Stig Henrik Hoff

Stig Henrik Hoff

출생 : 1965-02-04, Vadsø, Norway


Stig Henrik Hoff is a Norwegian actor.

프로필 사진

Stig Henrik Hoff
Stig Henrik Hoff

참여 작품

The Riot
In 1907, the miners in Sulitjelma in Fauske in Nordland made a famous rebellion against greedy mine owners.
Aslak Tofte
‘히틀러의 첫 패배’로 알려진 제2차 세계 대전 전투를 배경으로 한 영화. 전쟁터에서 돌아온 노르웨이 군인이 아내에 관한 충격적인 진실을 알게 된다.
Frydenlund Hair Parlour
Hasn Lorentzen (voice)
When 17-year-old Anna Lorentz returns to Narvik in 1940 with her older sisters and brother, they find their town destroyed. They recover the family home, and survive the years that follow by running a hair salon. All this time, Anna nurtures her own dream.
The Kicksled Choir
Gabriel wants to join the kicksled choir that raises money for refugees. His untalkative father does not seem to be happy about the idea, but maybe his silence does not tell the whole story.
Rock Band
A young band from Norway set out on a journey across the country to attend the National Championship of Rock in a race against time, the police and their parents.
크리스마스 블러드
Thomas Rasch
Christmas Blood is a thriller-slasher about a feared serial killer, called Nissen, who has struck Norway's countryside every Christmas Eve for over 13 years. Investigators Rasch and Hansen is trying to solve the riddle before he returns. This time it appears that it is northern Norway that will face Nissen's bloodbath.
아기곰 보보 구출 대작전
Mikkel Rev (voice)
작은 생쥐 앤디, 레미, 다람쥐 아저씨, 빵집 토끼 아저씨 등은 모두 신비한 숲 허키버키에 사는 작은 동물 친구들. 하지만 작은 동물 친구들은 큰 동물 여우 마빈을 무서워해 숲 속 동물들 모두 친구가 되는 방법을 생각해 낸다. 더 살기 좋아진 숲 속. 어느 날, 숲에서 가장 귀여운 아기곰 보보가 사라지는 사건이 발생하고 작은 동물 친구들과 큰 동물 친구들은 모두 힘을 합쳐 구출 대작전에 나서는데…
라스트 킹: 왕가의 혈투
내전으로 분리된 노르웨이.    왕권을 몰락 시키려는 음모와 배신으로 권력에 눈먼 주교의 추종세력은 왕을 비밀스럽게 살해하고,  아직 젖도 때지 못한 아기,  마지막 남은 유일한 왕위 계승자 '호콘'을 없애기 위한 은밀한 계획을 세운다.    역사상 가장 혹독한 노르웨이의 겨울,  주교 추종세력은 '호콘'을 추적해오며 숨통을 조여오고  호위무사들은 마지막 혈통을 지키기 위한 험난한 여정을 떠나게 되는데....
On the border between Norway and the Soviet Union, a fisherman refuses to give up his catch.
Glass Dolls
A mother reports her student daughter Lisa missing, but detective Aslak Eira is getting too little information, and she is found in a lake. The more they investigate, the less they seem to understand. Then Lisa's best friend goes missing too.
사라짐의 순서: 지옥행 제설차
Experienced Police Officer
‘올해의 모범시민상’을 받을 정도로 마을에서 존경 받는 제설차 운전사 닐스. 어느 날, 아들 잉바르가 약물과용으로 죽었다는 비보를 전해 듣게 된다. 죽음의 배후를 파고들수록 아들의 죽음에 갱스터와 마피아 집단이 연루되어있다는 것을 알게 되고, 닐스는 아들의 원한을 갚기 위해 차례로 피의 복수를 시작하는데...
Camilla's Father
A tragic love affair between Victoria and Johannes. She's the daughter of a rich estate owner and he's the son of a poor miller. Despite the deep love between them, her father makes Victoria ditch Johannes for the richer Otto.
Geir Haugland
Shots are fired at a woman as she runs through the forest. At the same time, two brothers turn on to a forest road. Their paths will soon cross in a suspenseful film with supernatural elements - where nobody is what they seem to be.
A German couple, Niels and Maria, and their teenage son Markus move to the Norwegian coastal town of Hammerfest, hoping for a new beginning in the land of endless twilight. Instead they find themselves drifting further apart. Niels submerges himself in his work as an engineer and an affair with a co-worker, Maria works overtime and Markus struggles at school. One night, after a double shift, Maria’s car collides with something – or someone – on the road. But from tragedy comes mercy: the accident catalysing all three family members towards reconciliation.
Karl-Heinz Strunk
2차 세계대전이 한창인 1940년, 혹독한 겨울의 추위 속에서 영국군과 독일군은 팽팽한 접전을 치르고 있다. 땅에서는 독일군과 영국군의 목숨을 건 총격전이, 하늘에서는 독일 폭격기와 영국 전투기의 항공전투가 벌어지는 숨막히는 상황. 눈보라가 몰아치는 이곳에서 이제 극한의 전쟁이 시작된다!
Tårnagentene og den mystiske julegaven
더 씽
컬럼비아 대학의 고생물학자 ‘케이트’ 박사(메리 엘리자베스 윈스티드)는 빙하 시대 이전부터 존재해온 것으로 파악되는 구조물과 그 안에 있는 외계 생명체를 발견한 노르웨이 탐사팀의 요청을 받고 남극 대륙에 도착한다. 탐사팀은 엄청난 것을 발견했다는 사실에 기쁨을 감추지 못하지만, 그날 밤 얼음에서 정체를 알 수 없는 ‘그것’이 깨어나면서 기지는 끔찍한 공포에 휩싸이게 된다. 우리 중 누군가는 사람이 아니다! 빙하 속에서 깨어난 괴생물체는 세포를 모방해 인간의 모습으로 완벽하게 변신하는 능력을 지닌 외계 생명체. 사람의 모습으로 변신할 수 있는 놈의 정체를 알게 된 탐사팀 대원들은 고립된 기지에서 극도의 긴장감을 느끼고, 누구도 믿을 수 없는 상황에 처한다. 하지만, 놈을 완전히 죽이지 않으면 수백만 명의 사람이 희생될 수 있는데…. 인간으로 변하는 외계 생명체.. 거대한 놈과의 사투가 시작된다!
막스 마누스
Politikapt Eilertsen
2차 세계대전 당시 독일군에 대항해 노르웨이 독립저항군 소속 파괴공작원으로 활동한 막스 마누스의 일대기를 담은 작품.
Troubled Water
A man convicted in his teens for killing a child is released on parole. He finds work as a church organist and develops a rewarding relationship with a priest and her young son. However, his caring for the boy catches the attention of his old victim's mother, bringing to the surface her bad memories and unanswered questions. This draws them both into troubled waters, having to learn when to hold on and when to let go.
Night of the Wolf
Vidar Bø
During a live broadcast of a talk show on a TV channel, a group of armed Chechen terrorists take several hostages. The terrorists demand the hostage drama is transmitted live worldwide. Meanwhile, behind the scene, the police negotiator and a special police unit are working to try to rescue the hostages.
카토케니오 반란
Stockfleth's Assistant
Religious and cultural reawakening inspires rebellion in a 19th century Norwegian village.
Karsten (35) is at a standstill. He has been since his wife died four years ago. He thinks he's fine, until he meets what could be the love of his life - but isn't she all what he despises in a woman?
Comrade Pedersen
Jan Klåstad
A drama focused on Norwegian society in the 1970s, an era politically influenced by Marxism and Leninism.
Medium Raw
A gray man enters a steak house. He is caught in a sizzling jealousy drama between the chef and the waitress.
Hawaii, Oslo
Hawaii, Oslo is the story of a handful of people who cross each other's path without necessarily knowing each other, during the hottest day of the year, in Oslo. We follow Frode and Milla. They are having their first child, who they are told will not live long. We follow Bobbie-Pop, a faded singer who tries to commit suicide. We follow Leon, an institutionalized kleptomaniac who is loking for Åsa, to whom he has a ten year old deal to get married. We meet Leon's brother, Trygve, who fetches Leon at the institution to celebrate his birthday, but who himself has plans to use his leave from prison to run away. And most of all we meet the angel Vidar, Leon's best buddy at the institution, who sees things no one else can see, and who may be able to save everyone - except himself?
Cry in the Woods
An unfortunate bank robber takes an escaped mental patient, wanted for murder, as hostage.
Fia og klovnene
Pelle Politibil
Pelle The Police car is a movie about a little girl called Maria who gets her bicycle stolen by some filthy thieves with filthy plans. Uncle Rikhard, a local policeman wants to help little Maria, but there is one problem. Uncle Rikhard has no police car. But one night Maria wishes for a miracle, and out from the blue comes Pelle The Police car, and the hunt for the thieves can begin
A circling roadmovie told from the back seat of a styled BMW.
The Martin Administration
Foreign Secretary
Martin is going on a blinddate and in his internal government the ministers are preparing for a routine State visit. But then Nora is revealed and tactics need to be changed. Fast! Nora is not interested in foreign political smalltalk, she is after government secrets. The ridiculed Home Secretary is slowly coming to life, but in his way stands a paranoid Defense Secretary. Only a coup can save Martin now!
De 7 dødssyndene
Feature film length collection of seven short films about the biblical seven sins by preliminary younger Norwegian directors.
Pål and Catherine would like to have a baby, but their efforts are hampered by bureaucracy.
Når mørket er forbi
Josef Omgang
"Passing Darkness" - Oslo lawyer Josef Omgang returns to his native village on the Finnmark coast, where he finds his father's seafood company in trouble. International buyers have started trawling the market, and Josef realizes that the vital natural resources are in the hands of organized crime.
Bloody Angels
A few months after a girl with developmental disabilities is murdered in the remote village Høtten, the two young men who most townsfolk think killed her go missing. A police detective is sent to investigate and finds this very challenging.
Burnt by Frost
When is an enemy not an enemy, when is an ally not an ally? The answer to these questions determines the fate of a man. Simons struggle is played out against the rugged landscape of northern Norway. Raised in a close-knit community, he bears the scars of a childhood haunted by rumors. During World War II, the Russians and Americans become a presence in this remote landscape, which will have far-ranging consequences. Victimized by rumor and Norways shifting political allegiances, Simon is denied the final reconciliation he longs for with his community and with himself. When the Berlin Wall falls, his life is once more turned upside down.
351 Cleveland
Gitte and Martin are going to take revenge on Lars. They abduct him in their Ford Mustang and carry out an extremely violent interrogation.
Near Winter
Near Winter tells of a young Norwegian man returning home to an isolated farm with his English girlfriend only to find something is wrong with his hermit-like uncle who lives there and who is prepping for the coming winter.
G. T.
Longing for Today
A young girl tries to find her own way through life in the ruins after a war that has left everything desolate.