Floor Runner
Co-creator, co-writer and star of ABC TV’s Rosehaven, Celia Pacquola is a true luminary of Australian comedy. A multiple award-winning writer-performer, she is sharp, frank, deft and smart as hell. The stand-up stage is where the journey all started for Celia and it’s where she happily returns in the triumphant All Talk – a homecoming of sorts for one of Australia’s most in-demand comedians.
First Assistant Director
Kate is on a plane taking Warren, her 18 year old Torres Strait Islander foster son, to meet Flo, his birth mother, who is gravely ill in hospital in Brisbane. Flo hasn't seen Warren since she took him to the hospital on Thursday Island when he was a toddler and the white authorities took him away. But as Warren, Flo and Kate all prepare themselves for the reunion, unbeknown to them, Kate's Brisbane based parents, Keith and Dellmay, are planning a different kind of reunion.
First Assistant Director
The political adviser to Australia's Minister of the Arts investigates the suspicious death of a disgruntled artist.
First Assistant Director
An amusing and entertaining film, "Stiff" showcases David Wenham as Murray Whelan, political fixer and amateur investigator. An adaption of a Shane Moloney book it provides a view into the political workings (or lack thereof) of a Brunswick (Melbourne, Australia) Local Member's office.
First Assistant Director
In an effort to raise money for charity, adventurer Russell Coight decides to lead a group of celebrities on a trek across Australia - from east to west coast in just seven days.
First Assistant Director
Ben Kinnear and Mike Paddock are two undercover detectives with way too much publicity, who find they can no longer turn a blind eye to the corruption in the police force.
Ben Kinnear and Mike Paddock are two undercover detectives with way too much publicity, who find they can no longer turn a blind eye to the corruption in the police force.
First Assistant Director (Prep)
Genevieve Snow is a piano teacher at a school for girls. Genevieve is lonely. Nigel is lonely too - he telephones people he doesn't know. One day, Nigel calls Genevieve. Nigel wants to talk about wolves and Genevieve seems prepared to listen.
First Assistant Director
미하엘 하네케의 숨겨진 영화 중 하나다. 카프카의 원작에 충실하면서도 등에서 찾아볼 수 있는 마을 사람들의 싸늘한 시선이 영화 속에 고스란히 담겨 있다. 여인과의 섹스에서 탈출구를 찾던 카프카의 세계관 역시 하네케의 해석에서 명징하게 구현된다. (2013년 제14회 전주국제영화제)
Second Assistant Director
스타 배우인 메이앨리스는 어느 날 차 사고를 당해 하반신 마비 상태에 이른다. 그녀는 사고 후 오래전 자신이 떠나왔던 루이지아나 고향집으로 돌아간다. 상실감에 그녀는 점점 알콜 중독에 빠지고, 자신을 돌보기 위해 고용된 간병인들을 괴롭혀 차례차례 쫓아낸다. 그녀의 괴팍한 행동으로 인해 이제 아무도 메이앨리스의 간병인으로 지원하려 하지 않는다. 그런 그녀 앞에 한때 마약 중독으로 절망적 경험을 했던 챈텔이 새로운 간병인으로 나타난다. 거동이 불편한 몸 상태로 인해 타인의 도움이 절실한 메이앨리스. 그녀에게 챈텔은 마지막 기회다.