Liu Jie

참여 작품

When a woman who was abandoned at birth because of a genetic disorder sees a child facing the same fate, she finds herself trying to persuade their parents to reconsider and goes to extreme lengths to save the child.
When a woman who was abandoned at birth because of a genetic disorder sees a child facing the same fate, she finds herself trying to persuade their parents to reconsider and goes to extreme lengths to save the child.
10-year-old Shi Tou (Stonehead), the son of a migrant laborer, grows up alone with his grandmother. Sharing a reward with a classmate or waiting until his father returns, obeying his teacher or protecting his friend - which one should he choose?
안락한 가정을 꾸리고 사는 성공한 사업가. 지독한 결벽증이 있는 그는 형의 실종 소식에 형이 살던 집을 찾아갔다가 범인이 형일 수도 있는 끔찍한 사건에 휘말린다.
카페 6
1996년 고등학교 3학년인 관민록과 소백지는 같은 반 여학생인 심예와 채심을 각각 짝사랑하고 있다. 꼴등을 다투는 성적도 사고치고 벌받는 것도 모두 함께 하는 단짝이지만 연애에 있어서는 전혀 다른 방식으로 마음을 표현하는 두 사람! 과연, 첫사랑은 이뤄질 수 있을까?
De Lan
On his trip to the village, Wong meets a Tibetan girl, De Lan. He later finds that De Lan is married to Rigchin. One day, a young Tibetan man arrives with a woman, and De Lan starts crying. How many lovers does De Lan have? When Rigchin hints Wong that he doesn't mind he joining them, Wong is lost...
Young Style
A story of a high school boy as he processes the loss of his first love and learns to experience high school over again. For 3 years of high school, JU Ran has silently had a love for a young girl in his class. At the end of his senior year, as the college entrance examination looms overhead, JU Ran's situation changes, and he is given the chance to repeat his senior year. Through this year, he studies again for the examination, and has a second chance at his high school experience. JU Ran's tale is that of growing up, and a caution to take joy in every moment, because even second chances are not perfect.
Deep in the Clouds
The story takes place in a Lisu Village near the Nu River. Di A Lu, in love with Mu Pa’s sister Ji Ni, is banned from pursuing her by Lisu tradition. One day, Mu Pa is arrested after cutting down a plant that is protected under national laws. Mu Pa’s father tries to marry Ji Ni to A Da to settle Mu Pa’s case. On her wedding day, Ji Ni, dressed in a traditional Lisu wedding outfit, disappears into a foggy mountain. Three months later, Lisu people start moving out of the mountains where they have lived for generations side-by-side with their worshipped ancestors.
In a small northern Chinese city in 1997, Judge Tian privately struggles with the loss of his daughter, killed by a stolen car in a hit-and-run accident. On the bench he encounters Qiuwu, a mechanic accused of stealing two cars. Perhaps influenced by his emotional state, the outwardly impassive judge imposes an almost-obsolete criminal law on Qiuwu that sentences him to death for his crime. Desperate to mitigate his sentence, Qiuwu agrees to donate his kidney to a rich businessman dying of a terminal illness, hoping at the very least that his impoverished family may profit from his demise.
In a small northern Chinese city in 1997, Judge Tian privately struggles with the loss of his daughter, killed by a stolen car in a hit-and-run accident. On the bench he encounters Qiuwu, a mechanic accused of stealing two cars. Perhaps influenced by his emotional state, the outwardly impassive judge imposes an almost-obsolete criminal law on Qiuwu that sentences him to death for his crime. Desperate to mitigate his sentence, Qiuwu agrees to donate his kidney to a rich businessman dying of a terminal illness, hoping at the very least that his impoverished family may profit from his demise.
In a small northern Chinese city in 1997, Judge Tian privately struggles with the loss of his daughter, killed by a stolen car in a hit-and-run accident. On the bench he encounters Qiuwu, a mechanic accused of stealing two cars. Perhaps influenced by his emotional state, the outwardly impassive judge imposes an almost-obsolete criminal law on Qiuwu that sentences him to death for his crime. Desperate to mitigate his sentence, Qiuwu agrees to donate his kidney to a rich businessman dying of a terminal illness, hoping at the very least that his impoverished family may profit from his demise.
Courthouse on Horseback
The film follows three characters on a tour of the remote Yunman province of China where they travel with a horse to deal with legal disputes in mountain villages. Government policy is forcing the retirement of "Auntie" Yang (Yang Yaning) and she will have to separate after years of professional partnership from Feng (Li Baotian). They are accompanied by her replacement, recent law school graduate Ah-Luo (Lu Yulai).
북경 자전거
Director of Photography
때묻지 않은 순수함과 성실함을 갖고있는 열 일곱 살 소년 '구웨이'. 그는 어려운 가정 환경 때문에 고등학교에 진학하는 대신 베이징에 자리를 잡고 물품 배달원으로 직업을 구한다. '구웨이'는 배달 일을 하기 위해 회사로부터 600위안 짜리 실버 자전거를 대여 받게 되고 그 자전거는 순수한 '구웨이'의 마음을 설레게 한다. 결국 돈을 벌어 그 자전거를 자신의 것으로 만들 결심을 한 '구웨이'는 손님들의 불평 불만과 주위의 좋지 않은 시선에도 자신의 일을 꿋꿋이 해 나간다. 갖은 고생을 해 가며 그가 600위안을 거의 모았을 무렵, '구웨이'는 그만 그토록 사랑하던 자전거를 도둑맞게 된다. 결국 베이징 전체를 뒤져가며 자전거를 찾아 나선 '구웨이'는 드디어 어떤 소년이 그 자신의 자전거를 타고 다니는 것을 목격하게 되지만 항상 친구들과 몰려다니는 불량스러운 그 소년에게 아무 말도 못한 채 고민만 하게 된다. 베이징 도시의 뒷골목에 살고있는 고등학생 '지안' 그는 행복하지 못한 가정환경 때문에 삐뚤어진 생활을 한다. 나쁜 친구들과 어울려 다니며 싸움질도 하는 그가 유일하게 좋아하는 것은 귀엽고 깜찍한 여고생 '지아오'와 그리고, 얼마 전 얻게 된 실버자전거이다. 자다가도 일어나 자전거를 볼 정도로 자전거를 사랑하는 '지안'은 '지아오'와 산책하던 도중 누군가가 자신의 자전거를 훔치고 있는 것을 목격하는데. 친구들을 불러 그 도둑을 추격한 '지안'은 결국 도둑을 잡아 두들겨 팬 후 자전거를 되찾는다. 피투성이가 되어 그 자전거가 원래 자신의 것이라고 주장하는 도둑 '구웨이'를 뒤로한 채 친구들과 유유히 돌아가는 '지안'. 도둑으로 몰린 '구웨이'는 포기하지 않고 자전거를 되찾기 위해 계속 '지안'주위를 배회하는데. 하나의 실버자전거를 둘러싼 그들의 싸움은 계속되고 그 사이 그 둘에겐 묘한 우정이 생기게 된다. 어쩔 수 없이 '구웨이'와 '지안'은 하나의 자전거를 서로 공유하는 방법을 터득해야만 하는데.
Dao Shi
A young performance artist decides to make his own suicide his last work of art. On the longest day of the year, he plans to melt a huge block of ice with his own body heat and die of hypothermia. He calls this protest against the coldness of society "Funeral on Ice." Based on a true story.
The Days
Director of Photography
A portrait of urban anomie focusing on two bohemian artists who drift through the miasma of old Beijing in the 1980s.