Frank Lloyd

Frank Lloyd

출생 : 1886-02-02, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

사망 : 1960-08-10


Frank Lloyd was a film director, scriptwriter and producer. Lloyd was among the founders of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and its president from 1934 to 1935. Frank Lloyd was Scotland's first Academy Award winner and is unique in film history having received three Oscar nominations in 1929 for his work on a silent film (The Divine Lady), a part-talkie (Weary River) and a full talkie (Drag). He won for The Divine Lady. He was nominated and won again in 1933 for his adaptation of Noel Coward's Cavalcade and received a further Best Director nomination in 1935 for perhaps his most successful film, Mutiny on the Bounty.

프로필 사진

Frank Lloyd

참여 작품

The Last Command
Associate Producer
During the Texas War of Independence of 1836 American frontiersman and pioneer Jim Bowie pleads for caution with the rebellious Texicans. They don't heed his advice since he's a Mexican citizen, married to the daughter of the Mexican vice-governor of the province and a friend to General Santa Anna since the days they had fought together for Mexico's independence. After serving as president for 22 years, Santa Anna has become too powerful and arrogant. He rules Mexico with an iron fist and he would not allow Texas to self-govern. Bowie sides with the Texans in their bid for independence and urges a cautious strategy, given Santa Anna's power and cunning. Despite the disagreement between the Texicans and Bowie regarding the right strategy they ask Bowie to lead them in a last-ditch stand, at Alamo, against General Santa Anna's numerically superior forces.
The Last Command
During the Texas War of Independence of 1836 American frontiersman and pioneer Jim Bowie pleads for caution with the rebellious Texicans. They don't heed his advice since he's a Mexican citizen, married to the daughter of the Mexican vice-governor of the province and a friend to General Santa Anna since the days they had fought together for Mexico's independence. After serving as president for 22 years, Santa Anna has become too powerful and arrogant. He rules Mexico with an iron fist and he would not allow Texas to self-govern. Bowie sides with the Texans in their bid for independence and urges a cautious strategy, given Santa Anna's power and cunning. Despite the disagreement between the Texicans and Bowie regarding the right strategy they ask Bowie to lead them in a last-ditch stand, at Alamo, against General Santa Anna's numerically superior forces.
The Shanghai Story
Associate Producer
Shanghai, China. The last expatriate Westerners still living in the city are imprisoned in a hotel by the communist authorities in order to find the spy hiding among them.
The Shanghai Story
Shanghai, China. The last expatriate Westerners still living in the city are imprisoned in a hotel by the communist authorities in order to find the spy hiding among them.
The Last Bomb
Documentary of the planning and delivery of the last great bomber attack on the city of Tokyo by the U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II.
Blood on the Sun
Nick Condon, an American journalist in 1945 Tokyo, publishes the Japanese master plan for world domination. Reaction from the understandably upset Japanese provides the action, but this is overshadowed by the propaganda of the time.
Forever and a Day
In World War II, American Gates Trimble Pomfret is in London during the Blitz to sell the ancestral family house. The current tenant, Leslie Trimble, tries to dissuade him from selling by telling him the 140-year history of the place and the connections between the Trimble and Pomfret families.
인비저블 에이전트
The Invisible Man's grandson uses his secret formula to spy on Nazi Germany in this comedy-thriller.
레이 글레니스터는 덕망있고 지혜로운 광산의 소유주이지만 그의 광산에서 캐낸 금과 돈을 노리는 이들의 음모에 휘말려드는 인물이다. 디트리히는 이 도시의 매력적인 술집 주인으로 멋있지만 악한 품성을 가진 악당 두목(랜돌프 스콧이 연기한 알렉산드라 멕나마라 역)과 정직한 광산주 존 웨인 사이에서 갈등하며 선택의 기로에 서게 된다. 불굴의 미국인을 상징하는 서부 영화의 영원한 영웅 존 웨인과 독일 출신의 매력적인 여배우 마를린 디트리히가 함께 출연하여 골드러쉬가 최고조에 달했던 1890년대 미국 서부를 배경으로 벌어지는 사나이들의 결투와 사랑을 그려낸 작품. 존 웨인과 랜돌프 스콧은 영화의 결말 분, 술집에서 격투를 벌이는데 이 장면은 당시로서는 찾아볼 수 없었던 스펙터클한 액션씬 중의 하나라는 평을 받았던 바 있다. 영화는 서부 영화가 갖는 와일드하고 힘찬 성격을 고스란히 표현하고 있는 확실한 모험극이다.
파괴 공작원
캘리포니아의 항공기 제조 공장, 이곳에서 일하던 배리(Barry Kane: 로버트 커밍 분)는 친구와 함께 휴식 기간에 공장을 나오다가 우연히 프라이(Frank Fry: 노먼 로이드 분)라는 사람을 만나게 된다. 그때 공장에서 화제가 발생하고 그 방화사건에 배리의 친구가 희생을 당하게 된다. 갑작스런 친구의 죽음을 슬퍼하고 있던 배리는 방화범이라는 누명을 쓰고 경찰의 수사에서 용의자로 지목된다. 그가 친구에게 건네준 소화기가 휘발유로 가득차 있었다는 것과 우연히 마주쳤던 프라이라는 직원을 찾을 수 없다는 이유 때문이다. 도망자의 신세가 되어 프라이를 추적하는 배리, 도중에 인기 모델인 팻(Patricia Martin: 프리실라 레인 분)을 만나게 되는데 그녀는 처음엔 그를 믿지 않다가 결국 그와 함께 범인 추적에 나선다. 우여곡절 끝에 뉴욕에 도착한 배리 일행. 그들은 그 방화사건 뒤에 아메리칸 나치 조직이 있음을 알게 되는데.
This Woman Is Mine
Three seafaring fur traders fall in love with a female stowaway they discover aboard their ship. Many adventures follow.
This Woman Is Mine
Three seafaring fur traders fall in love with a female stowaway they discover aboard their ship. Many adventures follow.
The Lady from Cheyenne
Fictionalized story of the 1869 adoption of women's suffrage in Wyoming Territory. In the new-founded railroad town of Laraville, Boss Jim Cork hopes to manipulate the sale of town lots to give him control, but Quaker schoolmarm Annie Morgan bags one of the key lots. Cork's lawyer Steve Lewis tries romancing Annie to get the lot back, finding her so overpoweringly liberated she leaves him dizzy. Still, Steve attains his nefarious object...almost...then has cause to deeply regret having aroused the sleeping giant of feminism!
버지니아의 하워드
Beautiful young Virginian Jane steps down from her proper aristocratic upbringing when she marries down-to-earth surveyor Matt Howard. Matt joins the Colonial forces in their fight for freedom against England. Matt will meet Jane's father in the battlefield.
Rulers of the Sea
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
Rulers of the Sea
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
If I Were King
King Louis XI masquerades as a commoner in Paris, seeking out the treachery he is sure lurks in his kingdom. At a local tavern, he overhears the brash poet François Villon extolling why he would be a better king. Annoyed yet intrigued, the King bestows on Villon the title of Grand Constable. Soon Villon begins work and falls for a lovely lady-in-waiting, but then must flee execution when the King turns on him.
If I Were King
King Louis XI masquerades as a commoner in Paris, seeking out the treachery he is sure lurks in his kingdom. At a local tavern, he overhears the brash poet François Villon extolling why he would be a better king. Annoyed yet intrigued, the King bestows on Villon the title of Grand Constable. Soon Villon begins work and falls for a lovely lady-in-waiting, but then must flee execution when the King turns on him.
Wells Fargo
In the 1840s, Ramsey MacKay, the driver for the struggling Wells Fargo mail and freight company, will secure an important contract if he delivers fresh oysters to Buffalo from New York City. When he rescues Justine Pryor and her mother, who are stranded in a broken wagon on his route, he doesn't let them slow him down and gives the ladies an exhilirating ride into Buffalo. He arrives in time to obtain the contract and is then sent by company president Henry Wells to St. Louis to establish a branch office.
Wells Fargo
In the 1840s, Ramsey MacKay, the driver for the struggling Wells Fargo mail and freight company, will secure an important contract if he delivers fresh oysters to Buffalo from New York City. When he rescues Justine Pryor and her mother, who are stranded in a broken wagon on his route, he doesn't let them slow him down and gives the ladies an exhilirating ride into Buffalo. He arrives in time to obtain the contract and is then sent by company president Henry Wells to St. Louis to establish a branch office.
Maid of Salem
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Maid of Salem
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Under Two Flags
Sergeant Victor comes to the French Foreign Legion after taking the blame for his brother's crime. Cigarette falls in love with him though Major Doyle is in love with her. Doyle sends Victor on dangerous assignments to be rid of him. He falls in love with Lady Venetia Cunningham, a visitor to the garrison
바운티호의 반란
1787년 영국 포츠머스. 유럽 식량경제를 뒤 바꿔 놓을 지도 모르는 경제 작물인 빵나무의 종자나무를 가져오기위해 영국 포프머드 항구에서 바운티호가 역사적인 출범을 한다. 빌리이 선장 이하 부선장 크리스찬 및 80명의 선원들은 지구의 반을 돌아야하는 대장정을 시작한다. 출발하자마자 치즈 절도 사건이 일어나고, 선장의 부탁으로 선장의 집에 갖다준 밀즈라는 선원이 죄를 뒤집어쓰게 되나 곤란해진 선장의 억지에 의해 상관 모독죄로 밀즈에게 채찍 24대의 체벌이 가해지게 된다. 항상 독재적인 권위로 선원들을 다스리는 발리이 선장은 선원들에게 두려움 외에도 반항심을 불어넣어 주었다. 그리고 빌리이 선장은 부하들을 다스리는 일에서 크리스찬과 부딪치게 된다. 마침내 킹조지 섬에 닿게 되고 항해의 목적인 빵나무 종자를 채취하는 동안 무단 이탈한 선원을 체벌하여 가둔다. 이에 불만 느낀 선원들과 크리스찬은 선상 반란을 일으키게 되고 크리스찬은 선장을 죽이려는 선원들을 만류하고 일주일분의 식량과 나침판 지도 등을 주어 구명정에 태워 망망대해에 내려놓는다. 그리고 바운티호는 타이티섬으로 항로를 돌리는데...
바운티호의 반란
1787년 영국 포츠머스. 유럽 식량경제를 뒤 바꿔 놓을 지도 모르는 경제 작물인 빵나무의 종자나무를 가져오기위해 영국 포프머드 항구에서 바운티호가 역사적인 출범을 한다. 빌리이 선장 이하 부선장 크리스찬 및 80명의 선원들은 지구의 반을 돌아야하는 대장정을 시작한다. 출발하자마자 치즈 절도 사건이 일어나고, 선장의 부탁으로 선장의 집에 갖다준 밀즈라는 선원이 죄를 뒤집어쓰게 되나 곤란해진 선장의 억지에 의해 상관 모독죄로 밀즈에게 채찍 24대의 체벌이 가해지게 된다. 항상 독재적인 권위로 선원들을 다스리는 발리이 선장은 선원들에게 두려움 외에도 반항심을 불어넣어 주었다. 그리고 빌리이 선장은 부하들을 다스리는 일에서 크리스찬과 부딪치게 된다. 마침내 킹조지 섬에 닿게 되고 항해의 목적인 빵나무 종자를 채취하는 동안 무단 이탈한 선원을 체벌하여 가둔다. 이에 불만 느낀 선원들과 크리스찬은 선상 반란을 일으키게 되고 크리스찬은 선장을 죽이려는 선원들을 만류하고 일주일분의 식량과 나침판 지도 등을 주어 구명정에 태워 망망대해에 내려놓는다. 그리고 바운티호는 타이티섬으로 항로를 돌리는데...
Servants' Entrance
Heiress Hedda Nillson certain that her family is about to lose all its money, takes a job as a maid. After the usual trials and tribulations, Hedda falls in love with humble chauffeur Eric Landstrom.
A hula dancer at a carnival sets out to seduce the naive son of the show's manager.
Berkeley Square
A young American man is transported back to London in the time of the American Revolution and meets his ancestors.
1899년부터 보어전쟁, 빅토리아여왕의 죽음, 타이타닉호의 침몰, 제1차 세계대전 등 격랑의 20세기 초를 겪어나가는 한가족의 삶이 줄거리이다. 영국 상류 가정의 로버트 매리엇(클라이브 브룩)과 그의 아내 제인 매리엇(다이애나 와이너드)은 역사의 소용돌이 속에서 사랑하는 아들(프랭크 로턴)을 잃는다. 비록 전쟁 영웅으로 죽지만 가족에게는 엄청난 비극이다. 역사의 물결이 개인의 삶 속에 들어와 어떻게 조명되는지를 매리엇 일가는 감동적으로 그려낸다
A Passport to Hell
Just prior to the outbreak of World War I, in the British West African town of Akkra, English woman Myra Carson becomes involved in a scandal and is deported. While Myra's ship is docked at Duala, in German West Africa, the war breaks out and she finds herself facing internment by the Germans.
The Age for Love
A comedy-drama about marriage and divorce. A wife does not want children, her husband leaves her and marries a woman who does.
The Age for Love
A comedy-drama about marriage and divorce. A wife does not want children, her husband leaves her and marries a woman who does.
The Age for Love
A comedy-drama about marriage and divorce. A wife does not want children, her husband leaves her and marries a woman who does.
East Lynne
The refined Lady Isabel Carlisle, after leaving her family and enduring nearly a decade of hardships, learns that her son has fallen ill. Despite being nearly blinded as the result of an explosion, she returns home to see her son again.
The Lash
A nobleman returns home to Southern California after the Mexican American War to find his people mistreated by unscrupulous Americans.
The Lash
A nobleman returns home to Southern California after the Mexican American War to find his people mistreated by unscrupulous Americans.
The Right of Way
Snobbish attorney Charles 'Beauty' Steele loses his wife due to his drinking and his heirs at the same time that his brother-in-law absconds with funds belonging to one of Steele's clients. In search of the thief, Steele is attacked and left for dead. He is rescued by a kindly couple, but suffers from amnesia. He starts life afresh and is happy, until the return of his memory sends him back to resolve his old involvements.
The Way of All Men
A variety of broad-painted and unlikely characters are trapped in an underground café when a Mississippi River levee breaks and causes flood havoc above and below.
Son of the Gods
The popular Caucasian-looking son (Richard Barthelmess) of a wealthy Chinese businessman lives away from his widowed father and passes as white, but experiences prejudice, rejection, insult, and heartache when the socialite (Constance Bennett) he loves learns of his heritage.
Young Nowheres
Young Nowheres is a 1929 American drama film directed by Frank Lloyd and starring Richard Barthelmess, Marian Nixon and Bert Roach.
Dark Streets
Pat and Danny McGlone are identical twin brothers, rivals and competitors in everything they do, and Pat grows up and becomes a policeman while Danny turns to a life of crime. They now find themselves on the opposite sides of the law, and both are in love with a pretty Irish girl from their neighborhood, Kate Dean. Before long one has to prove that blood is thicker than water.
1928-29 film directed by Frank Lloyd. It was an Oscar nominee for Best Director in the second year of the Academy Awards. The story concerns a man's family life, especially his wife's parents and their impact on his peace and solitude. it is a light comedy and supposedly is available at, at least, one unknown archive. It has been shown in recent years at one film festival in LA. This is an important film due to its Oscar status and because it is in existence somewhere and deserves to be mentioned.
정염의 미녀
Lady Hamilton's love affair with Admiral Horatio Nelson rocks the British Empire.
Weary River
A gangster is put in prison, but finds salvation through music while serving his time. Again on the outside, he finds success elusive and temptations abound.
Weary River
A gangster is put in prison, but finds salvation through music while serving his time. Again on the outside, he finds success elusive and temptations abound.
Billie Dove, as Elena, pulls out all stops as a Russian princess and a woman-of-the-streets in Paris in an exotic romance and hand-wringing drama set in two countries and the way-stations in between.
아기 엄마
A young flapper tricks her childhood sweetheart into marrying her. He really loves another woman, but didn't marry her for fear the marriage would end in divorce, like his parents'. Complications ensue.
The Eagle of the Sea
Eagle of the Sea is based on Charles Tenney Jackson's swashbuckling novel Captain Sazarac. Ricardo Cortez stars as Sazarac, a bold American pirate captain who proves to be putty in the hands of New Orleans belle Louise Lestron (Florence Vidor).
The Wise Guy
A carnival huckster who decides to turn pennies into dollars by passing himself off as a hellfire-and-brimstone evangelist.
The Splendid Road
Young Sandra De Hault arrives by ship in Sacramento, California, during the 1849 Gold Rush. While on board she adopted three children whose mother had died during the voyage. While in Sacramento she is saved from the attentions of a violent drunk by Stanton Holliday, an agent for eastern banker John Grey. They fall for each other, but Sandra believes that the daughter of Halliday's boss is in love with him, and not wanting to hurt his career she leaves town.
Winds of Chance
A love triangle set against the turn-of-the-century gold rush.
The Silent Watcher
The Silent Watcher is a lost 1924 American silent melodrama film directed by Frank Lloyd. It stars Glenn Hunter and Bessie Love.
The Sea Hawk
The adventures of Oliver Tressilian, who goes from English gentry to galley slave to captain of a Moorish fighting ship.
Black Oxen
A Manhattan playboy falls for a mysterious European woman, whom he notices is an exact double for a famous socialite who disappeared at the turn of the century. At first he thinks it's just a coincidence, as the beautiful young woman he's romancing is much younger than the woman who vanished, who would be in her late 50s or early 60s by now. Soon, however, he begins to believe that maybe it's not such a coincidence after all.
Black Oxen
A Manhattan playboy falls for a mysterious European woman, whom he notices is an exact double for a famous socialite who disappeared at the turn of the century. At first he thinks it's just a coincidence, as the beautiful young woman he's romancing is much younger than the woman who vanished, who would be in her late 50s or early 60s by now. Soon, however, he begins to believe that maybe it's not such a coincidence after all.
Ashes of Vengeance
This historical piece, set in the Huguenot days of France, is Norma Talmadge's 37th feature film and the longest to date at two hours. The plot involves a man forced into servitude who falls in love with the sister of his persecutor. It was Ms. Talmadge's fourth involvement with director, Frank Lloyd and the cast included future star, Wallace Beery.
Ashes of Vengeance
This historical piece, set in the Huguenot days of France, is Norma Talmadge's 37th feature film and the longest to date at two hours. The plot involves a man forced into servitude who falls in love with the sister of his persecutor. It was Ms. Talmadge's fourth involvement with director, Frank Lloyd and the cast included future star, Wallace Beery.
Within the Law
When Mary Turner is sent to prison for a crime she did not commit, she vows upon her release to take vengeance on those who wronged her, always staying however within the letter of the law.
The Voice from the Minaret
Lord Carlyle governs a province in India. Although he weds the beautiful Adrienne, he can't make her love him. And no wonder -- he's not only cruel, he's unfaithful. Adrienne leaves him and boards a ship with the intention of returning to England. But on the boat she meets Andrew Fabian, who is studying for the clergy. They fall in love, and he convinces her to accompany him on a pilgrimage to Damascus.
The Sin Flood
Stratton's café is a popular place with the people of Cottonia, a wealthy cotton town on the banks of the Mississippi, installs flood-proof doors as a safeguard against an overflow of the river; when a flood comes, it appears that the entire town will be submerged. Trapped in Stratton's cafe, amongst others, are Billy Bear, a young broker, and Poppy, a chorus girl with whom he has been in love.
Oliver Twist
Oliver's mother, a penniless outcast, died giving birth to him. As a young boy Oliver is brought up in a workhouse, later apprenticed to an uncaring undertaker, and eventually is taken in by a gang of thieves who befriend him for their own purposes. All the while, there are secrets from Oliver's family history waiting to come to light. Written by Snow Leopard
The Eternal Flame
A 1922 film directed by Frank Lloyd.
Sherlock Brown
The secret formula for the world's most powerful explosive has been stolen from the U.S. government. William Brown, a clerk who aspires to be a detective, has just received his badge from some anonymous Midwestern agency, and manages to get himself embroiled in the intrigue.
The Grim Comedian
Actress Marie Lamont (Phoebe Hunt) has been living well due to a string of lovers and has kept her daughter, Dorothy (Gloria Hope) sequestered in a convent far, far away from her fast lifestyle. But when Dorothy leaves the convent to come live with her mother, Marie decides to reform. She gives up her fancy apartment and her latest lover, Harvey Martin (Jack Holt), to concentrate on her daughter and her career, in that order. But Martin has fallen for Dorothy, and Dorothy cares for him too, even though she is already promised to a young artist, Geoffrey Hutchins (John Harron).
A Voice in the Dark
The solution to a murder hinges on two witnesses: a deaf woman and a blind man.
A Tale of Two Worlds
A white child is adopted and raised by a Chinese citizen and brought to San Francisco, where no one surmises that she is actually not Chinese.
The Great Lover
Ethel Warren returns from studying in Europe to make her debut in New York with the opera company in which Jean Paurel, world-famous baritone, is the star. Carlo Sonino, also a member of the company, falls in love with Ethel and warns her against becoming infatuated with the amorous singer.
Madame X
Jacqueline Floriot is driven from her home by her husband Louis, a deputy attorney of Paris, because of his unjust suspicions regarding her relations with another man. Floriot forbids Jacqueline to see her baby boy, who is dangerously ill, and when informed that the boy believes her dead, she attempts suicide.
Madame X
Jacqueline Floriot is driven from her home by her husband Louis, a deputy attorney of Paris, because of his unjust suspicions regarding her relations with another man. Floriot forbids Jacqueline to see her baby boy, who is dangerously ill, and when informed that the boy believes her dead, she attempts suicide.
The Silver Horde
A young man who has proven a failure in business goes to Alaska and enters the salmon-fishing industry, in direct competition with the father of the woman he loves.
The Woman in Room 13
Laura Bruce is married to John Bruce, police commissioner. She discovers her husband is enjoying a drunken revel with another woman, and vows she will obtain a divorce. After doing so she weds Paul Ramsey. His employer, Dick Turner, a libertine, offers his a responsible position in the west, and she faces a long separation. Ramsey later learns that Turner is interested in his wife and engages a man to protect her, who happens to be her former husband.
West Is Best
Josephine is called to her Western home from an Eastern college and brings a party of girls with her, accompanied by one man.
The World and Its Woman
A Russian peasant girl rises to fame as an operatic diva. She becomes beloved of a Russian prince. When the 1917 revolution overthrows the czar's government, the pair attempts to cross the icy steppes and find their way to America.
Pitfalls of a Big City
Tenement dweller Molly Moore, trying to forget her crooked past and go straight, runs a cheap restaurant in the underworld district in order to educate her younger sister Marion.
The Rainbow Trail
Scenario Writer
Following in his dad's footsteps, Shefford devotes himself to freeing his community from the grip of a particularly despotic Mormon sect. In so doing, he rescues his foster sister Fay Larkin, who is coveted by lecherous Mormon elder Wagoner. As was the case in Riders of the Purple Sage, the Mormons are villains simply because they are Mormons.
The Rainbow Trail
Following in his dad's footsteps, Shefford devotes himself to freeing his community from the grip of a particularly despotic Mormon sect. In so doing, he rescues his foster sister Fay Larkin, who is coveted by lecherous Mormon elder Wagoner. As was the case in Riders of the Purple Sage, the Mormons are villains simply because they are Mormons.
His Extra Bit
The Reid family is in a squabble over buying bonds, when the family cook tells them that even the family servants buy bonds. A fund-raising short for the United States Fourth Liberty Loan Drive in World War I.
Riders of the Purple Sage
Lassiter quits the Texas Rangers and spends his life in pursuit of a group of Mormons who kidnapped his married sister. In a town on the Utah border, he meets the Withersteens and falls in love with their daughter, Jane. He also befriends Venters, and helps him track down some bandits who have been rustling the Withersteens' cattle.
Riders of the Purple Sage
Lassiter quits the Texas Rangers and spends his life in pursuit of a group of Mormons who kidnapped his married sister. In a town on the Utah border, he meets the Withersteens and falls in love with their daughter, Jane. He also befriends Venters, and helps him track down some bandits who have been rustling the Withersteens' cattle.
True Blue
True Blue begins with the marriage of black-sheep British nobleman Gilbert Brockhurst to the daughter of a Western rancher. When he learns that he has inherited his father's title and estate, Brockhurst deserts his wife and young son Bob. Upon attaining adulthood, Bob becomes the boss of his grandfather's ranch.
True Blue
True Blue begins with the marriage of black-sheep British nobleman Gilbert Brockhurst to the daughter of a Western rancher. When he learns that he has inherited his father's title and estate, Brockhurst deserts his wife and young son Bob. Upon attaining adulthood, Bob becomes the boss of his grandfather's ranch.
True Blue
True Blue begins with the marriage of black-sheep British nobleman Gilbert Brockhurst to the daughter of a Western rancher. When he learns that he has inherited his father's title and estate, Brockhurst deserts his wife and young son Bob. Upon attaining adulthood, Bob becomes the boss of his grandfather's ranch.
Les Misérables
Scenario Writer
Jean Valjean, a good and decent man who has committed a minor crime, is imprisoned but escapes. He is pursued thereafter for years by Javert, the cruel and implacable arm of the law.
Les Misérables
Jean Valjean, a good and decent man who has committed a minor crime, is imprisoned but escapes. He is pursued thereafter for years by Javert, the cruel and implacable arm of the law.
When a Man Sees Red
Scenario Writer
Story based on a Saturday Evening Post story entitled "The Painted Lady," which was written by Larry Evans. First mate Luther Smith returns to his home port to discover that his sister has died after being raped. Not long after, his mother dies from grief. Smith swears revenge and ships out on a boat manned by Sutton, "the worst captain this side o' hell". Smith doesn't realize yet that Sutton is the one who ravished his sister, but at sea, his brutalities become obvious.
When a Man Sees Red
Story based on a Saturday Evening Post story entitled "The Painted Lady," which was written by Larry Evans. First mate Luther Smith returns to his home port to discover that his sister has died after being raped. Not long after, his mother dies from grief. Smith swears revenge and ships out on a boat manned by Sutton, "the worst captain this side o' hell". Smith doesn't realize yet that Sutton is the one who ravished his sister, but at sea, his brutalities become obvious.
A Tale of Two Cities
At the outbreak of the French Revolution, Charles Darnay goes to Paris to rescue an imprisoned former family servant. He is himself imprisoned and condemned by the revolutionary forces there. His wife, the former Lucie Manette, is secretly loved by a gentlemanly wastrel, Sydney Carton. Carton embarks on a daring plan to save the husband of the woman he loves.
A Tale of Two Cities
At the outbreak of the French Revolution, Charles Darnay goes to Paris to rescue an imprisoned former family servant. He is himself imprisoned and condemned by the revolutionary forces there. His wife, the former Lucie Manette, is secretly loved by a gentlemanly wastrel, Sydney Carton. Carton embarks on a daring plan to save the husband of the woman he loves.
The World and the Woman
In "The World and the Woman", Jeanne Eagels plays Mary, a prostitute (which is implied by her walking the streets and being hassled by policemen) who reluctantly takes a better position at a country lodge as a maid. In this woodland community, she attends church and the path to Salvation becomes clear to her. Through Mary's faith, the injured folk of the countryside are healed. However, her old employer, whose lustful advances she'd previously spurned, still has designs on her.
The Intrigue
A sci-fi/espionage film in which world powers vie for control of a death ray during World War I as an undercover countess infiltrates enemy ranks to prevent them from getting their hands on the weapon.
The Stronger Love
Tom Serviss
Nell, a beautiful mountain girl, is a member of the Serviss family, rivals of the neighboring Rutherford family. Nell is engaged to Jim Serviss, who is the head of their clan, but when, by accident, she meets a stranger who has come to stay with the Rutherfords, they become infatuated.
The Stronger Love
Nell, a beautiful mountain girl, is a member of the Serviss family, rivals of the neighboring Rutherford family. Nell is engaged to Jim Serviss, who is the head of their clan, but when, by accident, she meets a stranger who has come to stay with the Rutherfords, they become infatuated.
An International Marriage
Florence Brent is the daughter of Bennington Brent, who runs a successful laundry business. Florence's childhood friend, John Oglesby, is a Congressman. When Florence visits her friend, Eleanor Williamson, in Washington D.C., she meets Eleanor's fiancé, who is a Count. The Duke of Buritz, a countryman of the Count, tries to corrupt Oglesby for political reasons. Meanwhile, the Count breaks his engagement to Eleanor, having become enamored of Florence. Oglesby eventually exposes the duplicity of the Count and Duke.
David Garrick
The true story of the famed British actor David Garrick and his love for Ada Ingot.
Madame la Presidente
Mademoiselle Gobette, a pretty young actress, visits the offices of the Minister of Justice, Cyprienne Gaudet. Simultaneously, Madame Galipaux arrives to speak to the Minister on behalf of her husband. Gaudet mistakes Madame Galipaux for the new cleaning woman, and Mademoiselle Gobette for Madame Galipaux, leading to farcical complications when Monsieur Galipaux arrives.
The Call of the Cumberlands
An aspiring New York painter returns home to the Kentucky mountains to settle a feud between two rival families.
The Reform Candidate
Realizing that his mayoral campaign is in serious trouble, reform candidate Frank Grandell sends his people out to dig up some dirt on Art Hoke, the boss of the city's political machine.
The Black Box
Ian MacDougal
Science fiction serial, presumed lost.
The Spy
Jake Parsons
An American agent exchanges places in prison with a condemned British officer and brother of a woman he greatly admires and goes to the gallows.
The Test
The Rich Man
The poor man, professing love for his family, drinks what he presumes to be poison in order to make a thousand dollars for them, but the drink proves to be harmless.
One of the Bravest
Jim Mack
A romantic drama about love and jealousy. Two firefighters want the same girl. She almost gets married to Harry, but John sneakily keeps her from doing so, and then marries her himself. After a year, he has started drinking and has lost his job, and his wife has to go to work at the factory. When a fire breaks out there, he rescues her, but loses his own life in the process.