Jan Hammenecker

Jan Hammenecker

출생 : 1968-01-24, Oostende, Flanders, Belgium

프로필 사진

Jan Hammenecker

참여 작품

The Pot-au-Feu
Eugenie, an esteemed cook, has been working for over the last 20 years for Dodin, a fine gourmet. Growing fonder of one another, their bond turns into a romance and gives rise to delicious dishes that impress even the world’s most illustrious chefs. When Dodin is faced with Eugenie’s reluctance to commit to him, he decides to start cooking for her.
Les reines du  mambo
Le père
The fly
Inspector Langelaan
In the 60s, in the heart of a village, Robert lives with his mother Odette. About fifty, balding, paunchy, Robert spends most of his time locked in the garage where he tries to develop a teleport machine. Robert will try to teleport himself, but a fly is stuck in the machine, and the scientific apprentice will gradually turn into a giant insect. Robert will little by little dehumanize to become a beast able to climb the wall, pushed by an insatiable search for food.
A Change of Heart
Beatrice, recently widowed by a far right sympathetic policeman, lives with her son & mother. She doesn’t like migrant and foreigners. When she meets Mokhtar, an Iranian entered illegally in France, her world crumbles. This is the beginning of a passionate love story leading Beatrice to defy her racist entourage and the law so that he can cross the Channel.
A Change of Heart
Beatrice, recently widowed by a far right sympathetic policeman, lives with her son & mother. She doesn’t like migrant and foreigners. When she meets Mokhtar, an Iranian entered illegally in France, her world crumbles. This is the beginning of a passionate love story leading Beatrice to defy her racist entourage and the law so that he can cross the Channel.
Cool Abdoul
The story of Ismail Abdoul, a promising young boxer getting caught between his sporting carreer and his rising fame in the criminal underworld.
브뤼셀에 한 학교에 17살 두 소년이 자살 폭탄 테러를 하기 위해 뛰어든다. 한명은 현장에서 즉사하지만 다른 한명은 현장에서 사라진다. 한편, 1번 구급차의 응급요원들은 부상자를 응급차로 병원으로 실어 나르는데, 부상자 몸에 부착된 폭발물을 보고 이 부상자가 사라졌던 테러리스트임을 알게 된다. 그리고, 그 순간 그 어린 테러리스트가 깨어나게 되면서 끝난 줄 알았던 숨막히는 테러가 다시 시작된다!
All of Us
The story of a self-help group of 4 people with a terminal illness, led by a therapist without experience.
Maurice’s (26) family organizes a weekend getaway. The balance of power between the different generations seems to be blurred, but is he willing to keep up appearances just like the others?
Little Hands
Léo is the Two-year old, son of the acting manager of a factory on the brink of closing. When employees discover the news, Bruno, a more radical Worker who is willing to fight for his job, abducts Léo.
Eddy Leloup
한때 이름난 가수였지만 이제는 잊혀져 파이공장에서 일하는 신세인 여성이 팬을 자처하는 젊은 복서와 사랑에 빠진다. 두 사람은 함께 재기를 꿈꾼다.
Là où tu trouvais refuge
Wien for Life
An off-the-wall crime comedy about two oddballs whose unusual friendship is torn apart by a winning lottery ticket scratched off in a desolate petrol station on the border between Flanders and France. Also... are wrong-way drivers real?
상상력이 풍부한 열 두 살 소년 샘은 다른 컵 스카우트단원들과 함께 숲 속으로 캠핑을 떠난다. 그는 숲 속에서 우연히 무서운 마스크를 쓴 소년을 만나고 어른들에게 사실을 알리지만 그들은 샘을 무시한다. 다른 소년들로부터 점점 멀어지고 고립된 샘은 끔찍한 운명을 감지한다. 숲 속의 킬러와 그의 조수인 마스크 쓴 소년은 스카우트를 모두 살해할거라는 것을… (2015년 제19회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
D'où que vienne la douleur
Two years ago, Romy left his mother, Monique, a prostitute who does not give hard-ons any more, without leaving any signs or ever giving any news. Their getting back togeather is a collision, a last-ditch struggle.
더 트리트먼트
Inspecteur Verbraeke
영국 소설가 모 헤이더(Mo Hayder)의 소설 The Treatment를 바탕으로 벨기에에서 만들어진 영화. 어린 시절 동생이 유괴된 사건으로 트라우마를 안고 있는 형사 닉. 동생을 연상시키는 사건이 일어나게 되고, 닉은 사건의 해결과 동생 사건의 실마리를 찾기 위해 불물 안 가리고 뛰어다닌다는 것이 전반적인 줄거리 (출처: 시네스트 by Pluto)
위험한 패밀리
범죄조직 보스 '프레드'(로버트 드 니로)가 그의 조직을 밀고했다! 막강한 권력 버리고, 조직원에 쫓기는 신세가 된 전직 보스와 그의 가족들! 퇴물 CIA요원 '스탠스필드'(토미 리 존스)는 증인보호 자격으로 이들 가족을 프랑스 작은 시골마을로 보내는데.. 조용해도 너무 조용한 시골마을! 잠재울 수 없는 액션 본능이, 전직 보스 가족을 자극한다! '위험한 패밀리'에 의해 초토화가 될 위기에 빠진 평화로운 마을! 과연, 위험한 패밀리는 액션 본능을 잠재우고 무사히 지낼 수 있을까?
소녀의 첫경험
Diane is a mysterious and lonely teenager. Sharing special bonds with her father Christian, she takes care of the education of her brother Marc. The arrival of Julia in the neighborhood, a charismatic and liberated young British woman, is going to disturb Diane’s daily life. Desperately willing to become an adult, Diane is going to live, for a semester, the most shattering experiences of her life. The more she gets close to Julia, the more she gets irresponsible, ignoring consequences and limits to her desires.
Tango Libre
A prison guard is attracted to a woman at his weekly tango class. They meet again when she visits her husband in the prison where he works and he is drawn into her complicated romantic life. Meanwhile the prisoners are learning the tango.
La proie
Ali Toumi, born Algerian, has just escaped from a Belgian prison. Buying a new identity he hopes to make a fresh start and provide his son and himself with a normal integrated life. But an encounter with an old acquaintance makes Ali relapse into old habits.
롱 폴링
Inspecteur Nols
남편과 단둘이 살고 있는 ‘로즈’. 그녀는 남편의 오랜 구타와 학대를 못 이기고 남편을 살해한다. 이후 로즈는 아들 ‘토마스’가 살고 있는 도시를 방문해 오랜만의 자유를 만끽한다. 그러나 남편의 죽음에 의문을 품고 있던 경찰과 기자에 의해 로즈가 남편의 살해자라는 사실이 밝혀지고, 결국은 토마스에게 모든 것을 고백하기에 이른다. 이에 자수하라는 토마스의 권유에도 불구하고 도주한 로즈는 우연히 머물게 된 여관 주인의 도움을 받아 탈주에 성공하지만, 경찰의 포위망은 점차 두 사람을 좁혀 오기 시작하는데…
22nd of May
Sam wakes up, gets ready and goes to do his daily job. And then the unexpected happens. A bomb explodes in the center of the shopping mall where he works. He drags himself towards the entrance to save the victims. One by one he pulls them out, until something terrible takes place. In complete hysteria he runs off till he falls down from exhaustion. A woman's voice makes him raise his head. She's one of the victims he saved. She wants to know why the suicide bomber did it. This encounter projects him back in history and even in a surreal world. Thereafter he runs into everyone he saved and feels that their defeat shows many parallels with his own. Even his confrontation with the wrongdoer isn't that straightforward as he thought it would be and confronts him with the fact that guilt and innocence can be pretty much alike.
미스터 노바디
Shoe Factory Director
2092년 죽음을 눈앞에 둔 118살 '니모'는 한 기자와의 인터뷰를 통해 인생의 첫 번째 선택을 떠올린다. 9살의 '니모'가 이혼하게 된 부모님 중 한 명을 선택하게 된 것. 그 선택을 시작으로 '니모'는 각기 다른 아홉 가지 인생을 살게 된다. 어머니를 선택한 15살의 ‘니모’는 새아버지의 딸 '안나'와 깊은 사랑에 빠지지만 어른들의 거센 반대에 부딪히고, 아버지를 선택한 15살의 '니모'는 또 다른 소녀 '앨리스'와 '진'을 만나며 첫사랑의 아픔을 겪는다. 그리고 34살의 니모는 헤어진 '안나'를 찾으러 다니는 수영장 관리인, '앨리스'와 결혼한 다큐멘터리 진행자, '진'과 결혼한 성공한 사업가로 각각 다른 인생을 살아간다. 이야기를 마친 118살 '니모'는 무엇이 진짜 인생이었는지, 무엇이 더 행복한 인생이었는지를 묻는다.
La Monique de Joseph
Hand of the Headless Man
Père Alex Ruyten
Ex Drummer
Dikke Lul
Three handicapped losers who form a band ask famous writer Dries to be their drummer. He joins the band and starts manipulating them.
Saint-Jacques… La Mecque
Three siblings who detest each other and hiking must complete together a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in order to be eligible to inherit their mother's wealth.
킹스 앤 퀸
Shortly before her wedding, art gallery director Nora travels from Paris to Grenoble to visit her preteen son, Elias, who is spending time with her aging professor father, Louis, recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. During her stay, she reaches out to her former lover, Ismael, a viola player and father figure to Elias who has been committed against his will to a mental hospital. Ismael, however, has his own problems to sort out.
Laughing Bodhisattva
A Bodhisattva saving people on a Belgian tram. Along with yawning and the flu, few things are as contagious as laughter.
La dinde
December 1953. Rosa and Alfred, a young couple of Polish Jews, await the return of Rosa's brother from America. Alfred will take care of the turkey. The delivery man brings it still alive.
Max & Bobo
Max is a Sicilian living in Brussels who makes a living as a hairdresser. His flourishing business goes bankrupt when he gets hairdresser's eczema overnight. He loses his customers and his wife. What is more, he is in trouble with the law. At the police station, he encounters heavyweight Bobo who asks him for all his money. When Max refuses, Bobo gets the impression that he must be tough. In reality, he just wants to be left alone. In his good old days, Max never cared for anyone, so now there is no one he can turn to. Bobo, who spent all his life in foster homes and youth centers, seems to be the only one to care for him. Together they devise a plan to find some quick money. Bobo's idea is to rob a jewelry store.
Koko Flanel
Placide's dad tells him on his deathbed he'll haunt Placide if he doesn't find a wife soon. Placide cautiously agrees, but he only wants to settle for a very beautiful woman. That might be easier said than done, since he is a vagabond. When he accidentally enters a photo shoot, Placide meets Sarah. He falls in love, but she is way out of his reach.
Ti amo
An Italian Don Juan and his friend from zaïre are looking for the maternity ward called 'Sacred Heart'.