First Assistant Director
지적이며 화려한 입담과 수려한 외모를 갖춘 루이스는 또 다른 상대를 물색하러 나선다. 그가 오늘 바에서 만난 여성 ‘세라’는 매혹적인 외모지만 그늘진 표정에 비밀을 간직한 듯하다. 차갑고 도도했던 세라도 루이스와 대화를 나눈 뒤엔 그의 매력에 빠지고 함께 밤을 보내게 되지만, 루이스의 집에서 뜻밖의 일행을 만나게 되는데…
First Assistant Director
가상 현실을 압축된 시간 동안 체험하는 약을 개발한 젊은 과학자. 쾌거의 기쁨도 잠시, 이 혁신적인 신약의 활용 방안을 두고 사업 파트너와 갈등에 빠진다.
데이비드의 결혼식에 참석하기 위해 영국에서 호주로 떠난 데이비드와 그의 절친 루크, 톰, 그레이엄. 그런데 결혼식 당일 루크가 술에 취해 절벽에서 떨어져 죽고 만다. 남은 친구 3인방은 루크의 시체를 온전히 가족의 품으로 돌려보내려 하지만 예기지 못한 사건들이 줄줄이 일어난다. 비행기가 추락하고, 루크의 시체를 엉뚱한 차에 실어 보내고, 변태 복장 도착자를 만나는 등 상황은 심각해져만 가는데…
Assistant Director
An obsessive prowler Jack (Jarratt) breaks into the home of his victim Emily (Fairfax). Finding himself wounded then tied to a chair, Jack soon realises he underestimated his intended prey as the two engage in a night long tête-à-tête.
First Assistant Director
Three teens blackmail a serial killer into helping them get rid of a violent bully.
First Assistant Director
A grumpy old man living in an idyllic coastal town who can't see he has the perfect life.
First Assistant Director
An idealistic solicitor heads to the bush after a disillusioning encounter with the legal system. In a small country town she witnesses an incident between police and two local Aborigines, and reluctantly becomes embroiled in a fight for justice.
First Assistant Director
A narcotics detective, suspected of corruption, gets a transfer to the Police Rescue Squad. An unstable man holds a daycare center hostage.
First Assistant Director
BREATHING UNDER WATER is the story of a woman's journey into an imaginary underworld city. The birth of her daughter into an increasingly perilous world has unsettled everything in Beatrice's (Anne Louise Lambert) life. Her growing unease prompts Beatrice to undertake a journey - an investigation into human nature, a confrontation with the fears of our time, and a search for clues that will ultimately give her an answer to the central riddle of the film: why has humankind set the stage for its own extinction? The director’s preoccupation with humankind’s tendency to self-destruct was one factor that lead to the creation of this complex film.
Second Unit First Assistant Director
Albert Einstein is the son of a Tasmanian apple farmer, who discovers the secret of splitting the beer atom to put the bubbles back into beer. When Albert travels to Sydney to patent his invention he meets beatuiful French scientist Marie Curie, as well as several unscrupulous types who try to take advantage of the naive genius and his invention.
Third Assistant Director
A group of hardened criminals on the lam take refuge in the badlands of the Australian outback. When they come across a small settlement, they take hostages in case the law shows up, but are outwitted by a supernatural force, a powerful shaman.