Sander Vos

참여 작품

트라우마 치료를 받는 22세 제이슨을 고통스러울 만큼 솔직하게 다루는 이 영화는 실패로 귀착되고 있는 네덜란드 청소년 복지 정책에 대한 마샤 옴스 감독의 3부작 마지막 작품이다. 전작인 〈알리시아〉와 〈펑크스〉와 마찬가지로 감독은 매우 개인적인 시선으로 현상을 비판적 관찰한다. 카메라는 어린 시절 상처로 인한 심리적 후유증을 앓는 제이슨을 면밀히 담는다. 집중 치료 과정을 통해 우리는 16세에 청소년 복지시설 입소 후 더욱 심각해진 제이슨의 상처의 깊이와, 청소년 정책 시행 시 그른 판단이 얼마나 광범위한 영향을 미치는지 가늠하게 된다. 감독 마샤 옴스의 사려 깊고 겸손한 태도는, 제이슨을 희생자 중 하나일 뿐 아니라 자신의 경험을 바탕으로 같은 고통을 받는 타인을 구하는 행동주의자로 묘사한다. 무엇보다 영화는 제이슨으로 하여금 상처 입은 내면을 기꺼이 공개하도록 함으로써 앞으로 나아갈 용기를 북돋아 준다.
베이 오브 사일런스
로잘린과 윌은 이제 막 결혼을 하고 쌍둥이까지 임신해 행복한 신혼 생활을 보내고 있다. ​하지만 예기치 않은 사고로 로잘린은 뱃속의 쌍둥이 중 한 아기를 잃게 되고, 그후 로잘린의 행동이 이상하게 변해간다. ​그러던 어느 날 정체불명의 택배가 로잘린의 앞으로 도착하고, 윌이 집을 비운 사이 로잘린은 아기와 유모까지 데리고 사라져버린다. ​윌은 겨우 로잘린을 찾아냈지만 아기가 죽은 것을 발견하고, 아내를 위해 진실을 묻어두려고 한다. ​하지만 로잘린의 과거와 조현병에 대해 하나둘씩 알게 되고, 늦게라도 진실을 밝히려 하는데…
Romy's Salon
Romy’s mother has to work a lot. That’s why Romy goes to her grandmother every day after school. Grandma Stine is very busy working in her hairdressing salon, and is very strict. But everything changes when Romy discovers a totally different side to her grandmother.
The parents are at their wits’ end, so a temporary supervision order is the last hope for a group of teenagers in Punks. Now, on a remote farm in France, they’re going to have to get their lives back on track, with the help of a counselor. If they want any chance of a happy life, they need to engage in some frank and painful conversations. Mitchel has to find a way to get along with his father, but maybe too much has already happened since his mother died. Jahlano is already at the next stage: he’s no longer allowed to live with his mother, and needs to get over the disappointment. Mike, meanwhile, is struggling with his image as a boy who’s “got a screw loose.” Filmed in constant close-up by director Maasja Ooms, the teenagers try to tame their demons with music and therapy, but problems from the past keep resurfacing. In this intimate and sincere portrait, these troubled kids show us their most vulnerable sides.
더티 갓
몸의 절반 이상이 흉터로 뒤덮인 비키, 염산으로 피부가 녹아버린 뒤 그녀의 삶은 모든게 바뀌었다. 새로운 삶의 조건을 찾아가는 여정 속 그녀는 자신의 정체성을 새로이 정립한다.
Sing Song
The musical adventure of the 16-year-old Jasmine who goes to Suriname to attend a song contest, but secretly is looking for her mother.
Quality Time
Five thirty-something men in as many separate segments struggle to grapple with the relentless absurdity of their respective existences.
After 21-year-old student Tonio dies in a traffic accident, his novelist parents face sorrow and regret as they suffer the agony of losing their only child.
Farewell to the Moon
It's the hot summer of 1972: the Americans launch their last mission to the moon; also a time of dungarees and hallucinogenic wallpaper. On the eighth floor of a new Dutch apartment block, 12-year-old Duch lives with his family. His hobbies are space travel and Mary, the pretty woman next door. Duch’s father prefers to watch the neighbour who recently moved in two doors down. Her arrival makes the residents aware of the free-sex morality. Up until now it had left the eighth floor untouched, but that is clearly not to everyone’s satisfaction.
All Stars 2: Old Stars
In All Stars 2 Old Stars, the unexpected wedding of one of the boys means they treat themselves to an ‘old-fashioned training camp’ in the form of a long weekend in Barcelona. The match between Barcelona and Real Madrid is meant to be the high point of the trip. But of course not everything goes according to plan for the Swift Boys.
블랙 버터플라이즈
Confronted by Apartheid and a father who was Minister of Censorship, Ingrid Jonker searched for a home, searched for love. With men like Jack Cope and André Brink she found much love, but no home. Later, in his first speech to the South African Parliament Nelson Mandela read her poem "The Dead Child of Nyanga" and addressed her as one of the finest poets of South Africa.
Pastry chef Ben van Bommel runs a hitherto successful bakery, but lately run into trouble with the tax service. In order to save his business, he succumbs to criminal temptation. So he's persuaded to bake a cake with a valuable 'secret ingredient': smuggled drugs. Nobody could have foreseen the wide ramifications, such as who ends up saving Ben's bacon.
Beyond the Game
Warcraft III is the most popular real-time strategy computer game, thrilling over 2.5 million North Americans and 10 million people worldwide everyday. The game creates an alternate universe, where players challenge each other with a mythically-charged online world of humans, orcs, the undead, knights, and elves. In Beyond the Game, we meet - in real life and within the game - two of the game's leading figures, known as Grubby and Sky. Acclaimed filmmaker Jos de Putter tracks these Kasparovs of a new generation and a new game across the world all the way to the world championships in Seattle. A fascinating, surprising, and genuinely touching portrait, Beyond the Game is a study of, and participation in, the reformation of our communities in the internet age.
Bookkeeper Jacob newest client is the talented and flamboyant actress Anne. They first meet each other on her houseboat, the morning after the premiere of Anne's new theatrical play. Anne has made a mess of her personal finances and she has a lot of debt. So much so that she may even have to sell her houseboat. Jacob does what he can to help her.
앞을 보지 못하는 ‘루벤’. 후천적으로 시력을 잃고 짐승처럼 난폭해진 그를 위해 어머니는 책을 읽어주는 사람을 고용하지만 다들 오래가지 못해 그만둔다. 새로운 낭독자로 온 ‘마리’가 첫만남에서부터 루벤을 제압한다. 마리는 어릴 적 학대로 얼굴과 온몸에 가득한 흉측한 상처와 남들과 다른 모습에 사람들의 시선을 피해 다니지만 볼 수 없는 루벤 앞에서만은 자신을 드러낸다. 루벤은 [눈의 여왕]을 읽어주는 마리의 기품 있는 목소리와 단호한 행동에 관심을 갖고, 마리를 아주 아름다운 모습일 거라 상상하며 사랑에 빠진다. 누군가에게 사랑 받는 것이 처음인 마리 역시 낯선 이 감정이 사랑임을 깨닫고 마음을 연다. 하지만 루벤이 수술로 눈을 치료할 수 있게 되면서 마리는 자신을 보고 실망할 것이 두려워 그의 곁을 떠난다. 이제 모든 것을 볼 수 있게 된 루벤은 사라진 마리를 찾아 방황하는데…
Winky's Horse
There is only one thing Winky wants: a horse, a real horse to ride. But horses are expensive. Fortunately it is the season of Sinterklaas; Winky just asks Sinterklaas for a horse. Than everything will work out alright. Or will it?
천국을 향하여
이스라엘에 삶의 터전을 빼앗기고 그들의 암제와 차별정책, 절대적 빈곤 속에서 미래에 대한 희망도 없이 살아가는 팔레스타인의 젊은 청년들. 그들이 할 수 있는 저항이라고는 자신의 온몸을 산화시켜, 이스라엘인들에게 두려움을 주는 것뿐이다. 어릴 때부터 형제처럼 자라온 자이드와 할레드도 어느날 저항군 조직의 부름을 받고, 기꺼이 순교자의 소명을 받아들인다. 그러나 막상 가슴에 폭탄 띠를 두르고 이스라엘로 향하던 두 청년은 마음이 흔들리기 시작한다. 지옥 같은 현실에서 죽음과 같은 삶을 사는 것 보다는 영웅적인 죽음을 택해 천국으로 가고자 했던 그들. 그러나 과연 끊임없이 죽이고 죽고, 보복에 보복을 거듭하는 이 저항방식이 그들이 원하던 승리를 가져다 줄 것인가. 그들에겐 다른 선택의 여지가 없는 것인가하는 의문들이 그들을 주저하게 만든다. 죽음을 눈앞에 앞 둔 48시간 동안 자이드와 할레드는 극심한 혼란과 마음의 갈등을 겪게 되는데...
Black Swans
Two passionate people, Marleen and Vince, embark on a scorching love affair. They are sucked down by the fierceness of their feelings and literally drown in them..
A family is on summer vacation. Their adolescent son is a mixture of bored and horny. A yellow jacket wasp joins them in their car and then at their vacation campsite. A sultry young woman is doing laundry outdoors just as a brief, torrential downpour occurs and the wasp allows her to reveal, much to the young man's delight, her special knowledge of how to deal with insect bites.
Zus & Zo
In this Oscar-nominated comedy, three wacky sisters try to save their inheritance from their supposedly gay brother, who suddenly appears with a fiancé in tow. If he gets married, their father's will stipulates that he gets the family hotel in Portugal. So the sisters put aside their personal differences and set out to stop the wedding at all costs.
The true story of two murders that shaped the lives of several college students who went on to become some of the most influential writers of the "Beat Generation."
All Stars
Seven young men who played soccer together since their early youth grow apart and are forced to think about the nature of their friendship. In a comic way and a very Dutch setting, All Stars is about pregnant girlfriends and homosexuality, career plans and the power of parents.
Sur place
A mysterious foreign woman who is staying temporarily in a house there. Who she is and what her secret is are both slowly revealed in the reconstruction of a story about passion, revenge and war.
Bob and Annie separate. After the court case Annie gives Bob two airline tickets for a tropical island to save their relationship. However, Bob takes someone else with him on holiday: Carmen, the daughter of Mafioso Don Gorgonzola. Annie lags behind in Holland, where she falls in love again with other men.
Paradise Framed
In this art-film, a famous multimedia artist abandons his former life for a new one in a hermetically sealed room filled with living portraits. His new space becomes a haven for the terminally dysfunctional. Trouble ensues when two strangers, the world-weary Col. Hardy and the handsome son of an aspiring presidential candidate, come to collect on a commissioned work of art.