Oliver Stokowski

Oliver Stokowski

출생 : 1962-08-08, Kassel, Germany

프로필 사진

Oliver Stokowski

참여 작품

Annie und der verliehene Mann
Professor Imhoff
Horst Lichter - Keine Zeit für Arschlöcher
Horst Lichter
Based on the bestselling biography: Entertainer Horst Lichter has barely had time to relax on his holiday when his mother calls him. In her own dry way, she tells him that she has been diagnosed with cancer and that things are not going well for her. Immediately Horst returns to his hometown with his wife Nada. Returning home brings back childhood memories - of a loving father and a mother who held the reins firmly in difficult situations. Horst tries his best to support his mother Margret - he organises doctor's appointments and tries to provide a little variety into her daily life, even though the relationship between mother and son has been strained for a long time: he counters his mother's edgy, frosty manner as he had learned to do when he was young. He emphasises the positive side of any situation and is always ready to respond with a snappy retort. When Margret learns how serious her illness really is, Horst begins to rethink his own life as well.
Mich hat keiner gefragt
Das Versprechen
Kühn hat zu tun
Zach Urban
Lehman. Gier frisst Herz
Torsten Büttner
Full Moon
Martin Wildner
Lara was severely traumatised as a child and every day this trauma catches up with her. During a photo session, she falls in love with Conrad, a writer who has just been released from prison. What Conrad doesn't know is that everyone around her knows the burden Lara lives with. Her uncle Markus resorts to drastic means to save Lara and risks losing her forever.
Mordkommission Königswinkel
Karl Bichler
Ein Kommissar kehrt zurück
Friedel Weiland
Tod auf Raten
The former boxer Ronald has lost his short-term memory after an accident. Now nothing is the same. Roland's world has no future, and the past only exists in his mind up until his accident.
Die Räuber
Sex & Crime
Valentin (Wotan Wilke Möhring) thought it an excellent idea to let his best friend Theo (Fabian Busch) its new, large house for one night, so that the therein undisturbed with the attractive waitress Mörli (Claudia Eisinger) can enjoy. As the best-selling author and passionate chess player Theo currently has trouble
Alles Verbrecher - Leiche im Keller
Raffael Sobcinski
Für immer ein Mörder - Der Fall Ritter
Lutz Müller
At the beginning of 2000, the young commissioner Yvonne Weber moved from Frankfurt am Main to Eisenach. Together with the local colleague Frank Wolf, she is to review an unresolved murder case from the GDR era. The investigation team encounters inconsistencies in the file and it becomes clear that there is no interest in truth-clarifying the Eisenach department and the prosecutor's office in Gotha.
Alex Steiner
나치가 기승을 부리던 1938년의 독일, 어린 소녀 리젤 메밍거(소피 넬리스)가 한스(제프리 러쉬)와 로사(에밀리 왓슨) 부부에게 입양된다. 엄마와의 이별과 남동생의 죽음을 겪은 리젤은 따뜻하고 자상한 한스에게 글을 배우고, 함께 책을 읽으면서 마음의 위안을 찾는다. 또한 흑인 육상선수 제시 오언스를 영웅처럼 생각하는 또래 소년 루디(니코 리어쉬)와 단짝 친구가 되어 새로운 생활에 적응해간다. 그 후 한스는 은인의 아들인 유대인 청년 맥스(벤 슈네처)를 지하실에 숨겨주게 된다. 리젤은 세상과 고립되어 지내는 맥스에게 책을 구해다주고 자신만의 단어로 바깥 풍경을 들려준다. 그런 리젤에게 맥스는 글을 써볼 것을 격려해준다. 이처럼 두 사람이 특별한 우정을 쌓아가는 동안, 2차 대전은 점점 격렬해지고 유대인에 대한 핍박도 더욱 거세지는데…
Bella und der Feigenbaum
Dr. Jonas Berger / Felipe
Bella Sommer lives in Mallorca and works in the dental practice of Dr. med. Jonas Berger, her great love. The problem is, your boss does not know that his loyal receptionist secretly idolizes him. Rather, he punishes her with demonstrative disregard when it comes to the private.
Das Geheimnis in Siebenbürgen
Lukas Schauttner
Überleben an der Wickelfront
Hermann Mohrle
August Staudenmeyer returns after thirty years absence as a wealthy man in his hometown Gerbersau. First, the successful businessman is received with open arms. But when he stands up for the outlawed widow Katharina Entriss, he gets sidelined. August realizes that the narrow-mindedness of the Gerbersauer has by no means changed. Richer for an experience and a love, he leaves home a second time.
Der Uranberg
Der kleine Nazi
Christmas Eve at a senile grandmother's place takes a turn for the worse when the daughter of the family brings her jewish boyfriend to find that the tree is dressed in ornaments from the 1930s
Matthias Grimmer
3살의 소녀가 사라지는 사건이 발생한다. 공교롭게도 소녀가 사라진 곳은 23년전 같은 나이 또래의 소녀가 강간, 살해된 장소다. 곧 경찰의 수사가 시작 되지만 쉽게 단서를 찾아내지 못한다. 성폭행 살인범 이라는 심각한 주제를 잔잔하고 현실적인 톤으로 전개 시키는 감독의 연출력이 인상적인 작품. (2010년 제15회 부산국제영화제)
Durch diese Nacht
Jan Kelm
30 Tage Angst
Martin Seibt
Pretty Mama
Peter Dittmann
40+ sucht neue Liebe
Martin Herdecker
막스 마누스
Oberscharführer Karl Höhler
2차 세계대전 당시 독일군에 대항해 노르웨이 독립저항군 소속 파괴공작원으로 활동한 막스 마누스의 일대기를 담은 작품.
Friedliche Zeiten
Dieter Striesow
Die Sache mit dem Glück
Michael Heitmann
Das zweite Leben
Wild Chicks in Love
Thorben Mossmann
Five teenage girls navigate the twists and turns of their complicated emotional lives, and learn the secrets of the heart through their friendship.
Die Abrechnung
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Haeßler
A reporter has only one purpose after the death of his daughter: find the fugitive driver responsible for the accident.
Based on the novel Hohaj by Elisabeth Rynell, it depicts the devastation felt by Elizabeth, a woman who had lost her husband in a car accident and wants to leave her three young children to join him in death by wandering out into the snowy deserts of Lapland. As she wanders through the snow, Elizabeth discovers the story of Aron and Ina, a couple who overcame dark secrets and over-controlling family members to be with each other.
Liebe Amelie
After moving to Munich with her parents Kristin and Bernd, the 16-year-old Amelie has problems adjusting to her new school. Although the family seems to be happy, her parents are too busy themselves to notice how depressed she is - until she tries to commit suicide. Amelie survives, but her disease worsens...
Hilde's Journey
Stephan Bertsch, Martin's former boyfriend
Upon learning that his deceased ex-lover has willed him a substantial sum of money after succumbing to AIDS, a young Swiss man finds his life endlessly complicated by the deceased man's homophobic mother and headstrong recent boyfriend in director Christof Vorster's heart-rending drama. Steff and his ex-lover Martin Hilder had some great times together before parting ways, and when Steff learns that Martin has named him as the sole beneficiary to his substantial fortune, Steff finally begins to consider fulfilling his lifelong dream of starting his own business. It's not going to be as easy as it sounds, though, because in order to get the money, Steff is going to have to go through Martin's controlling, vehemently anti-gay mother. Add to that the fact that Martin's most recent ex-boyfriend, Rex, is determined to fulfill the deceased's wishes of having his ashes scattered in the Atlantic and Steff soon finds himself forced to reexamine his life and reassess his priorities.
Royal Children
Merles Vater
Mann, oh Mann, oh Mann!
Andreas Reiner
Familie XXL
Stefan Kramer
Ein Yeti zum Verlieben
Tim Bergmann
Schütte, Häftling Nr. 82
심리학의 권위자 Dr 톤은 사람들을 14일간 임시감옥에 가둬놓고 그들이 어떻게 변해가는가에 대한 실험을 위해 참가자를 모집한다. 임시감옥은 미로와 같으며 곳곳에 카메라를 설치하고 실험자들의 모습을 감시할 수 있다. 연구자들은 이들 사이에 일어나는 일에 개입하지 못하고 관찰만 할 뿐이다. 엄격한 심리테스트를 거쳐 선발된 20명은 전직기자인 택시운전자 타렉, 7년간 한 번도 지각을 해 본적이 없는 항공사 직원 베루스, 엘비스 모창가수 등으로 12명의 죄수와 8명의 간수로 나뉘어 14일간의 역할을 수행하면 된다. 처음엔 즐거웠던 실험이 시간이 지나갈수록 사람들은 진짜 간수와 죄수가 되어 간다. 분위기는 점점 험악해져 금지되었던 폭력이 난무하고 결국 통제할 수 없는 상황이 된다.
Lieb mich!
Katrin and Peter have a son Nicki who is in elementary school. Although Katrin takes care of her son and her husband, she is bored. When she meets Nicki's new teacher, Elena, she is immediately attracted and intrigued by this sensual and mysterious woman. Discovering that Elena is a lesbian, she realizes that her desire is mutual. Quickly a passionate bond is born between the two young women.
German E-Chief
독일 잠수함 유보트가 맹활약하던 2차대전 당시의 북대서양. 연합군은 그들의 공격으로 천여 척의 배를 잃었고 이윽고는 해상 보급라인까지 위협받기 시작했다. 가장 큰 이유는 독일 유보트의 무선 암호를 해독할 수 없었기때문. 이때 독일 U-571 잠수함이 연합군의 폭격으로 일부가 파손된 채 대서양에 떠있게 된다. 정보를 입수한 연합군은 긴급 특수작전을 계획한다. 작전을 위해 1차 세계대전때 만들어진 미 잠수함 S-33호가 채택된다. 함장 마이크 댈그런(빌 팩스톤)과 보좌관 대위 앤드류 타일러(매튜 맥코너히)를 비롯한 수병들은 영문도 모른 채 작전에 긴급 투입된다. 바다 한가운데에서 비밀 작전의 내막을 전해들은 그들. 이들의 목표는 '트로이의 목마'처럼 S-33호를 독일 유보트로 위장한 채 U-571에 접근하여 암호해독기를 탈취하는 것. 독일군과의 목숨을 건 총격전 후 앤드류 대위 일행은 U-571에 잠입하는데 성공한다. 그러나 이를 눈치챈 독일구축함의 공격이 시작되고, 이제 그들은 적진에 포위된 채 U-571로 탈출해야 하는데...
Millennium Love
Ein Mann wie eine Waffe
St. Pauli Nacht
Der Friese
Sometimes your fate lies in the hands of those you meet. Filled with promising ambitions, shattered dreams, love and revenge and in the end hope, the story reveals how tangibly interconnected our induividual fates really are. Cabby Robby drives in and around St.Pauli, Hamburg, from sunset to sunrise. He is surrounded by stories of the night. Drowning in human incidents.
Doppelpack - Das Duell
Der Skorpion
Josef Bertholt is head of operations of the Munich Police's drug squad. When his wife Lily is the victim of a hit by drug dealers, he becomes even more obsessed with his work.
Reise nach Weimar
Udo Hoffmann
Landgang für Ringo
Regular Guys
Christoph, cop and self-confident macho, has trouble with his fiance. After a long night he wakes up in the arms of Edgar, a good-looking, gay auto-mechanic. His live gets more and more troublesome after his girl friend throws him out of their apartment and as last resort he moves to Edgars place. Working together with a new, good-looking, very self-confident, female collegue, but living with a good-looking gay guy makes him pretty uncertain about his sexuality and his role as a cop. Written by Konstantin Articus
Willkommen in Babylon
Norbert Prechtel
Angelika Romberg is a driving-instructor recently left by her husband. Currently she has two more problems. She does not know how to use her driving school's computer and she has an absolutely untalented client, Norbert Prechtel. It can be truly said that Norbert is a computer pro. Both dislike each other, but what they yet don't know is that they both are frequently chatting on the computer dialogue system Babylon as Roxanne and Alexander...
Japaner sind die besseren Liebhaber
Schatten der Wüste
Tiger, Löwe, Panther