Paul Jesson

출생 : 1946-01-01, UK

참여 작품

Bafta Award-winning Katherine Parkinson's debut play. Three characters sit for a silent painter and reveal their personal truths in a play about love, loss and the importance of human connection.
칠드런 액트
존경 받는 판사 피오나는 결혼생활의 위기를 맞은 가운데, 치료를 거부한 소년 애덤의 생사가 달린 재판을 맡게 된다. 이틀 안에 치료를 강행하지 않으면 목숨이 위태로운 상황에서 애덤의 진심을 확인하고 싶었던 피오나는 병원으로 직접 찾아가고, 그날의 만남은 두 사람의 삶에 예기치 않은 파장을 일으키는데……
더 시크릿 하우스
어두운 과거를 잊고 아픈 엄마, 동생들과 함께 새출발을 위해 매로우본 저택에 살기로 한 잭. 얼마 후, 병세가 나빠진 엄마가 세상을 떠난다. 형제들이 보호시설로 뿔뿔이 흩어지게 될 까봐 두려워진 잭은 성인이 될 때까지 엄마의 죽음을 외부에 숨기기로 한다. 동생들과 지켜야 할 룰을 정하고 불가피할 경우만 잭 혼자 저택을 나가기로 한 것. 그러던 어느 날, 잭이 외출하고 온 후부터 저택에서는 설명할 수 없는 불가사의한 일들이 벌어지고 모든 출입구가 봉쇄되었던 방에서 인기척이 들린다. 잭은 알 수 없는 존재로부터 동생들을 보호하고 함께 살기 위한 방법을 찾기 시작하는데…​
The Sound of Music Live!
Admiral von Schreiber
The popular musical is brought to life on soundstages at London's Three Mills Studio, in a live TV dramatisation of the timeless story of Maria and the Von Trapp Family singers, one of the world's best-known concert groups in the era immediately preceding World War II.
미스터 터너
William Turner Snr
마네, 모네, 르누아르 이전에 그가 있었다. 인상주의의 시작이자 풍경화의 거장 윌리엄 터너의 숨겨진 이야기 19세기, 이미 미술계에서 명성을 떨치고 있던 터너는 영국을 벗어나 여행을 다니며 영감을 얻던 중 한 여인과 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 동시에 기존의 화풍을 벗어나 파격적인 기법의 풍경화를 선보이지만 세간의 조롱을 사고, 심지어 시력이 나빠졌다는 소문까지 돌게되는데...
클로저 투 더 문
Studio Manager
A Romanian police officer teams up with a small crew of bank robbers to pull off a heist by convincing everyone at the scene of the crime that they are only filming a movie.
National Theatre Live: Travelling Light
Maurice Montgomery
In a remote village in Eastern Europe, around 1900, the young Motl Mendl is entranced by the flickering silent images on his father's cinematograph.
코리올라누스: 세기의 라이벌
Tribune Brutus
뜨거운 욕망을 드러낸 그들의 대립이 시작된다!
National Theatre Live: King Lear
Earl of Gloucester
An ageing monarch. A kingdom divided. A child’s love rejected. As Lear’s world descends into chaos, all that he once believed is brought into question. One of the greatest works in Western literature, King Lear explores the very nature of human existence: love and duty, power and loss, good and evil.
A detailed and compelling portrait of one of the most formidable characters in British politics as she faces her final days in power. The year is 1990 and Margaret Thatcher's support within the government is wavering - her hold on the premiership hangs in the balance. Then, long-serving politician Sir Geoffrey Howe resigns over Thatcher's attitude to Europe. His resignation speech sparks a chain of events that leads to the overthrow of Britain's first woman prime minister. This modern dramatic tragedy illustrates the strengths and fatal flaws of this iconic woman more clearly than ever before and reveals how the very aspects of her character that helped her secure power are the ones that ensured her downfall. Drama starring Lindsay Duncan.
베라 드레이크
1950년대의 영국 런던. 전후 영국의 헌신적인 주부상을 대표할 만한 평범한 여자 베라 드레이크. 노동자 계급인 그녀의 가족은 풍족하지는 않지만 행복하게 살아가고 있다. 베라는 임신하고 어찌할 줄 모르는 어린 소녀들을 위해 간혹 낙태 수술을 해주곤 하는데, 그 소녀 중 한 명이 병원에 입원하면서 베라의 평온한 일상은 깨어진다.
Danielle Cable:  Eyewitness
Brian Boyce
Dramatisation of the real-life road-rage killing in 1996 of Stephen Cameron by Kenneth Noye, who was also implicated in the Brinks Mat bullion robbery and the murder of a policeman. The only witness to the killing of Stephen Cameron was his fiancée, Danielle Cable, who was forced to change her identity after giving the evidence which convicted Noye.
전부 아니면 무
택시 기사 필을 위한 페니의 사랑이 점점 식어간다. 그는 점잖고 철학적인 남자. 페니는 수퍼마켓에서 일한다. 그들의 딸 레이첼은 집안 청소를 맡고 있고, 아들 로리는 실직했지만 진취적인 사람이다. 필과 페니의 인생에서 즐거움이 점점 사라지고 두 사람에게 예기치 않은 비극이 찾아온다.
Resnick: Rough Treatment
Det Chief Supt Jack Skelton
A kilo of cocaine. Hardly what two small-time crooks were expecting to find when they broke into TV director Harold Roy's shabby mansion. But nor was Harold's frustrated wife expecting to fall in love with one of the intruders. Now she's going to make a deal with him - for both her husband and the drugs. But the precious powder belongs to someone else. And he wants it back. So if he feels he's been double-crossed, there's no telling what might happen. Detective Inspector Resnick has a hunch that there's more to this story than meets the eye. And as his investigations lead him down the mean streets of the TV industry and an inner-city drugs ring, it's obvious that more than one person is dancing on thin ice
Resnick: Lonely Hearts
Det Chief Supt Jack Skelton
Shirley Peters is dead. Murdered. Her body is found twelve hours later in her own home. Just one of the many sordid domestic crimes hitting the city. Tony Macliesh, her rejected boyfriend, is the obvious prime suspect and he’s just been picked off the Aberdeen train and put straight into custody. But then another woman is sexually abused and throttled to death. And suddenly there appears to be one too many connections between these seemingly unrelated crimes. Detective Inspector Resnick is sure that the two murders are the work of one sadistic killer – two lonely hearts broken by one maniac. And it’s up to Resnick to put the record straight – and put the bastard where he belongs
Quartermaine's Terms
Derek Meadle
The setting is the staffroom of an English language college for foreign students somewhere in Cambridge. I think that Edward Fox was born to play the role of protagonist St. John Quartermaine. St. John (pronounced 'sinjun') is a kind and lonely language professor who is becoming increasingly absent-minded and forgetful, probably due to some form of creeping dementia. Having loyally served at the college since its founding, his life revolves around work as he appears to have no social life of his own. He is well liked by his colleagues, however they take advantage of his good nature and are always too preoccupied with their own concerns to really notice what we the viewers see- a man gradually and inexorably heading towards crisis, in desperate need of care and support.
Love's Labour's Lost
When the King of Navarre and three of his cronies swear to spend all their days in study and not to look at any girls, they've forgotten that the daughter of the King of France is coming on a diplomatic visit. And the lady herself and her attendants play merry havoc with their intentions.
The Tragedy of Coriolanus
First Citizen
BBC rendition of Shakespeare's Coriolanus
The Tragedy of Richard III
George, Duke of Clarence
Richard Duke of Gloucester, youngest brother of King Edward IV, will stop at nothing to get the crown. He first convinces the ailing King that the Duke of Clarence, his elder brother, is a threat to the lives of Edward's two young sons. Edward has him imprisoned in the Tower of London; killers in Richard's pay then drown Clarence in a barrel of wine. When news of Clarence's death reaches the King, the subsequent grief and remorse bring about his death. Richard is made Lord Protector, with power to rule England while his nephew (now King Edward V) is still a minor. Before the young king's coronation he has his two nephews conveyed to the Tower, ostensibly for their safekeeping. Richard's accomplice, the Duke of Buckingham, then declares the two boys illegitimate and offers Richard the crown, which after a show of reticence he accepts. After Richard's coronation, he and Buckingham have a falling-out over whether or not to assassinate the two children.
Henry VI Part 3
George, Duke of Clarence
The life of King Henry the Sixth, in three parts.
Henry VI Part 2
John Holland / George Plantagenet
The life of King Henry the Sixth, in three parts.
Henry VI Part 1
Second Messenger to King
The life of King Henry the Sixth, in three parts.
Acceptable Levels
Major Green
A BBC film crew is interviewing a ‘typical Catholic family’ in the Divis Flats area of Belfast, when news comes in that a child, known to the family, has been hit by a stray plastic bullet fired by a British soldier – a version of events contested by the army. Back in London, editing the footage, the producer and researcher on the project wrestle with how to present the incident, and with their responsibility to the people in the film.
Cymbeline, the King of Britain, is angry that his daughter Imogen has chosen a poor (but worthy) man for her husband. So he banishes Posthumus, who goes to fight for Rome. Imogen (dressed as a boy) goes in search of her husband, who meanwhile has boasted to his pal Iachimo that Imogen would never betray him. And Iachimo's determined to prove him wrong.
Mike Leigh: Making Plays
(Archive Material)
Writer and Director Mike Leigh discusses the techniques used to create his plays.
Home Sweet Home
Man in Dressing Gown
Three postal workers and their dysfunctional families interact over cups of tea and Sunday dinner.
The Winter's Tale
The jealous King Leontes falsely accuse his wife Hermione of infidelity with his best friend, and she dies. Leontes exiles his newborn daughter Perdita, who is raised by shepherds for sixteen years and falls in love with the son of Leontes' friend. When Perdita returns home, a statue of Hermione "comes to life", and everyone is reconciled.
The Muscle Market
Danny Duggan runs a failing building contractors, and resorts to sub-gangster thuggery to keep the business afloat. However, with the bottom falling out of the building game, Duggan finds that playing at gangster is only fun when you're on the winning side.
Waiting at the Field Gate
Lightning Gallat is the village slaughterer and a man of distinction. Where does he draw the line?