Ing-Marie Carlsson

Ing-Marie Carlsson

출생 : 1957-02-25, Jönköping, Jönköpings län, Sweden


Ing-Marie Gunilla Jessica Carlsson is a Swedish actress. Carlsson lives in Södermalm, Stockholm. Carlsson was educated at NAMA in Gothenburg and graduated in 1982. After that she worked at Götateatern and the Borås City Theatre.

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Ing-Marie Carlsson

참여 작품

Stall-Erik and the Snapphans
Stall-Erik och snapphanarna is a Swedish film project that began filming in 1996 with a preliminary premiere in 2025. Director, producer and lead actor is Anders Olofsson. Olofsson is entirely responsible for the financing of the project and the casting.
Pilsner Och Penseldrag
If you take a crazy strive as well as a confused aunt and then add on two love-destroying bachelors, we say warmly welcome to the 57's courtyard. Where a crowd of the most heartfelt and surefire characters together this summer creates an "up-the-walls" lively evening at Vallarna's classic outdoor scene. One can say that one of Gideon Wahlberg's famous works is resurrected and given new life. You are offered love, gap laughs, pilsner and brush strokes (yes) and a lot of singing when Sweden's laughter-most gang takes place on stage.
Frank's Grandmother
11살 소년 프랑크와, 비극이 닥친 후의 어느 날 저녁 프랑크의 집에 갑자기 나타난 정체불명 긴팔원숭이의 비밀스러운 우정에 관한 이야기이다. 이 원숭이가 평범한 동물이 아니라는 사실이 분명해지자 프랑크와 가족은 해답을 찾아 작은 스웨덴 마을을 떠나 태국 가장 깊숙한 곳의 정글로 스릴 넘치는 모험을 떠난다.
House of Angels - Third Time Lucky
Eva Flogfält
A lot happens in a small village in 15 years. People fall in love, get married, have kids and divorces. Some move, some die - in Yxared just like in other places. Zac, Fanny and her daughter Alice travels back to to the small village in Ostergotland. Alice makes them return - where does she come from, what are her roots? The question about who Fanny's dad is, arises once more. And Alice, who's her dad?
Solsting och snésprång
Ett enklare liv
A successful stockbroker gets in trouble and has to escape from Hamburg to Vänersborg in Sweden with his two children.
Beck 24 - In the Name of God
Bodil Lettermark
A paparazzi photographer gets brutally murdered in Stockholm. His apartment is searched and the computer together with photo equipment is missing.
Beck 23 - The Silent Scream
Bodil Lettermark
Two young girls are killed on railway by a passing train. It does not seem to fit the profile of a normal suicide. So if this is a double homicide who would do this and why? Martin Beck and his team start following the step backwards in order to figure out what has happened. With good and intensive police work they find man side trails from the main path.
Beck 22 - The Weak Link
Bodil Lettermark
A teenage girl is found by her parents brutally raped and murdered in the woods. It's now up to Beck and his team to catch the criminal.
Beck 21 - The Japanese Painting
Bodil Lettermark
After a woman buys a Japanese shunga painting from an auction and later is found murdered in a hotel in Stockholm, the police gets dragged into a murder investigation where they meet the dark side of the art world.
Beck 20 - The Lawyer
Bodil Lettermark
The murder of a prominent attorney is connected to one of his recent cases, in which a company was being sued for serious environmental damage. Martin Beck and Lena Klingström find evidence which brings new light to the investigation - but who's pulling the strings?
Beck 19 - The Vulture
Bodil Lettmark
Swedish politician John Veden vanishes without a trace. There's no hint he's dead yet but Beck's team gets the case due to Police Chief Oberg's friendship with the man whom she dined with him the evening before he vanished. When they find out Veden was a gambler with heavy debts battling his addiction the case leads Martin Beck, Gunvald Larsson and freshly returned Lena Klingström into Sweden's illegal gambling scene. And Veden was planning to expose his own addiction and his party's huge financial profits from gambling in a confessional book - which his political allies got wind of via illegal data theft. With several people having an interest that Veden stays missing the team tries to find the politician and the true perpetrator while Beck is grappling privately with his ambivalent feelings about working with ex Lena again....
Wallander 13 - The Secret
Britta Holm
11-year-old Johannes is found raped and murdered. Investigations lead to a pedophile ring and detective Stefan Lindman's dark secret.
Beck 18 - The Girl in the Root Cellar
A small girl is found dead in a deserted underground cellar. She has been dead for some time but there is fresh food for her. Who is she?
Beck 17 - The Scorpion
Bodil Lettermark
An abused woman is feverishly sought by police in the murder of her ex-husband but is being hidden by abused woman-advocates. At the same time, Gunvald Larsson discovers a police report that his long-estranged sister has been abused. He confronts her with his knowledge but she denies it.
White Trash
A single dog hairdresser meets romance when spending a weekend at a health resort.
Sex hopp och kärlek
A drama about the power of Love, the lust for Sex, and the need for Hope. Birgit is stuck in an uneventful, everyday life with her husband Lennart and their teenage daughter.
Kommer du med mig då?
"Make Believe" - A film about the love of life, love of truth and love between two people who do not understand that they love each other.
Viktor and his Brothers
Viktor's family doesn't get along very well; his older brothers fight, his father is tired and broken, his mother despondent. Viktor does what he can to make things better.
Once in a Lifetime
Mona Bergström is a sweet eurovision-obsessed woman in her 30s. She is married to a lazy husband and has four children, all named after her favorite Swedish Eurovision popstars. Her brother is a crossdressing guy self-titled "Candy Darling". Mona works in a retirement home for disabled people, where she is responsible for taking care of a young man named David who suffers a movement-restricting disease forcing him into a wheelchair. David's parents have abandoned him, as they wanted a normal child. Mona holds a big place in David's heart, and vica versa. David's goal is to get his parents to come and visit him, and he wants to show them that he is a great person, despite his handicap. Therefore he works with music on his computer, and his goal is to create a song, send it to "The Cardigans", a famous Swedish band and have them play the song and credit him, hoping his parents would spot it and want to visit him.
A Little Christmas Story
Chaufförens flickvän
A little girl gets separated from her teddy bear and is inconsolable.
Reine & Mimmi i fjällen!
Mimmi Gustavsson
Mimmi starts to get enough, Reine just work all the time and watching TV. At last Reine has to choose, either they go to vacation together or Mimmi goes alone and if she does she can't promise that she will come back. Reine chooses the first alternative and books a vacation trip up to the mountains, many of their friends also booked the same vacation place.
Tartuffe - hycklaren
Tartuffe is a cheeky cheater and traitor who succeeds in fooling and terrorizing Orgon and his family.
Bert: The Last Virgin
Madeleine "Madde" Ljung
The film is based on a series of immensely popular Swedish children's books, about the boy Bert, who is just hitting puberty and having the usual problems with it. But that's where the usual ends abruptly.
House of Angels: The Second Summer
Eva Ågren
Fanny and Zack is back, after she inherited Änglagård last year. Everytone looks forward to their new stay. Axel has told Fanny he is her father, but who else? Ivar also thinks he is her father. Be ready for expectations and confusions.
Bert - Känsliga kyssar
mamma Madelene
Bert - Berts Piniga Pubertet
mamma Madelene
Bert - Berts Röjiga Rockliv
mamma Madelene
Dancing Feet
13 year old Sixten really wants his father to meet someone he can marry. Without telling his father, he and his friends write an ad for the personal sections.
Dinner date
David has just started working for a large pharmaceutical company and falls madly in love with a young and very beautiful colleague, Angelica.
The Last Dance
Blackpool, a dancing contest, a dead woman. This is the opening scene of this movie, which then continues by telling us the story preceding this sad accident - or is it a murder? We will get to know the tensed relationship of the dancing contestant couple Tove and Claes, and see how there lives are affected by Liselott and Lennart, their opponents and friends.
The Man on the Balcony
Gun Kollberg
A serial-killer attacks and murders young girls in the parks of Stockholm. The police have trouble finding any evidence to find the killer. But when a newsstand is robbed in one of the parks while the murderer strikes again, police inspector Martin Beck believes that the robber may be an important witness. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Murder at the Savoy
Gun Kollberg
A famous industrialist is murdered at a restaurant in Malmoe. Police inspector Martin Beck in Stockholm gets the case. The suspects lead to people involved in illegal arms deals. But who was the biggest criminal, the murderer or the industrialist?
The Slingshot
Karin Adamsson
Stockholm in the 1920s. Young Roland lives with his socialist father, Jewish mother and a boxing brother. His mother sells condoms illegally, and from them, Roland makes slingshots which he sells. His rebellious ways has gotten him the special attention of his school teacher, who always makes sure that Roland is punished. Roland also tries to make extra money by repairing bicycles, a successful business that in the end lands him in hot water.
The Fire Engine That Disappeared
Gun Kollberg
A routine mission ends up in a flaming inferno when a house suddenly explodes. It looks like a spectacular suicide attempt but the technical investigation reveals unexpected evidence. Beck and his men are soon on the tracks of a narcotic syndicate...
House of Angels
Eva Ågren
In a small village in Västergötland, everything is turned upside-down when the local loner dies and his cottage is inherited by his unknown relative Fanny. She rides into town on a big black motorcycle with her androgynous boyfriend Zack, wearing black leather and spikes. When they decide to stay, Flogfält's plans to buy the cottage are upset.
Kaj, Lennart and Robert are 30-somethings who go out to dance every weekend. At one dance they meet Inger, whom Kaj falls in love with. Kaj has some friends who are playing in a band. The drummer Tommy is known for being the local Casanova, seducing women when ever he gets the chance. It doesn't take him long to have an affair with Inger, behind Kaj's back.
Blankt vapen
Rickard, a young man, helps to illegally transport a medieval icon from Germany to Sweden. The icon possesses remarkable forces. Strange things happen. Rickard returns to his brothers empty apartment. He finds a film projector, a telescope and some drawings. A tape recorder is playing. A voice is heard. Rickard starts the film projector. Parts of his childhood is shown. He contacts his girlfriend. She informs Rickard that his mother is in hospital.
개 같은 내 인생
사춘기에 접어든 12살의 잉마르(Ingemar: 앙톤 글랜젤리우스 분)는 장난기가 심하지만 사색하는 소년이다. 아버지는 지구 반대쪽으로 해외 근무를 나가셨고 형과 어머니(앙키 리덴 분) 이렇게 셋이 살고 있다. 그는 늘 밤하늘을 바라보며 소련 우주선에 태워 올려진 개 라이카와 신문에서 본 여러가지 이야기들을 떠올리며 삶을 살아가는 지혜를 스스로 생각해 본다. 그의 어머니는 중병을 앓고 있는데 잉그마가 말썽이 심해 병세가 악화되자 시골의 친척집으로 보내진다. 잉그마는 그 마을 사람들의 좋은 친구가 되고 그가 다시 집으로 돌아올 무렵 어머니는 돌아가시고 만다. 다시 아저씨 집으로 돌아온 잉그마는 환경에 적응하기 위해서 여러가지 어려움을 겪는데 남자 같은 여자 친구와의 일련의 위기를 맞게 되지만 잘 헤쳐나가며 새로운 환경에 뿌리를 내리는데 성공한다. 마침 그와 이름이 똑같은 잉그마르 요한슨이라는 권투 선수가 미국 헤비급 챔피언을 때려 눕혀 전국이 기뻐하는 시간과 때를 맞추어 여자 친구와의 사이도 깊어진다. 그리고 그 지방 제일이라는 지붕 수리공의 망치 소리가 마을 깊이 은은하게 들린다.
False as Water
John is the owner of a small publishing company. One day John meets the poet Clara and falls in love with her. A movie about jealousy and death.
Karin Petrén
In 1944, Cederqvist comes to a small cloth factory to see how the all-women employees can work more efficiently. At the beginning he is greeted with suspicion and his efforts at courting the young ladies are futile. But as soon as he buys himself a car it becomes much easier, especially since he has the power to relocate people to an easier line of work. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.