Phil Judd

참여 작품

Sound Designer
A struggling family in Albania, wrestling with tradition, must unite against a mysterious clan's aggressions, leading to a 'blood feud' that is all too familiar in the Balkans.
Sound Designer
Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created.
Jendral Soedirman
Sound Designer
The Dutch declare unilaterally that they are not longer bound by the Renville Treaty, and to stop the ceasefire. On December 19, 1948, Army Commander General Spoor Noord Simons leads military aggression II to attack Yogyakarta, the capital of the Republic of Indonesia at the time. The Dutch arrested Soekarno-Hatta and exiled them to the island of Bangka. General Soedirman who suffered from tuberculosis leads the guerrilla war for seven months against the Dutch.
Jack Irish: Dead Point
Sound Mixer
Jack Irish is thrown into a world of club owners, drug dealers and killers when he is hired by a judge to find a mysterious red book.
더 텐더 훅
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The story is about Iris' rise to the apex of a love/power triangle that includes her roguish English lover, McHeath and Art, an earnest young boxer. Within the flawed moral landscape, each character struggles to establish their sovereignty.
Ten Empty
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A disillusioned son's trip home is complicated when ten years of family secrets explode over one weekend.
Hey Hey It's Esther Blueburger
Sound Mixer
This film is a smart, rueful and dead-on portrait of life's unending quest to fit in; and the girl who solves it by completely breaking out - introduces a feisty outsider hero unlike any other seen on screen. Esther Blueburger's quest begins when she escapes from her Bat Mitzvah party and is befriended by Sunni.., the effortlessly cool girl who is everything Esther thinks she wants to be. With the help of Sunni, Esther goes away from her ordinary life and leaves behind her malfunctioning Jewish family to hang out with Sunni's far breezier and super-hip single mom Mary and attend Sunni's forbidden public school as a Swedish exchange student.
Joanne Lees: Murder In The Outback
Sound Mixer
After surviving the terrifying outback abduction of her boyfriend, Joanne Lees became the victim of a relentless trial by media across two continents. With no body to speak of, reported 'sightings' of Peter, and revelations Joanne had cheated on her boyfriend, the public and media in both Britain and Australia refused to accept Joanne's innocence on face value. This is the story of one young woman's courage in the face of one of the most mysterious crimes in Australian history.
해피 피트
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
노래로 구애하는 펭귄 왕국, 춤에는 특별한 재능을 가졌지만 노래만은 세계 최악인 멈블(엘리야 우드)이 있다. 멈블의 엄마 노마 진(니콜 키드먼)은 아들의 탭 댄스가 귀엽다고 생각하지만 아빠 멤피스(휴 잭맨)는 멈블이 펭귄답지 못하다고 여긴다. 멈블 역시 짝사랑하는 소꿉친구 글로리아(브리트니 머피)에게 구애할 수 없는 자신이 서글프다. 멈블은 펭귄왕국의 질서를 어지럽힌다는 이유로 추방당하고, 우연히 또 다른 펭귄 종족인 라몬(로빈 윌리암스)과 그의 일당을 만난다. 멈블은 자신의 현란한 발 동작에 매료된 라몬 일당과 함께 광활한 얼음대륙을 넘어 특별한 여행을 시작한다.
맨 씽
Dialogue Editor
석유 재벌의 요원들이 시추용으로 표시된 늪지를 탐험하던 중 사라진다. 지역 보안관은 세미놀 전설인 '맨씽(Man-Thing)'을 조사하고 공포를 느끼는 사람들을 불태우는 엉망이 된 늪 괴물에게 맞서게 된다.
Hating Alison Ashley
Sound Mixer
Classmates Erica Yurgen and Alison Ashley vie with each other to become the undisputed star of their class.
Hating Alison Ashley
Dialogue Editor
Classmates Erica Yurgen and Alison Ashley vie with each other to become the undisputed star of their class.
하드 워드
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Three fraternal bank robbers languishing in jail, discover a profitable (if not dodgy) way to spend their time. Crime can most certainly pay, if you "know wot I mean?" However when sex and greed rear-up between the good crims and the bad cops, the consequences are both bizarre and fatal.
The Man Who Sued God
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A lawyer becomes a fisherman from frustration. When his one piece of property, his boat, is struck by lightning and destroyed he is denied insurance money because it was “an act of God”. He re-registers as a lawyer and sues the insurance company and, as God’s representative, The Church.
Whispering Sands
Sound Director
Berlian and her teenage daughter Daya are on the run from political violence. Constantly daydreaming that her absent father will return, young Daya chafes under the stern hand of her mother. Forced to move inland from their seaside home to a desert of constantly shifting sands, the pair settle down to their familiar antagonism. Finally, Daya sees a vaguely familiar face shuffle in from across the wasteland.
Sound Mixer
Passion concentrates on Grainger's unusual relationship with his mother and his sexual peculiarities (especially his obsessive self-flagellation, though homosexuality is also hinted at) which affect his relationship with a woman who comes to love him. It is set mainly in London in 1914, when Grainger's mother Rose was ill (she would later jump to her death in New York, upset by ill-founded rumours of incest with her son).
Sound Mixer
A young man in trouble is forced to drag his family into the problem.
The Custodian
Sound Mixer
Detective James Quinlan has left his alcoholic wife, sprouting a bloom of insecurity, anger and self-motivation within him to expose the corrupt police force that surrounds him. He abandons his straight life to join his partner Detective Church in order to get on the inside of the circle of double-agents. He secretly sides with a reporter and an Internal Affairs lawyer to expose them to the press.
청춘 기숙사
Sound Mixer
기숙사 학교로 보내진 대니는 가학적이고 폭력적인 선생들과 학교에 만연한 왕따 현상 속에서 힘들게 학교 생활을 하게 된다. 그 와중에 강 건너 여학교에 다니는 아프리카에서 온 탠디아와 사랑에 빠지고, 주위의 반대와 방해가 심해질수록 둘 사이의 사랑은 더 깊어만 진다.
그린 카드
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
조지와 브론테는 각각 그린 카드를 구하기 위해, 또 넓은 정원을 얻기 위해 혼인증명이 필요하다. 두 사람은 합의하에 위장 결혼을 하고 서로가 만난 곳, 좋아하는 향수 등을 암기하며, 아파트 옥상에서 가짜 신혼여행 사진까지 찍는다. 그러나 면담 중 실수로 위장결혼임이 들통나고 결혼이 취소된는데...
Afraid to Dance
Sound Mixer
An out-of-luck youth gets a lift from a shoplifter whose car he had planned to steal. They become involved in crime and romance together.
Emerald City
Sound Mixer
A comedy of life's temptations - lust, greed and power. The city in question is Sydney and the colour green signifies greed and envy in David Williamsons amusing satire on its film and publishing industries. The story centers around the Rogers family, loosely modelled on Williamson's own.
환상의 살인
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A schoolteacher (John Waters) becomes obsessed with the idea that his wife (Joy Bell) did not die in a car accident, as everyone else thinks.
사랑하기엔 아직 일러요
Sound Mixer
소심하고 여성적인 성격을 가지고 있는 대니(Danny Embling: 노아 테일러 분)와 조금은 야성적인 성격을 가진 프라야. 어린 시절부터 둘만의 순수한 사랑을 키우며 성장하는 동안 대니는 프라야의 육체에 대한 호기심과 사랑이 싹터간다. 그러나 두사람 사이에 트레버가 나타나면서 삼각 관계로 발전한다.
The Challenge
Sound Editor
The story of the 1983 America's Cup challenge, where the Australian team financed by business tycoon Alan Bond, finally wrests the cup from the New York Yacht Club, after an unbroken 132 year winning streak.
Archer's Adventure
Sound Mixer
During the 1860s, Dave Powers, apprentice to a horse trainer, volunteers to ride Archer to the Melbourne Cup race. Their start is 600 miles from Melbourne, and the journey is anything but easy. Of course, the pair have numerous adventures along the way, and in the end Archer competes in the Melbourne Cup race.
The Coolangatta Gold
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Steve Lucas is a nineteen year old who is filled with the burning resentment of being forced to live in his brother's shadow. His brother Adam, is burdened by his father's desire for glory, and must win The Coolangatta Gold Tri-Aquathon, It is the greatest endurance test of them all: a marathon involving a 20 kilometer beach run, 6 kilometer swim and a 17 kilometer surf ski from Surfers Paradise along the golden arc of beach to Coolangatta and back to the start. The Coolangatta Gold is a story of human endeavor and endurance against overwhelming odds.
The Coolangatta Gold
Sound Supervisor
Steve Lucas is a nineteen year old who is filled with the burning resentment of being forced to live in his brother's shadow. His brother Adam, is burdened by his father's desire for glory, and must win The Coolangatta Gold Tri-Aquathon, It is the greatest endurance test of them all: a marathon involving a 20 kilometer beach run, 6 kilometer swim and a 17 kilometer surf ski from Surfers Paradise along the golden arc of beach to Coolangatta and back to the start. The Coolangatta Gold is a story of human endeavor and endurance against overwhelming odds.
도시의 천재들
Sound Mixer
Teens P.J. and Goose get their thrills on BMX bikes, performing hair-raising tricks all across Sydney, Australia. Along with their new friend Judy, they discover a box of walkie-talkies -- and find out that a gang of criminals intends to use them to monitor police signals during a bank robbery. When the young trio snatches the devices, it propels them on a hair-raising adventure in which their pedaling skills might just save their necks.
Sound Mixer
After Dan collapses at a train station, he enlists Maxie to watch his beloved dog, Molly. Maxie develops a soft spot for her new furry companion - a dog which has a unique ability to sing in tune.
Midnite Spares
Sound Mixer
After discovering that a group of car thieves may have something to do with his father's untimely death, Steve pursues the criminals and attempts to capture them as well as prove his prowess as a racecar driver.
A Dangerous Summer
Sound Mixer
Building is Howard's passion, and he is so absorbed in his plans to build an elaborate resort in the Blue Mountains of Australia that he ignores certain obvious signals that his business partner is not entirely on the up-and-up. After a brush fire destroys the resort, an insurance investigator comes nosing around, whom Howard's partner deals with in a drastic manner. By the time Lloyds of London's senior investigator George Engels (James Mason in one of his last roles) arrives on the scene, Howard (Tom Skerritt) is anxious to set things to rights.
Sound Recordist
시대를 앞섰던 호주 뮤지컬 영화 은 모든 뮤지컬 명작들이 그렇듯 문화적 유행을 관통하며 여전히 유의미하고 경쾌하다. 조 케네디가 스타 가수를 열망하는 십 대를 연기하고, 로스 오도너번은 조의 경력을 위해 떠들썩한 홍보와 여러 소동을 벌이는 사촌 동생을 맡았다.​ (2021년 제23회 서울국제여성영화제) 재키 멀렌스는 망해 가는 엄마의 술집에서 웨이트리스로 일하지만 언젠가는 가수로 데뷔하겠다는 꿈을 갖고 있다. 동네 탤런트 쇼에서 멋진 공연을 펼친 재키는 같은 쇼에 너온 웜배츠라는 밴드와 만나고 기타리스트 로비와 데이트를 시작한다. 한편 매니저를 자처하는 열네 살 사촌 앵거스는 TV 프로그램인 「더 와우! 쇼!」의 진행자 테리 램버트의 시선을 끌기 위해 계략을 꾸민다. 엉겁결에 군중 앞에서 줄타기를 하게 된 재키는 과연 계획대로 슈퍼스타가 될 수 있을까? 은 질리안 암스트롱이 첫 작품 (1979) 이후 내놓은 두 번째 장편 극영화이다. 두 작품은 모두 여성 예술가를 주인공으로 내세운다는 점을 제외한다면 극단적으로 다르다. 이 작가의 꿈을 키우는 19세기 호주 여성의 경험을 담은 사실적이고 진지한 시대극이라면, 은 주디 갈랜드와 미키 루니 주연의 1930년대 할리우드 영화처럼 복잡함이나 사실성 따위는 포기해 버린 발랄하고 뻔뻔스러운 뮤지컬 코미디다. 단지 이 영화의 배경은 1980년대 동시대의 호주이고 당시의 네온빛 패션과 음악과 열기로 채워져 있다. 오로지 그 시대, 그 공간에서만 존재했던 청춘 문화의 화려한 기록이다. (2021년 제23회 서울국제여성영화제 /듀나)
Alison's Birthday
On her 16th birthday, Alison Findlay and two of her friends make contact with a spirit, who warns Alison of impending doom on her 19th birthday. Three years later, on the eve of turning 19, Alison returns home and makes a strange discovery in her family's backyard.
필사의 사투
Sound Mixer
호주의 핵폐기시설에 근무하던 하인리히(Heinrich: 로스 톰슨 분)는 어느날 지진으로 일어난 사고로 방사능에 오염되어 생명을 사흘밖에 더 부지할 수 없는 상태에 이른다. 이 사고로 인해 인근 전지역이 방사능에 오염될 처지에 이르렀음에도 불구하고 회사측은 하인리히의 경고를 무시하고 이 사실을 은폐하려는데 급급하게 된다. 이 상황을 감지한 하인리히는 아픈 몸을 이끌고 회사에서 도주하다 일시적인 기억상실증에 걸려 정신을 잃게 되어 휴가중인 스필슨 부부의 도움을 받게 된다. 하인리히의 신원을 알아내지 못한 이들 부부는 경찰에 이 사실을 신고하기로 결정하나 오히려 신고하러간 남편이 경찰의 오해로 체포되고 만다. 그러나 다행히 사건 직후 하인리히의 연락을 받고 달려온 친구 이글의 도움으로 사건의 전모를 듣게 되고 둘이 힘을 모아 이 사건을 끊임없이 은폐하기 위해 공작을 펴온 회사측 사람들을 물리치고 이 사건을 매스컴에 폭로하여 전국민을 방사능의 오염으로부터 보호한다.
파괴자 모랜트
Sound mixer
1901년 남아프리카. 모란트 중위와 두 명의 호주 군인이 보어인(남아프리카공화국의 네델란드계 백인) 살해 혐의로 재판에 회부되는데 이 재판 이면에는 보어 전쟁을 평화롭게 끝내고 싶은 영국군 상부의 다른 의도가 숨겨져 있다. 보어인의 공격으로 희생된 동료들의 복수를 위해 그들을 학살 했던 군인들의 증언을 통해 새로운 진실들이 드러나면서 공방은 치열해지고 희생양이 된 모란트와 그의 동료들의 유죄를 결정해놓은 재판부도 재판을 그들의 의도대로 진행시키지 못한다.
롱 위크엔드
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
When a suburban couple goes camping for the weekend at a remote beach, they discover that nature isn't in an accommodating mood.
Little Boy Lost
Sound Recordist
The True story of Stephen Walls, a young Australian farm boy, whose disappearance galvanized a continent into action. Taught to be wary of strangers, the boy cannot know that the boisterous hordes of volunteers are his saviors and not his enemies. After four tense days, hopes wanes. At last, a group of searchers spot the young Stephen, and its members are able to convice him that they want to help him reach home and family. - Written by
Plunge Into Darkness
Sound Mixer
An ex-pro athlete runner and his wife find a strange boy in the middle of nowhere along with a murdered couple. He runs to a nearby town for help while she keeps the boy company. Meanwhile, escaped convicts are heading to their location.
The Alternative
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Unmarried, beautiful and talented, Melanie Hilton discovers she is pregnant. The editor of a woman's magazine, she decides to have her baby and take leave from her job. Caught between her ex-lover and a colleague who wants to marry her, Melanie must find a solution or an alternative to her problem. When she falls in love with a woman, she questions the value of the traditional value unit.