Jaroslav Satoranský

Jaroslav Satoranský

출생 : 1939-02-17, Prague, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia [now Czech Republic]


Původně se vyučil rytcem, ale zároveň začal hrát amatérsky divadlo, což jej následně přivedlo ke studiím na DAMU v Praze. Po absolutoriu oboru herectví (1961) nastoupil do Divadla J. Průchy v Kladně (1963-1966), odkud pak přešel do Vinohradského divadla v Praze (1966). V divadle dostal řadu příležitostí, především v klasickém repertoráru (Macbeth, Král Lear, Maryša, Strakonický dudák, Legenda o lásce).  Před filmovou kamerou se Satoranský objevil poprvé v dětské detektivce ZPÍVAJÍCÍ PUDŘENKA (1959), o něco větší roli pak dostal v rodinném psychologickém dramatu s propagandistickým podtextem OSENÍ (1960). Po několika dalších filmech pak dostal hlavní roli v hudební komedii BYLO NÁS DESET (1963); na hodnotách tohoto kdysi populárního filmu zapracoval neúprosný čas. V průběhu šedesátých let pak Satoranský hrál menší role v řadě dalších filmů, komediích i dramatech, například jen v roce 1967 hrál v pěti snímcích. Od konce 60. let se pak objevoval také v televizních seriálech, jedním z těch prvních byla ZÁHADA HLAVOLAMU (1969), následoval například F. L. VĚK (1971). Nadále točil také filmy, ale jedná se dnes již o zapomenuté snímky. Těžiště jeho práce spočívá především v televizi, která mu především velkými rolemi v seriálech NEJMLADŠÍ Z RODU HAMRŮ (1975) a INŽENÝRSKÁ ODYSEA (1979) přinesla obrovskou popularitu, byť diskutabilní vzhledem ke společenské angažovanosti těchto děl a také časově omezenou. Za roli Jana Hamra dostal v roce 1976 televizní cenu Zlatého krokodýla. Naopak nadčasovou hodnotu vytvořil Jaroslav Satoranský svou účastí v dodnes slavném večerníčku KRKONOŠSKÉ POHÁDKY (1974). Ve filmu se objevil naposledy jako policista v dětské detektivce TŘETÍ SKOBA PRO KOCOURA (1983), od té doby pracoval výhradně pro televizi. Hrál v seriálech, pohádkách a televizních inscenacích, za zmínku stojí historické příběhy PŘÍPAD AUFFENBERG (1993) nebo MISIE (1994), v nichž hrál hlavní role. V poslední době jsme Jaroslava Satoranského mohli vidět například v oblíbeném seriálu ČETNICKÉ HUMORESKY (1997). 

프로필 사진

Jaroslav Satoranský
Jaroslav Satoranský

참여 작품

Policie Modrava Jaroslava Soukupa
Ještěrka na slunci
Georges Pitou
Paní plukovníková
Vesnice roku
Vražda kočky domácí
profesor Lukáš
Příběh kriminálního rady
Kryštof a Kristina
Klíček ke štěstí
Šťastlivec Sulla
Larks on a String
Guard Andel
In post-WWII Communist Czechoslovakia, several characters considered bourgeois are sentenced to work in a junkyard for rehabilitation. Among them is a young man who pines for a female convict.
Nenechávejte muže samotného doma
Kde bydlí štěstí
Cyrano z Bergeracu
Velký případ malého detektiva a policejního psa Kykýna
V zámku a podzámčí
Payment in Kind
In an unusual, apolitical approach, director Jaromil Jires has fashioned a standard drama that features an older lawyer with failing health who goes to practice in the countryside. His series of odd court cases reveals more about the human condition than about law. In one of these litigations a wayward nephew has cheated his elderly aunt out of her savings. In court, the nephew insists the money was a gift, but his aunt explains she only gave him the money as a loan. Although the lawyer technically wins the case, everything of value seems lost in the meantime. His services are paid for in rabbits because the aunt has no currency, and in the end, the nephew cons his aunt into parting with her savings anyway. Other cases expose similar types of petty corruption.
Jak namalovat ptáčka
Sólo pro starou dámu
Sázka na třináctku
Já zůstanu věrný
Our Gang
Dr. Kalas
Smrt mouchy
The Case of Dead Schoolmates
poručík VB Tesař
A West German businessman Friedrich Schmidt is arriving to Czechoslovakia with private mission and mission for Intelligence service. He wants to settle the old event from the time of the Second World War when he as a student of the Czech grammar school in the town of Kostelec took part at the denunciation of his schoolmate Pavel Richter. Pavel was during the period of Nazi terror following the assassination of Acting Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia Heydrich executed. Schmidt has also to enter into relations with persons suitable for cooperation with the West Intelligence service. Schmidt - earlier, before the German occupation Smíd - meets the schoolmates and endeavors to avert suspicion that arose already at the time of the tragic event.
Čas lásky a naděje
Akce Býčí oko
O Nanynčiných koláčích
Případ mrtvého muže
Zbojník Ondráš
V každém pokoji žena
Two Brothers
The Man from London
A British citizen by the name of George Reiner (Jirí Sovák) arrives at Prague airport. He was once a Czech safe-breaker, and has now returned home after thirty years to steal twenty-dollar gold coins still kept in the safe at a private villa in Pilsen whose owner fled to the West.
Královský gambit
Hliněný vozíček
Days of Betrayal
This feature film based on the events of 1938 is a chronicle of the futile efforts of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Benes (Jirí Pleskot), politicians and ordinary citizens, to save the independence and the territorial integrity of the state from the advance of Hitler's Germany. On the 29th of March 1938 the leader of the Sudeten Germans Henlein (Werner Ehrlicher) has a meeting with Hitler (Gunnar Möller). Hitler orders him to intensify pressure on the Czechoslovak government. On the 24th of April in Carlsbad, the Sudetendeutsche Partei (Sudeten German Party) decides upon eight demands that are unacceptable to the Czechoslovak President, since they would ultimately lead to the break-up of the Republic. Benes still shows a certain willingness to negotiate, and Henlein resents this. The Germans are determined to make further negotiations impossible through incidents and violence.
Legenda, the Robber
It is 1905. The police director gets Jindrich Legenda (Eduard Cupák) shadowed as, yet Legenda had served his sentence for a burglary, the jewels have not been found. Russian revolution encouraged also Czech workers to fight for their rights. Radical anarchists are followed by Legenda's friend Karel Wohryzek (Vladimír Mensík) who was forced to collaborate with the police as he was convicted of pornography distribution.
Román lásky a cti
Die gestohlene Schlacht
Velikonoční dovolená
Honza Marek (voice)
Zázrak v Oužlebičkách
Cyrano z Bergeracu
Oil Lamps
Synáček (voice) / dr. Hilmar (voice)
In 1900, Stepha, the vivacious 30 year old daughter of a wealthy couple, agrees to marry her cousin Paul, who has accumulated large debts as an Austrian army officer. Paul refuses to work or to consummate the marriage, and then his health steadily declines.
Nemaluj si čerta na zeď...
Women Offside
Kastl is a hairdresser but his real passion is his second job as football referee. This job takes all his free time and makes his wife very nervous.
Jumping Over Puddles
This Czechoslovakian children’s film takes place during the last days of the Austro-Hungarian empire. The young son of a horse trainer loves nothing more than riding his horse, until he is stricken by polio…
Takže ahoj
Hádavá pohádka
Paní Bohdana
Young Bohácek's Sufferings
Tóna Bohácek (Pavel Landovský) has been a great worry to his mother, Mrs Bohácková (Stella Zázvorková). All his friends equal in age are already married and some of them even have children - only Tóna still has nothing. Mother Bohácková thus publishes an ad in the Lonely Hearts column on behalf of her son. From among the girls who responded, she picks out Janicka, a girl from the neighboring village, and then forces Tóna to go to have a look at her and bring her home. The date of the two young people, however, does not turn out well due to the embarrassment on both sides, and Tóna returns home drowning in the feeling of ridiculousness. On the way, he picks up hitchhiker Kveta (Regina Rázlová) from Prague. Only then, he realizes that the mother with her festive dinner is waiting for him and Janicka at home and thus asks Kveta to substitute for the girl from the ad.
Dvě Cecilky
Clarinetist (voice)
루드비크는 헬레나를 만나기 위해 고향으로 돌아간다. 그는 헬레나의 남편 파벨 제마네크로 인해 고초를 겪은 바 있다. 대학생 시절 체코슬로바키아 공산당 학생연맹 소속이던 둘은 절친한 사이였다. 어느 여름, 방학을 연인과 보내길 바란 루드비크는 당시 연인 마르케타가 자기 대신 공산당 연수를 택하자 엽서에 "트로츠키 만세!"라는 농담을 섞어 보낸다. 문제는 파벨이 이를 빌미로 루드비크를 당과 학교 모두에서 퇴출당하게 했다는 것이다. 심지어 그는 이후 강제 노역 부대에 끌려간다. 하지만 헬레나를 유혹해 파벨에게 복수하려는 루드비크의 계획은 우스꽝스럽게 뒤틀리고 만다.
The End of a Priest
A verger, who likes to dress as a priest, is invited, by one of the villagers, to be the pastor at a vacant church. The atheist teacher resents the pastor, and tries to embarrass him in various ways, including being caught with the local girl, Majka.
It is 5 May 1945 and the uprising against the hated German occupiers has broken out in Prague. The Czech guards open the gate of the Pankrác prison to allow the prisoners to escape en masse. Many of them are shot dead by the German guards but young Ruda (Jaromír Hanzlík) manages to run away. He is taken care of by one of the Prague fighters, concierge Kytka. Kytka hides him in the flat of the house's owner where only the young maid Karla (Jana Brejchová) is left, ordering her to take care of Ruda.
Záhořanský hon
Rozmarýnkův zlatý klíček
Přísně tajné premiéry
příslušník VB
Jak se zbavit Helenky
Private Torment
A worker steals bits and pieces of building materials from work to construct a new home for himself and his girlfriend. When he discovers that she’s having an affair with his boss, he devises one elaborate plot after another to murder the rival, each time with pathetic results.
Jak se krade milión
The exemplary accountant Antonín Safránek lives his orderly life as a citizen of a small town. His wife Eliska brings up their three children and desperately tries to get by on her husband's low salary every month. At the same time, she sadly watches the luxurious life of their neighbor and other people like him who have no qualms about improving their standard of living by cheating. One day, the infallible Safránek makes a mistake in the cash clearance and there are nine one-hundred Crown bills left in the safe. An unexpected company control carried out the next day passes without problems and the account is closed. The temptation is too strong. The insufficient control enables Safránek to gradually steal one million Crowns.
Dívka s třemi velbloudy
Death Behind a Curtain
poručík Mareček
Jste na řadě, Moniko...
Lady on the Tracks
Tram driver Marie has far too much to do after her shift is over. But she likes to do it all since she loves her husband Václav sincerely. One day she spots him on the Lesser Town Square in Prague, kissing an attractive blonde good-bye. It seems to Marie that her small comfortable world has collapsed and she walks out of the tram in tears. But her sadness does not last long. She wipes off the tears and begins to act. She withdraws all the money from their savings books and buys off all the latest models from the Fashion Works. The visit to the beauty salon then completes her transformation into a lady.
Zpívali jsme Arizonu
Začít znova
Bylo nás deset
Poslední etapa
마르타는 주목받는 젊은 모델이다. 영화는 마르타의 바쁜 작업 과정과 일상의 활기찬 생활을 기록하는 한편, 그 사이에 종종 찾아오는 마르타의 무표정을 가만히 포착한다. 한 인물에 대한 다큐멘터리적 접근이 돋보이는 베라 히틸로바의 초기 단편.
The Day the Tree Blooms
Young Man
Based on a novel by Maria Majerova, this well-photographed but routine romantic drama is directed and co-scripted by Vaclav Krska. Set in a more old-fashioned time, the story centers around Lenka (Suzana Fisarskova), a young woman with a domineering, psychologically abusive father. When Lenka falls in love she suffers the ultimate injustice when her father and her family forbid her to marry the man. They see no advantage in such a union and want her to marry a wealthy local landowner instead, for obvious reasons. But Lenka is not as submissive as they think and she runs away to the city to look for the man she loves -- only to find a serious problem, though a surmountable one, is waiting for her.
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