence of noir, the New York look, and the impact of Europeans. Citizen Kane, The Conformist, and Gordon Willis get special attention.
Elizabeth Bishop: One Art
Sound Editor
Illustrates the writer's wandering spirit, from a childhood in Nova Scotia to travels in Brazil, and the central themes of her work: geography, landscape, and the quest for consciousness and identity through travel.