Kari Rakkola

Kari Rakkola

프로필 사진

Kari Rakkola

참여 작품

Chess Story
1938. While the Nazi troops march into Vienna, the lawyer Josef Bartok hastily tries to escape to the USA with his wife but is arrested by the Gestapo. Bartok remains steadfast and refuses to cooperate with the Gestapo that requires confidential information from him. Thrown into solitary confinement, Bartok is psychologically tormented for months and begins to weaken. However, when he steals an old book about chess it sets him on course to overcome the mental suffering inflicted upon him, until it becomes a dangerous obsession.
좀비 스키장
지구온난화로 눈이 부족해진 스키장, 서둘러 인공 눈을 만들려는 욕심으로 화학약품을 들이붓지만, 상황은 갈수록 악화되어 과학실험에 의해 좀비와 돌연변이 전염병을 촉발시키고. 전염병에 의해 술꾼들과 좀비들을 구분하는 것이 쉽지 않게 되는데… (2016년 제20회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
On Evil Grounds
Romeo and Juliet - a couple that has a very odd perception of their relationship. They decide to buy a loft situated in a run-down factory. Somenone already lives there. The deranged owner of the factory, and his buddy, the real-estate agent, have been living an exciting life of capturing and torturing young and innocent couples. Too bad Romeo and Juliet are everything but docile victims!
MA 2412 - Die Staatsdiener
Restless Solitude
"Restless Solitude" is the story of young people who begin to perceive themselves in the context of their surroundings, though they cannot find an acceptable world within our civilized society. Instead of being accepted by a community, they see themselves as trapped in their adolescent dreams, because a world oriented exclusively towards material values cannot offer them an ideal place to live. Either one's spirit is broken when the individual is integrated into society, or the individual breaks with society. In both cases, the young adult is susceptible to seduction in a number of possible ways, eventually becoming a victim rather than a member of society.