Susan Prior

Susan Prior


Susan Prior is an Australian actress. She won the 2014 AACTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for her role in The Rover and was nominated for the 2012 AACTA Award for Best Guest or Supporting Actress in a Television Drama for Puberty Blues. She was twice nominated for the Helpmann Award for Best Female Actor in a Supporting Role in a Play, in 2008 for Riflemind and in 2014 for Small and Tired.

프로필 사진

Susan Prior

참여 작품

Barbara Wolf
A young environmentalist wakes, trapped, kidnapped in the elevator of a super high rise building at the mercy of her tormentors.
Groundhog Night
Gary’s so used to caring for his disabled daughter Jess, he can do it in his sleep. But when the in-laws come to stay, everyone will get a wake-up call.

When a young girl falls deep into the internet phenomenon that is Mukbang, she comes face-to-face with an unfamiliar feeling.
북 위크
Lee Issen
Nicholas Cutler is a smart yet self-destructive, once famous novelist who is stuck teaching English to iPhone-addicted teenagers at a working class high school. After writing a trashy zombie story he recaptures the interest of publishers who are willing to give him a second chance as long as he can prove he has cleaned up his act. However, what could have been the best week of his life spirals into chaos and he's forced to finally put others ahead of his selfish dreams.
The Second
The Detective
The persona of a celebrated author is threatened when her best friend and muse reveals the dark secret behind her first novel's provenance, igniting an incendiary tale of sex, lies and betrayal.
Norma Gowland
A look at the 1970s Gay Rights Movement in Australia through the eyes of dedicated activist Lance Gowland. As Lance deals with his sexuality, he must also juggle work, family and relationships.
재스퍼 존스
Gwyn Wishart
Charlie Bucktin is a bookish boy of 14. His life changes forever when Jasper Jones, the city's multiracial outsider, shows him the body of young Laura Wishart one night. Entrusted with this secret and believing Jasper to be innocent, Charlie embarks on a dangerous journey to find the true killer.
Bunny New Girl
Alice Dunn
On her first day at a new school, a self conscious young girl learns that friendship can overcome difference.
Something Elemental: Making 'The Rover'
Behind the scenes look at David Michôd's 2014 film 'The Rover'.
더 로버
Dorothy Peeples
황폐해질 대로 황폐해진 모든 것이 붕괴된 호주. 이곳의 사람들은 질서도 희망도 없이 그저 하루하루를 살아갈 뿐이다. 시골 마을에 모든 것을 체념한 듯한 표정의 에릭(가이 피어스)이 상점 안으로 들어온다. 그가 상점에서 목을 축이고 있는 동안, 인근에서 강도행각을 벌이다 순찰 중이던 보안군과 총격전을 벌이고 도주하던 중 사고를 일으킨 무장강도들은 사고로 주행이 불가능해진 자신들의 차량을 버리고 에릭의 차를 절취하여 달아나 버린다. 전 재산과도 같은 차를 도난 당한 에릭은 강도를 잡기 위해 그의 동생을 인질로 잡는데...
The Orchard
Leo is dead and Saverio hasn't spoken to him for ten years. When Saverio meets Anna, his dead brother's goddaughter, she leads him to what he most wants to avoid--Leo's memory, and his own dark desires.
Jack is utterly fed up with living at home. He longs for love, freedom and the music by KISS.
안나, 평양에서 영화를 배우다
대규모 탄층 가스 채굴의 위협이 시작된 호주 시드니. 영화감독 안나는 자신의 가족과 마을의 안전을 지키기 위해 선전영화를 만들기로 결심하고, 세계에서 가장 강력한 선전영화를 제작하는 평양으로 향한다. 감독, 배우, 촬영가, 작곡가 등 북한을 대표하는 영화인들을 만나 도움을 청한 안나는 그들만의 독특한 영화 제작 기법을 배운 후, ‘평양 스타일’의 단편영화 촬영에 들어가는데… 과연 안나는 평양 멘토들의 기대대로 영화를 만들어 마을을 살릴 수 있을까?
낫 수터블 포 칠드런
A young playboy who learns he has one month until he becomes infertile sets out to procreate as much as possible.
애니멀 킹덤
Alicia Henry
엄마가 약물남용으로 세상을 떠나자 열일곱 소년 조쉬 J 코디(제임스 프레체빌)는 멜버른에 살고 있는 할머니 스머프(재키 위버)의 집으로 옮겨와 생활하게 된다. 함께 생활하게 된 할머니와 삼촌들은 약물 판매와 절도 등 범죄를 업으로 하는 범죄 가족. 살아남기 위해 J는 그들의 범죄에 동참한다. 형사 네이던 (가이 피어스)은 J를 경찰의 보호 아래 두려고 하지만 부패 경찰, 잇속만 챙기는 변호사들 사이에서의 상황도 어렵기만 하다. 가족과 경찰의 갈등이 고조되고 조쉬는 동물의 왕국과도 같은 이곳에서 살아남기 위해서는 누구의 도움도 없이 혼자서 살아남아야 한다는 결론을 내린다.
The View from Greenhaven
A grumpy old man living in an idyllic coastal town who can't see he has the perfect life.
Suburban Mayhem
Christine Andretti
Can you really get away with murder? Welcome to the world of Katrina, a 19-year-old single mum who's planning to do just that. Katrina lives in a world of petty crime, fast cars, manicures and blow-jobs. A master manipulator of men living at home with her father in suburban Golden Grove, Katrina will stop at nothing to get what she wants - even murder.
A mother battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the closet, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.
The Saviour
A young Church elder struggles with his faith when the married woman he has been seeing breaks off their relationship.
A Cold Summer
A Cold Summer constructs three truthful portraits of people dealing with death in their lives in radically different ways and creates an environment, in which after unpeeling the layers, they expose their lives before the camera. The film makes a positive statement through two very selfish and cynical characters and how someone who still believes in honesty and love touches their lives.
A Cold Summer
A Cold Summer constructs three truthful portraits of people dealing with death in their lives in radically different ways and creates an environment, in which after unpeeling the layers, they expose their lives before the camera. The film makes a positive statement through two very selfish and cynical characters and how someone who still believes in honesty and love touches their lives.
A Wreck, a Tangle
A wired but charming and educated junkie couple ("we prefer the term chemically dependent") run their stolen car into a nice well to do thirty-something couple and when it gets all too hard, end up staying with them - first for a night, then a week and then for way too long.
An unfocused twentysomething moves in with a former co-worker, who is suffering from low self-esteem because of her weight, looks, and a case of eczema. Their relationship is based on unending drink, drugs, and sex.
헤븐스 버닝
시드니로 신혼 여행을 온 일본여성 미도리(Midori: 요키 쿠도 분)가 사라진다. 경찰과 남편 유끼오(Yukio: 켄지 이소무라 분)는 누군가에 의해 납치된 것으로 보고 수사를 펼치던 중 미도리가 자신의 옛 애인을 만나기 위해 사라진 것을 알게 된다. 옛 애인에게 미도리는 철저하게 버림받고 낮선 도시에 홀로 남겨진다. 은행에 돈을 찾으러간 미도리는 은행강도들에 의해 납치되고 결국 그들에 의해 살해되기 직전 은행강도 중의 한명인 콜린(Colin: 러셀 크로우 분)에 의해 극적으로 구조된다. 배신자를 처단하기 위한 은행강도들과 사랑했던 여인의 배신으로 분노의 화신이 되어버린 유끼오의 추격이 시작되고 콜린과 미도리 사이에는 묘한 사랑이 시작되는데...
The desperate misadventures of a young man, racing against the clock toward a mysterious destination. This was the first short film that Nash wrote and directed. It was made for $80 and won first prize at Tropfest in 1997.
뮤리엘의 웨딩
Girl at wedding
가족에게도, 친구에게도 사랑받지 못하는 뮤리엘은 스스로에게 새로운 삶을 선물하기로 한다. “내 이름은 M-a-r-i-e-l, 마리엘! 새로 태어났어” 새 장소, 새 친구, 새 직장! 그리고 평생을 꿈꿨던 결혼까지 했지만, 뮤리엘의 꿈처럼 마리엘의 삶은 행복하지 않고… 과연 뮤리엘은 ‘아바’ 노래보다 더 근사한 인생을 쟁취할 수 있을까?