Ricky Nasser is a young Australian whose peaceful suburban life turns to hell when his sister Ameena disappears without a trace. In a climate of distrust and xenophobia, Ricky is forced to denounce her as an extremist.
호주 오지를 여행하는 독일 배낭여행객 커플 ‘루트거’와 ‘카트리나’는 울프 크릭 운석구덩이를 관광하고 돌아가다 히치하이킹에 실패하고 허허벌판인 외딴 곳에 텐트를 치고 하룻밤을 보내게 된다. 그때 그곳에 홀연히 나타난 돼지 사냥꾼 ‘믹 타일러’. 믹은 시내까지 태워주겠다는 자신의 호의를 두 사람이 무시하자 무섭게 돌변하여 루트거를 잔인하게 살해한다. 피투성이가 되어 겨우 도망친 카트리나는 지나가던 영국 청년 ‘폴’에게 도움을 요청하는데...
그들은 세상에서 가장 잔인한 악마의 광기 어린 살인에서 살아남을 수 있을까?
A grumpy old man living in an idyllic coastal town who can't see he has the perfect life.
Self / Berte
Within the world of theatre the rehearsal room is a sacred space -- the private domain where boundaries are pushed, risks taken, mistakes made, vulnerabilities exposed and, at its very best, magic created. It's not a place into which the public is often, if ever, invited. Until now; In The Company of Actors features an ensemble of Australia's finest actors, including Cate Blanchett and Hugo Weaving, as they prepare to perform the Sydney Theatre Company's production of Hedda Gabler, at the prestigious Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York. Opening night is just five weeks away and the pressure is on.
Thelma Abbott
The story of notorious Australian bank robber Brendan Abbott, who according to the myth, sent postcards to authorities hot on his trail while on the run across the country.
Following a passion for country music, Ralph leaves his father’s sheep farm in a remote Australian town, armed with a guitar and a plane ticket to Nashville, Tennessee. He hopes to hitchhike to Sydney Airport where his take-off into a successful country/western singing career will hopefully begin. However, fate and his naivety find him hitchhiking with a psychotic drug thief named Boyd, and Boyd's mesmerising girlfriend, Patsy. The plot then splits into a series of parallels, flash forwards and flashbacks. One depicts Ralph’s imprisonment after being framed for drug trafficking. The other follows the dramatic ascent of his career to hype status and the pairing between the dynamic Patsy and himself.
Rhonda's Mother
가족에게도, 친구에게도 사랑받지 못하는 뮤리엘은 스스로에게 새로운 삶을 선물하기로 한다. “내 이름은 M-a-r-i-e-l, 마리엘! 새로 태어났어” 새 장소, 새 친구, 새 직장! 그리고 평생을 꿈꿨던 결혼까지 했지만, 뮤리엘의 꿈처럼 마리엘의 삶은 행복하지 않고… 과연 뮤리엘은 ‘아바’ 노래보다 더 근사한 인생을 쟁취할 수 있을까?
Dr. Allport
Government authorities incarcerate a girl whose extraterrestrial origin is discovered after an accident with a car.
Una Crealy
Follows a boy who realizes there is more to being a clown, than just clowning around.
An out-of-luck youth gets a lift from a shoplifter whose car he had planned to steal. They become involved in crime and romance together.
Cheryl Kenny
Kate McLelland's life is a normal one of a girl her age in the eastern suburbs, until her discovery that she is adopted. This is the story of her search for her natural mother and the resulting relationship.
Fran, a single mother, is selflessly devoted to her children. But something is lacking in her life, and that something is the love of a man her own age. Her efforts to juggle a love life with her home life are largely unsuccessful.