Lori Slomka

출생 : 1962-04-12, Los Angeles County, California, USA

참여 작품

에너미 라인스 3
Post Production Supervisor
2001년에 제작되었던 "에너미 라인스"의 3번째 시리즈로 콜롬비아에서 비밀작전을 수행하던 특수부대요원들이 콜럼비아 군인들이 파놓은 함정에 걸려 부상을 당하거나 죽게 된다. 부상당해 인질로 잡혀간 동료들을 구해서 적진을 탈출하기 위한 군인들의 사투를 그린 영화.
불가사리 4
Post Production Supervisor
1889년 네바다의 리젝션 마을. 은광으로 생활을 꾸려 가는 평화롭던 이 마을에 갑자기 광산에서 사람이 죽어 나간다. 이유인즉, 광산에 정체 모를 괴물이 나타나 광부들을 마구잡이로 죽이는 것. 이에 광산은 폐광되기에 이른다. 서부 생활과는 거리가 먼 갑부이자 광산의 소유주인 하이램 거머는 직접 리젝션 마을로 와서 주민들의 경고를 무시하고 광부들을 모아 괴물을 잡으려 하는데...
An Unexpected Love
Music Editor
An unhappily married housewife and mother of two children seperates from her husband and gets a new job where she developes a mutual attraction to her female boss.
Two Against Time
Music Editor
This film finds a mother and her teen daughter both being diagnosed with cancer. This discovery helps to overcome the longtime antagonistic relationship that the two have developed.
썸머 오브 샘
Music Editor
스파이크 리는 연쇄살인극을 뒤쫓는 추리극 대신 그 공포가 불러일으키는 집단 히스테리를 분석하는 작업을 택했다. 사건이 발생한 뉴욕 브롱크스에 사는 헤어드레서 비니는 아내 디오나를 속이고 사촌처제와 야간 데이트를 하다가 '샘의 아들'의 범죄현장을 목격한다. 비니는 살인범이 '목격자'인 자신을 공격할지 모른다고 두려워하고, 단서를 잡지 못한 경찰은 마피아를 찾아가 범인 검거를 도와달라고 부탁한다. 정의의 수호자가 되어버린 마피아가 내건 상금에 고무돼 비니의 동네 건달친구들은 수상한 사람들을 사냥하기 시작하고, 펑크족 차림으로 따돌림당하던 친구 리치를 최종 사냥감으로 지목한다. 양성애자에 포르노 영화를 찍었다는 것이 혐의의 전부다.
Ms. Scrooge
Music Editor
Television movie updating Charles Dickens' story, "A Christmas Carol." Businesswoman Ebenita Scrooge treats her employees and customers poorly. She has no time for Christmas or the holiday spirit. On Christmas Eve, she is visited by the ghost of her dead partner Maude Marley and then by other spirits who remind her of her happy past and chronicle the bitterness and greed that have taken over her life. At last, she is shown her own death and funeral. No one is there to mourn her. This revelation shocks her into opening her heart and her checkbook.
To Dance With Olivia
Music Editor
A lawyer trying to cope with his son's accidental death takes on a case where a farmer is charged with booby trapping a watermelon patch with a shotgun which went off and injured a young boy. But in choosing to defend the farmer, he puts himself at odds with the boy's father, an old friend who is politically influential. In dealing with this case, he is forced to confront his own son's death and his wife's slippage into being a virtual recluse.
A Brother's Promise: The Dan Jansen Story
Music Editor
The story of Dan Jansen, champion speed skater, who confronts the challenges in his life.
Cagney & Lacey: True Convictions
Music Editor
Detectives Cagney and Lacey come face-to-face with their true feelings about capital punishment when they're assigned to the city's first capital murder case in 10 years.
Cagney & Lacey: The View Through the Glass Ceiling
Music Editor
Cagney and Lacey work a case involving police corruption and document forgery. Chris seeks a prestigious promotion, while Mary Beth has to deal with the return of her sickly, aged father.
Cagney & Lacey: Together Again
Music Editor
New York's toughest lady detectives re-team to solve the murder of a homeless transient who had been terrorizing the residents of a posh apartment building with screaming threats, insults and physical intimidation. Though the cops think the culprit is another street person, Cagney and Lacey believe the real killer is one of the tenants, many of whom have ample reason to have murdered the boorish bum.
The Companion
Music Editor
In the near-distant future, a female romance writer is planning to write her next book in a remote mountain cabin. A friend convinces her to bring along a "companion", a nearly-human android to cook and clean. She settles on a male companion named "Geoffrey." Bored with some of Geoffrey's behavior, she tinkers with his programming -- first his personality, then his sexuality. Real trouble comes when she gives his mind access to "random data."
Once in a Lifetime
Music Editor
After losing her husband and baby daughter to a fire, Daphne Fields raises her deaf son while beginning a writing career. Hollywood loves her scripts, but her heart remains with her son Andrew, under the care of Headmaster Matthew Dane at an eastern boarding school. Daphne finally seems to have rediscovered love in her leading man. But an accident leaves her hospitalized, contemplating her life, fate and her best chance for love.
The Birds II: Land's End
Music Editor
Still haunted by the memory of the son they lost to an accident years ago, Ted and Mary Hocken take up residence with their two young daughters on the remote, windswept reaches of a tiny East Coast island. The Hockens are determined to forget their painful past and spend a quiet, uneventful summer. But as immense flocks of birds begin massing around the island, it becomes clear that something is very wrong in this isolated, deceptively calm oasis. Before long, the sky is darkened by a hideous onslaught of the screeching, winged creatures. It's an assault unlike anything in the history of man or beast – or is it? For one old timer recalls a similar, horrific outbreak that gripped the West Coast decades ago...
Something to Live for: The Alison Gertz Story
Music Editor
An AIDS-stricken woman becomes a leader in the struggle to educate people about the disease and its prevention.
Paris Trout
Music Editor
Paris Trout is a vile Southern bigot. He owns a store and is a loanshark. He often sues people, and so his lawyer, Harry Seagraves, eventually meets Paris' wife Hannah. A former schoolteacher, she made the mistake of her life when she married Paris, who brutalizes her. Soon Paris goes beyond the overgenerous bounds of what a man in his position can get away with even in the segregated South, leading to a spiral of perverse insanity.
다크 엔젤
Music Editor
다크 엔젤이라 불리는 거대한 에일리언 탈랙은 살인 병기로 사람을 죽이고는 인간의 뇌에서 엔돌핀을 빼내 마약으로 인류를 파멸시키려 한다. 그의 공격에서 간신히 살아남은 케인(Jack Caine: 돌프 룬드그렌 분)은 FBI 스위처 대령(Switzer: 데이비드 애크로이드 분)의 지시로 스미스(Laurence Smith: 브라이언 벤벤 분)와 함께 탈렉을 추적한다. 여기에 에일리언 경찰 아제크가 가세하나 그는 탈렉의 만행을 다시 한번 경고하면서 죽어가고, 정교한 우주무기를 남긴다. 스위처 대령은 아제크의 우주 무기들이 미군대에 도움을 줄 것이라고 여기고, 탈렉을 찾아 우주무기의 기술을 군인들에게 교육시키려 한다. 스위처에게 반발한 스미스는 그를 죽인 후 케인과 함께 탈렉을 추적한다. 이들은 이미 엔돌핀을 가지고 달아나던 탈레에 대항하지만, 익숙치 않은 우주무기로는 상대가 되지 않는다. 탈렉이 거의 스미스를 죽이려는 순간, 케인은 레이저총으로 화염을 발사하고 불사신이던 탈렉은 산산조각이 난다.
살인 무도회
1954년 미국 뉴잉글랜드의 한 전통 고딕성에서 벌어지는 저녁 만찬. 불길한 징조를 나타내는 스산한 밤. 음산한 만찬에 초대된 광란의 테러와 공포.