Farshad Kholghi

Farshad Kholghi

출생 : 1971-05-17, Tehran, Iran

프로필 사진

Farshad Kholghi

참여 작품

All I Want for Christmas: The Magic Time Machine
Ali Muliman
At Santa Claus School, the principal has called a meeting. Lucia, her parents Julius and Claudia and everyone else at school are excited. But the tension is replaced by a shock when the headmaster cancels Christmas. He seems confused, and it soon becomes clear that he is trapped in a Christmas trauma from his younger days as Santa Claus. Lucia sets out to find out what has happened and with the help of the younger student Elias and a magical time machine, she travels back in time in the hope of saving Christmas.
The Pig
In this live-action, Oscar-nominated short from Denmark, Asbjorn is a patient admitted to a Danish hospital, who quickly warms to a painting of a whimsical pig hung on the walls. It becomes a source of comfort and solace for him - until another patient has it removed by request (Written by Nathan Southern, Rovi)
Angels in Fast Motion
The unflinching tale of Maria, Allan and Steso, who are struggling for survival. Maria is a pusher frau, wandering restlessly among addicts, abusers and bikers in a relentless search for love. Allan has just returned from an ill-fated trip across the Pacific and must reclaim his life and stay clean, but ghosts from his past return to haunt him. Steso, the intellectual, god-forsaken and prophetic cynic, does his utmost to unite the two polar opposites that give meaning to his life: his girl and drugs. All three try desperately to make some sense of the madness, but how do you find meaning in the chaos that is life? And how do you find love if you can't recognize it?
The Sun King
While changing the pipes in the tanningbeds at Golden Sun, Tommy meets the owner. A middleaged former Miss Fyn called Susse. Slowly an unusual love affair begins. Tommy's two friends Ole & Flemming give him tips on how to give Golden Sun some masculine appeal. Susse just happens to have a sleazy lawyer that does not appreciate the new look.
This Charming Man
Lars applies for job training, but his papers are mixed with an immigrant and he's sent instead to Danish class. When he learns that the attractive teacher, Ida, will lose her job if the immigrant isn't in attendance, he decides to go through with the erroneous assignment posing as the other guy. The short film is a comedy of errors, but works in some poignant and scathing observations about xenophobia.
Polle fiction
The whole plot in this crazy comedy movie is a story about a geeky and nerdy guy called Polle, who lives in a little village named Snave, which is far out in the Danish countryside. Even though he has turned 30, he's is still living with his parents, and he's kind of an outsider in the little town. The only sort of "friends" he actually has, are three totally much more insane yokels named Heino, Jøgge and Knasti, who are always spending their time, doing live tough for poor Polle.
Pizza King
Director: Søren Fauli Drama Also known as: The Cable Club
Election Night
Taxi Driver 3
On election night we meet Peter, an idealistic young man, who suddenly discovers he has forgotten to vote. On his way to the polls he encounters a variety of taxi drivers, all racist in their way and Peter has to decide whether to stand up for his convictions or getting to the polls on time. The film won an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.