Casting Director
A newly married gunfighter seeks a quiet life with his bride. When he kills a bandit in self-defense, he finds them both pulled back into his old ways. The corrupt mayor of their locale will not let his brother's death go unpunished.
When Danielle reunites with her high school boyfriend, she is shocked to learn how far he's willing to go to keep everything alive.
Kate begins to suspect that Anna, the newly appointed captain of her cheer squad, is responsible for the death of Emma, but while Kate tries to find the truth, Anna is out to destroy her life.
After Denise, loses her husband, she is determined to find who did it, which leads her to tracking down Stephanie and her "mother."
Kristen suspects her new family isn't what they seem after her mother-in-law moves in unexpectedly.
When an attractive young couple rents out a room in their spacious loft to an eccentric, beautiful female artist, they soon live to regret it. Slowly but surely, their seductive new tenant invades their minds, their beds, the very fabric of their lives
Successful entrepreneur Bridget (Vivica A. Fox,) has just scored a meeting with the famed Prince of Devonshire about a possible multi-million-dollar investment in one of her properties. She and her young lawyer, Anna, feel like they are living in a fantasy with the handsome prince who seems like the perfect partner for Bridget and the right guy for Anna until they discover that he’s not what he seems. Cristine Prosperi, James Nitti, and Tracy Nelson co-star.
Megan seems to have the perfect life with a wonderful husband named Thomas and 2 adorable children. Then she finds herself awakening from a coma - and discovers she is not and has never been married. But when she meets Thomas for real, she seizes the chance to help him fall in love with her, again-for the first time.
1978년도. 살인마 가족 베이비 파이어플라이(셰리 문 좀비), 오티스 파이어플라이(빌 모슬리), 스파울링(시드 헤이그) 세 악당이 경찰의 총격을 받고 체포된다. 의료진은 수 십 발의 총격으로 생존 가능성이 희박하다고 진단했으나 지옥에서 온 살인마들은 세사람 다 기적적으로 살아난다. 그들이 재판을 받게 되는데 그들을 숭앙하는 집단들이 생겨난다. 일부 사람들은 조직을 결성하고 그들의 살인은 잘못된 시스템에 대항하는 것이라고 주장한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 긴 재판 끝에 세 사람 모두 유죄 판결을 받고 사형을 선고 받았다. 특히 스파울링은 가장 먼저 치명적인 주사를 통해 처형된다. 10년 후, 파이어플라이 남매가 교도소에 복역하는 동안 오티스의 이복형 폭시 콜트레인(리차드 브레이크)은 그들을 구하기 위한 계획을 세운다. 오티스가 다른 죄수들과 함께 노역장에서 일을 하고 있을 때 폭시가 나타나 잔인하게 간수들을 죽이고 그를 탈출 시킨다. 탈출과정에서 오티스는 수감 중에 다투었던 멕시코의 악당 론도(대니 트레죠)를 총을 쏴 죽인다. 탈출 후 두 악마들의 엽기적인 살인 행각이 계속되어 그 지역 주민들이 공포에 떤다.
Associate Producer
Santa's daughter gets a chance to attend college for one semester in the 'real' world before heading back to the North Pole to fulfill her duties under her father.
Santa's daughter gets a chance to attend college for one semester in the 'real' world before heading back to the North Pole to fulfill her duties under her father.
덱스의 자동차 수리점에서 일하던 섬머는 우연히 랜스 일당의 범행을 목격하게 된다. 하지만 자동차 사고로 그날 밤에 대한 기억을 모두 잃는다. 경찰들은 랜스 일당을 체포하기 위해 수사를 이어나가고 결국 랜스는 섬머의 동생, 트리나를 납치한다. 랜스는 섬머와 트리나를 모두 죽이려고 하지만 잠복 수사 중이던 프랭코의 도움으로 모두 무사히 목숨을 건진다.
Estranged fraternal twins Allen and Allie Foster are reunited by their mother's death, and return to their strange hometown of Obelisk Bay to attend to her lingering matters. Allen, struggling to resolve his latest novel, is enticed by Allie to take a powerful psychotropic drug she calls "the lotus." As if a muse were speaking through him, Allen begins recounting the winding story of a young woman's travels decades earlier. Her life in some ways parallels their own, as she journeys into the desert in search of a statue her own deceased mother left her with an old photograph of. The two lives begin to cross over in unexpected ways, and it becomes apparent that a dark secret at the heart of their old home has far broader ramifications than they could have possibly imagined.
Decades after their last hit, the Heartthrob Boyz find themselves out of time, out of cash, and out of shape as they attempt to finish the album they hope returns them to glory.
Annie is pulled over by police for a traffic violation while she is driving her boyfriend's car. When the police discover a bloody knife in the back of the car, she has to find what is really going on before she is wrongly accused of a murder.
더이상 설명이 필요없다. 오로지 죽음의 레이스를 시작하는것이 그들의 목적이다.
가상 세계인 게임 속으로 들어가 공룡과 싸워야 하는 인기 리얼리티 TV 쇼 ‘쥬라기 게임’ 잔인한 설정 때문에 인기만큼 논란도 많은 ‘쥬라기 게임’의 새시즌 참가자는 10명의 사형수다. 이들은 4단계에 걸쳐 미션을 수행하고, 오직 단 한 명의 최종 우승자에게만 자유가 주어진다. 서로를 믿지 못하는 참가자들은 시작부터 서로를 공격하고, 배신하며 게임을 이어나가고 이를 지켜보는 시청자들 사이에서의 논란은 점차 커지게 되는데....
When Destiny, captain of three-time national champions "The Rebels," is challenged to a global cheer showdown by an edgy new team called "The Truth," the Cheer Goddess organizes a virtual battle for squads from all around the world. It seems like the whole world wants to take down Destiny and her team, and they just might succeed, unless Destiny can rise to the challenge, set her ego aside and figure out who her real friends are.
찰리와 그 친구들은 노동절 주말을 맞아 여행을 떠나고, 전 세계적으로 하늘에는 이상한 큰 구름이 떠 있고, 거기서 외계 생명체가 사람들을 납치해간다. 한편 20년 전, 이미 외계 생명체에게 납치를 당한 사람들이 존재하는데…
Hayley Udall tries to make ends meet for herself and her 14 year-old daughter while providing alimony for a horrible ex-husband. She wishes her problems with her ex could go away, and upon venting her frustrations one night, finds herself tangled up in a pact with two people (Melanie and Kevin) to "eliminate" each other's problems. It seemed innocent wishful thinking before, but as people end up dead-including Hayley's ex-husband-Hayley is trapped to fulfill the pact or risk taking the fall for murder.
Casting Director
Human traffickers wipe out a young girl's family and village. She then seeks revenge on those responsible, eventually becoming first the hunted then turning into the hunters with the mercenary hired to eliminate her.
The year 2050 the planet has become overpopulated, to help control population the government develops a race. The Death Race. Annually competitors race across the country scoring points for killing people with their vehicles.
After witnessing a horrific sight, two men inexplicably claim to be one another at New Year's Eve parties...only the parties are six years apart.
격투기 챔피언 웨스 베일러(스콧 앳킨스)는 절친한 친구와 시합을 벌이다가 그만 친구를 죽게 만든다. 죄책감으로 여기저기 언더 그라운드 파이트 시합에 참가하던 웨스 베일러에게 미얀마에서 벌어지는 격투기 시합에 참가하면 50만불을 주겠다는 사업가가 나타난다 하지만 미얀마에 도착한 웨스 베일러를 기다리는 것은 잔인한 인간 사냥꾼들이었으며 이들을 상대로 웨스 베일러는 처절한 혈투를 벌이게 되는데...
After a tragic accident Grace is lost and alone in the Smoky Mountains. Grace's struggle for survival is made more complicated by her troubled past. Battling the demons in her mind may be the only way to come out alive.
Nellie Bly, a 23 year-old reporter for Joseph Pulitzer, goes undercover in the notorious Blackwell's Island women's insane asylum in order to expose corruption, abuse and murder.
A 13-year-old boy becomes the target of bullies at his new school and is feeling hopeless, until he finds Marshall being caged up by a dog-hoarder in deplorable conditions. Finn knows he must rescue Marshall, but he has been abused by the other dogs and needs to see the vet right away. The bond of friendship is immediate.
‘미이라’ 제작진이 선보이는 스콜피온킹의 후속작. 노바니아 왕의 암살 후 전설의 스콜피온 킹 마테유스에게 이 누명이 씌워지고, 이제 그는 왕국의 군대에 맞서 싸워야 한다. 마테유스(빅터 웹스터)와 얼마 남지 않은 그의 측근인 묘령의 여인과 그녀의 ‘아버지’만이 신비한 고대 절대 권력을 차지하려는 사악한 후계자를 막을 유일한 희망. 루 페리그노(인크레더블 헐크), 로이 ‘빅 컨츄리’ 넬슨, 호이스 그레이시, 돈 윌슨 등 올스타 파이터 총출동
Thieving Spring Breakers steal an ancient relic that unleashes a disastrous curse upon Las Vegas.
테러에 의해 납치된 인질을 구출하는 임무를 마치고 귀국하던 특공대원들은 적의 로켓포에 헬기가 격추되어 미지의 섬에 불시착하게 된다. 특공대원들은 불시착된 곳에서 먹을거리를 찾아 지역 탐색을 하는 중에 계속해서 주변을 감싸는 이상한 기운을 감지하게 되는데...... 섬 안에 공룡들이 서식하고 있다! 공룡의 위협을 피해서 본부에 구조 요청을 하려고 고군분투하는 부대원들. 하지만 설상가상으로 포로로 잡혀있던 게릴라 대원이 틈만 나면 군인들 사이에서 탈출하려 하여 부대원들은 위기에 빠지게 되는데.... 그들은 무사히 공룡들에게서 탈출할 수 있을까?
세계 제일의 스포츠 데스 레이스. 죄수들은 3일간의 레이스를 거쳐 최후의 상에 도전한다. 5번의 레이스에서 우승하면 자유를 얻게 되는 이 경기에서 4회 챔피언 프랑케슈타인은 자유까지 이제 한번의 승리만 남았다. 한편 데스 레이스를 운영하는 웨일랜드 인터내셔널의 기업 인수설은 현실로 다가오고 영국의 억만장자 나일스 요크가 데스 레이스를 인수한다. 그는 전세계의 감옥에 투자하며 데스 레이스를 글로벌화 하려는 야욕을 꿈꾸고 있다. 자유를 얻기까지 단 한번의 우승만 남긴 프랑케슈타인. 그러나 그를 이용해 더 많은 돈을 벌려는 나일스 요크는 웨일랜드와의 거래는 무효이며 자신과 새로운 협상을 해야 한다며 협박한다. 마지막 남은 레이스에서 “지면 살 것이고, 이기면 죽음 뿐”이라는 것. 프랑케슈타인은 남아프리카공화국 칼리하리 사막 교도소로 이송된다. 가면으로 얼굴을 감춘 프랑케슈타인. 그러나 그와 한 팀인 카트리나, 골드버그, 리스츠가 그의 얼굴을 보게되고 그가 죽은 줄 알았던 동료 ‘칼 루카스’였다는 것이 밝혀진다. 동료들은 배신감에 등을 돌리지만 모든 것이 그들을 위한 선택이었음을 받아들이고 한 팀이 되어 다시 레이스를 펼친다. 뜨거운 모래가 펼쳐진 사막. 코스 이탈자는 무조건 사살, 레이스가 펼쳐지는 곳곳에는 남아프리카의 잔인한 갱들이 도사리고 있다. 최종 한 팀만이 살아남는 죽음의 레이스가 시작된다…
SMITTY is a family film about a rescue dog. When life gets tough for Ben, a friendly paw is all it takes to pull him through. Mischievous thirteen-year-old Ben is sent to his grandfather's farm for the summer, where he crosses paths with a lovable mutt. With help from the unlikely canine companion, Ben learns the importance of friendship, family and responsibility.
Alec a courageous but impetuous knight returns to his home village having been summoned by his older brother Francis to care for their ailing father. The brothers' reunion is short-lived as a traveller terrified and half-crazed arrives to warn of an imminent attack by a winged creature with the body of a dragon the head of a gruesome insect and deadly claws. As the beast descends upon the peaceful town brash Alec draws his sword and the villagers arm themselves. Now the brothers must stand together to save their home and the people they love.
Sinbad, armed with rumors of ancient gold, finds himself sneaking into the desert camp of the evil sorcerer Al-Jibar. Hidden among the many relics is an ivory scroll case containing the logs of the pirate Captain Minos, which will lead Sinbad to the golden head of the Colossus of Rhodes.
경찰을 죽여서 유죄판정을 받은 칼 루카스는 종신형을 선고 받고 형을 수행하고 위해 섬에 오는데 이때 야심 찬 텔레비전의 성격을 지닌 셉템버 존스는 이러한 ‘데스 매치’를 실제 프로그램인 죽음의 경주로 발전시킨다. 감옥 내에서 펼쳐지는 잔인한 파괴 시합은 강철로 중무장한 차량을 통하여 수용자들끼리 싸우도록 만들고 죽음의 경주에서 끝까지 살아남아서 웃을 수 있는 승자에게는 최종 상금인 자유가 주어지는데...
인기 록 밴드 ‘다크 나이츠’의 공연 도중, 화재 사고로 인해 한 십대 소년이 관객들에게 밟혀 사망한다. 1년 후, 다크 나이츠는 재기를 꿈꾸며 컴백 투어를 시작하는데, 의문의 여성 라일리가 밴드의 보컬 트래비스 앞에 나타난다. 트래비스는 라일리의 묘한 매력에 끌리게 되고, 라일리는 다른 사생팬들과 함께 밴드의 투어 버스에 올라타 투어에 동행한다. 하지만, 라일리가 나타난 이후로 자꾸만 이상한 사고가 발생하게 되는데…!
When a group of sexy, young pledges arrive at a secluded cabin for their initiation into the Gamma Kappa fraternity, they're met by a blood-thirsty lumberjack, who won't stop until every one of them is dead.
After three years, Nick's estranged daughter Holly returns home to find the spirit of Christmas in Santaville has dwindled, taking the family business with it. What starts out as an attempt to bail out her dad, ends up rekindling Holly's belief in Christmas all over again.
Victor Reynolds arrives at the notorious House of Usher, whereupon he is greeted by old acquaintances Roderick and Madeline Usher and their servant, Markus. As Victor uncovers more about the history of the house and the disappearances of those that entered it previously, he begins to realize that he is in mortal danger.
English colonists arriving on Roanoke Island in 1587 find the fort built years before deserted. Soon after, members of the colony begin to die in horrible ways. Before returning to England for provisions, leader John White puts his son-in-law Ananais Dare in charge, and Dare realizes the island is haunted by Norse spirits. Enlisting the aid of a friendly Native American, Dare attempts to free the spirits from their earthly captivity before the entire colony is lost.
A group of five led by Julie set up their filming equipment in the hotel of the derelict town of Goldfield, hoping to capture footage of the ghost of Elisabeth Walker, a maid tortured and killed in room 109. Troubled by visions, Julie discovers that a necklace, handed down to her from her grandmother, is somehow connecting her to this tragedy.
In this classic retro horror thriller, Sam, an aspiring writer, takes a job as a clerk in an L.A. inner city grocery market owned by the sinister Dr. Munoz, a former scientist who claims to have a rare skin condition.
With just weeks before their royal wedding, Paige and Edvard find their relationship and the Danish monarchy in jeopardy when an old law is brought to light, stating that an unmarried heir to the throne may marry only a woman of noble blood or else he must relinquish his crown.
When one of her hits goes wrong, a professional assassin ends up with a suitcase full of a million dollars belonging to a mob boss ...
Three ex-cons kidnap a famous movie star and force her to film a sex tape live on the internet for a paying audience.
A group of young tourist couples comes across a drug deal gone bad while on vacation.
Escaped serial killer James Becket, who killed his own father whose expectations he never fulfilled, but now especially targets his wife Theresa 'Tess' and her family, is too good at disguising himself and other deceit for detective Diffs task force. Only one man proves able to fight back in his league: former cop J.T. Dillon, who was already training Tess in self-defense and becomes her lover. Becket decides to find hiding place by kidnapping Diffs wife, and thus enforce a final show-down.
Two teenagers are put to the test when the plane taking them to a wilderness boot camp for juvenile offenders crashes into the vast sierra. Their pilot, Quentin, injured and ununable to make the dangerous journey, teaches them the ways of his ancient people and to have faith in the spirit of the white wolf as well as themselves.
Casting Director
비행 공포증으로 고통받는 사람들의 '비행 공포증 극복 모임'에서 만난 마틴(Martin: 크레이그 셰퍼 분), 엘리엇, 제시카(Jessica: 제니퍼 빌즈 분)는 훈련을 마친 뒤 함께 가슴 떨리는 비행을 하게 된다. 하지만 얼음물을 마신 승객들과 일부 조종사들이 기절하는 사건이 발생하고 영어를 못하는 체코인들이 갑자기 독가스 뇌관을 들고 테러를 자행하는 사건이 벌어진다. 체코인들은 착륙하지 않으면 독가스를 폭파시키겠다고 위협하나 엘리엇의 뛰어난 솜씨로 비밀리에 비행기에 탑승했던 트랜스 콘 항공기 청원 경찰 벨에게 체포된다. 하지만 체코어를 할 줄 아는 제시카에게 체코인은 엘리엇을 포박하고 뇌관을 기장에게 줄 것을 계속해서 떠들어대고 결국 엘리엇은 테러범의 본성을 나타내 벨을 살해하고 승객들을 모두 인질로 삼는다. 엘리엇은 기장에게 자신이 새 대장이니 자신의 말에 복종할 것을 명령하고 그 틈을 타 엘리엇을 공격할 계획을 하지만 승객 중 엘리엇과 한패인 블레이크(Blake: 하워드 시겔 분)로 인해 실패로 돌아간다. 하지만 승객들은 힘을 합쳐 블레이크를 공격하고 제시카와 마틴은 화물칸으로 내려가 엘리엇의 짐을 찾아 독가스를 투하할 것을 결심한다. 한편 관제탑에는 사이크스와 홉스, 딕슨이 마틴과 간신히 연결하여 통신을 하고 있었는데 딕슨은 마틴이 제때 바다에 독가스를 투하하지 않으면 비행기를 폭파하겠다고 선언한다. 가까스로 마틴과 제시카는 독가스를 찾아 무사히 바다에 투하하지만 엘리엇에게 들켜 위기에 처하는데.
A leprechaun (Warwick Davis) helps a 12-year-old (Carly Anderson) befriend a magic pony while working on her uncle's (Olivier Gruner) farm. (IMDb)
In a New England village, two newlywed students of the paranormal enter Hillside House to document the activities of a legion of ghosts. They uncover a murderous history that leads them into the clutches of a mysterious doctor.
When a Serbian terrorist blackmails NATO and the U.N. with a deadly nerve gas, a covert squad is the Free World's last hope. Led by Dylan Pope they must "terminate" the threat before it terminates them!
Weird things are happening in the town of Justice, Arizona: three sheriffs have disappeared, and someone is killing the rancher's livestock in a bizarre, ritualistic fashion. Locals believe the incidents were caused by aliens...
But a visiting couple, Charlie and Rhonda, knows better – because they're aliens themselves. When no one else will, Charlie and Rhonda volunteer to be the new sheriffs to get to bottom of the crimes. Hiding behind the power of the badge, the two make their own rules, punishing wrong-doers with their own form of "eye-for-an-eye" alien vengeance.
Follow this twisted, outer space "Bonnie and Clyde" as they attempt to bring Justice the justice it deserves.
Two brothers carry out a deadly terrorist bombing, but only one pays the price - imprisonment for life. Years later, the jailed brother is offered a second chance at freedom, providing he helps capture his fugitive sibling.
Two honest cops decide to cross the line for a one time score. But a simple plan to shake up an illegal arms dealer goes bad, resulting in his death. When their victim turns out to be an undercover FBI agent, a bad situation only turns worse. In a bizarre twist of fate, they are assigned to solve the murder. Now they must uncover and destroy the very evidence that could put them behind bars for life.
After she leaves her cheating husband, Susan Reed embarks on a cross-country road trip where she falls victim to a series of mishaps that land her behind bars in the redneck Macon County Jail. Once inside, she's subjected to endless acts of brutality from the guards and inmates alike. Things go from bad to worse when she's forced to defend herself against a rapist with tragic results. No longer truly "innocent," when the opportunity arises Susan flees with fellow prisoner Coley.
In this remake to the original 1980 ecological horror movie, a secret government experiment turns nightmarish when genetically altered fish, bred as amphibious weapons, escape. Scientists believe them dead after a biohazardous chemical spill. Far from it, the creatures thrive as bloodthirtsy killers, threatening to annihilate a small coastal town by slaughtering the men and abducting the women for mating! Government scientists attempt to keep the creatures' origin a secret while trying to destroy them.
A family of three is travelling in space, when they encounter a stranded spaceship. They manage to pull out one survivor (Grieco) who's in shock. However, when the father goes on to investigate the ship, he finds that everyone was murdered. Suddenly, the stranger leaves him on the damaged spaceship and starts to terrorize his wife and daughter, for it turns out that the stranger is really an emotionally unstable android programmed without morals, making him go on a killer rampage. Who will survive?
Bonnie and Clyde were no match for Depression Era gangster George "Babyface" Nelson and his moll Helen Womack. Constantly on the lam from the law and from Chicago's biggest crime lord Al Capone, Babyface and his female accomplice leave a trail of blood and bullets in their path towards making history.
Will and Maura, despite their marital problems, decide to come to Ireland and live on Maura's ancestral estate, bringing with them their daughter Aubrey. But soon weird happenings around the house lead a local priest to confess that Maura's ancestors practiced black magic, and Maura's own insecurities threaten to bring her into the evil fold.
Doctor Baines has been conducting genetic experiments on piranhas and has made them virtually unstoppable. Unfortunately, his assistants, Maggie and Paul, accidentally release the hybrids into the Lost River Lake threatening to destroy everyone in their path. Can they prevent the flesh-eating piranhas from escaping into the ocean and spawning?
Walter Paisley, a busboy at a cappuccino bar called the Jabberjaw, is praised as a genius after he kills his landlady's cat and covers it in plaster. Pressured to produce more work, he goes after bigger subjects.
Darcy is a cop who is also a supehero named Black Scorpion at night who kicks and beats evildoers to a pulp. She soon catches wind of an asthmatic mad scientist who plans on tainting the city's air supply with a toxin. Only Darcy in her superhero garb can stop him with the assistance of a petty thief named Argyle.
Janna Riley is the awkward and shy girl nobody ever seems to notice. Not being able to live up to her mother's expectations of popularity, Janna walks through the school hallways alone, though her eyes are always on a certain football player, Bo Callahan. Laughed at and made fun of by the in-crowd, Janna sees her opportunity to become accepted when a fateful motorcycle "accident" lands Bo into her arms and under her doting care. Bo's vulnerable condition enables Janna to kidnap Bo and, in the style of Stephen King's "Misery," the viewer is held captive for every thrilling second.
In 1934, J. Edgar Hoover and the boys made headlines for mowing down John Dillinger in a hail of bullets outside Chicago's Biograph theater. But in fact, according to this Jon Purdy gangster thriller, the Feds iced Dillinger's brother. Fast-forward five years, when mobster kingpin Al Capone (F. Murray Abraham) gives the real Dillinger (Martin Sheen) an offer he can't refuse: rob millions from a secluded vault or watch his wife and child get whacked.
An edgy, terrifying tale about an intern who failed medical school... but never gave up surgery.
When a petty criminal escapes from jail, she lays low by posing as a babysitter for two semmingly precious children. But when she decides to sell them for a quick profit, she gets more than she bargained for. A wildy clever family comedy in the tradition of "Home Alone" and "Mrs. Doubtfire".
It is 2035 A.D. and the final countdown has begun for a voyage that will reach across the vastness of outer space - to explore the nearest Earth-Like planet. An international crew has been placed in cryogenic suspended animation for the journey. But a century later, they awake to find that things have gone horribly wrong.
Casting Associate
레베카 칼슨(Rebecca Carlson: 마돈나 분)은 그녀의 몸을 살인 무기로 썼다는 흔치 않은 사건의 용의자로 젊고 아름다운 화랑의 여주인이다. 60대 중반의 심장병 환자 앤드류 마쉬가 코카인을 흡입하고 숨진 채발견되자 그의 정부 레베카에게 살인혐의가 돌아간다. 이 사건에 대한 앤드류의 비서 조앤의 증언은 레베카를 기소하기에 충분했다. 최고의 민권 변호사로 알려진 프랭크(Frank Dulaney: 윌렘 대포 분)가 그녀의 변호를 맡기로 결정한다. 한치의 양보도 없는 재판이 진행되는 동안, 프랭크는 매혹적인 레베카에게 빠져들고 있는 자신을 발견한다.
Casting Associate
23세기, 위성의 부분 파괴로 인해 오존층 오염 및 심각한 경제난에 봉착한 클링온 제국은 우주의 평화유지를 위해 결성된 혹성연방에 가입하고자 하고 마침내 중립 지대의 우주정거장과 혹성기지 철거를 조건으로 70년가나에 걸친 적대 관계를 종식시키기로 합의한다. 그러나 그들이 평화회담 후 자신들의 우주선으로 귀환하자마자 USS 엔터프라이즈호로부터 무차별공격이 이어지고 클링온 제국의 지도자를 비롯한 몇몇 각료가 살상되기에 이른다. 엔터프라이즈호 내부에 혹성연방의 전복을 꾀하는 이탈자가 있었던 것! 혹성연방의 배신행위로 단정지은 클링온 제국은 지도자를 비롯한 몇몇 각료가 살상 되기에 이른다. 엔터프라이즈호 내부에 혹성연방의 전복을 꾀하는 이탈자가 있었던 것! 오해를 풀고자 클링온제국을 방문한 엔터프라이즈호의 커크선장과 메코이는 클링온 지도자의 살인범으로 몰려 우주인의 공동 묘지로 불리우는 식민 위성으로 추방된다.