When Leila discovers at her sister Amanda's wedding that the latter is pregnant, she promptly reveals the carefully guarded secret. While the guests are happy, Amanda worries about her career and Leila about her fertility. Panic-stricken, Leila sets herself a goal: get pregnant! So together with her friend Sophie she throws herself into the nightlife. Sophie is more concerned with the search for babysitters and probably won't snatch a man from her.
Herr Odermatt
Schreiner Steinmann
Schreiner 2
50번째 생일을 앞둔 줄리아는 최근 나이듦에 관한 생각을 부쩍 많이 한다. 생일 파티에 참석하기 위해 우울한 기분을 추스르며 버스를 탄 줄리아는 갑자기 자신이 ‘사라지고’ 있다는 느낌을 받는다. 결국 줄리아는 파티 참석을 미루고 처음 만난 남자 존과 즉흥적으로 시간을 보내기로 한다.
Sebastian Zollweger
Finally adult and free? You wish! His father sees him as a future boss of the family-owned printing firm and his mother only wants the best for him. Sebastian can’t take it any more. On his eighteenth birthday he announces his departure to Geneva to work as an au pair in a family, looking after children and doing the household chores. To improve his French, of course! His father flips his lid, his mother is distraught. Only his sister Kathrin thinks her little brother is really cool…
Very few men would be up to the challenge!