Jonas Fisch

Jonas Fisch


Jonas Fisch is a Swedish visual artist and film and television actor.

프로필 사진

Jonas Fisch

참여 작품

Brad Samson
A desperate man kills a mother of twins, takes them to a house in the woods, and locks them up. His madness escalates keeping his dark secret. When a house fire causes a collapse on all of them, the story is buried until a young woman stumbles on the truth.
어 리틀 이탈리안 베케이션
Vicente Caudales
A group of high school Seniors juggle between old loves and new flings on the shores of a beautiful Italian town.
Uneasy Lies the Mind
What starts out as a typical domestic clash quickly turns into a discordant nightmare. Peter seems to have it all: a beautiful wife, a baby on the way, and tow loving friends. They all gather at his cabin for a birthday retreat, but the celebration quickly turns sour as secrets spill out and Peter's mind starts to unravel. Unable to distinguish the truth from his own jealous insecurities, Peter seems to forget even when whose life he is living.
Blood Effects
Colin Chamberlin
"Blood Effects" a mockumentary by film maker Kris Black, is a cross between "Paranormal Activity" and Christopher Guest's "Best in Show". Presented as a "movie-within-a-movie", veteran Bruce Reisman produced Black's scathing satire of Hollywood horror movies, where reality ties itself up with fantasy, and the results are both humorous and horrifying.
Visible Scars
Brad Samson
Seventeen years ago, Mike kills a new mother of twin girls and took the babies to a house in the woods, claiming them as his own to appease his wife's desire for kids. 10 years later Stacy flees to her uncle's old secluded cabin in those same woods to escape her abusive boyfriend. There she is haunted by the ghosts of the little girls crying for their mother.
천사와 악마
Adrian Bachman
세계 최대의 과학연구소 ‘CERN’(유럽 원자핵 공동 연구소)에서 우주 탄생을 재현하는 빅뱅 실험이 진행되고 실험을 통해 강력한 에너지원인 반물질 개발에 성공하지만 과학자가 살해되고 반물질이 사라지는 사건이 발생한다. 한편, 하버드대 종교기호학 교수 로버트 랭던(톰 행크스)은 교황청으로부터 의문의 사건과 관련된 암호 해독을 의뢰받는다. 새로운 교황을 선출하는 고대의식인 ‘콘클라베’가 집행되기 전, 가장 유력한 4명의 교황 후보가 납치되고 교황청에 비밀결사 일루미나티의 상징인 앰비그램이 나타난 것. 500년만에 부활한 일루미나티는 4명의 교황 후보를 한 시간에 한 명씩 살해하고 마지막에는 CERN에서 탈취한 반물질로 바티칸을 폭파시킬 것이라며 카톨릭 교회를 위협한다. 사건을 해결하기 위해 로마 바티칸에 도착한 로버트 랭던과 비토리아는 곳곳에 숨겨져 있는 일루미나티의 단서를 파헤치며 그들의 근거지로 향하는 ‘계몽의 길’ 추적에 나서는데…