Stephan Szasz

Stephan Szasz

출생 : 1966-01-01, Witzenhausen, Germany

프로필 사진

Stephan Szasz

참여 작품

Was wir verbergen
Georg König
Immer der Nase nach
17-year-old Rebekka is feeling hollow and empty after her brother Dennis died by suicide two years ago. Dennis' friend Vincent is the only one who can help her through this difficult time. But Vincent is an outsider, accepted by nobody, especially since he jumped off the bridge with Dennis and survived.
Katie Fforde: Ein Haus am Meer
Leonard Morris
The Boston lawyer Anne Clark has never realized her age: her law firm gives her age restrictions, and when she moves into her childhood sweetheart Joe, he no longer recognizes her.
It was a devastating day for Arnold and his wife, Karen when their son, Christian, a soldier in the German armed forces, told them he was going to be deployed abroad. Everything is different now. Arnold has decided to retreat to a secluded mountain hut in Tirol along with his dog in order to finally find some peace of mind. Barely has he reached his snow drenched destination, when he discovers the threatening traces of an intruder. While ruminating over the news of his son and the conversations he had with his wife, Arnold must also battle against an unknown fiend if he wants to save his own life.
Leichtmatrosen - Drei Mann in einem Boot
Three men and a houseboat: Three crisis-plagued Stuttgarters sailed for a week on the Havel in the direction of Müritz. The unfamiliar and not so tranquil Dreisamkeit brings so many things to light, which has hitherto been successfully concealed and repressed. The summer boat trip paves the way to the realization that a turnaround in life could not hurt.
Dora Heldt: Wind aus West mit starken Böen
Hospital Patient
스튜어디스 ‘레나’는 산티아고 비행 스케줄 기간 동안 칠레에 있는 연인 ‘다니엘’과 잠깐 동안의 달콤한 휴식을 보내게 된다. 하지만 칠레의 자유 정부 모임을 도와 군부 쿠데타에 반대하는 시위에 가담한 ‘다니엘’이 비밀 경찰들에 의해 끌려가게 되고, ‘레나’는 그가 ‘콜로니아’로 불리는 사교 단체에 있다는 정보를 입수하게 된다. ‘레나’는 사랑하는 연인 ‘다니엘’을 구하기 위해 독일인 ‘폴 쉐퍼’가 신처럼 군림하고, 한 번 들어가면 아무도 돌아오지 않는 그곳, ‘콜로니아’에 직접 찾아가 목숨을 건 여정을 하면서 충격적인 사실을 알게 되는데…
Franz Wegleitner
Die drei Federn
On the advice of his chief counsel Julius, old Lord Gundolf offers the throne to whichever of his sons brings him the finest carpet. He blows three feathers into the air for the boys to follow. The eldest brothers Gerhard and Gebhard are sure they'll win the contest. One goes east and the other goes west. Both make fun of the youngest, Gustav, whom they call "Simpleton", because his feather flies into a forest.
Das Lächeln der Frauen
Zwischen den Zeiten
Martin Rosch
Willy Zwo
ABSEITSFALLE is the story of Karin and Mike. They work at Perla, a washing machine manufacturer. She is a career woman, he is on the assembly line and plays for the factory soccer team. The company is owned by an American corporation. Until now it has been business as usual, but all of a sudden comes the news that 400 redundancies are needed if Perla is to survive. Suddenly, there is everything to play for. Written by Anonymous
Geister, die ich rief
Johanna believes to find happiness and security in her family live with husband and daughter. But facing her unfulfilled desire disturbs Johanna's serenity.
Bankraub für Anfänger
Stefan Huber
Heat Wave
Arne Berger
When Germany is hit by a drought, the Ruhr area is threatened with the collapse of drinking water. Meteorologist Martina Fechner is appointed head of the crisis team, but has to recognize that her colleagues see the crisis as an opportunity for their own career. When even highly toxic germs are discovered in a reservoir, the region is also threatened by a plague.
Der Stich des Skorpion
Michael Kleinschmidt
The Child I Never Was
Young Priest
A serial killer dispassionately discusses the nuts and bolts of his grisly avocation, as well as the youthful traumas which helped to mold him into a psychopath, in this disturbing independent drama from Germany, based on the true story of of Germany's most famous child murderer Juergen Bartsch who, between the ages of 15 and 19, abused, tortured and killed four schoolboys in the Ruhr region of Germany from 1962 to 1966.
Häftling Nr. 53
심리학의 권위자 Dr 톤은 사람들을 14일간 임시감옥에 가둬놓고 그들이 어떻게 변해가는가에 대한 실험을 위해 참가자를 모집한다. 임시감옥은 미로와 같으며 곳곳에 카메라를 설치하고 실험자들의 모습을 감시할 수 있다. 연구자들은 이들 사이에 일어나는 일에 개입하지 못하고 관찰만 할 뿐이다. 엄격한 심리테스트를 거쳐 선발된 20명은 전직기자인 택시운전자 타렉, 7년간 한 번도 지각을 해 본적이 없는 항공사 직원 베루스, 엘비스 모창가수 등으로 12명의 죄수와 8명의 간수로 나뉘어 14일간의 역할을 수행하면 된다. 처음엔 즐거웠던 실험이 시간이 지나갈수록 사람들은 진짜 간수와 죄수가 되어 간다. 분위기는 점점 험악해져 금지되었던 폭력이 난무하고 결국 통제할 수 없는 상황이 된다.