Marcello Montarsi

출생 : 1963-03-22, Rome, Italy

참여 작품

Sorelle per sempre
Se mi vuoi bene
Director of Photography
After a suicide attempt, depressed lawyer Diego decides to take up the mantle of good Samaritan by helping his loved ones fix the problems in their life, but ends up bringing only utter havoc.
Compromessi sposi
Director of Photography
A young fashion blogger and an aspiring songwriter seem to have not that much in common, but when Cupid’s arrow hits them, every difference fades away and overnight they decide to get married. Even their fathers do not have anything in common: Gaetano is a strict mayor from Southern Italy, while Diego is a rich entrepreneur from the North. Between the two forthcoming in-laws, instead, is hate at first sight. They seem to agree on one single common goal: prevent this marriage at any cost! After fighting by any means in a struggle that will also involve their two bizarre families, will they manage to say no to the wedding?
Our Family Three More
Director of Photography
Elena, a Sicilian mother of three, is murdered by her husband. Her cousin, Roberto decides to take the three orphans into custody. Together with his wife, Anna, he takes charge of the maintenance of the three nephews, who join the other two children of the couple. The adaptation of the three children to the new reality is complex and conflicting. The backlash on the family budget is heavy. Roberto and his wife make do to ensure that the children are supported, trying not to let them know how their mother died.
Director of Photography
The arduous story of a witness: Marco. His family is forced to live in the shadow, threatened by the executioners and with no protection from the government. The dream of a kid, Matteo, who asks his father to buy him a helicopter to play with. He wants to save a little man who is drowning in a sea of blue cloth. Will Marco succeed fulfilling that dream and save the man in the sea?
Poveri ma ricchissimi
Director of Photography
The Tucci family discovers that they have not really lost all their money and, refusing to pay Italian taxes, decides to turn Torresecca into a tax haven, relying on a post-Italian unification bureaucratic oversight.
Poor but Rich
Director of Photography
The "Tucci" are a poor Italian family living in a small village in Lazio. Father, mother, a conceited daughter and a genius son, forced to pretend being stupid to keep up with the family. One day something unexpected happens: the family wins one hundred million Euros. Excited, they decide to keep the winning a secret, but as soon as a single word slips out from the mouth of the householder, they only have one choice to avoid being persecuted by friends and acquaintances: run away. They leave at night, heading to Milan. They will realize as soon as they arrive that today's rich people behaves very differently from the past, and being rich has become a real bother... this discovery will make things way different from what Tuccis' expected.
Prima di lunedì
Director of Photography
Forever Young
Director of Photography
Intertwined stories of 50somethings that won't give up on their glory days
Una casa nel cuore
When a man disappears and leaves a daughter and mother in heavy debt they have to live on a houseboat to make ends meet. - IMDB
Non c'è 2 senza te
Director of Photography
Gay couple is jeopardized when one of them falls for a sexy woman.
Mafia & Red Tomatoes
Director of Photography
In Puglia, a cooperative wants to farm the land confiscated from a Mafioso, as it is legally entitled to do. But things are moving slowly. So the members of the cooperative turn to Filippo, who belongs to an anti-mafia organisation with its headquarters in the north. Filippo arrives in Puglia and realises that everyone, starting with the carabinieri, is taking huge liberties with the law.
Nessuno mi pettina bene come il vento
Director of Photography
Dark Resurrection Volume 0
Master Sorran is obsessed by his search for an ancient civilization which, according to legend, holds the secret of immortality. After many years he lights upon the wreck of the civilisation's most powerful starship: the Resurrection. Sorran ignores the dangers and orders his crew to dock. The explorers and Sorran himself will face the mysteries of the Resurrection and the secret of the origins of the dark side.
Un altro mondo
Director of Photography
Andrea is a twentysomething from a rich but cold family who leads a superficial life devoid of responsibility. After receiving a letter from his dying father, whom he hasn't seen since he was a child, Andrea reluctantly joins him in Kenya to bid him farewell. Once there, he'll find himself with a rather singular inheritance: an 8-year-old half-brother that his father had from a local woman.
쏘리, 알러뷰
Director of Photography
잘나가는 직업에, 훤칠한 외모까지 갖춘 서른일곱 ‘알렉스’는 영문도 모른 채 동거녀에게 차이고 실연의 충격을 극복하고자 별 짓을 다하지만 좀처럼 차도가 없다. 그러던 어느 날 연애에 대한 불신과 좌절에 휩싸인 그의 우울하고 공허한 일상에 당돌한 열일곱 ‘니키’가 끼어든다.교차로에서 알렉스의 차를 니키의 오토바이가 들이받은 것!우연을 가장한 운명적인 만남으로 그들의 진부한 연애생활은 180도 돌변하는데, 알렉스는 20살의 나이 차에도 불구하고 과감하게 들이대며 사랑을 고백하는 그녀가 싫지만은 않다.하지만 알렉스를 인정사정 없이 차버렸던 동거녀가 다시 그의 앞에 나타나면서, 둘 사이에 극복하기 힘든 먹구름이 드리우는데…서로를 통해 지금까지 몰랐던 새로운 삶을 경험한 알렉스와 니키는 용기를 내어 진정한 사랑을 선택할 수 있을까?
Concrete Romance
A climax of brutality and violence after a young man hits some cars in a rush.
Troppo Belli
Costantino and Daniele are two friends which have very success with girls. Their wish is to work in the show business and they can achieve their goal when meet Valeria, top model and actress, who offers both guys the chance they are looking for: meet Mr. Giampalmi, an important producer. But the producer is Valeria's father who wants the guys to be cheated...
A/R Andata + Ritorno
Director of Photography
Dante, a pony express in serious debt, meets Nina, a hostess stuck in Torino for the night.
Promessa d'amore
Director of Photography
Three orphans that grew up in an institution and refused to be separated by adoption meet again after becoming adults at the wedding of one of them.
Come se fosse amore
Director of Photography
When in Rome
Teenage sisters Charli and Lola are on the verge of an experience beyond their wildest dreams! Pack your bags and jet off to Rome as the girls start their summer internship working for the legendary Derek Hanson - the totally cool international tycoon whose empire reaches from airlines to cutting-edge fashion. Amid the fabulous sights of this exciting city, the girls do their best to impress their boss, while still finding time to design their own line of very hip clothing, meet some very cute guys and turn their summer abroad into one awesome adventure they - and you - will never forget!
Santa Maradona
Director of Photography
An unemployed young man finds his life turned upside down when he falls in love with a beautiful actress.
라스트 키스
Director of Photography
서른을 몇 달 앞둔 스물 아홉의 어느날 사춘기에 빠져 버렸다! “나 임신했어!” 3년 동안 사귄 여자친구 줄리아의 임신발표! 기뻐해야 하는게 당연한데 오히려 가슴이 답답하고 앞날이 캄캄하다! 결혼한 친구 아드리아노는 애를 낳는 순간 지옥의 시작이라고 겁을 주고 옛날 여자친구를 못 잊는 파올로는 이렇게 어영부영 서른이 될 수는 없다며 우리를 구속하는 모든 것으로부터 떠나자고 옆구리를 콕콕 찌른다. 게다가, 이제 막 피어난 장미처럼 싱그러운 18살 소녀 프란체스카를 보는 순간 카를로의 가슴은 사랑에 빠진 십대 사춘기 소년처럼 두근거리기 시작하는데… 한 달 뒤면 서른이 되는 카를로, 과연 무사히 서른이 될 수 있을까?
Teste di cocco
Azzurro profondo
Camera Operator
A young girl swimmer, involved in an organisation with the aim of protecting dolphins, is engaged in an action against the local fishermen whose nets are endangering the creatures. She develops a rapport with some rescued dolphins, joining them in the society's tank, surprising other members with her ability to hold her breath for long periods. Following the death of a colleague, with whom she was in love, She decides to publicise the situation by breaking a world free-diving record.