Rampo Edogawa

Rampo Edogawa

출생 : 1894-10-20, Mie, Japan

사망 : 1965-07-28


Tarō Hirai (平井 太郎 Hirai Tarō, October 21, 1894 – July 28, 1965), better known by the pseudonym Edogawa Ranpo (江戸川 乱歩), also romanized as Edogawa Rampo, was a Japanese author and critic who played a major role in the development of Japanese mystery fiction. Many of his novels involve the detective hero Kogoro Akechi, who in later books was the leader of a group of boy detectives known as the "Boy Detectives Club" (少年探偵団 Shōnen tantei dan). Ranpo was an admirer of Western mystery writers, and especially of Edgar Allan Poe. His pen name is a rendering of Poe's name. Other authors who were special influences on him were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, whom he attempted to translate into Japanese during his days as a student at Waseda University, and the Japanese mystery writer Ruikō Kuroiwa. -- Wikipedia

프로필 사진

Rampo Edogawa

참여 작품

Based on Edogawa Ranpo's short story The Human Chair.
The Butterfly Collector: The Red Room
Original Story
A former high school teacher Sugiura lost everything when he was caught, peeping photos of his favorite student and living a degenerate life. One day, a girl named Rumi, wearing high school uniform, appears in front of Sugiura. They are immediately drowns in lust and Rumi crashes into Sugiura's apartment. Gradually, Sugiura becomes obsessed with Rumi and tie her down. When Sugiura's dark desire to leave her in a beautiful, young appearance forever, and Rumi's deep feeling towards Sugiura crosses, they head towards a beautiful but sad ending.
벌거벗은 천사 - 붉은 방
Original Concept
부동산 회사를 경영하는 ‘마츠나가’에게는 자신만의 비밀스런 은신처가 있다. 그는 일주일에 단 한 번, 그곳에서 사회적 지위도 직함도 던져버린 채 아무런 방해 없는 혼자만의 자유로운 시간을 보낸다. 그러던 어느 날 밤, ‘마츠나가’는 은신처에서 ‘후미코’라는 묘령의 여자를 만난다. ‘후미코’의 불가사의한 매력에 끌린 ‘마츠나가’는 그녀와 점점 깊고 위험한 관계로 빠져들어 가는데... 출연진
Black Lizard
Super Juvenile Detective Team NEO Beginning
Original Series Creator
High school student Yoshiro Kobayashi (Mahiro Takasugi) is the great-grandchild of the first president of the Boy Detectives Club. He enjoys time with his friends Watari (Gaku Sano) and Saya (Mayu Hotta). One day, the Fiend with Twenty Faces appears in front of Yoshiro. Mysterious cases then takes place in sequence.
The Man Traveling with the Brocade Portrait
The story begins in the early Showa era of the 20th century. A mysterious old man on a train relates the disappearance of his older brother three decades ago, near the 12-story Ryounkaku tower that once stood in the seaside town of Uozu, Japan. The mystery revolves around telescopes, peep shows, and the blurred boundary between reality and dreams.
다락방의 산책자
치과의사인 유키오(후치카미 야스시)가 사는 동영관에 미모의 여인 데쿠코(키지마 노리코)가 이사를 온다. 뭔가 이상한 두 사람의 분위기. 그날 밤 유키오의 방 안을 다락방에서 훔쳐보던 고우다(카와이 류노스케)는 그 이상함의 정체가 무엇인지 보게 된다. 매일 밤 계속되는 유키오와 데쿠코의 밀회. 그러나 유키오는 나오키와 정혼을 한 상태였고, 유키오의 상태에서 뭔가의 낌새를 발견한 나오키는 아케치(쿠사노 코우타)가 있는 탐정 사무소에 두 사람의 관계를 의뢰한다. 매일 밤 칼을 가는 남자 고우다. 그리고 약혼자가 다른 여인과 밀회를 즐긴다는 사실을 알게 된 나오키. 그리고 의문의 밀실 살인사건. 과연 이들의 관계는 어떻게 될 것인가?
Black Lizard
Original Story
Original Story
During the Second Sino-Japanese War, in 1940, Lieutenant Kurokawa returns home as a honored and decorated soldier but deprived of his arms and legs lost in battle. All hopes, from the villagers and women to close family members, turn to Shigeko, the Lieutenant's wife. She must honor the Emperor and the country in setting an example for all by fulfilling her duty and taking care of the 'god soldier'. Kurokawa prior to leaving to fight in the war regularly beat and berated his wife for her barrenness and inability to bring him a son. When he returns home as an amputee with no hearing and no speech, his wife dutifully attends to him, even though he shows little appreciation for her dedicated care. His main concerns are getting fed and getting sex. Even in his own degraded condition, he manages to berate his wife. Eventually, though, his own memories infiltrate and he is haunted by his horrible, sadistic deeds, performed while in the duty of the Japanese military.
Lost Love Murder
Shuichi Minamida lives comfortably on the proceeds of his father's legacy, but he struggles with the idea that his beautiful wife, Moyako, no longer loves him. One day he confesses his worries to Kotoura, his dentist. Kotoura summons the Akechi detective agency and asks them to investigate his friend's wife, Miyako. Fumiyo Akechi takes the case and begins her investigation. She soon notices that something strange is going on between Miyako and the dentist. This observation leads to a tragic ending which none of those involved could ever imagine.
Inju: The Beast in the Shadow
The writer and college professor, Alexandre Fayard, researches and gives lectures about the gruesome literary work of the mysterious Japanese writer Shundei Oe, considered by him to be the master of manipulation.
Rampo Noir
Original Story
Mars Canal - Within absolute silence, a naked man wanders through a dark and depressing landscape recalling the excruciating details of his last encounter with his former lover. Mirror Hell - When a series of women are discovered with their faces burnt and skulls charred, a young detective investigates, discovering that a unique hand mirror is always found at the scene. Caterpillar - A war hero returns home with no limbs and only his eyesight remaining. His beautiful wife, tired of taking care of him, turns to torturing her crippled husband for amusement. Crawling Bugs - A sexy actress is returning home from a successful night on stage, until her limo driver decides that she should be coming home with him.
Zero Woman 2005
The Metropolitan Police Department '0'section, known as an organization in the police department that investigates a closed case. Well-trained detective in the '0' section, Ray, is looking for her memory that was lost during the training, while also investigating a human traffic which young woman being a victim. One day, classified killer virus was seized by rising terrorists. To investigate this case, public safety sent Sarah Kodama who specializes in molecular biology and computer, to work with Ray but Ray refuses to work with Sarah. Sarah was curious about mysterious Ray, she starts to collect Ray's information and goes to see Ray's former boss, Asami. However, the man who appeared in front of Sarah was an assassinator who contemplates destruction of '0' section. What happens to Sarah...!? What is in Ray's lost memories!?
Kogoro Akechi vs Kaijin Nijyuu Menso
Blind Beast vs Dwarf Killer
A blind masseur kidnaps young women and kills them and then make sculptures of them, while a mysterious dwarf spreading severed body parts around. Detective Akechi Kogorô investigating crimes.
명망있는 의사 유키오(모토키 마사히로)는 아버지에게 물려받은 병원과 아름다운 아내 링(료)을 두고 행복한 생활을 누린다. 그에게 한 가지 걱정이 있다면 링이 기억상실증에 걸려 과거를 전혀 기억하지 못하는 것. 어머니는 그것 때문에 링을 서먹하게 대하지만 유키오는 링을 사랑한다. 그러나 그녀가 집에 오면서부터 집안에는 어두운 그림자가 드리우기 시작한다. 집과 병원에 이상한 냄새가 진동하더니 결국은 유키오의 아버지가 죽음을 당한다. 어머니마저 갑자기 죽자 유키오는 집안에 누군가가 숨어 있다고 생각하는데, 어느 날 자신을 덮치는 그림자에 의해 우물에 갇힌다. 그는 유키오의 쌍둥이 형제인 스테키치(츠스이 야스타카), 스테키치는 유키오처럼 행동하고 링은 스테키치와 관련된 자신의 기억을 되찾기 시작한다.
D 언덕의 살인사건
Original Story
Detective Kogoro Akechi is faced with a peculiar murder case involving forgeries of classic pornographic artworks.
The Human Chair
After seeing her husband off to work, the young author identified only as Yoshiko sets off to read the large collection of letters she received from other young authors. These are often letters containing samples of their work for critique. One large envelope contains a letter. The letter-writer does not provide his name. The letter is a confession of crimes. The letter-writer has no family or friends, and claims to be "ugly beyond description". He is a chair maker and loves his work and all the chairs he creates, even going so far as to claim some sort of intangible connection to his work.
Secret Liaisons
Movie adaptation of a novel by Rampo Edogawa.
The Mystery of Rampo
Original Story
Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.
A Watcher in the Attic
Short Story
In 1923, in a cheap Tokyo rooming house, a languid young man named Goda was feeling bored with his life. One day while playing dress up with a woman’s wig and lipstick, he accidentally loosens a ceiling board in his closet. Climbing up, he discovers a dimly lit passageway under the roof leading to the resident’s other rooms. Soon he is scampering about like a ninja, making knotholes and moving ceiling boards for a better view. What he sees are the intimate acts - sadistic, criminal or vaguely mad - that reveal infinitely more about his fellow roomers than the various fronts they present to the world.
Beauty in the Flame
Edogawa Ranpo Series Fascinated Beauty
Original Story
Hôseki no bijo: Edogawa Ranpo Hakuhatsuki yori
The Faceless Man
Original Story
First in a series of Japanese TV movies which were based on horror-tinged mystery novels by Edogawa Ranpo.
A Scream from Nowhere
Original Story
In 1930, the chance meeting of a novelist and one of his fans opens the door to a series of mysterious events culminating in the death of a wealthy industrialist who may have been leading a double life.
The Watcher in the Attic
The landlord of a boarding house in 1923 Tokyo, is keen on spying on the bizarre close encounters taking place beneath his roof. One day he sees a prostitute killing a customer, and decides he's found his soulmate.
과거의 기억이 없는채로 이유도 모른채 정신병원에 갇혀있는 의학생 히토미 히로스케. 하지만 서커스 곡예사인 하츠요의 노래를 듣고 과거의 기억을 되찾지만, 갑자기 하츠요가 눈 앞에서 죽어버리고 그 범인으로 지목되어 도주하는 신세가 된다. 호쿠리쿠로 향하는 기차에 올라탄 히로스케는 자신과 꼭 닮은 코모다 겐자부로라는 남자가 죽었다는 기사를 보게 되고, 겐자부로가 살아있었다는 거짓말로 겐자부로의 가족을 찾아가 겐자부로로써 살아가려고 한다. 하지만 코모다가의 가장인 아버지 죠고로는 태어날때부터 기형으로 집을 버리고 무인도를 홀로 개발하고 있는 등, 겐자부로의 가족은 어딘가 기묘한 분위기를 풍기고 있었다.
눈먼 짐승
Short Story
아키는 자신을 모델로 한 조각이 전시된 화랑을 방문한다. 그녀는 한 맹인이 조각의 가슴과 배, 허벅지 등을 더듬고 있는 모습을 보게 되고, 마치 자신의 몸을 더듬고 있는 듯한 착각에 빠진다. 며칠 후, 안마사를 불러 마사지를 받던 아키는 마취약에 취해 정신을 잃는다. 정신을 차린 아키는 자신이 여자의 신체가 오브제가 되어 무수히 놓여있는 거대한 밀실에 갇혀 있음을 깨닫는다.
검은 도마뱀
A detective tries to outwit a jewel thief who has kidnapped the daughter of a jeweler to get to an exquisite diamond.
검은 도마뱀
일본의 대표적인 작가 에도가와 란포의 소설을 미시마 유키오가 희극화한 것을 영화로 만들었다. 각본은 '벌거 벗은 섬', '오니바바' 등으로 유명한 감독 신도 가네토가 썼다. 원작은 몇 번이나 영상화된 바 있으나 이 작품은 고혹적이며 농염한 분위기로 스토리가 전개, 갑자기 기괴한 뮤지컬이 시작된다는 이색작으로 완성되었다. 쿄 마치코가 분하는 검은 도마뱀이 남장을 하고 호텔에서 춤추며 탈출을 하기도 하고 검은 도마뱀의 표적이 된 아가씨를 지키는 경호원들이 식사를 하며 즐겁게 경호원 노래를 부르는 등 관객을 이차원 공간으로 끌어들여가는 연출이 곳곳에 눈에 띈다.
The Hidden Treasure
Original Story
Shochiku's commemorative 3000th film production; a suspenseful period drama.
The Boy Detectives Club – The Enemy Is an Atomic Submarine
Original Story
Ninth and final film in the Boy Detectives Club series. Features Tatsuo Umemiya's film debut.
The Spider-Man
Original Story
Adaptation of Edogawa Ranpo's novel.
The Boy Detectives Club – The No-Headed Man
Original Story
Eighth film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
The Boy Detectives Club – The Invisible Fiend
Original Story
Seventh film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
The Boy Detectives Club – The Glow-in-the-Dark Monster
Original Story
Sixth film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
The Boy Detectives Club – The Revenge of Twenty Faces
Original Story
Fifth film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
The Boy Detectives Club – The Iron Fiend
Original Story
Fourth film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
Shonen Tanteidan: Kabu to Mushi no Yoki
Original Story
A man with many disguises uses robotic beetles, man-made monsters and other devices to try and steal atomic power.
The Boy Detectives Club – The Devil with Twenty Faces
Original Story
Second film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
The Boy Detectives Club – Doctor Phantom
Original Story
First film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
Ise, a successful entrepreneur, accidentally murders his lunatic wife after he is spotted having an affair with his secretary, Harumi. In his attempt to perfect his crime, he drives to a remote quarry to bury his wife’s body, but along the way, he finds another dead body in the back of his car! Given no choice, Ise dumps both bodies. Meanwhile, Yoshie begins her search for her missing brother, Yoshihiko. After surprising twists and turns, Ise faces his fate.
Mysterious Pygmy
Original Story
Horror film about a killer dwarf.
The Bronze Monster
Original Story
In this four part mystery-adventure, detective Kogoro Akechi and the members of the Boy Detectives Club must capture the Bronze Monster, a giant metal monster that steals valuable clocks.
Hyōchū no Bijo
Based on the novel The Vampire (Kyūketsuki) by Edogawa Ranpo.
Ghost Tower
Original Story
Horror film directed by Kôzô Saeki.
Palette knife no satsujin
Short Story
Based on the short story The Psychological Test by Edogawa Rampo.