Nezha Rahile

참여 작품

Summer Days
The members of a debt-ridden family reunite in an evanescent Tangier, running away from painful memories but at the same time clinging to a past they do not want to forget. Their childhood home and its magnificent estate are due to be sold in early autumn; increasingly, summer days fade into distant memory.
쇼핑몰 안전요원인 압델카데르와 가사도우미인 말리카는 신혼부부다. 이들은 경제적으로 어려움을 겪고 있지만, 서로에 대한 사랑과 미래를 위한 꿈을 멈추지 않는다. 하지만 어느 날, 압델카데르가 직장에서 폭력적이고 굴욕적인 일을 겪으면서 이들의 삶은 소용돌이 치기 시작한다.
파티마: 엄마의 일기
Costume Design
알제리에서 온 프랑스 이민자 '파티마'는 서툰 프랑스어 때문에 프랑스에서 태어난 딸들과의 소통이 어렵지만, 자식이 자신보다 더 나은 삶을 살길 원하는 세상 모든 엄마처럼 '파티마'도 딸들의 미래를 위해 팍팍한 이민생활을 이겨나간다.
Death for Sale
In Tetouan, at the northern edge of Morocco, three young men decide to rob a jewelry store. The heist goes awry, and their destinies part drastically.
Number One
WWW: What a Wonderful World
Casablanca, a city of contrasts, modern and traditional. Kamel is a murderer for hire who receives his encrypted assignments online. After his executions, he usually calls Souad, an occasional prostitute. But the phone is always answered by her friend Kenza, traffic officer and responsible for the largest roundabout in the city. Kamel soon falls in love with that voice and begins to seek her. Meanwhile, Hicham, a computer hacker, who dreams of emigrating to Europe, is infiltrated by chance in Kamel plans ...
1981, Morocco. A village in the Atlas mountains. A city in the distance. A child. A family facing its destiny.
Bye-Bye Souirty
The nomadic life of Moroccan carnival performers forms the basis of this debut from director Daoud Aoulad-Syad. Rabi, a female impersonator who dances with traveling fairs, teams up with Kacem, who hires him to ballyhoo his gambling concession. While Rabi's lack of romantic interest in women befuddles Kacem's son, he does strike up a friendship with a schoolteacher (Nezha Rahile), who in her way is as much of a misfit as Rabi.