Joe Michael Terry

참여 작품

Going Undercover
Forever bungling private investigator Henry Brilliant (Chris Lemmon) has been hired by Maxine de la Hunt (Jean Simmons) to protect her step-daughter Marigold (Lea Thompson) during her trip to Denmark. A real caring parent should have hired an army of P.I.s to protect Marigold from Mr. Brilliant. His name, he's not.
대특명 2
전투 도중 실종된 것으로 알려진 브래독 대령(Colonel Braddock: 척 노리스 분)와 그의 부하들은 월남전이 끝난 지 10년이 다 되어가도록 전쟁이 끝난 지도 모른 채 포로 수용소에서 생활한다. 그들은 베트남 두메 산골 기암 절벽 위에 있는 수용소에 갇혀 온갖 고문과 말라리아 등으로 인간 이하의 생활을 해 오다가 통쾌한 복수전 끝에 수용소를 탈출한다.
I'm Going to Be Famous
Kevin McGraw
A group of young actors audition for a play by a famous author starring and a famous star. These hopefuls have every weapon available to achieve their goal including blackmail, sex and murder.
즐거운 목요일
코미디 전문 감독 데이빗 S. 워드 감독의 첫 데뷔작. 부상으로인해 영구 선수 생활을 은퇴한 주인공 생물학자(?)가 우연히 한 여자를 알게 되면서 벌어지는 좌충우돌 코미디.
Advice to the Lovelorn
Eliot Turner
A failed pilot for a series centering on Maggie Dale, an advice columnist. This was somewhat in the tradition of shows like Fantasy Island. When she receives a letter, the writer's situation is played out for us, then she writes her advice and the writer reads her response and does his/her best to act upon it.
10월의 첫 월요일
Law Clerk #1
For the first time in history a woman is appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, where she becomes a friendly rival to a liberal associate.
The Gossip Columnist
2nd Photographer
New Tinseltown gossip columnist Dina Moran helps faded movie star Georgia O'Hanlon dig up dirt on amoral characters.