Georges Kamar
1950년대. 앨리스는 그녀의 지겨운 고향 스위스를 떠나 햇빛이 내리쬐고 활기가 넘치는 땅 레바논으로 향한다. 그곳에서 그녀는 최초로 레바논인을 보낼 우주선을 개발하는 꿈을 갖고 있는 천체물리학자 조셉과 사랑에 빠지고, 금세 가족을 이룬다. 그러나 가족과 달콤한 일생을 보내길 몇 년, 레바논에서 시작된 내전은 그들의 파라다이스를 위협한다.
Dans les années 70 Bruno Caprice a connu un succès éphémère avec "Quand tu t'en vas", son premier et unique 45 tours. Aujourd'hui oublié, il gagne sa vie comme réceptionniste dans un grand hôtel parisien. Mais un coup de fil inattendu va changer le cours de sa vie...
Dans les années 70 Bruno Caprice a connu un succès éphémère avec "Quand tu t'en vas", son premier et unique 45 tours. Aujourd'hui oublié, il gagne sa vie comme réceptionniste dans un grand hôtel parisien. Mais un coup de fil inattendu va changer le cours de sa vie...
Abou Milad, an old itinerant barber, lost his barbershop during the Lebanese civil war. Today, he hardly earns a living by offering his services in the popular cafés of Beirut. One day, he is summoned by a recluse resident of a large old mansion.
Abou Milad, an old itinerant barber, lost his barbershop during the Lebanese civil war. Today, he hardly earns a living by offering his services in the popular cafés of Beirut. One day, he is summoned by a recluse resident of a large old mansion.
Marie wakes up one morning in Beirut in a panic, convinced that she has lost her daughter’s wedding photograph. A photograph, however, that never existed… Ten years ago, her daughter’s marriage ceremony had to be cut short on account of a bombing raid. There was no time for a wedding photograph. Now, with the aid of a photographer and a chicken, Hoda and her husband decide to reconstruct the wedding ceremony once more, so that Hoda’s mother will at last have the photograph she deserves…
Marie wakes up one morning in Beirut in a panic, convinced that she has lost her daughter’s wedding photograph. A photograph, however, that never existed… Ten years ago, her daughter’s marriage ceremony had to be cut short on account of a bombing raid. There was no time for a wedding photograph. Now, with the aid of a photographer and a chicken, Hoda and her husband decide to reconstruct the wedding ceremony once more, so that Hoda’s mother will at last have the photograph she deserves…