Vincent Ball
출생 : 1923-12-04, Wee Waa, New South Wales, Australia
Rex Hooper
Based on the true events surrounding Frank Sinatra's tour of Australia. When Sinatra calls a local reporter a "two-bit hooker", every union in the country black-bans the star until he issues an apology.
Chief Justice Napier
1958년 크리스마스, 평화롭기만 하던 애들레이드에서 끔찍한 살인사건이 발생하고 맥스 스튜어트는 9살 소녀를 강간 및 살해한 혐의로 체포된다. 이 사건을 맡은 젊은 변호사 데이빗 오설리반과 그의 파트너 헬렌은 사건을 조사하던 중 맥스가 지역 경찰에 의해 누명을 쓰게 된 것이라는 확신을 갖게 되고, 경찰 배후에 국왕 검찰관이 있다는 사실을 발견한다. 그리고 이들은 보수적이고 폐쇄적인 상류 사회에 대항해 무망한 싸움을 시작한다. 영화의 대부분 장면은 사건이 실제 벌어졌던 장소에서 촬영이 되었으며, 에 출연하여 깊은 인상을 남겼던 ‘로버트 칼라일’이 데이빗 오설리반으로 출연한다.
A lawyer becomes a fisherman from frustration. When his one piece of property, his boat, is struck by lightning and destroyed he is denied insurance money because it was “an act of God”. He re-registers as a lawyer and sues the insurance company and, as God’s representative, The Church.
가족에게도, 친구에게도 사랑받지 못하는 뮤리엘은 스스로에게 새로운 삶을 선물하기로 한다. “내 이름은 M-a-r-i-e-l, 마리엘! 새로 태어났어” 새 장소, 새 친구, 새 직장! 그리고 평생을 꿈꿨던 결혼까지 했지만, 뮤리엘의 꿈처럼 마리엘의 삶은 행복하지 않고… 과연 뮤리엘은 ‘아바’ 노래보다 더 근사한 인생을 쟁취할 수 있을까?
Bishop of Sydney
1930년대 호주 시드니. 작품 활동을 왕성하게 인기있는 화가 노만 린제이는 주로 누드 그림도 그리면서 한편 글도 쓰는 작가다. 영국 국교인 성공회는 노만 린제이(Norman Lindsay: 샘 닐 분)가 전시회에 출품한 그의 그림을 보고 화를 내게 된다.그 작품은 십자가에 매달린 비너스를 그린 것이었는데 이 작품을 중심으로 그의 작품세계에 대한 논란이 끝없이 일어난다.
이에 교회는 시드니에 새로 부임한 성직자 안소니 캠피온(Rev. Anthony Campion: 휴 그랜트 분)을 노안 린제이에게 보내 그의 작업을 중지시키려 한다. 교회의 명을 받은 안소니와 그의 부인 에스텔라(Estella Campion: 타라 피츠제랄드 분)는 노안 린제이가 살고 있는 블루마운틴을 찾아가는데...
The film is a story of the ways in which insurance investigator Roland Copping interferes in and manipulates the lives of others with outrageous games and gimmicks. Eventually he becomes involved in an escalating vendetta with a couple who make an unusual insurance claim.
소심하고 여성적인 성격을 가지고 있는 대니(Danny Embling: 노아 테일러 분)와 조금은 야성적인 성격을 가진 프라야. 어린 시절부터 둘만의 순수한 사랑을 키우며 성장하는 동안 대니는 프라야의 육체에 대한 호기심과 사랑이 싹터간다. 그러나 두사람 사이에 트레버가 나타나면서 삼각 관계로 발전한다.
Dave the Spook
The trials and tribulations of the Goddard family after the entry of Australia into the Vietnam War.
A man tries to rehabilitate his alcoholic friend by entering them both into the Australian national rowing championships.
Captain Ritchie
Based on the 1971 true story known as "The Great Plane Robbery", this tele-movie tells the story of Peter Macari alias Mr. Brown. Under a grand extortion scam, he steals $500,000 in cash from Australian airlines company Qantas. This begins the start of a major international manhunt to catch a thief who is now living the high life from the spoils of his heist.
Lachlan McKinnon
뉴질랜드의 말을 싼 값에 사들인 미국인 데이브 데이비스는 형편없는 말의 모습에 실망한 나머지 팔아 버리려고 결심한다. 그러나 코치인 헤리는 이 말이 경주에서 이길 수 있다는 확신을 갖는다. 험한 훈련과 고된 연습으로 파렙은 차차 경주마다 우승을 하며 주목을 받게 된다. 몇 년이 지나자 드디어 파렙은 멜버른컵에서 우승하는 등 어느 말도 감히 도전하지 못하는 챔피언이 된다. 그러던 중 주위의 시기와 질투 속에 불길한 음모가 꾸며진다. 파렙을 죽이려는 사건이 발생하자 파렙은 은신처에 숨겨진다. 다시 파렙이 컵데이에서 대승리를 거두고 파렙의 명성은 미국까지 퍼져 세계에서 제일 빠른 말로 알려지기 시작한다. 그러나 아구아칼렌테 스테이크에서 승리한 파렙은 16일 후에 원인 모르게 죽고 만다.
Justin O'Byrne
The drama surrounding the dismissal of Mr. Gough Whitlam as the Labor Prime Minister of Australia - on 11 November, 1975 - by the then Governor-General of Australia, Sir John Kerr - and the subsequent installation, in Parliament, of the Liberal 'caretaker government' and Mr. Malcolm Fraser as the 'caretaker' Prime Minister.
Lieutenant Commander Hubert Marsham
After a highly successful raid on Singapore Harbour, soldiers of Z Special Unit lead a new expedition in Singapore, with disastrous results.
Dr. Jeremy Lyall
On her 16th birthday, Alison Findlay and two of her friends make contact with a spirit, who warns Alison of impending doom on her 19th birthday. Three years later, on the eve of turning 19, Alison returns home and makes a strange discovery in her family's backyard.
Col. Ian (Johnny) Hamilton
1901년 남아프리카. 모란트 중위와 두 명의 호주 군인이 보어인(남아프리카공화국의 네델란드계 백인) 살해 혐의로 재판에 회부되는데 이 재판 이면에는 보어 전쟁을 평화롭게 끝내고 싶은 영국군 상부의 다른 의도가 숨겨져 있다. 보어인의 공격으로 희생된 동료들의 복수를 위해 그들을 학살 했던 군인들의 증언을 통해 새로운 진실들이 드러나면서 공방은 치열해지고 희생양이 된 모란트와 그의 동료들의 유죄를 결정해놓은 재판부도 재판을 그들의 의도대로 진행시키지 못한다.
When British Intelligence, following a series of experiments designed to increase alertness of long-distance lorry drivers through use of tonal repetition, discovers chordation that completely erases all memory, it is obvious that such a cleansed mind may be programmed to perform any type of action. Erstwhile agent Peter Clarke inactive for years, is chosen as courier to transport an audio tape of the tones to his native Australia.
Alex / Karen's lover
A lonely 'Stay-at-Home' Housewife is being watched every night through the bathroom window by a 'Peeping Tom', who is being put up to it by his friend. She eventually finds out and gets her revenge on them.
Bernard Wilcox
A beautiful massage parlor/sex clinic owner financially & emotionally mistreats her customers.
Australian Soldier
Satire about the First World War based on a stage musical of the same name, portraying the "Game of War" and focusing mainly on the members of one family (last name Smith) who go off to war. Much of the action in the movie revolves around the words of the marching songs of the soldiers, and many scenes portray some of the more famous (and infamous) incidents of the war, including the assassination of Duke Ferdinand, the Christmas meeting between British and German soldiers in no-mans-land, and the wiping out by their own side of a force of Irish soldiers newly arrived at the front, after successfully capturing a ridge that had been contested for some time.
2차대전 중, 중동 조전관들을 만나 유럽 침공의 최종 작전 마무리를 위해 출발한 모스키토 전투기가 추락한다. 그 비행기에는 미장성 카나비 장군을 태우고 있었는데, 그는 연합군의 2차 침공의 모든 것을 계획한 인물로, 독일군에게 입을 열기 전에 빼내와야 한다. 그가 잡혀있는 곳은 베르펜이라는 마을에 있는 '슐러스 아들러', 즉 독수리만이 접근할 수 있어 독수리 요새라는 이름이 붙어있는 침투가 불가능한 독일 최고의 난공 불락 요새였다. 이 요새를 공격하려면 공수대 연대 이상의 병력이 필요하다. 따라서, 영국군의 롤랜드 제독(Vice Admiral Rolland: 마이클 호던 분)과 터너 대령(Wyatt Turner: 패트릭 위마크 분)의 계획에 의해 독일어와 전투력이 능한 7명의 특공대가 조직된다. 장군의 구출 임무를 맡은 이들의 지휘관은 스미스 소령(Major John Smith: 리차드 버튼 분)이고 미특전대장 세니퍼 중위(Lieut. Morris Schaffer: 클린트 이스트우드 분)를 포함해, 맥퍼슨 상사(MacPherson: 닐 맥카시 분), 페거드 상사 등으로 구성되어있다. 런던을 출발한 특공대는 곧 눈덮인 알프스 산으로 낙하하는데, 착륙 중 특공대원 중 무전수 헤르도가 목이 부러진 채 떨어져 있었다. 타살임을 확인한 세니퍼 중위는 미군인 자신이 영국군 특공대에 낀 것부터 이상함을 느낀다. 특공대가 숲속 오두막에 머물고 있는 동안 스미스 소령은 홀로 바바리아에 있는 일급 요원인 금발 미녀 하이디(Heidi: 잉그리드 핏 분)와 접선하여 새벽에 베르펜 마을에서 만나기로 한다. 날이 밝자 특공대는 베르펜 마을로 향한다. 이 마을에서 케이블카를 타야 요새로 갈 수 있다. 특공대원들은 모두 독일 장교로 변장하여 잠입하고...
Ship's Officer
Bertram Oliphant West (also known as Bo West) wants to clear his unjustly smeared reputation. He joins the Foreign Legion, with Simpson his manservant in tow. But the fort they get posted to is full of eccentric legionnaires, and there is trouble brewing with the locals too. Unbeknown to Bo, his lady love has followed him in disguise...
Sequel to The Mouse that Roared; The Tiny Country of Grand Fenwick has a hot water problem in the castle. To get the money necessary to put in a new set of plumbing, they request foreign aid from the U.S. for Space Research. The Russians then send aid as well to show that they too are for the internationalization of space. While the grand Duke is dreaming of hot baths, their one scientist is slapping together a rocket. The U.S. and Soviets get wind of the impending launch and try and beat them to the moon.
Bill Vernon
When a woman begins to investigate her husband's mysterious death in a plane accident she discovers the involvement of a woman known simply as Diana.
Captain Crowther's lot is not a happy one! Five of his crew have to be replaced and at such short notice before the voyage begins there isn't much to choose from. Not only does he get the five most incompetent shipmates ever to sail the seven seas, but the passengers turn out to be a rather strange bunch too. The SS Happy Wanderer will never be the same.
Cliff Wilton
During World War II, the residents of a French village find an able helper in their task of making life difficult for German-occupying forces in a Canadian pilot they rescue after he crash-lands in the vicinity and ends up in the hands of the Nazis. As the villagers grow increasingly dependent on the flyer's training and smarts, the Germans grow more determined to eliminate the force behind the strengthened local resistance. [Netflix]
Dr. Blake
Health officials from the World Health Organization link a smallpox outbreak in Europe to oil drilling in the Middle East.
Months before the out break of WWII, suspicion falls on a German ambassador when one of his envoys fails to return to Berlin. The arrival of two Gestapo agents searching for the missing man causes the ambassador and his family to rethink their Nazi allegiance but is it too late to escape from Hitler's evil grasp?
David Kyle
Newly graduated defense attorney David Kyle (Vincent Ball) is stymied by his first case: to represent youthful criminal Jimmy Fuller (Brian Smith), who refuses to explain his involvement in the murder of the revered Diana White (Angela Douglas), a probation officer seemingly devoted to her work. As he investigates, David learns that Diana's partners may not be as respectable as they appear and that Jimmy's girlfriend is in grave danger from them. [Netflix]
The misfortunes that befall three dental students when they become unwitting accessories to a burglary.
Mike Billing's newspaper series about quasi-illegal gambling parties in Mayfair have so far been works more of imagination than genuine journalism. But when he and his columnist girlfriend, Jenny Drew, finally manage to infiltrate one of them, it leads quickly to trouble. The party's organiser is found murdered the next morning, and a number of suspects begin to emerge. But which of them killed Lucky Lewis?
Two reporters, a youth and a girl, find romance during interviews with relatives and friends of passengers in an ill-fated airliner.
Capt. Pat Foster
Drama set in an Italian prisoner of war camp during World War 2, where a group of British soldiers find their plans for escape thwarted by a mysterious traitor in their midst.
Sgt Nesbitt
A small British army team is sent deep behind enemy lines to destroy a German petrol dump as part of the preparation for a major attack in the North African campaign. Sea of Sand was distributed in the US in a shortened version, Desert Patrol.
Dr. John Pierre
A man and wife are terrorized by Mad Scientist Dr. Callistratus who was executed but has returned to life with a heart transplant. Along with his crippled assistant Carl, the 'anemic' Mad Scientist, believed to be a vampire, conducts blood deficiency research on the inmates of a prison hospital for the criminally insane to sustain his return to life.
Bob Meredith
A woman (Lisa Gastoni) witnesses the theft of soiled banknotes from a mail delivery truck, then is threatened by the perpetrators of the crime.
George Storefield
During the mid 1860s, brothers Dick and Jim Marston are drawn into a life of crime by their ex-convict father Ben and his friend, infamous cattlethief Captain Starlight. Making their way to Melbourne with the proceeds of a recent raid, the brothers meet and romance the Morrison sisters, Kate and Jean, whom they eventually marry; but just as they are poised to start a new life in America, Captain Starlight and his gang arrive in town, planning a raid at the local bank.
P.C. at Hospital (uncredited)
Scotland Yard detectives attempt to solve a spate of safe robberies across England beginning with clues found at the latest burglary in London. The film is notable for using a police procedural style made popular by Ealing in their 1950 film The Blue Lamp. It is known in the US as The Third Key.
In 1941, The advancing Japanese army captures a lot of British territory very quickly. The men are sent off to labor camps, but they have no plan on what to do with the women and children of the British.
Two children dig up an old Viking treasure ship and become involved with crooks who have buried their loot on the site. Specially made for children.
A man (Richard Arlen) wants answers when he gets out of prison after spending seven years for a murder he did not commit.
John Drew
Intrigue and smuggling in the English Channel.
Henley's Assistant
During the early years of World War II, a bomb from a German airplane uncovers the corpse of a strangled woman.
Young Husband
Encore is a 1951 anthology film composed of adaptations of three short stories by W. Somerset Maugham: "The Ant and the Grasshopper", directed by Pat Jackson and adapted by T. E. B. Clarke; "Winter Cruise", helmed by Anthony Pelissier, screenplay by Arthur Macrae; "Gigolo and Gigolette", directed by Harold French, written by Eric Ambler. It is the last film in a Maugham trilogy, preceded by Quartet and Trio.
Jack Murnahan
A family reduced to imminent poverty by the father's disinclination to work; an American lawyer looking for the heir to half a million pounds; the scene is set for a hilarious tale of creative deception!
the first workman
When John North, a budding author, pulls the communication cord of a late night train that is taking him away on a weekend with his publishers wife, he sets in motion a series of events that lead to a train crash, a murder and a police man hunt, but all is not what it seems.
Hero in cinema sequence
A young woman leaves her backwards hometown to go to London to find a runaway suitor. What she doesn't know is that she has inherited a strange ability; if she's in the vicinity of a machine for more than fifteen minutes, it stops working.