Vincent M. Fennelly

출생 : 1920-07-05, Brooklyn, New York, USA

사망 : 2000-12-04

참여 작품

Cannon for Cordoba
In 1912, during the Mexican Revolution, the border between Texas and Mexico is on flames due to savage raids by Mexican bandits who call themselves freedom fighters, so the US government entrusts to General Pershing the capture of General Héctor Córdoba, the most notorious among them.
황야의 7인 2
조지 케네디(크리스), 제임스 휘트모어(레비), 몬테 마크햄(케노), 레니 산토니(맥스), 버니 케이시(캐시), 스콧 토머스(P.J), 조 돈 베이커(슬레이터), 토니 데이비스(에밀), 마이클 안새러(Col. 디에고), 프랑크 실베라(로베로), 웬드 와그너(티나), 산초 그라시아(미구엘), 루이스 리베라(Lt. 프렌사), 조지스 리가우드(가브리엘), 페르난도 레이(퀸테로) 율 브리너조차 나오지 않는 황야의 7인 시리즈 제3편. 정부군에 저항하는 멕시코 혁명파 지도자를 빼앗긴 저항군은 그를 구출하기 위한 건맨을 고용하기로 하고 맥스가 약간의 현금을 들고 미국에 간다. 그리고 고용된 것은 전직보안관 크리스, 빠른 총잡이 케노, 칼 던지기의 명수 레비, 장사인 흑인 캐시, 남북 전쟁에서 오른 팔을 잃은 사격의 명수 슬레이터, 그리고 온통 검은 색의 건맨 P.J. 거기에 맥스까지 지원한다. "황야의 일곱 남자"들은 멕시코군의 난공불락 감옥을 습격하는 작전을 감행하지만, 중과부적의 격전 중에 헛되이 속속 쓰러지는데….
Crime in the Streets
A social worker tries to end juvenile crime by getting involved with a street gang.
At Gunpoint
A general-store keeper scares off bank robbers with a lucky shot, but they come back.
Seven Angry Men
Rise, fall and execution of John Brown, fanatic abolitionist.
Dial Red O
The first of the five films where Bill Elliott played a detective lieutenant in the L.A Sheriff's department, Dial Red "O" (the correct title with the number 0 (zero), as on a telephone dial, shown in ") opens with war-torn veteran Ralph Wyatt getting word that his wife is divorcing him, and he flees the psychiatric ward of the veteran's hospital, wanting to talk to her. His escape touches off an all-out manhunt, led by Lieutenant Andy Flynn of the sheriff's department.
The brother (House Peters Jr.) of rancher Bill Martin (Bill Elliott) is killed in a stampede started by cattleman. Bill returns to the Fargo country to take his brother's place and is welcomed by law-abiding cattleman MacKenzie (Jack Ingram)) and his daughter Kathy (Phyllis Coates). The leader of the ruthless cattle interests are townsman Austin (Arthur Space) and his henchmen Red (Myron Healey), Link (Robert J. Wilke) and Albord (Terry Frost). Bill has the idea of putting up barbed wire to keep the herds from been driven over the land cultivated by the farmers. He, aided by Tad Sloan (Fuzzy Knight), produces the wire by make-shift methods, but it proves effective. The cattleman charge in court that the wire is dangerous to their herds but lose the case. Austin orders his men to seize Bill, bale him in strands of the wire, and throw him on the stage of the town hall during a fall festival. Bill doesn't take kindly to this and it precipitates open war.
Night Raiders
Whip arrives to investigate why night raiders are ransacking cabins but taking nothing....
The Gunman
Terrorized citizens send for a Texas lawman to rid their town of bandits.
Man from Sonora
Someone stole Johnny Mack Brown's horse. If he can locate his missing horse, then he can prove they are also robbing the stagecoach.
Outlaws of Texas
Monogram's Outlaws of Texas is surprisingly bereft of the action highlights one might expect from star Whip Wilson. This time, the Whip and his saddle pal Andy Clyde play heroes Tom and Hungry who work undercover to break up a gang of bank robbers.
Silver Raiders
Arizona Ranger Larry Grant is posing as an outlaw while hunting for an outlaw gang, secretly led by Lance Corbin, that is stealing silver in Mexico and smelting it into bars for sale in the United States.
Cherokee Uprising
The title insurrection in this low-budget Whip Wilson Western consists mainly of Iron Eyes Cody, who is conspiring to raid the wagon trains with crooked sheriff Marshall Reed and nefarious Indian agent Forrest Taylor.
Arizona Territory
Prospector Jeff Malloy rescues Doris Devlin, owner of a trading post, from an ambush planned by her uncle, Kilburn, who is trying to scare her out of the territory so that he can continue his counterfeiting operations.