불량 경찰 빈센트는 자신의 파트너 마누엘과 함께 돈을 노리고 마르시아노가 이끄는 거대한 범죄 조직의 마약을 탈취한다. 그러나 그 과정에서 빈센트의 얼굴이 노출되고 마르시아노는 빈센트의 아들을 납치, 마약과 아들을 교환하자는 제안을 한다. 빈센트는 아들을 구하기 위해 하는 수 없이 마르시아노의 제안을 승낙하고 접선을 시도한다. 그러나 빈센트의 사정을 모르는 열혈 여형사 비날리는 빈센트가 마르시아노와 마약 거래를 하고 있다고 의심, 빈센트 몰래 마약을 빼돌리면서 모든 계획이 무너지기 시작하는데…!
프랑스 정보국 DGSE는 요원의 희생을 치루고서야 아프리카와 유럽간의 군사용 다이아몬드 밀반입에 대한 중요한 정보를 담고 있는 컴퓨터 칩을 입수하게 된다. 칩에 담긴 정보를 바탕으로 독일의 리보스키를 저지하기 위해 ‘브리수’ (뱅상 카셀) 와 ‘나데지’ (모니카 벨루치) 요원이 부부로 위장되어 레바논으로 파견된다. 임무는 리보스키와 연루된 스위스 여인 ‘헬레나’에게서 다이아몬드 반지를 빼앗아 파괴하는 것. ‘브리수’와 ‘나데지’의 임무가CIA에게 발각되고, 위험을 느낀 ‘나데지’는 이번 임무를 끝으로 정보국을 그만두고자 한다. 리보스키의 배를 폭파시켜 임무를 완수하지만 정보국은 ‘나데지’를 과연 놓아줄 것인지... 이들 앞엔 정보국이 파놓은 함정이 기다리고 있다!
Léa is a strong person, but when she comes out of prison, she decides to get a fresh start. She would like to forget her cold and aloof father Vittorio Pastore, her young and irresponsible brother Samy for who she went in jail and the Zach's gang, the thug she used to love. But nothing elapses as she expected.
Set in France in 1961-1962 during the Algerian War, Living in Paradise is a thought-provoking examination of the lives of North African immigrants trying to find a place in the social system of Western Europe.
65 years old Agathe Ledu refuses to grow old alone. That's why she's visiting the graveyard on a daily basis, honouring her husband and son, Breton sailors lost in sea five years ago. She's talking to them, all the while knitting. But for whom is Agathe knitting ?
(One of the two shorts that inspired "Amélie".)
Zena (Dominique Blanc) lost her parents as a very young girl, and though she was born in Albania, only knows about life in Paris. She was raised by her uncle Selman (Sulejman Pitarka), whom she is about to leave behind in order to start a new life in New York. Just before she leave, however, she hears of an Albanian who is being detained by French authorities for want of the proper paperwork. Ordinarily, that would not capture her attention. However, Vladimir (Timo Flloko), who is the man in question, claims to have information that Zena's father is not dead, and could be located. Zena postpones her trip to speak with Vladimir and, once he is free to travel, they begin to try and explore his information. There is only one problem in their traveling around France together: he doesn't speak a word of French, and she doesn't speak a word of Albanian. Somehow, they manage to communicate, and they eventually become lovers.
In a fast-paced action film with an international backdrop, an unsuspecting Edith (Mireille Perrier) goes to Frankfurt to work for a German friend who is investigating some illegalities in the transportation industry. After Edith arrives, her friend leaves for Berlin, so Edith goes to stay at the house her friend shares with a second-generation German-Turkish woman. Meanwhile, Gordon (Bruce Thurman) is out photographing some journalists armed with video cameras who are spying on a wealthy honcho in the trucking business. He accidentally follows Edith and photographs her, then ends up saving her from some attackers. The dramatic action intensifies as questions arise about what certain trucks are carrying into Germany, what Edith's friend has to do with exposing the cargo on those trucks, and whether or not Edith will remain an unscathed, innocent by-stander.