A film director wanders the world alone after breaking up with her boyfriend, finally gaining inner peace.
Fang comes back to her parents’ home in Nanjing, to spend some time with them. During her stay, her elder brother’s family comes for a family reunion, she receives a Yengisar knife as a gift and her sister-in-law tries to set her up on a blind date. Around her, time goes by, memories come back in the conversations, some she knows, some not. The present is mixed up with the past, and the steps towards the future may walk along the path of eternal loss.
Fang comes back to her parents’ home in Nanjing, to spend some time with them. During her stay, her elder brother’s family comes for a family reunion, she receives a Yengisar knife as a gift and her sister-in-law tries to set her up on a blind date. Around her, time goes by, memories come back in the conversations, some she knows, some not. The present is mixed up with the past, and the steps towards the future may walk along the path of eternal loss.
The film uses a documentary approach to tell the stories of 12 Chinese pioneers, chosen from the fields of business and the arts. The protagonists reflect upon their life journeys against the backdrop of modern China.
Art Direction
After an accident, Li Xin ends up with her deceased school friend’s parents. She stays there for a couple of days to recover. Her stay brings consolation, but also rips open old wounds.
After an accident, Li Xin ends up with her deceased school friend’s parents. She stays there for a couple of days to recover. Her stay brings consolation, but also rips open old wounds.
After an accident, Li Xin ends up with her deceased school friend’s parents. She stays there for a couple of days to recover. Her stay brings consolation, but also rips open old wounds.
After an accident, Li Xin ends up with her deceased school friend’s parents. She stays there for a couple of days to recover. Her stay brings consolation, but also rips open old wounds.
허우 샤오시엔과 줄리엣 비노슈의 만남으로 기대를 모은 작품. 알베르 라모리스의 단편 [빨간 풍선](1956)를 모티브로 했다. 목소리 연기자 수잔과 아들 시몽, 시몽을 돌보는 대만 출신 영화학도 송팡의 이야기를 통해 동서양을 초월한 인간관계를 조명하는 통찰력이 돋보인다. 파리에 살며 중국 정통 인형극을 제작, 연기하는 전문직 여성 수잔(줄리엣 비노쉬)은 일곱살 짜리 아들 시몽을 둔 이혼녀. 일에 있어서는 확실하게 자기 자리를 잡은 그녀이지만 집안일이나 이웃 간에 벌어지는 일상다반사에는 마냥 서투르기만 하다. 그런 그녀의 아들 시몽 역시 삶이 어수선하기는 마찬가지. 가끔 하늘을 둥둥 떠다니며 잡힐 듯 결코 잡히지 않는 ‘빨간 풍선’이 유일한 친구이던 시몽에게 어느 날, 특별한 사건이 생겼다. 중국 유학생 송팡이 새로운 베이비 시터로 온 것이다!