Michael Kane

Michael Kane

출생 : 1922-03-21, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

사망 : 2007-12-14

프로필 사진

Michael Kane

참여 작품

The Gunfighters
Gov. Hornbeck
In this pilot Western produced for Canadian television, two brothers and their cousin become bandits to rescue their ranch from a greedy land developer.
The Challenge of Survival: Chemicals
Cross Country
Harry Burns
After a woman is found butchered in her New York apartment, suspicion falls on her estranged husband, an ad executive who has suddenly left town on a cross-country road trip. He takes along a beautiful girl he met in a bar and a drifter he picked up along the way. A cop sets out after the husband, but he's more interested in shaking him down than bringing him back.
Your Ticket Is No Longer Valid
Set within the super-rich jet-set society of Paris, Richard Harris portrays a man whose life is gradually being destroyed. From sexual trauma to financial disaster, he slowly descends into a world of insanity, perversion and finally the bottomless pit!
Magic in the Sky
Magic in the Sky investigates the impact of television on the Inuit people of the Canadian Arctic. The film also documents the establishment of the first Inuit-language television network, called Inukshuk, which began broadcasting to six Inuit communities in December 1980. The Inuit's efforts to create an indigenous television network mirrors the struggle of any culture trying to preserve its unique identity.
Foolin' Around
A working-class boy falls for a girl from a wealthy family, and must compete for her with a rich boy who also wants her.
Middle Age Crazy
Abe Titus
A married man is turning forty and that's when the midlife crisis hits ...
Has Anybody Here Seen Canada?
Narrator (voice)
Through rare film footage and interviews with some of the pioneers who made film history, this documentary traces the history of filmmaking in Canada from 1939-1953. It covers the establishment of the National Film Board in 1939; the war years; Canada's first Oscar; and John Grierson's sudden demise as Canada's driving force in the industry. We witness the struggles of the private film producers, the development of the film industry in Québec, and the emergence of the documentary. Above all, the film asks whether the alternating fortunes of the Canadian film industry, in the face of an overwhelming American presence, reflect the attitudes of the Canadian people towards themselves and their culture.
Harness the Wind
The wind is one of the strongest natural forces around us. Because it is generated by temperature differences in air masses, wind power is, in fact, a form of solar energy. Harness the Wind traces the history of attempts to control and use wind energy, and projects into the future to visualize the potential of wind-power technology.
코드 네임 콘돌
S.W. Wicks
어느 흐린날 아침, 작가 지망생 조셉 터너는 맨하탄 거리에 있는 미국문학역사협회에 출근한다. 그러나 실제로 미국문학역사협회는 외부 모양일 뿐 실제 그곳은 CIA이다. 어느날 조셉이 점심을 사러 간 사이 정체불명의 무리들이 사무실을 습격, 하던 전 직원이 사살하는 일이 발생한다.신변의 위협을 느낀 조셉은 사건을 보고하기 위해 상사를 만나던 중 총격을 받는다. 자신을 죽이려는 자들이 CIA의 조직원들이라는 사실을 알아챈 조셉은 아무도 믿을 수 없게 되자 여류사진사 캐시를 납치해 가까스로 위기를 모면하는데...
The Sloane Affair
The investigation of a suspected tax fraud, based on actual case files of the Department of National Revenue.
Promise Her Anything
Staff Doctor
A widowed mother decides to go after the child psychologist she works for because she thinks he'll be able to provide for her toddler, the catch is her employer doesn't know about her son and he doesn't particularly care for children despite his profession.
Buster Keaton Rides Again
In the fall of 1964, just over a year before his death, Buster Keaton traveled to Canada to make The Railrodder, a short subject that now enjoys a small cult following. Documenting this mobile production in fascinating and unexpected detail, Buster Keaton Rides Again offers a rare glimpse of the comedy legend’s temperament, philosophies, hobbies, marriage (his third), and the occasionally combative creative process behind the scenes. An intimate look at one of cinema’s most enduring legends.
베드포드 사건
Commander Allison Executive Officer - Bridge
미국 해군 구축함 베드포드가 그린란드 연안에서 소련 잠수함을 발견한다. 민간인 기자 벤과 나토 해군 고문으로 2차 세계 대전 당시 U보트 함장을 지낸 볼프강 슈레프 준장이 경고했음에도 불구하고 사령부로부터의 명령도 무시한 채 함장 에릭은 무자비한 사냥감으로 내몰아 공격하고, 상대방 잠수함에서는 핵어뢰가 발사되고 마는데...
The words of Norman Bethune read by (voice)
A film biography of Dr. Norman Bethune, the Canadian doctor who served with the loyalists during the Spanish Civil War and with the North Chinese Army during the Sino-Japanese War. In Spain he pioneered the world's first mobile blood-transfusion service; in China his work behind battle lines to save the wounded has made him a legendary figure. This hour-long documentary film pieces together his remarkable career.
로니 브레이브
Paul Bondi
감옥에 갇힌 친구를 구하려다 오히려 쫓기게 되는 카우보이를 소재로 만든 영화. 결국은 추격자의 총탄에 쓰러지는 한 카우보이의 이야기가 사라져가는 서부 시대의 희생자로 그려지고 있다. 서부 영화 치고는 자동차와 헬리콥터가 등장하는 이색적인 화면이 쫓기는 외로운 한 카우보이의 뒷모습에 쓸쓸하게 투영이 되어 저물어가는 서부 시대의 애환을 더 더욱 애처롭게 묘사하고 있는 수작이다.
The Face of the High Arctic
This short documentary studies the geological evolution that has gone on for millions of years in the High Arctic. Following the evidence of glaciers that have advanced and receded, the film also traces life forms that have changed with the climate.